(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

i_panda, poohy, hmm... ya lor. sometimes it's really tough. i kept reminding myself to control my emotions, but i get upset sometimes when bb jake din want his milk. i dun mind if he cries and i have to carry and pat him... but how can he go on milk strike? recently he is so playful... on weekends... can skip milk from 12 noon till 6 pm bedtime, then will drink...

i think i am the only mean mum who pat pat bb jake's back side... sometimes i also raise my voice, will hold him straight and ask him... what you want? like he can respond...

poohy, yes, will keep praying for patience and wisdom, and the power to love bb jake like God loved us... luckily there is no condemnation in Him. Yes, I should stop feeling guilty...
i know bb jake still loves me and will forgive mummy.

vivi, sunflower, tinklebel, fi,
nice to meet u and babies yesterday
sorry can;t download the pic coz hubby accidently brought the usb cable to office today. will do tonight or tomorrow.
btw till what time was the gathering yesterday? sorry we took off first coz feli was getting cranky. also pai seh i didn;t bring any cakes yesterday :p

i also have some potatoes in the fridge waiting to be cooked hehe.. was thinking to steam then use blender, can i do that?

still waiting for ur bottle feed photo
i said the same thing to my boy too! the past week he has not been drinking his first bottle of milk in the morning. he shld be very hungry after almost 11hrs of no food rite? but he just suck suck and then after dat dun wan anymore. keeps shaking his head vigorously and cry as if i'm feeding him posion. argh!!! then yesterday he was not well so took him to the doc. got stuffy nose n a bit of cough. 1st time feeding him medicine. both of us fight n struggle like mad. when finished, both face red red and body sweaty. jialat leh! sigh...
haha...we face a lot of challenges from bb nowadays...feed medicine, change diapers, feed milk, etc. Everytime i change diaper for my boy, will need my hubby's help cos boy will turn left, turn right. can't he keep still...Grrhhh! For the medicine feeding, i have to hand it to my mum who is more experienced.
talking abt bb doesn't want to drink milk n mommy gets frustrated n angry, that's me! hehe.. have to face this problem every day for a few months already. think i'll just learn to accept that my bb is small eater..
yest u said abt teaching bb to blow right. just i teach my bb to blow (like blowing candle, not bubbles btw :p). it's so cute, she didn't really get it, but laugh so loud everytime i said "blow" then blow to her face.. hehe
yeah, every day have to tell ourselves to expect new challenges fm our dear babies. as i'm alone wif bb, i hv to device new ways to keep him still when changing his diaper. as for feeding him medicine, the only way for me is to do it at lightening speed liao. kekekek...

u r not alone... kekeke.. me too, hit my boy's backside. but i've come to realise it doesn't bother him anymore. he may or may not cry, and then wl ignore me. haiz... :-(

dun worry.me oso like that..sometimes my ger vv naughty end up i cant take it n smack her tigh..even more worse then u..i beat her buttock oso no use coz she tink i am playing wif her n laugh..arrghh

re: potatoes
I think might be better to mash the potatoes than to blend it. I made a batch yesterday. Took half to blend, to my shock, it became like a dough within seconds of blending. Then I read from website, when using blender must not be too long as it will become plaster-like paste! But it was only a few seconds! **faint**
Think that was what happened to my batch. Then I mashed it. Its of better texture than the previous ones. But didn't want to freeze it in that state as well.

So now I will cook it fresh when required.

Refer to Lyn's post above on cooking potatoes
Babies, even when they are toddler, cannot be forced. I have seen toddlers who hit the parents or other people to get what they want. Then when I noticed, the parents also do that if they dun listen. So the kids learnt to hit to get what they want. That's my observation so far...
In one of Shichida's books, he mentioned the "qualities" that mother need to have. One of them is patience
This reminds me that I need to revise that book again...

I also read that need to plan way ahead before going out or wanting baby to do something, cos babies very slow one. Gotta slow down to their pace. Not easy for me though...

I read in Shichida's book... Kids with terrible 2 stage is good news. Those without, gotta worry and watch out for abnormality.
It's the stage when they are learning to make their own decision.

How did you wean?

Yes, can do that.. but gotta add some water to blend else difficult to blend. I tried blending but not successful cos too little. I cook everyday.

wow what does prof shichida recommended in his book for discipline then? Some kids simply wont listen kind.

My boy is v thin skinned and also because we seldom even raise our voice at him... (cos I use distraction strategy for him... ), if we so as to raise our voice only.... he will be real detered liao ( at least for that moment). For me, I raise my voice towards him for only less than 10 times since he was borned and last weekend alone took up 2 times! So u can imagine the extent of it and my own emotional lack of control. I cant imagine hitting him though.. at least not now.

Sometime I worries a lot about the possibility of spoiling him... not easy to be a parent.
lyn, start with one bottle per day for a few days. Then proceed to two bottles. Do it slowly and gently. Like u said, patience! If he resists, then try again the next day lor.
hi mummies,
notice that some of u started to give yr bbs exotic fruits like avocado or mango.. thot it's better bot to give them such fruits in case they can digest or may be allergic to these fruits?

so far, for fruits i only gave him bananas, pear & apples.
perhaps i can try giving him avocado next time cos i like it too.
alamak, seeing all u mummy giving your bb so many different type of food already.. me a little sweat
My girl still on milk only and mixed in rice cereal at certain feeds only. My mum is not free to give her the cereal by spoon yet ... sigh...


does shichida books mentioned we must start solid asap? I think i better try my best to give her one feed during weekends.... nowadays weekends we are so busy as both of them got classes on both days... and i still gotta fetch my mum to accupuncture/tui na...
hi amy/ ipanda/ dal,
after reading yr posts, heehee.. i realise that i'm not the one who 'scold' my bb.. i oso raised my voice and even 'slap' (of cos hv to control the strength used) his bum.. think he really understand. but it was bcos he refused to sleep even though he was really really tired...when i carried him in my arms, he piched my underarms and pulled my hair.. so i hv to raise voice. anyway i believe in disciplining even at young age but of cos not 'hitting' or too rough. it'll be good to raise voice at bb only at the very moment he does the wrong thing so that he can link/ connect that with why i raise my voice.

as for rejecting milk, i thk probably this is the stage that they are like tat.. cos my bb oso reacted the same way.. rejected milk even though it's time for feed.
hi mummies,
btw as for solid food, how many meals do you feed solid food at this stage? currently i only replace the lunch time meal with solid food. and at times during interval give him fruits. is that alright?
i give lunch n dinner. i read somewhere that it's better to give fruits just after meal as dessert to prevent sugar to stick on teeth n causing tooth decay. i suppose it means brushing teeth after meal?

how many times do u brush ur bb teeth? at the same time every day regularly?
oh i thought gluey is ok coz it's starch? i blended sweet potato n arrow roots b4, also gluey. u mean gluey not good n cannot eat?
i give to my baby leh.. she's ok so far..
oh, yes it's vivi.. hehe my memory is v bad ya?

thanks. yes i've been adding water when blending now, a lot easier.

1st year milk is more important than solids. but i think it's good to introduce early various veggeis n fruits so bb know the taste n (hopefully!) don't become a fussy eater

wow u r one patient mommy! i lost count how many times i raised voice to my bb already..

my sil sent her kid to tumbletots jkt once. u r thinking to sign up?
aiyoh!! sayang sayang all the babies' bum bum...
u know, i'm such a quick n bad tempered person but when it comes to my son n my cats, white flag!! i vent them all on my hub.. haha!! call n scream n him...

mothers, find other oulets instead of ur innocent little ones...
Yes, he did write about terrible 2 stage and how to deal with it. It's more on changing our mentality. But I have forgotten exactly how. I gotta find who I lend my book to and revise again. I can remember that we should not say "cannot", "bu ke yi". What you are doing to distract Samuel is "correct". Similar to the Sears... Lots of love for discipline...

When I get angry with Aloysius, I will breath in deeply and stop for a moment. When it gets too frustrating from his crying and tantrums, I will just look at him and try to understand why he's crying and his needs. Quite energy draining though...

Could be emotional, mental problems...

I have been very patient already, I hope... I have been throwing milk away daily... There are people who tell me to let him cry
I am not sure if I wanna do that.

I haven't read about when must start solids from Shichida. Maybe I haven't got the correct book by him. There are a few more books that I have not bought and read. I will be attending the seminar on diet by Mrs Khoo
Dunno if can get any tips there. So far, I read from his book that we gotta "duan4 nai3" by 8 months, which I think is to introduce cups by 8 months.
Hope your mum will get better after accupuncture

Usually the babies will eat what the parents eat
If the parents dun like vege, the babies will also dun like vege usually...
duffy, i havent been that experimental yet. I havetn tried mango. Tried avocado cos it's a really healthy food (contains unsaturated fats). K takes solids 3x a day and drinks milk 4x a day. Recently, his milk intake has reduced. Probably too much solids.

poohy, no worries. take your time to introduce solids.

mum2b, i sent today! He cried the whole time! Sob!

lyn, let him cry? Oh no...can't do that.
You not that sort to let him cry
i tried mango today!! mango puree n mango shake BUT i realized my EBM tasted funny so i threw all the shake away + my milk!! so many bags!! *HEARTACHE*...
yeah, babies are actually smart beings.:) now my boy knows i m angry when i talk to him in a stern voice and then look away. he will then pat pat me and babbles. usually by then my heart melts liao. keke. if i m really angry and walks away to cool down, he will cry and crawl following me and say 'mmmmma mmmmmmma'. aiyoh, my heart n mind n soul all melt liao lor... keke

i'm giving my boy 2 solids a day, 1 at mid-morning and 1 at dinner. both are cereals with veg/fruits.
Hi Mummies,
I am new here, my baby boy born in June 2006, i am a SAHM too...
i watch a chinese program "bao bei yi bu yi bu lai" at 22.45 @ channel 8 just now and got to know this website. For some of you mention ur babies refused to drink milk, the program just now mentioned that it is very normal among 4 to 6 mth old bb, its called "yen4 nai3 qi1" (direct translete: dislike milk period), it is a signal that bb ios ready to start solid.

poohy, i read from book that baby is born with adequate supply of iron. but after about 6 mths it begin to decline, and iron from breastmilk alone is insufficient (i m not sure about formula), so it is important to start solid after 6 mths, with iron-fortified food. Alternatively, you can give ur bb multivit drop, get from paediatrician.
One of a Shicida book mentioned that it is very important to start weaning by 8, 9 mths. A 8 or 9 mths baby has some teeth and can use various oral organs for vocalisation. If she does not start on solid food, she will not start using them, which may result in delayed speech development....
i also read from a book that mentioned if u start weaning when the baby is older, the chance she is redundant to solid food is higher...
hi stella n celestine

this is pic of last sunday's gathering.

from left: feli(mum2b), jae zen(fi), xander(sunflower), davian(vivi). hope i get the names correct..
fiona was asleep n didn't join in the photo taking
hi stella & celestine
Welcome to June thread

I'm giving him semi-solids at 11am and 7pm.
haha but his milk intake has not dropped, instead it seems to be on the rise.

He's able to polish off his milk feeds.

Thanks for the picture, you got all the names right

when I blended sweet potato, it was not like this. Maybe I added quite alot of water as I blend cos realised not easy to blend with little water, added along the way.

But the potato was really really dough like. Can't say is just gluey, it basically stuck to the spoon & won't drop even when I gave it a swing. Anyway, will try again this weekend

Any mummies given pumpkin yet?
wow the babies are cute!

Welcome Stella & Celestine.

Stella - u also practice SM/GD huh? seems like u also read alot of SM books?

din noe there was a baby show last nite featuring the aug thread mummies gathering. today sure hv alot of newbies one.
stella & celestine, welcome!

ya ya...i watched the Channel 8 show yesterday. My boy's PD was on the show...Dr Ang from TMC. And the mummy was from the Aug 06 thread. So cute, so also have gathering...and all the babies together. so cute just like the pic Mum2b posted earlier. Remember to catch next week show, think will talk about babies from 6 mths onwards...

thanx for sharing on the weaning part! Its very useful
My boy wean late too and though he is not speech delayed, but he still love his milk and drank lots of it till now contrary to most of his peers. I use infant formula enfalacA+ for both children so they should not have the problem of iron deficiency. However, I do think I shd start weaning my girl to semi solid asap....been urging my mum to help as I think the best meal to start with is the afternoon feed which i am working.

Hello mummies!

Any idea where can get Jane High chair and provide free delivery?
My colleague went to carrefour Plaza Sing, they said they dun have.
