(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

14k!! will be homeless sleeping w the bag if i buy another bag!!

hope ur boy gets well soonest.
My ger also sick last 2 week.

Oh, no wonder. My menses just arrived, ms dipped, weak, no appetite cos recovered fr sick n etc.....feel so moody today...
MTDT, Poohy, you all taking abt SM class this term or next term? SL has 2.30 slot in Jake's class vacant this term.

Next term, I will change to 12.30 class, after AD can go st, else gotta either go home or hang out... hang out at Borders last Sat - 30% off books and DVDs... ha ha... got lots of new stuff...

Poohy - re JG, which term will you start? 4th term, or wait till end Nov when J turns 18 months? What did they tell you?

Ah... so you are still in the shower... ha ha... we all v quick... chop chop dun waste time...

kite, paula, serene, why dun get 2 cakes? ha ha... can take more pics of the cake cutting...
MTDT, i_panda77, poohy, mum2b, michele,
Thanks so much for yr concern. I called up the clinic just now and the nurse says maybe due to allery with medicine, so am bringing him back to the doc now. Poor boy, so restless/tired after taking so much medicine, still sleeping and i have to drag him up, cos going to rain outside!

hehe..actually,tink u gota ask pauline..they attended b4..


ok..will fix a date later...


me too..sometime i turn to 'big' fire..n then i went to do my things..end up i 4got abt the stove fire...pot black black liao...haiz..so dangerous..

oops.. i wrote wrongly. not molar teeth..hehe. wher got so fast hor..hehehe. it's the upper laterial incisor teeth.

hope ur boy gets well soon. sayang....

shopping again... hahaha

hey... long time no 'see'. Chk w u, can u find Friso 2 ard? U noe Friso 3 been OOS since CNY.. oh my gosh...
yaloh dunno how leh. dun tink i want to cut cake twice hor....how many ppl u hv for the party? i think i gonna easily exceed 50ppl! cos hb alot of frens!
1 may is public hol. hb no work. yr hb beed to work? but then hor can only confirm when nearer might be in jb...

mum2b, mspiggy,K_ong, kite,
B small, think hb is the one suffer...

thanks for card, will look out for it in mail. will be my boy's 1st bday card from a fren!

kite, lyn,
what bb contest is that? i'm also interested

do you like to upload a story about yr travel experience with Mandy in my travelbaby blog?

hope Brayden gets well soon. do take care yrself...

dont worry moods like these are just temporary, it'll pass...and u have us to trash out...

u funny...burnt pot. i think i'll have my own funny stories next month.u have broadband is it? can online entire day? my home dial up very slow, laptop also very slow...
kong: no more bags for awhile... i got a new diaper bag. btw, will be getting paula's ergo. Thanks!

miss u on msn leh...

usu I've been going down except for the previous last 2 sessions. realised all daddies also, only occassional mummies. I'll be in the waters this week too
you want to join me?
its best bfed babies contest. Have to register. If non kk babies, the registration more ex, think double e price of kk babies?? cant remember liao.

Yaloh very low morale today. sianz. since dec, my period has been very regular. PMS really can kill manz....all the blues n mood come in....n etc....
seems that there is some strike over at holland and they cant ship the milk powder over...u can try calling the main office, the staff will sell existing stocks to you plus free delivery...

luckily i haf switch my gal to similac earlier.
mic - be careful of soy allergy - i have yet to intro soy to jake.


re fussy sleepers - i tried giving jake milk and playing music, and winding down, take a bath, etc. but over the weekend, he was really playful... slept about 9 pm which is highly unusual for him. sat nite, he had nite mare too... wonder whether it's becos we forced him to sleep... and he cried so loudly...

any advice? should i just let him play till he is tired and when he feels like sleeping? but hb says we need to discipline him now... he's old enough to know when is bedtime... and if it means crying to sleep... it has to be. but i xin tong le...
toto: thanks for the info!! cry till sleep!! AIYO.. heart pain. sometimes go bathroom Bren cry also heart pain liao. dun think he'll cry till he sleeps!!

u havent updated ur blog...
amy - we are talking abt the july intake term. and i only wan to go to HDB hub. SL very inconvenient.

Actually yesterday i went up to the HDB hub plc... i like the plc more than SL. :p

anyway, dun think we can join ur class as we hv to start from scratch whereas Jake is already 2 terms ahead.
mic - hee hee... too busy these few weeks. yes.. will update soon.

MTDT - oic. think if you enrol now, should be able to get your time slot rite?

re starting from scratch - dun think so. anyone can join the class as long as in the same age group.
Latest not so good update from Patsy:-

Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.

ya same age group can join the same class. I will likely take up the 12:30 sat time slot at hdb hub. Hey come join us lah... then if MTDT also inside ther will be 3 of us! so fun.

for JG, I dunno what they said leh cos I just asked my hb to go register J and he did it while I was in the class with S. Only know they give a free bag. Most likely will start in the 4th term. I am unlikely to start 2 type of classes for her all at the same term... wait my mum will say i trying to stress her out. Plus I wanna see her readiness.


both my children on enfalac leh... never taken soy milk.
fi: i cried when i read it... remember my son too went for a heart surgery. heart breaking...

same surgeon, dr. shankar.. best in SG!!

baby so cute n chubby!!
welcome back! how's your holidays? and what did you give mandy for feed during the trip (i mean other than FM)?

i managed to get big tin of Friso 2 from NTUC. there's quite a few of Friso 3 there.

didnt know abt the strike... no wonder i cant find the regular tin of Friso 2! Holland will strike on anything! The other time I was there, the cleaners on strike.. Amsterdam became sooooooo dirty, rubbish bins piling sky high! What a sight!
i read abt patsy and sabie... really hope she will be strong! lost of words when i saw the postings. *sob*
hi mummies

juz to share. Thot might be useful..
Went to Plaza Sing for lunch juz now. the grd flr open space hvin Carrefour sale. saw those printed Birthday drinkin paper cups and colourful plastic forks/knifes/spoons goin for $1 per pack.

Birthday cups abt 40 nos per pack & Culteries abt 51 pcs per pack. Hv grabbed some for Mandy's comin 1st BDay celebration

oh really. thks for the info.

how do i post in ur travel blog?

so sad to read about sabie. Pray that she will pull through and strength for her parents.


re: jake's refusal to sleep early
why not monitor for the next few days. maybe its just 1-off incident?
Dor : oh heehe, ok not molar then ... nonetheless, i will try to pry open my gal's mouth to view inside later !!!

Mich: No MSN at work la !! And computer at home is dads so no MSN too

Kite: So your P is regular now ??
mine not returned yet

hihi.. holidays are great. As i m stayin at my cuz's hse in Sydney, it is easier. Morn Breakfast it will b cereal which I brought over.. those nestle sample packets which my nurse gave alot to me. hehehe

Every morn, I will cook 2 portion of porridge for her and pack out if we are out long during the day or she eats before we go out. Usually at nite, we will be back and she will hv her dinner.

I think the weather is cold on some days. She gets hungry easily. There is 1 time that she can finish 1 whole bowl of porridge and screamed for 150ml of milk right after. But she suffered frm constipation. oni pooed once in 2 days but the amazing part is that she pooed 3 times on the day of our departure. hahaha. I think she must be thinking... 'I'll better leave the shit here in Aussie'
Kite, Serene,
Hmm option 1: get two birthday cakes! Option 2: get on huge birthday cake and host the cake cutting ceremony at the session with the largest crowds!

K Ong,
I dread visits to dentists! Had a bad experience with the dentist in my primary school when I was young! I was given a slap on my face when I was 7 or 8 years old during one of those compulsory trips to the school dentist! I think she slapped me because she said that I did not brush my teeth properly! Eversince then, I dreaded dentists!

Yea, be prepared to move a lot I felt so tired after each class cos we have to help baby to move carry them up and down and etc
oh ya...brendan had surgery too...u must have know what its like..we are all so blessed to have our babies with us.

i'll have to invite you through your e mail. what's your e mail?
how can dentist slap you?? so funny...my dentist in penang very very nice. soothing music, calm waiting area,clean office, doctor gentle and nice and always encouraging words and gentle when working on my teeth. then one time i went to a hdb dentist in spore, wah!! i was gripping the edge of my seat and went oh oh oh..as he force to clean my teeth with his loud shrieking drill like machine which i felt was going too near my gums. then i understand why pple don't like dentish

you so funny... hahaha


how can the dentist slap you coz you didn't brush your tooth properly?
oh my, if its me, I'll dread going to the dentist also. ya still remember those compulsory trips to dentist, all of us scared cos don't know why they very fond of pulling out teeth. always has 'casualty' when classmates come back from visit. do they still have the compulsory visits now in pri/sec schools?

arr... wonderful/painful experience depends on the dentist you visit. my current dentist is good, his machine all very new & high tech.
gathering prayers for this beautiful baby girl!!

this is at 12pm...

Sabie is not well, we have been asked to prepare for the worst. only slim chance she will make it. Please pray for a miracle NOW!
thanks for the updates! heheheeeeee i'll be renting service apartment, guess will do the same. cook porridge in the morning and pack out

constipation... might be the AUS water, too much minerals.
Dor, Fi,
Thanks for your concern.

I think i have about 80 guests leh!

Poor little gal, i really wish there's a miracle to recovery, pray for her. I've a schoolmate whose daughter at age of 6 now also have a pair of weak kidneys! The kidneys almost can't work w/o the heavy dosage of medicine everyday! The medicine doesn't seems to improve her condition till today!
Fi, Sunflower,
Dunno lei that dentist that I had in primary school is a very weird one I think she is the reason why I fear going to dentist so much I heard that there are still those compulsory visits to the dentists lei come to think of it, if the dentist slaps my gal when she is in primary school, that dentist is going to get it from me man! Kekeke

Sabie is in my prayers my heart really goes out to the family. I was all tears when I read that Please, let Sabie be well

I was at the rock bottom when I was told that Kelly was suspected with DS and she had a cyst in her abdomen wall. Sabies parents must stay strong and believe in miracles miracles will happen.
very heartbreaking, saw her pics in another thread b4.

I've never showered any of my kids after swim in public pools. They seem hardy enough though, most bbs have more sensitive skin.

My Gym trial

Marine Parade

Min 8 babies
Price : $20(UP $30)
Timing : Sat (5.30pm)
Sun (3pm), (9am)

1) Jasmine
2) Wen
3) K_ong
4) Sweetdream
5) aishite
6) cookiemz
7) pawprint (prefer Sun, but which Sun is it cos already some things lined up)

Great World

Min 10 babies
Price : $29.50(UP $35)
Timing : Sat (12.30pm)

1) kissbb
2) kissbb
3) okipoki
4) Stella
5) i_panda
6) dor
7) Serene
8) mspiggy
9) poohy

I never shower Samuel outside after swim too last time. But my cousins told me that if I leave the chlorine on... the hair will be damaged in the long run leh... I dunno how true... so I just play safe and bath them plus put conditioner after swim these days... scared later their hair too dry.
Updated List
Date: 20th April (Friday)
Venue: East Coast Park (near McDonald)
Activity: Picnic / Sandplay and mummies to get to know one another.
Time: 5pm

1) Tpl5 n BB (will prepare sandwiches)
2) Stellagwee n BB
3) Lyn n BB

Date: 1st May - Public Holiday (Tue)
* Hope this date is ok for working mummies.
Venue: East Coast Park (near McDonald)
Activity: Picnic / Sandplay and mummies to get to know one another.
Time: 5pm

1) Tpl5 n BB (will prepare sandwiches)
2) Lyn n BB
Updated List
Date: 20th April (Friday)
Venue: East Coast Park (near McDonald)
Activity: Picnic / Sandplay and mummies to get to know one another.
Time: 5pm

1) Tpl5 n BB (will prepare sandwiches)
2) Stellagwee n BB
3) Lyn n BB
REMARKS: Lyn. Have to cancel on 1st May. I forgot I have another gathering which was arranged since last mth. Sorry about it.

Date: 1st May - Public Holiday (Tue)
* Hope this date is ok for working mummies.
Venue: East Coast Park (near McDonald)
Activity: Picnic / Sandplay and mummies to get to know one another.
Time: 5pm

1) Tpl5 n BB (will prepare sandwiches)
2) Lyn n BB
I was told that babies will outgrow the cyst ... Kelly's last checkup shows that the cyst was gone ... but we have to go back when she is one year old to check ... just in case.

Paula: i really hope so too. he has many cysts..
but hopefully his kidneys grows really well and eventually the cysts are nothing to be worried about.

but in the meantime, the doc says, we're looking at a whole spectrum. dunno wat will happen jus regular check ups and all. BUT his kidneys have grown alot since birth and now normal size.
