(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


no ... my mum dun stay with me.. its always been hb and me only
RE: Puree Avocado
How to prepare above? There's a supermart at Vivio City selling quite a no. of organic veg/fruits (avocado, carrots, baby spinch, etc). Actually wanted to buy the organic avocado but dun know how to puree so in the end never buy.
Hi mummies,

Would like to know after u have frozen your puree, how did u defrost it ? Also how long do u keep ur puree in the freezer ??

read below: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/pureestore.htm

Storing Baby Food Pure in the Refrigerator

It is recommended that fresh pureed homemade baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours (many food safety authorities say that 72 hour is fine!) in the refrigerator. This limit ensures that bacteria growth in the puree is kept to a minimum and that the food does not take on the "taste of the fridge"! This "rule" applies for veggies, fruits, meats etc.

If you do not plan to freeze your homemade baby food, we would suggest that you make the puree on a day to day, or every other day, basis. For example, one sweet potato may be baked and then you may freeze one half without pureeing it and then puree the other half. This method will help cut down "waste" and also allow for food safety.

Experts say that it takes an infant between 15-21 instances of trying a food before a true like or dislike is established. If you are just beginning to introduce solid foods, you really will not be able to determine if your baby has a true dislike for a food until much later. Freezing pures allows you to go back and try a "rejected" food over again. Even if you will be strictly following the 3-4 day wait rule, we still recommend freezing baby food purees for
optimal food safety!

What is the Best Way to Re-Heat or Thaw the Baby Food Pure?**

If you are using a microwave to thaw or reheat baby food cubes, be sure to stir food to ensure no hot-pockets are left to burn baby!

If you do not wish to use a microwave to thaw your baby food cubes, you may thaw your baby food cubes in the refrigerator over night (ensure that the cubes remain a closed container and not in an uncovered bowl).

You may also place the cubes in a small bowl and then place the bowl in a larger bowl filled with hot water. Thawing baby food cubes using this "submersion method" should take between 10-20 minutes.

Thawing food on your kitchen counter is never recommended as bacteria or other contaminants may get into the food.

**Please keep in mind that reheating baby food cubes is NOT necessary. Baby food cubes may be served at room temperature once they have been thawed!
ipanda, choose a ripe avocado. I dun think u need to puree avocado. Just mash with a fork, like what u do with bananas. Coincidentally, I just bot an avocado too. The last one I bought was not ripe at all. So it was really hard to mash it. Waste money!
You can mix avocado with banana and yoghurt (from Anabel Karmel).
ipanda, yah, avocado is one of the fruits that is not suitable for freezing. After the fruit is cut, you will find a brown layer on it after a while. It has oxidised.

One mother recommended me Yoplait. But the ones i find here contains sugar. Not exactly v comfortable with that. Maybe some other mums know where to get the yoghurt. When I go back to SG, I will definitely check it out.
i_panda: s'pore got horizon organics? they've got bb yogurt!!

Ladies: enjoy ur gathering!! wish i can be there... Brought Brendan for a haircut today, fringe too long! had a haircut too!! YAY!!

sunflower: yep, nursery languages... haha!! no wonder so many diff. languages!!

dun rem how much i paid though...
sorry gals... couldnt make it today.

boy is still down with flu, after medicine, he slept from 3pm to 6pm!

next time lah...

must post pics hor!

how's the gathering? so sorry, can't make it.. bb still din fully recover, on n off got diarhoea n din really wan to drink milk sigh....
hello ladies,

Good Morning to everyone!

The gathering was good. It was great to meet all the mummies & babies. The babies had fun 'talking' & playing with each other
any mummies gave your darling mango & potato?

do we need to cook the mango?

for potatoes - after mashing, what's the texture of the potatoes? mine was like gluey.
throw the whole batch away.
re: mango

from wholesomebabyfood.com :
Mango does not need to be cooked as it is typically introduced at an age
where baby can tolerate raw fruits. Mango may be steamed to tender and then mashed if you prefer without harming it.

can we give raw fruits to baby now?
The gathering sounds so fun and enjoyable. Wish I was there..

After steaming the potato, there will be a layer of starch. I mashed and add water to the texture like those jar food. Texture like those "ang mo" kind of corn soup. Or spagghetti sauce...
For potato must mash when hot hot, else not easy to mash, then gotta sieve.
hi mummies, sorry i wasn't able to make it to the gathering yesterday.

last nite bb jake cried to bed at about 6 pm... think he was too tired and hungry (last meal was 11.30 am, then cereals at 2 pm). cried loudly in his sleep few times. managed to feed him milk at 7 pm.

this am, he din want to nurse, and i was very upset as my milk leaking... waited for 30 mins, still din want to nurse, want to go downstairs and play. i was so frustrated, i beat his pat pat 3 times. he cried... now i felt so guilty...
do you all also lose your temper like me? felt like a bad mummy....
Sayang sayang.. I can understand the frustrations when baby dun co-operate. It's a big struggle.
Sometimes, I get very frustrated with Aloysius too. I keep telling myself that I cannot lose my temper cos I dun want him to be as bad tempered as me when he grows up. Kids really imitate the parents. I saw a few cases around me already. So sometimes, when frustrated, I will just leave him on the floor to play what he wanted, or let my mum or hubby carry, and I do something else. Then go back to him again after cooling down...
lyn, yes... i also kept telling myself, if upset with him, leave the room and come back later. actually, if i leave him alone, he happier... cos he wants to play, and i was forcing him to nurse. well, guess bbs have their own mind - cannot force them. gotta remind myself to be cheerful and happy, most importantly, should relax and take things easy. having said that, i can't help but feel bad, maybe i need to see a counsellor...

recently me also a little short tempered
sigh feel so sad. the last weekend, I raised my voice at my boy 2 times. Basically I just asked him to stop it in a louder and fiercer voice. He really froze there. Though I regretted it immediately and apologise to him but I know I should have managed my own emotions better.

He prob going through his terrible 2 stage... everything also want and wont listen to me. And keep making a mess of the whole house continually. I am in a perpetual cycle of keeping things. I keep worrying I had spoilt him by not even raising my voice or scolding him most of the time. I always try distraction strategy. But its so hard to strike a balance between disciplining him etc... cos he will cry or freeze there looking v hurt the moment we raise our voice... dun even need to scold him, much less hit him. His skin real thin.

Problem is at his age, I cant even walk away just like dat cos he will cry big time and follow me ...

I am praying for grace too ... recently really feel a little hard to manage my own emotions.
ipanda, I just gave K avocado. I gave only half lah. I mashed with banana and later added formula milk. Not too bad.
Hi vivi,
sorry not able to join for the gathering yesterday. Glad u all enjoy yourself.

i raised my voice at bb josh yesterday too. He woke up at 1am plus crying. Then i quickly make milk for him but he only drink 1oz then turned his head away..still crying. Then i was like forcing the bottle into his mouth but he also don't want. Then i angrily said 'u don't want milk, later u cry i dun make milk for u liao'...(me veri bad hor). Carry him pat him he also cry..don't know what he want. Put him back in his cot, he cried even louder. His daddy was watching soccer happily downstairs, didn't even hear his loud cry...and here i am stuck with his crying son. I was like 'xin li bu ping heng'...u know what i mean. My last resort, i nurse bb josh to sleep. When hubby came back later, asked me why bb on our bed. I ignored him, don't even talk to him. Actually i wanted to get a pacifier for bb, but hubby said don't want. Will getting a pacifier help bb when he cry in his sleep? Now i can still nurse bb to sleep, but if i stop Bfg, how to nurse him to sleep?

ipanda, dun worry abt nursing your bb to sleep. I used to do that too. Ever since I started him on the bottle, it has stopped. You can try tweaking his routine a little. Maybe try offering him milk half hour before he sleeps (including naps)? Start by doing it once a day first? Good luck yah? With perseverance, you can do it! Cheers!
