(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

2 years old and above! Just spoke to them. They are linked to Canadian International School ... good good, I want Kell to attend international school ... and I got contacts in there! Haha...

Hi Michele

I'm not exactly new here but rather a rare visitor. Each time I log on, I'd tell myself to catch up on all I've missed and you know something, I never once did! Ha! This thread is moving way too fast for me! I see you're in Taiwan...was there few years ago...must say it's a real exciting place,esp so when i was there during their election time! Oh...and thanks for the offer on the nutri stuff discount. Will let you know if i need them...actually still contemplating on giving my ger western supplements. Hmm...not sure if our tods can take chinese herbs yet??? ginseng or cordysep??? I see you mummies are busy with organising all the various trials. Have fun!!!

Hi Paula

Just came back from my ger's halfday session in the daycare. It's Justkids at marine terrace. Hmm...if I remember correctly, your girl is also in Justkids at Bukit Batok,right? Is she still there? My ger was ok today, didn't cry but kept wanting to stray and explore the place. The teachers seem pretty alright. Perhaps it's the first day,so i guess there're more cryings so the place seemed a little chaotic though. As for curriculum, I'm not exactly too concern, as long as the place is hygenic and the teachers are caring. So far today's alright...am keeping my fingers crossed though.
Oh the other good thing is that my ger's form teacher is a chinese teacher which means she'll get more exposure of that language which she hardly gets at home.
Ic. Where are their centres? Any website to see? THe last I remember....nothing in the east..Hiaz...think I have to ask Hubby to move liao...keke 孟母三迁..
I mean, where is learning ladder?
As for Cheri Heart, if I remember correctly, I asked before and they only take in older kids based on year, the year the kid turns 3...For our case, in 2009.
Cherie Heart got playgroup. I called them up just now and the ctr manager sounds so sweet! They won many awards and the good thing is that we are able to view our kids in school via webcam. Keke...

Learning Ladder is located at Bukit Timah and Woodlands.
Justkids is quite a new setup. Kell attended the IFC ... the school is good and the teachers are good ... I withdrew her there for health reasons...

Do you have contact for Cheri Heart? I remembered I called them a couple of months back and they say they dont take in young tots...hm.. I was asking for G for something starting JAn 08.

ELC finally called me ... told me they have storewide discount of 10%. Also have discounts at 20%, 30% and 50%. Maybe I go take a peep.

not going today lah .. maybe over the weekend, i call u if i m there. V hectic with work, traders pressing me for approvals !!! What to do, new year mah, all wanna chong.
Thanks. Actually I remember now. I called Cherie Hearts before and they only have half-day childcare. I am looking for max 2 hours playgroup so not what I am looking for.keke. That is why. My fren also told me that CH is quite good.

ELC do home delivery meh? Or are you ordering from UK?
Paula, Cheri Hearts have 4 hours playgroup for 18 Mths above. There is one near my place and I ever called them to enquire.

I am sending Jerica to learning vision at my office for full day program.
ElC got home delivery ... but must pay a delivery fee of SGD18.00. Okay for big items lah. I spent about abt 400 in ELC on Monday ... but when we reached home, like not much items! And I forgot to get Kell d ironing board! Faintz! And hubby asked how come you did not get that keyboard...
Learning vision is good... I am looking for full day care and the teachers to students ratio must be small cos kell's immunity is considered as weak as compared to the rest of d kids and a shifu asked me to be very mindful abt her health... stress stress stress
Paula, teacher student ratio for toddler class is 1:8. I think environment is also very important but I think its norm for them to fall sick more easily when they start school.
Hi Paula, maybe u can try giving Kell Liver cod oil, can help to build up the immune system. I start giving Zach now to prepare for his childcare in June.
hey mummies,

just to check with you. Chloe just taken her MMR jab 1 weeks+ ago and PD has warned abt fever n rashes before tat. On new year eve, she has high fever n next 2 days, she has rashes all over her body. Wondering how long does the rashes take to disappear?
wow.. all talks abt PG/CC

1) calliope - Justkids at marine terrace
2) spicegal - Learning vision
3) toto - lorna whiston
4) Joyfulmom - Kidsloft
5) rodeo - ??

Lobang queen !! Wat u do for a living ah...i m really impressed !!

And i suspect u r trained in speed reading also :)
haha... just quick read for 5mins mah.
all info on this page leh. :p

wat u getting from ELC? also another 400-500 toys like paula (and she still says not enough! faintz)
Celeste, I din get your MMS, dun know what happened. Anyway my colleague who met you, bought the shoes from OG during their 20% sale and also bought me a pair liao. Very nice. Jerica wearing their biggest size, size 15. I find that their sizes are smaller compared to combi and pigeon.
Got good news? I blur..keke.

400? *Faintz* I want to visit your palace!

G loves Lavina so of course I think she is great lor..keke. If you remember G, she is quite a handful. Any teacher that can capture her attention and handle her with skills, I pei-fu lor. And think her Masters in Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College, Boston does call for something + experiences since 90s.
<font color="ff0000">GAP SOCKS LOBANG!!! (ONLY 100 PAIRS)</font>

these are factory rejects cos of typos... anybody want? instead of 2-3years on the socks, it says 2-3months!! $3 a pair... boys &amp; girls styles!
Pauline: What did you buy from ELC? ~$400?!?! wow....

CC/PG List
1) calliope - Justkids at marine terrace
2) spicegal - Learning vision
3) toto - lorna whiston
4) Joyfulmom - Kidsloft
5) rodeo - Morning Glory Learning Centre

Joyfulmum: Thanks for Ross's info. Pauline's palace is paradise for kids :p
You may want to try Schoolhouse by the Bay. Same website as Learning Ladder. It's located at Fort Road, the CC at Tanjong Rhu. My fren sends her kids there. Seems like it's good, but price is steep. THey offer transportation to the school.
Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only)
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only)
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC Boys only)

Happy New Year!!

Just back from Tasmania on 01Jan08... Tasmania really a nice place!!

Very tired after the trip... imagine running after 2 toddlers + carrying them..

so what have i missed these 2 weeks?? Have to read back so many pgs of posting..

must be tough carring 2 toddlers...

wen, paula,

me too... going to check out learning ladder at bukit panjang. I may send J there if its good on school bus for the morning session if there is vacancy. They opened next week so now no action lor
Meanwhile, if learning ladder din turn out well, I will just have to send J to lorna whiston afternoon session... she will then be in the same class as bb jake

I brought a ‘leap frogs’ game set, some card sets (ELC cards are really good), one doll and accessories, cash register set, funky footprints and telephone set.
