(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Hey Mummies,
The forum has been undergoing maintenance at an irregular timing ... Its frustrating at normal times much so when we are waiting for good news from Oct 2005 thread. I have emailed the moderator of the forum requesting her to enable October 2005 thread despite all the ongoing maintenance so that we could continue to receive updates on baby Sabie and shower the family and the little warrior with prayers. I believe it will help if more mummies send in similar request to the moderator do join in this effort, if you can.
Re: Music volume at MyGym - my sentiments too. its a bit too loud. thx for writing to them about this. :)
Mathius is a gd boy in class! :)

Jerica is a sweetie... lots of smiles! :)

Kelly is indeed an active gal! :)
I have included cupcakes too ... since it's a perm fixture in most parties these days:

MTDT - Room for dessert
spicegal - Polar cakes / pine garden(if they have elmo designs)
Kissbb - Pine Gardens
Angeline Goh - Room for dessert / Patisser / ecreative / etc..
Paula - Patisser / White chocolate with oreo cookies
toto - DIY

Paula - Patissier and Cupcakmoma
Have emailed SM to enquire about the preview and am checking with them if they are flexible enough in organizing a trial class for us if I could gather a minimum of four mummies.

Carpe Diem has a few branches. Kelly is enrolled with the Jurong Kechill branch the school emphasize on the 8 multiples of intelligence and the good thing is that the school is not airconditioned! The school is made up of two adjoining bungalows its near bukit batok and toh yi drive.

Yea, the fees for Etonhouse is extremely steep!!!

i also buy some cakes from pine garden to try.. me and hubby prefer lychee martini... maybe we are not chocolate pple..


u are very considerate! me too... keep going to oct 05 to see the status..
seems that i'm late for the card greeting. anyway, it's ok. I shall pray for sabie speedy recovery! Hope everything's better now.
don't worry, what's more important is your prayers.


sms from Carole 22:07 17/4
Praise God we have a heartbeat again
hi Fi,
yap! lets pray for both sabie and her family! Think it's really tough for the family. just dropped patsy a note in oct05 forum. thks!

now am damn panick leh.. my gal going 1 on 23may but still no teeth, cant crawl, can stand .. even i hold her, her leg is like jelly shaking everywhere... is it normal? or she too slow?? headache

u got chk with your PD?


have u do the photoshoot already? who u choose? david? they got a few photographer leh..u koe whos better n good with kids?
ms from Patsy @ 12am

Doctors are telling us we may have reached a point if no return for Sabie. Her blood acid level keeps going up and her body tissues still not accepting the oxygen. Please pray a miracle because that is the only thing that can save her now. We will still have faith.


so sad with the latest update... but we are still praying.

re: DMSA

Joelle is going for her DMSA scan today at kkh. Hopefully it wont be too painful for her.
here's the lastest update..

Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 8:47 am:

Doctors are planning to take away Sabie's life support today!! PLease pray for a miracle!
Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 9:01 am:

Sabie has massive bleeding all over and there's no response in the heart at all. Mummies, please please pray, a miracle is needed now. Pray for Sabie's heart to contract and have a BP now plus the removal of acid from her blood

My eyes are red now. The 1st thing i do when i came into office was to check Oct 05 thread. Very sad that this is happening. Sabie! Continue to fight dear girl, please try harder!
hope Joelle will go through it quickly so less pain.

u know ah after this experience with Sabie, it really teaches me to control my temper when my boy dont want to change diaper or refuse high chair etc...to know what's more important.

i've been receiving sms update from Carole and it really pains me, i actually went to temple on my way to work. the last time i step into a temple was to pray for my boy's safe delivery and after that to thank for safe delivery.


Sms from Carole 07:29 18/4
We pray for her heart to contract and have a BP now, plus the removal of acid from her blood

Sms from Carole 08:35 18/4
Doctors are planning to take off life support today, WE NEED A MIRACLE NOW
You know ... it has to come to this point that I felt very scared of hitting the 'refresh' button for the Oct 05 thread.

I have compiled the updates that we have been receiving from the hospital as well as a little write up on baby Sabie ... have forwarded it to my colleagues who are mummies themselves pleading with them to pray and pray for baby sabie ... she is going to need all the prayers ...
Really v heartbreaking.
Last nite i went home and looked at my kids... then i thought abt Saby's case and i felt overwhelmed with sadness. Cannot imagine losing my kids.

Will continue to pray for a miracle.
Yep, was chatting with Michele and Missk on MSN last night ... all of us felt the same ... lets continue to shower baby sabie with prayers praying that she will be well.
RE: SM Preview

Received message from the school:

Dear Ms Chua,

Thank you for your email and interest in The Shichida Method.

Refer to your enquiry, we do not have any trial lessons for the program.

The age group will be from (0-6 yrs) and (7-10 yrs). Each lesson lasts for
75 minutes. The first 60 mins will be spent on proper lesson and the rest
of the 15mins will be spent for teachers & parents sharing session /

The classes are weekly basis. You may choose weekday (Thursday or Friday)
or Weekend (Saturday or Sunday). Each term consists of 12 lessons. The
children are grouped according to the year that they are born.

Fees details for all new registrations are:

Deposit : $300 (one time payment which will be fully refunded when child
withdraws from the program and upon completing the term. Please note that
Terms & Conditions apply).

Therefore your payment would be:
Weekday / Weekend
Term Fees : $745.00 / $780.00
Registration Fees (Annual) : $50.00 / $50.00
(Assuming 1 pax for PEC) : $170.00 / $170.00
GST 5% : $48.25 / $50.00
Subtotal : $1013.25 / $1050.00
Deposit : $300.00 / $300.00
GRAND TOTAL : $1313.25 / $1350.00

*The Parent Education Course is for parents to learn the theory of right
brain development and what home practices consists of.

(Attached is the enrolment form for your reference). You may choose 3
preferred timings. Class allocations will be done on a first-come-first
serve basis.

If you would like to know more about The Shichida Method programme and
would like to enrol your child for the July'07 term, you may attend our
free preview on the 19th April 2007 (Thurs) at 7pm or 26th April 2007
(Thurs) at 7pm or 28th April 2007 (Sat) at 11am. Location is at 3 Anson
Road #08-01 Springleaf Tower S(079909).

If you are interested in any of the preview dates, i will reserve the
seats for you. Kindly let me know how many people will be attending the

For more information, you may call us at 6220 9555.

Thank you.

Best regards


Any mummies interested in attending the preview?
Am in a lost of words too.. me too learnt to be more patient with my gal leh... used to scold her and smack her hand when she pull all the stuffs off the table... but think i wont do that again..

was hugging her yesterday and when she smile to me... i feel so sad... feel so sad for what Sarah and James have to go thru....

I would like to attend the preview.. but would prefer the saturday slot.. what about you?

But got a fren daughter now 4 years.. she attened SM since 6mths old... my fren commented that its good.. but more worthwhile to let her join only when bb is 1.5 or 2 years leh... anything below that age is a waste of money.... so am still thinking should i let my gal go when she turns 1 .. or wait till 1.5 yrs

Yep, I'm olso looking at the Saturday slot ... the school fee is ex hor... my friends have been praising the program too Why not we go and attend the preview and maybe enroll them when they are 18 months old?
yup.. ok... i dun mind attending the preview together.. then we decide later...

I will drag my hubby along cos he always dun believe in all these.. keeps complaining its ex.. haha... and can bring gal or not huh??
I check with the school whether we can bring our child along ... in the meanwhile, let's wait to see if there are other mummies who are interested in joining us too, k.
I also tot its expensive... but think its worth it.. was telling myself... to spent lss on myself and save up for her SM.
Busy w work, didnt log in here.
Really very sad to receive your sms on sabie. Cried on car when way to work
Pray for her....

ya me n spicegal engaging David. We like his works. Hvnt gone for e PS.
Think everyone must have been very sad over Sabie case... I am one of those affected.. i start getting to know abt her case only on monday.. and since then have not been able to eat and sleep well....

Its real sad to read all the posting in Oct05 thread and we really have to treasure what we have now.... think my gal must have been thinking why mummy never scold me even when her itchy hand starts to grab n throw my handphone around yesterday..

Something funny to share : yesterday hubby put a cup of greentea on a low table... she use walker slowing walk there and without anyone noticing, she took the cup and think its too heavy for her small hand, the cup topple over and lie flat in the walker tray with all the green tea everywhere.. and she walked to a corner with the tea dripping everywhere and hide there licking from the tray!! AND without anyone knowing.. i was in the room using the computer.. hubby was right infront of her too engross watching TV.. !! She will always follow me everywhere around the house... if i sit infront of the computer, she will stood beside me and pull anything she can grab.. eg.. my permudas / Tshirts etc... But yesterday while i am in the room using the comp.. she was not around me.. and i felt funny.. must be up to something again.... and guess what i saw her hiding at one corner licking the walker tray... and when i called out her name, she looked up and smile and jump!!.. aiyoooo..... BUT SURPRISING I NEVER SCOLD HER OR SMACK HER.. haha..
So sad to read abt Sabie, juz pray for a miracle !!

Well, was MIA for a few days as Chloe is down with fever. Hope she will recover soon else will hv to bring her to see PD again tmr.
