(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Oc, no la, coincidentally i was looking at emerson's photo in elin's facebook photo...

but when she sees her photo in our group gathering, her reaction was like abit surprised like "did i go there before??"

So fustrated arh? I guess everyone is busy with work nowadays & all our kids grown up already.
Hi dsii / YB,

Waving "hi". I'm still here, just a little quiet. Some good news to share: I'm expecting a little tigress in early July.
OMG, Congrats! While some of the mummies are going for the 2nd one and ur 3rd is coming sooon.

How are u feeling?
Congrats lok...

Lp-ur boy consider as tiger? Born after li chun.(4thfeb?)

I know of another 2tigers! Heehee

little cows fall in!
Who are u?
1) Mtdt-zayden (Dec)
2) OC-charlize (nov)
Thanks to all for your well-wishes.

So far a smooth pregnancy, still not too heavy yet. Guess life will be really hectic with my hands full with 3. Joshua is looking fwd, Jonas of cos doesn't quite know what is happening.

Hope to hear from other Tiger mummies soon
Happy New Year Everyone!!

PM, what do u mean which gathering?? the photo that we are looking?? not from gathering, it's your random pix from facebook...

thanks zita...
so total there's 6 tigers and tigeress this year lo...
Little Cows
1) MTDT - Zayden (DEC)
2) OC - Charlize (Nov)

Little Tiger
1) LP - Torres (Feb)
2) Lucida (Apr)
3) Lok (Jul)
4) YLC

Anyone else... fall in quick! :p
MTDT, Torres is Little Cow, not Tiger.

YB, wait for them to make announcement themselves. I don't ylc also expecting. So like MTDT say, got 6, I think maybe 7. Coz suppose to have 2 EDD in Aug.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">the 'kiap kiap man' wishing all</font></font> <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">happy TIGER year!!! HUAT AH!!!</font></font>
mai liu kou shui...

eh...side parting..cos fringe long...or maybe that day he was sweating loh..so i 'comb' his hair to the side...

face rounder...dunno leh...but he didnt gain much weight leh...still ard 21kg...
woha dsii, Ian is as handsome as ever.

hey happy new year to all...sorry for the belated greetings, was v busy cos we came back from China just before CNY..hope all the kiddies had fun collecting angpows!

If u are aunty then I senior citizen liao!

Sorry lah, I only know how to reduce file size, donno how to make it look big big on the forum.... :p

Been MIA for a while as hubby overseas for a month and i have been rather stress because of this as yujie also sick too..

Anyway, want to check with any of you if you had experience any spotting in your 3rd trimester? I'm not 32 weeks and I am have some spotting. No cramp but this morning i actually had a very bad headache which is rare. Called the gynae and he said to monitor for 2 days. So long it's light spotting and baby still have movement should be fine. I wonder if it's because i drank chrysanthamum water this water, half a cup,.. any comments/advise??
Hi mummies,

pls give some life to this thread.

How is everyone? Julian will get back homework every weekend. He is so happy that he has homework. Now his development is quite good, can tell us what he wants and able to pronoun word properly.

However, he prefer english than mandarin. Speak like an ang mo when we tried to get him to speak to us in mandarin.
ian has homework from mon to thurs...fri relax day..hehehee...

so jul's developement is normal lah...finally...ian oso getting better...by right at this age shld be able to speak in sentence le right?

yes yes. I was so worry that he will have speech problem but I guessed he just need more time for his tongue to twist ard. hahaha...

He can construct a sentense now.

WOW Ian is busier.
dun worry. Quite normal and whether they have homework really depends on the education center u send Ryan to. Some CC and Kindy believe in play and learn, so most of the works are done in school.

Some centers will enforce the teaching in school, as one of the feedback to the parents on the learning progres.
hahahhaa..ya he busier...but lucky he auto lah...reach home will take out his homeowrk and do liao...

ya loh depends on the sch/cc de...maybe he did all his work in sch? u may ask the teachers...

dsii, Ian is such a good boy lei.

Actually no homework to me is gd, haha.. me lazy to do them with him. His previous playgp has HW everywork every fri, mostly colouring..
