(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hi all..

Hmm... sad to hear about sabie too... any updates? feel like doing something for the mummy but.. dun know what... hope they are all fine...

shall we do something for sabie? i'll compile a list of prayers and well wishers here then i write in a card and we post to her home address, we channel well wishers energy straight to her home. u can get her postal address from one of her fren in the link?

Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. Mich?
3. Serene?
Mich: what's wrong wif Sabie ? She's very cute !!

paula : how can dentist slap u ?? i'd cry ... haahaa
just returned from my fav dentist !! i think she may have given me a sweet for being such a good patient if not for my age ... haahaa

Gym Trial at MP -
mummies, we need one more !!
pls pls make this happen !!
Er, if not, then i might jump ship to the GWC trial ... heehee
Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. Mich?
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
hey mummies, i just got snubbed on ebay - and it sucks ... this seller is from Boston and refused to allow me to bid on her item (mind u , it's US$600) cuz i'm from Asia. So i changed my registration address to Vpost's address (which is technically ok cuz my cc billing address is vpost) and when she found out, she sent me a note to say that she was not interested in selling to me !! And that she's being cautious on buyers located in Asia. So i wrote back to say, hello, this is SINGAPORE, first wld country, and no loss to me, cuz her item was not sold in the end ! hrmp
yes.1 tin can last her 8 days. still hv left over that i brought back to s'pore. if u really find not much left towards the end of ur tour, dulite the FM. She had abt 3-4 feed per day.Per feed is abt 150ml or less. U can guage from here.

the tin u bring over to Aus must be UNOPENED. But you can bring loose serving on board. Remember to bring more on board. I brought 5 feed and it ran out cos of false alarm that she didnt want to drink. I hv to dilute the FM...keke

Re: Baby Sabie

The situation dun really looks good from the post. Its so heart breaking to read the post. Really hope she can pull thru

think bb saby has congenital heart problem and had undergone an open-heart surgery last week. Right now, the latest update was that she has multiple organ failure and the BP is 0 at the moment of update. We are upholding the baby and parents in prayers. I think the best we can do is prayers.
Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)

Kissb and paula,
you want to include some messages, so its not just a list of names in the card?
Fi, just saw your post. Can incldue me as well?

Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. Mich?
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
hmm... I dun think I wanna go for Janet's seminar this time. hee.. not willing to pay $2k+ for seminar not exactly catering to my needs

Hee... i just go again ma... ;) cos weekday my hunbby cannot go, and he gotta pay :p

So cute when she peeps. Today, I was changing in the bath tub behind the shower curtain. A creeped to the bath tub and started to try to climb in already. Lately he's very good in climbing up sofa, coffee table...

Welcome to Shichida parents club
U starting next term? I am going for the sun class too, but at hdb hub

sayang sayang.. wish brayden fast recovery

After the playnest, what is it called after 18 months? Do you know how many hours is it per day? I might consider some half day "course" for A when number 2 comes along...

Shichida is about right brain development, which includes exposure to many languages, music, ESP, photographic memory training, hands training. Many things can be done at home.
How much is playnest? And how many lessons?
Someone recommended MindChamps to me. But I havent take a look.

hmm... You seriously need more calcium. And you are still breastfeeding rite? Your baby will need calcium too.

sunflower, poohy,
hahaha... you gals so cute... chop chop disappear...

Cannot force baby to sleep one leh. Will become a war zone... Has Jake changed his schedule? Babies will change their schedule as they grow. Perhaps Jake has lots of energy to burn.
Discipline wise, I follow William Sears. He has a book on "The Discipline book". If you are into attachment parenting, maybe you can borrow from library. If you want, I can lend you when we meet up
Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)- msg?
2.Paula - msg?
3.Karen (spicegal)- msg?

Kissb,spicegal and paula,
you want to include some messages, so its not just a list of names in the card?
ok i copy down yr msg liao. i compile in word separately cause will be too long to post here when list gets longer. hee..hee.. first time i organize something like bp but non-product kind
my message:
Dearest Patsy, pls be strong!!
Dearest BB Sabie, pls be strong also!! Everyone in your family need you especially your mummy!

Joelle also got into the climbing high and low mode liao. Climbing up sofas, and coffee table, beds... and daddy had been teaching her the safe way of climbing down ... so most of the time she will turn to climb down with her legs onto the floor first... but at times still will forgot hehee v fun hor... I was planning with my hb abt arrangement if want no.3 next year and he was saying.. u gotta imagine next year there will be 2xSamuel (ie. S + J) throwing toys around, climbing high and low. With one S already, peng san liao. hehee

I had long lost battle to get Samuel to sleep on time liao. When he was younger, we used to switch off light and place him in his cot at 9am. Then he will play and play but will sleep by latest 10am. These days, he dun need so much sleep liao... slowly his regular bedtime goes from 10am to 11am to at times 12 and still not tired. I already dropping dead liao haha... Even J's bedtime is pushing limit. Guess its quite inevitable since they got so much energy.
Fi, my message:
Dear Baby Sabie,
Stay strong for yourself and for your family members Stay courageous and do fight on! Nothing is impossible as long as you believe in yourself Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed I believe you will emerge as a victor from this moment Auntie Pauline is praying for you and egging you on There are loads of mummies and babies out there egging you on too Fight on and let us know that you are well soon

Pauline and family
toto, poohy,
it's harder to get bb to sleep "early" cos they'd want more time to see you. My kids knock out very early usually, because of various factors- occupying them sufficiently during the day to burn off energy, seeing enough of me already during the day so they dun feel the need to extend into the night, and me lulling them to bed (if it's someone else, more likely to refuse sleep). We all sleep in same room. H/e, it means my HB doesn't have much time with them, if any, cos they knock out ~8pm. I think most FTWP wld prefer their kids to knock out later, or else really no interaction. Ur kids probably even happier on wkends to see moooooore of u, hehe, hence the bedtime struggles.
Latest updates:
Posted on Monday, April 16, 2007 - 8:54 pm:


there is a good news, that saby's kidney is improving by dialysis. but....

but the bad news is that these 24 hours is very critical, and saby is bleeding and rejecting Medication.

Please Pray for Miracle! saby this miracle to live!
There is a spree going on for a complete set of Baby Einstein DVD at S$118.00. I got the remaining VCDS from Mothercare last week... you might want to check out the spree if you are interested in collecting the whole set
Hey mummies,
Latest update on Sabie ... I only came to know about her today ... but somehow, I just feel so much for her ... hope she will be well soon.

Posted on Monday, April 16, 2007 - 9:25 pm:

Sarah is not really taking it well.

All medication to saby has exhausted and bleeding everywhere. Hoping bleeding does not occur in her brain, and will lead to brain damage. Its not really a piece of good news compared to now. I choose not to reveal a moment ago, worrying mummies would not be able to take it. That is why we are asking for a Prayer with Miracle.

Saby is now on 100% oxygen but only taking in 10%. Her grandparents are worried sick and so are Sarah & James.

We needed a turn badly tonite, please pray for a miracle to happen. Pray for our Merciful & compassionate God to heal Saby
Fi, just saw your post. Can incldue me as well?

Well wishes for Patsy & baby Sabie from June mummies, please write here. Cut of time Tuesday 17/4 5pm (before i write and post off the card, no need pay a card dont cost much)

1. Mich?
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
Fi, my message:
Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
oh..i saw the spree before...but some mummy said its not genuine. Its ok lah..cos i bought quite a few liao..baby neptune, baby da vinci & baby newton.
Hi Fi,

Please add in my msg too. Many thanks.

1. Mich?
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
7. i_panda77 - Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
8. hidora - Dear Sabie, be strong and fight on! We are behind you all the way. *Hugs*
Hi Paula, thanks. Already ordered most stuffs from bday direct liao, bday party will be half carebears theme and half elmo theme. Haha..cannot decide lah..

Really depressing to hear about bb Sabie, praying hard for her recovery.
Hi Fi,

I guess i will drop by and visit Sarah tomorrow evening or nite after work... Do you want me to get a card or print everything on a piece of paper nicely and bring over tomorrow nite... if so.. then i have to close these messages by 2pm tomorrow.. so that i can compile and start writing or printing in the afternoon at work... and swing over tomorrow nite..

I will be getting some chicken essence for the mummy too..
hi lyn,

yap, starting next term.. this tern all fully taken up liao.. according to the receptionist..

mine will be at SL..


S used to have his sm in SL right?? now change to TP hub liao??

is it true that SM used A5 flashcard, which is different with GD? where can i get the blank card, how many gram better?
Hi Fi,


Mommy's name: Sarah
Daddy's name: James
Baby: Samantha Beatrice

1. Mich- Hey sweetie!! you're a little fighter! Be strong, you're in our prayers. God will bless you. Hang in there please.
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
7. i_panda77 - Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
8. hidora - Dear Sabie, be strong and fight on! We are behind you all the way. *Hugs*
Hi fi,
Could u add me in too..

Mommy's name: Sarah
Daddy's name: James
Baby: Samantha Beatrice

1. Mich- Hey sweetie!! you're a little fighter! Be strong, you're in our prayers. God will bless you. Hang in there please.
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
7. i_panda77 - Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
8. hidora - Dear Sabie, be strong and fight on! We are behind you all the way. *Hugs
9.Tracy - Darling Sabie, keep on fighting.. all the aunties and little friends here are keeping u in our prayers..
Gathering prayers...pls pray for baby samantha pls...

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 1:03 am:

hi everyone, just wanted to give an update on Sabie, she was in surgery from 3:30 pm till 11:30 pm today. Operation went well but she bled a lot during the surgery (much more than expected) and she lost a lot of blood... doctors are a bit worried about it. so far they say she is in very critical condition for the next 2-3 days and they are hoping the bleeding will stop by tomorrow. They did not close up the chest because the heart is swollen and due to the bleeding.

Please please pray that the bleeding will stop...

Thank you.

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 11:40 am:

Hi everyone, just a quick one...just came out of ICU, sabie is much more stable now than last night. The bleeding has stopped but now the problem is her kidney is in shock and she isn't passing urine. They will do dialysis on her later and also infuse more blood trying to get the kidney back up working.

She looks ok, still heavily sedated. X-rays are better than last night and for now the lungs are clear.

We're praying for continued recovery with no more complications.

Thank you very much for the support, James and I really apprecaite it very very much!

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 10:06 pm:

Hi everyone... thanks for all the jia you!!

Just got home after being chased home by hb and my dad. The doctors have been able to find the source of the bleeding and have stabilized it, and the blood is starting to clot normally already, so we're hoping past that hurdle. Doctors also said renal failure isn't unexpected so they're not worrying about that (as per what Jules said above, thanks!)

we're hoping for continued progress and no more unexpected complications. doctors have warned that we are not yet out of the woods but are a bit more comfortable with her position now. Please continue to pray for her.

Posted on Friday, April 13, 2007 - 11:29 pm:

hi everyone, it's been a tough day... from seeing sabie doing well this morning, she's not doing so well now. her left lung has collapsed due to fluid buildup, most likely caused by renal and liver failure. her kidneys had too much of a shock and she has not yet pee'd in 2 days, and her liver is not functioning and not making the blood clotting agent so she is still bleeding. The doctors have decided not to close her chest yet because her heart is swollen again due to too much fluid.

chenoa: i went to but but slept on and off... until about 5 am then i slept and woke up at 8 am and jumped up to go to the hospital! haven't filed for leave, my boss told me to stay off for as long as i needed.

thanks to everyone for their prayers. we really need it now. they don't dare take sabie off the paralysis medication because her chest is still open so she's still drugged out. please pray for her kidney and liver to start functioning soon...

Sms from Patsy as @ 9.10am

They are (surgeon) closing her chest now. Hoping its a good sign

please keep those prayers gng! tks a million

Sms from Patsy as @ 1.41pm

Just want to share some good news, the Surgeon has closed Sabie's Chest, lungs are ok now and she is gng to be off anesthesia also. Kidney and liver still not functioning. Please continue to pray.

Posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007 - 11:17 pm:

hi everyone, thank you for your prayers, we need them now more than ever, she's not doing well... doctors not sure if she'll make it.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 12:12 am:

Latest SMS from Patsy as @ 12am.

They just had to shock Saby's heart 3 times because the heart rate went up to 200. Meds given to bring it down. Please pass on msg and help pray

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 1:05 pm:

Sms from Patsy @ 12pm

We really need alot of prayers now. Sabie has deteriorated more and the blood acid is destroying her organs due to poor circulation. She is going on a bypass moachine now to help the situation but now we ran the risk of her bleeding out. Please pray for her

another update from Patsy...

Saby on bypass machine now, the next 48 hours are very critical. Please pray for no bleeding & no infection.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 6:50 pm:

Sms for Patsy @ 6.30pm

just to update, Saby seems to be responding to the bypass and hemo dialysis. She is still in critical condition but least her blood chemistry is better than this morning

Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.

All medication to saby has exhausted and bleeding everywhere. Hoping
bleeding does not occur in her brain, and will lead to brain damage.
Its not really a piece of good news compared to now. I choose not to
reveal a moment ago, worrying mummies would not be able to take it.
That is why we are asking for a Prayer with Miracle.

Saby is now on 100% oxygen but only taking in 10%. Her grandparents
are worried sick and so are Sarah & James.

We needed a turn badly tonite, please pray for a miracle to happen.
Pray for our Merciful & compassionate God to heal Saby

PLS PRAY & GOD... pls hear our prayers!!
MyGym Woodlands Group:
OK, will email Teacher Tiarga tmr when I get to office.

<u>SM = Shichida</u>
MTDT: Ok to July intake ... let's start planning bah ...
Paula: Yeah ... keen to join preview too!

kissbb/poohy: Hi, but I'm not in time to join for the upcoming classes as I've just started Mathius on mygym session.

Paula, Poohy ... Gosh, you guys have already RESERVED slots for playgrp ... I'm so LATE ...
Where is Carpe Diem? Did any of you read the ST article today on ETONHOUSE Playgrp charges $1,500 pm!!!

*Lost* ... Oh ... where to send him to? ... I've just sold my flat and not found a new one yet ... so location is my challenge now.

Baby Einstein DVDs:
I've almost the whole set - 20DVDs, blessed/shared by a closed galfriend. Mathius loves almost every single DVDs, now he even knows which button to press to switch on the TV & DVD player! I started him on the series since 3months old ... he watches at least an hour (spread out) a day now ... he will point and crawl to grab the DVD holder if he wants to watch.

<u>bdaydirect/elmo supplies</u>
Hi Paula, Mathius loves Elmo too, he has about 5 elmo puppets & many elmo books & clothes ...
It's so painful to even read the messages & sms update.

PASS IT ON ... Well-wishes & Prayer List
Mommy's name: Sarah
Daddy's name: James
Baby: Samantha Beatrice

1. Mich- Hey sweetie!! you're a little fighter! Be strong, you're in our prayers. God will bless you. Hang in there please.
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
7. i_panda77 - Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
8. hidora - Dear Sabie, be strong and fight on! We are behind you all the way. *Hugs
9.Tracy - Darling Sabie, keep on fighting.. all the aunties and little friends here are keeping u in our prayers..
10. carebear - In the name of Jesus, I trust God to heal baby sabie, and comfort Sarah & James on our behalf, Amen.
carebear - kissbb, poohy n I are planning for the july intake one.

when u wan to join since u dun wan to clash with mygym?

PASS IT ON ... Well-wishes & Prayer List
Mommy's name: Sarah
Daddy's name: James
Baby: Samantha Beatrice

1. Mich- Hey sweetie!! you're a little fighter! Be strong, you're in our prayers. God will bless you. Hang in there please.
3. Serene?
4. kissbb - (Angeline & Shawn with BB Aiden and Brayden)
5. Karen (spicegal)
6. Celeste - Sabie .. keep fighting... we are sure you will get well soon... your mummy needs you and all the aunties here will keep u in our prayers... Be Strong ok...
7. i_panda77 - Baby Saby & mummy Patsy, may you persevere. There're many mummies & little friends thinking & caring about what you're going thru. Hang in there!
8. hidora - Dear Sabie, be strong and fight on! We are behind you all the way. *Hugs
9.Tracy - Darling Sabie, keep on fighting.. all the aunties and little friends here are keeping u in our prayers..
10. carebear - In the name of Jesus, I trust God to heal baby sabie, and comfort Sarah & James on our behalf, Amen.
11. poohy - By His strikes, you were healed. We are claiming healing in Jesus' name. Please hang in there. We keep you in prayers.
