(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Wanna organise a gathering when you are back?

I am already giving plant based DHA to Aloysius on and off since birth
Lecithin is in powder form usually. Just mix and stir. Better not cook nor add when the food is hot.
I just called the bookshop at Bras basah
I have reserved two Shichida books
Gonna go there tonite or tomolo nite. Do you want any books? I am a member, and I get 25% off this month cos it's my birthday month


can help me get a few of SM books?
any recommendations? thinking must at least get those that teach home practice, & diet & nutrition
Thanks. will be out for seminar.
can SMS me
thanks much

plant based DHA - is this oil type or powder? where can I get? just add to food will do ? sorry so many questions.
Hi SunFlower,

It has no side effect. It is meant to improve milk supply. I have been taking them since my baby girl was born, cos I also faced the same problem - No milk supply. After taking these, it helps and since then I have been breastfeeding.

Another brand is Motherlove, which you cab get it from Thomson Medical Pharmacy. But it is more expensive. http://www.motherlove.com/product_more_milk_plus_veg.php

Massaging your breasts will help too. Hope this link will guide you: http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/WomensHealth/Breastfeeding/headstart3.htm

Oh yes! Oki is joining too! I've forgotten her. :p
Huh? Our trial class maybe postpone ah? No choice if has to be, keep us informed.

Thanks, I will email you later.
My boy was so excited when he see the photo....think he can't want to play with all the babies

i got the info from a book "The Infant Brain" edited by Jocelyn Khoo, given to me during the last shichida lesson. Its more on the development stages of babies advise by Dr Shichida.
U can start with Iron-fortified cereal, u can get it from most of the supermart, and most of the rice cereal r iron-fortified. Its easy to mix with milk ...I got a lots of tips from the below link, check it up and have fun w ur baby..

I got that infant brain book too.. given during the last term my boy was at shichida... only read thru it briefly
my bb is ok w/ milk in the food. can take as much as 90ml with cereal n veggie n fruit. she won't take milk in spoon by itself though.
can give me recommendation what book is good on shichida? will pm u my email address to add to ur msn or ym. thanks.

have sent the pic to you

hehe ur bb so cute, can't wait to meet other bb
hehe i always complain in this forum huh?
would be nice if there's another gathering when u r here, then can learn from u bottlefeeding n see u feed ur bb bottle. also get the HT BR cereal from u too
joelle is soooo adorable. She seems like a very intelligent ger! Poohy, what's the difference between crawling and creeping?
ipanda, missk,

thanx... joelle is on the heavier side... at 7 month she was 9.8kg... so I think she shd safely be around 10kg or so by now..
Everyone who sees her comments on her big size.. the funny thing is both me and hb are small to average size.


crawling comes before creeping. Crawling is similar to those commando crawling where the body must touch the ground, and the toes dig in to propel forward. Creeping is done with body/belly above the ground, on your fours.
poohy: so cute !! my gosh, is she fully bfed ?
hahaam, mine also quite heavy, 9kg at 7 mths !!
i think she is almost 10 kg now ... 7mths 2 weeks !!
u're right on! really busy wif bb jez now. moreover his sleeping schedule has gone haywire.
now he wl wake up arnd 9pm and play till arnd 11pm!

sometimes so wanna msn but mentally already spaced out by night time.

hi to all new june mummies!

u remember who is the mummy dat maintains the mummy list?

haha... y ur pic never show the mummies' faces one?

will wait for your update. thx for following up for us and organising this.
Hi Alice,

I am a SAHM too, i am interested in the YP things and sending u three photos of my boy....Thanl u in advance, hope to get a free PS too
Poohy, i went to your blogs, just browse thru the photos ur ger is so cute!!! My boy was growing very fast in in his first 5 months, my PD did advise that it is better not to start weaning early (earlier than 6 mths) if i dun want him to grow too fat.

must maintain mystery & privacy for the mummies mah so never post mummies' face lor

keke.. its MTDT who's maintaining it. But got 1 mummy helping her maintain it , forgot who liao :p

re: BJG mummies
oki will update asap

re: SM Infant Brain book
will they give us a copy? I don't have le

went & got 3 books together with Lyn
wow he got so many books see until I headache.. took so long before I finally chose 3! wanted to get the one on photographic & instant memory, see until blur blur in the end never get. Next time then get! anyway will take me a while to read the 3 Chinese books!


your gal smile so happy !

yes let's have a gathering when you are back. which days good for you?
hi morning mommies!!!

wasn't able to check thread nor mails last night. took baby out for a shopping centre sightseeing on my own. v tiring. hee hee what's PM?

PM= private message.

Click on the name that you want to send PM to,
There will be a button at the end, click and type your message. An email will be send to the other party.
oic. thks!

just realised that some of you drop me an email and some shown interest in the YP magazine thingy. I will get back to you guys by today.
Good morning!
Wow! so many new mummies
Welcome welcome once again!

u sleep so late and wake up so early??? enuf sleep meh?
yest, my ceo just commented that i look like i have lack of sleep... ***faint***

btw, yest, i pumped the milk and stored in cooler bag but cooler bag cant really last more than 4 hrs
in the end the milk is like half cold only... i tasted it and tasted ok lah so was a bit more assured. I think maybe styrofoam is better for retaining the cold temperature?
You mean the 2Feb one also fully booked? Alamak... So fast?

Prof Shichida writes two books a week! I am collecting and collecting and reading, never seem to finish the collection.. lol... Must really master his speed reading to read faster... hahaha... But will not be able to reach wave reading stage.

The brown booklet that we get in the last lesson is "The Infant Brain" book. Did you get it in the last lesson? If not, better ask for it next lesson. I read that book yesterday before I went out, and wrote a bit in my blog

Joelle looks very cute and chubby. She has very nice hair...

When are you free? Sat or Sun can? We organise a lunch or dinner for you, then more mommies and babies can join in
Hi dloi stella piyo mum2b serene celestine

I received your emails.
Will consolidate them and send to YP tmrw.

For the rest tat r interested, do email me by tonight. I will leave YP w d pics u send and ur contacts. will inform u guys once i have mailed out!

oops my bb crying. me gtg... later...
Your boy sleeping pattern not haywire lah. My boy same, sleep awhile around 9pm, wake up at 9.30pm play till 11pm, he will take his last feed and sleep after. I think in a way is better, if he sleeps too early, prob wake up around 4-5pm???
Joelle is so cute!

Yes indeed, she's on the heavier side...
Everyone also commented that my boy is big and tough but in physical he's not so big, prob just a tough looking boy!
He's 7mths 4wks now, we just weigh him last sunday, he's 9.7kg! On the high scale side also! :p

heehee can sneak in meh.. They sure got tags! no tag how to go in ... I know I know you go in liao then take amy's tag out for me wahaha...

Brown booklet?? you mean the binded A4 size book?

ya lor, last nite slept at 1.45am
But I got nap at 8pm-9pm
