(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

check ur Jedd's bb photo. Check for his thigh. If there is two cease line next is a ger, if one line then a boy. hahaha.. very accurate for me, and MT.

Pig Trotter cannot cook in metal pot leh.

cook the fish soup for OC lah. good for breatfeeding mother.

gathering without kids. U only have this week left. hahaha..

yes yes yes.. no kids gathering pls!!!

both my boys very skinny.. think no crease on tighs hahah.. ok i go chk..

girls n boys really cannot compare..
think its not the kids prob.. i think i jus hv no patience for kids.. n yet i want them cos 2 is really not enough.. the trick for me is to outsource them.. n i go work...
ya loh..u go off then i take over...sianz...

hong fish soup ah...haha..ok ok..will go and search for recipe for yummy soup...

yes yes 2-4pm..even if ur mil ard..i oso go ard that time..cos ian in sch..without him...i less stressful...then one day i cook fish soup go visit u..then hope can boost ur bm...hehehe
Ya, agree with OC. those that did their own confinement is really very brave.

OC, actually good and bad that mil willing to help. Mine make it very clear that she don't know how to cook those confinement food. Well, good also just that have to spend ... :p

Actually now in dilemma.. with the 2nd coming not sure how to settle the childcare portion. At first wanted to put Lucas in my office childcare centre at Woodlands. But the problem will come when i give birth.. who's going ot bring him to school. But after I give birth, when i go back work, who's going to take care of baby... Maid is definitely a no no for me and my hubby. Now Lucas is in full day childcare but my MIL bring him there and fetch him back at 4pm. One alternative is let Lucas continue with that childcare and I come home early to fetch him at about 6pm.. But I tot i really wanted to switch his childcare centre cos' a lot of my colleague say that Learning Vision (the one at my workplace) is good. Another reason for me to change his school is that I was hoping to spend more time with him. My fil is introducing calculator and teach him how to add using calculator.. i want to faint already. After years of doing ABC book (he bought many books on ABC just different publisher.. but all the same as in tracing ABC) now calculator.. i really find that it's not good (not to say about Singlish).
But than again, am i being picky. Should be glad that my son has people that love him and play with him. My mum say i'm lucky that my in-laws can take care of my son if not i will have problems finding good childcare for him..
Am thinking of converting part time but it won't be so soon, at least not immediately after maternity leave... even if part time still need my MIL to help take care of baby when i go work.
Don't know.. kind of confuse.

How did you mummies handle all these childcare stuff and still manage to have time to do other things???
hong, MT,
Check which part of d thigh?! Check BB photo or now still can?

U win liao lor, kids also can outsource...hahahha

dsii, my MIL may not like it cos wait she sensitive, say why i cant eat her food meh, still need others to cook for me? :p

Hmm...speaking from own experience, it's always good to have somebody (back-up) at home in case ur kid is sick n not so good for us to keep taking urgent leave. Sometimes just an extra pair of hands really helps alot!

Since no.2 more of less confirm will be MIL taking care,then d other thing left is whether to change Lucas' CC after ur maternity. But sorry dun quite understand wat u mean by changing sch so can spend more time with him. U mean during d daily commuting in d car? Or u can go sneak a peak at him during work?
Problem with office CC is wat if dat day u on leave or MC? so he will follow u then stay home also right? If continue same CC ur MIL can still fetch Lucas while carrying 2nd one right, why u need to rush back? Most importantly is Lucas doin well n enjoying in d current CC?
aiya...not as if i cook every day or meal...just my xin yi..but ok lah...cos i oso dun cook often..oso dunno u dare to eat bo...hehehhee...i am still learning leh...

when is ur mil coming back?
now u alone at hm bored bo? wanna me go accompany u? hahaha..but my slot is 2-4 lah..hehe...and hor u now handle gil alone ah? aiyo..lucky gil guai guai...
dsii, ur xin yi is good enuf
MIL coming back this sun. Actually thruout my pregnancy many times hv to take care of gill alone plus work cos galvin's work busy lah...Ya lucky gil n no.2 guai guai, tho sometimes it's quite normal dat gil throws her tantrums, for a period of time she did funny things to attract our attention eg.throw some of my toiletries n stuff into d waste bin in d bathroom, unbuttoning her uniform n leave it 'open air' according to her teacher in sch etc...btw no.2 in d tummy is 10Xs more active than gil! faintz...
Im enjoying my free time at hm everyday, today i have check up at 3, ur 2-4 is when both boys at sch is it?
Hi OC, Actually Lucas has adapted to the current CC. But in terms of doing well based on speech, etc.. i dun see much progress. It's a simple CC where they mainly do worksheet and take care of your child. Well if change to my workplace CC i mainly reduce the time he spend with my in-laws.. haha. hoping to reduce the Singlish effect. But solve one problem got other problems to solve.. i spend my weekends with him but somehow still not as strong with my in-laws influence. He stick to my mil also and sometimes will refuse to go home.. so can be rather frustrating. Than at my in-law place i have difficulty disciplining him when he's naughty as my mil will shield him.. so i become the bad guy. Ask them not to interfere but no effect. Just like that day when he put his leg on the table she never scold him. So i told him to put his leg down and he not only ignore me but talk back and point at me. (my mil was smiling.. can you imagine that!!!). so i reprimanded him .. than he cry.. than run to my mil.. i ask my mil dun shield him.. but after a while she pick him up and bring him out for a walk..
I mean this doesn't happen all the time. Most of the time it's ok but mainly because she will try not to make Lucas unhappy.. She's a naturalist - she believe to go along with the child's nature .. i dun know.. with my baby i wan to make sure that there's no bad habit like eating infront of tv, walk around when eating etc.. so have to make it clear.. but i do know it's difficult for her as well as it's not easy taking care of a child. If give to me i need a break too and will use anything to help make my life easier.. So if i really want to do it my way than i have to take care myself..
so far i have not really cane my son before... mainly scold him. but seldom. so my son dun take the hard way well. feel like throwing him into a training camp!! imagine he's just 3 years old and i feel helpless already.. Can't imagine when he grow older..
I also tried to use the "ang mo" way. It seems to work ok but needs more time.. but sometimes frustrated when my hubby interupts me when i trying to get yujie to understand what he did wrong. Like his mother, he will bring my son out for a walk hoping that the whole matter will be forgotten!! why all like that one!!
ya..2-4 when ian is in sch..but not haiz..sch hols sooooooon....

eh..not today lah...cos ian went excursion this morning..so today 2-4 he will be home napping loh...

hehehe..at times i think if someone else taking care of the kids , u shld open and close 1 eye..be it nanny or mil...my thinking lah..last time my sil/mum took care of my elder one...oso got certain things i dun like..but i cant 'hiam' too much..cos they are willing to help me look after him which is not easy for old age...

now i am taking care of the boys myself...then realised at times u just wanna them to sit n dun disturb me..so watever they do...i close 2 eyes..hahahha...very bad i know..but certain times really no strength to enforce rules...ian oso a tv addict..mealtimes will watch tv...even he dun watch with eyes..he will hear with ears...*faintz* but i just want to get him finish his dinner fast fast...so i can hv my dinner and do my wn stuff..haiz...a failure mummy
Ya. Long time no see already.

I agree with Dsii. There're pros & cons lor. Last time SAHM can have more control over the discipline of our child. But no time & really stressful. Now FTWM has more time & $$ but already starting to lose control over our child. Kay has picked up lots of bad habits & mannerism..something which I can't control cos I'm not with her 24/7. We can beat/scold her but with little effects cos the next day when we go to work, she will be up to her antics again.

If u r planning to quit your job & become a SAHM full-time, then be prepared to give up all your personal time even when u r sick & of course, lost of income. But you'll also have more control over your kids before they're set in their ways & grow into adults.
crease lines and the chinese calendar totally buai zhun for me. All says #2 is boy... But I die die want girl la and I told God so. Hahaha

ya ya meet meet! My hb so scared I will go crazy staying home again. Keep telling me to reconnect with the mummies. haha.

try for #3 la. You got so many pple helping you.

ya. thot of taking them both for half day next yr.... still thinking....but hb worried i will tear my hair out. =P both kids are super active.

there's no win-win. either way it involves sacrifice. if you let someone else be the child caregiver, then you have to give up authority to that person. same thing even in CC. you have to weigh what you value more and make your choice accordingly.
I think no harm trying half day, gd start for Emma plus kor kor around n lessen d concern u hv abt her falling sick if full day also.

Oh i understand now...after u told me mainly is to reduce time spent with in-laws :p btw Lucas stays with ur PILs mon-fri is it? If this is d case n u really wan to take care of Lucas urself, then yes i might do wat u were considering too, put Lucas in ur office CC after ur maternity n u can have more time with him every nite also. MIL can take care of no.2 for u when u go back to work while u concentrate on elder one.

I dun think being a FTWM means losing control cos if u still see them n spend time with them every nite, a lot of "damage control" can still be done, be it they are with another caregiver or CC during d day. It's an on-going process, every moment, anytime. In fact i think after being a FTWM, i will make more efforts to spend time with her unlike last time SAHM just hope she will play by her own n dun keep disturbing me like wat dsii said...hahaha :p
OC, i bring yujie back home every night. In fact, ever since he's born there's no one day where we are not together (maybe one or two nights where he insist on sleeping with my mil..). But the next day my MIL will complain cos Lucas will wake up middle of night..

anyway, i agree with all mummies.. probably after maternity than i change Lucas school..
Lucida - really pros/cons for cc near workplace.
when u on leave/MC - he also will skip sch loh. maybe now at this age doesnt matter, but later K1/K2 - maybe not such a gd idea?

also - u sure u wont change job huh? :p

TPT - u/hubby driving? or hv to take public tpt to/fro? very tiring if hv to travel to/fro.
My Gill has only 1 defined crease line leh...me same as Jul, everybody say im having a boy, in fact 1 auntie even say my gynae must hv tell me wrongly...?
Hi MTDT, if part time will be still the same workplace. I can drive him here even if i'm sick.. at most take cab.. Future change job than change again lor.. but i think there will not be much changes for at least the next 2 to 3 years
actually no matter what i will be changing his childcare centre for K1 as this current one he's attending i felt that quality not very good. I considered Little Skool house at Orchid Country but the price pretty high. My workplace Learning Vision is only $150 and alot of good feedback. So i think that is the best choice.

my hb's cousin told us after seeing K's thighs. We din even know abt such thing. hahaha.

you and dsii, keep asking us to have more....you two try la!

Now with 2, we a bit scared to think abt #3. wait and see...
i bo ask u to hv one more leh...not me not me...hehehe...

is ep and hong lah...they very enthu for #3
I cant produce kid alone. My hubby doesnt want anymore. He can focast that we will be very tie down with 3. He feels that 2 is all he can manage.

LV is not acedemic driven but good and bad. The amt of $$ u save allow u to send ur boy to other enrichement classes.
i understand. now me and hb handle one each... can't imagine if there's #3 then how....

haha. when you visit oc, sms me hor... if i can make it then go together.

Wah... I super long never come in here already... Hi Dsii, YB, Jul, hong, MTDT, misaryeo remember me? hehehe

How's everyone doind and their DD & DS?

Congrats OC on your soon to arrive BB..
Wau, no wonder ear so itchy nowadays. 1st dsii say I say her 9.33FM. Then OC talk about I strike goal every time.

It's about X n Y genes in the men's sperm that control the gender lah. Very hard to describe here, and very unglam to talk about it here.

In a quick and simple explaination is, X is female gene, which is like a long distance runner, can last the distance but not speed. Y is the male gene, so its like a spinter, got speed but cannot last the distance. So in short, we are looking at "distance" here, and we need to know which sex position is the shorter distance to the finishing line (aka the egg).

I am no professor on this, but so far it works for me 3 times. Maybe can get dsii to test and try it out. Hahahhaha.....

All the best to OC, Lucida and MTDT for their coming newborn. I am sure you all will manage fine.

Lucida, not all maid is bad, sometimes its heng or sway, but alot of time is about human management, balancing your expectation and setting your priorites.

Its been a long time since this thread come back "alive". Hope everyone is doing well and fine.
<font color="aa00aa">dsii</font> - Hahah Sorry lah.. I changed job in 2007 so from then was super busy.. I actually didn't come in to SMH for about a year if I'm not wrong..

Then when I free, I only went to MarketPlace... hahah

Only when I expecting again then I logged in loh... lol

How are you? Your boys so handsome leh..
let fm933 answer ur doubts..

she is not expecting now...she has given birth to a boy again....4th kid...she more li hai then u!!
Thanks Steph..&amp; congrats on ur 4th kid!

I read abt dat too but dunno wat position lah...("blush")...haha...good for u,3 times all strike, ur wife married a goal striker!
Btw is Gerrard's swimming instructor still taking newbies? Thinking of letting Gill learn liao.
eheheh Liverpool.. yah.. delivered liao.. bb is now 6 weeks old... My new job really took a lot of my time and I used to work till 8pm.. now a lot better already.. so got time to come SMH.. hahah

WAh... Dsii, you now 933 liao ah.. hahah

Thanks OC!! Our Kiddos have the same age gaps..
wah..u outdated leh...dunno since when..think 2 yrs ago..i was being crowned 933 by liverpool...

Dsii, hahahah I really really very very long never keep up liao.. hahah

what's the reason? share leh.. heheh but hor, u Shi(2) Zhi(4) Ming(2) Gui(1).. hahah


this is the 1st time i drop in here! happened to c tat u r here too! so posting to let u noe I AM here, ahaha...like tat we haf to join many threads, confusing or nt arh?? haha..
