(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

No la... I will be beside him when I let him cries, when I try to settle down my emotions. It's less than a minute. I try not to show my temper on him.

Your boy is very smart. Can call mama already

Celestine, stellagwee,
Welcome to this thread!
And also welcome to the world of SAHM!

Which Shichida book did you read for the diet and weaning part? I am interested to get his book on that
When he mentioned about weaning, does he mean 3 meals a day? Or just drink milk from cup?
Are you following Shichida method?

Potato absorb a lot of water like sponge. Need to add lots of water. I used to add breast milk, but not anymore, cos need lots...

Aloysius has been taking pumpkin. It's very soft and no need to add lots of water. Easy to use a spoon to mash
Hi mommies

I'm new here too. My baby girl born in June 06. Had been wanting to join in but had a tough 7 mths since baby arrived. Now am taking care of baby full-time. Any full-time mommy too?
Good morning everyone.

Wow the babies are cute. I thought there should be more babies last sunday?

Brought my baby for a baby show contest last sunday and he won the consolation prize. Not too bad for a 1st try!

Are you joining us for the BJG trial class this coming sunday?

Thanks for the welcome! What's BJG?

Congrats on winning consolation!
Must be fun ya? I'm looking around for baby show contest too but so far had no idea of any. Which one did you join?
Sheena, Alice,
Welcome to the thread... hope u have fun chatting with us

yes, i'll be going...but hope Fiona doesnt sleep again... usually she doesnt sleep much but once there is aircon, she will doze off into dreamland.

wow! got pics of Brayden during contest to show or not?

BF'g mums,
when u are out for meetings, how do u store BM? I will be out for meeting the whole day and no storage facilities... looks like expressing and throwing is the best solution? So wasted leh...
Argghhhh cant stand it when we have all these meeting outside
Sheena, Alice,

This thread is getting more members already
Gonna be a more cheerful one

Congratulations to Brayden!
Where do you find out where got baby show? I also wanna bring Aloysius for baby show

Bring your icepack & cooler bag out for storing milk. Then don't need to throw.

keke I also want to bring my boy for baby show.
So far those I see must submit milk cartoons, I also don't have any , how to join

how's Aloysius with his new formulae?

milk supply:
dipping again
so sad, how to up huh?
I tried fish soup with papaya, eat papaya, drink red dates also no help le
welcome all newbies..

the show - mobtv need to pay leh.
maybe try searching on youtube. :p
or ask Aug mummies if they hv upload it anywhere. :p

contest - i also thinking of going. now i only send in pics to those mags for publish. :p

i share your concern. am also worried every time supply dip. key is to go easy on yourself. RelaX. Don't stress. Drink lots of fluid. Keep telling yourself you can produce milk. Also, as long as baby is happy with what he/she is getting not to worry. Mine has dipped but bby has not shown any unhappiness over lesser milk. now i don't care so much too.
yap..the show is on ch8 every monday 10:30pm
wow...not bad har. Brayden (hope i get the name correct) won consol pize! what contest is it?

Welcome all new mummies!
now that the ch8 show free advertise this forum..we got many new mummies
I joined the 1 organized by Jurong Green CC. For our babies' age, there is no performance lah, just some health check by doctor/nurse... BJG is Baby Jumper Gym, a school @ Bt Batok ex-CDANS club. A few of us are bringing our babies for the trial class this coming sunday.

I bring along my dad's camera and took a few pics cos he has some balance fr the negative. Is not the digital camera thus can't download here unless i've a scanner. Great that you can join us this sunday.

What is milk cartoon?
Hey i see from the pic up there, your boy quite a tough boy too huh...like my brayden.
Oh yes i know about this show but always missed it, never had chance to watch cos during this time, i'm always accompanying my boy to sleep.... He joined the contest organized by Jurong Green CC.
so this sunday BJG is at ex-CDANs. I was like wondering where is HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse. CDANs no more ah...i used to go bowling there...hee

Yea! Let's keep one another informed and join baby contest together! What do you guys do at the sch with your baby? If yo can, pls provide more details. thks! I'm thinking of finding a school or something like tat that has facilities tat my hubby and i can bring baby there to play with her like once a week tat kind but have not yet check out if there's such a thing.

btw mommies,
do u guys read young parent magazine? If you are interested in having your baby featured in their magazine can drop me an email with cute pics of your baby and i can forward to them. I took my baby gal for a photoshoot with them last yr. Her pic is used in the current young parent baby magazine. Best part is to have free PS and get softcopies of them.

Oops my baby is awake. GTG. Will be back for more chats tonight.
Morning mummies, welcome all new mummies.
Wow... so fun...

re: weaning, Gina Ford also mentioned if we wean bb late, bb will be a fussy eater.

think now Jake prefers solids, every time looking forward to his cereals. realised he is no longer interested in nursing. so funny - just happened overnight....
that's the only photo my hubby took. sure can email u, can u pm me ur email address?

i'm sahm too, no relatives here, been a tough riding of motherhood these past 7 months. where do u stay?
i'm also interested in the YP thing. can pm me the detail pls? thanks.. PS=photo shoot?

i received ur email n replied already. u mean u didn't receive it?
btw need to ask u abt solid. i tried giving porridge (plain plus pureed veggie) n my bb likes it, n it made her stools soft. but since she has been drinking milk less and less, now i give cereal again so i can add milk n thus increasing her daily milk intake. the problem is her stool is harder n she strains when on cereal. so i was thinking to make the porridge really watery, then stir in milk powder. hehe don't laugh at me.. can i do that?
Ya don't know since when, they changed the name. I've not been there for long time. Used to go to the driving range for practice last time.

There are a few schools which have activities for babies. Eg. Gymboree, Kindermusik, tumble tots, Baby jumper gym etc. So far, i've only went for the trial at kindermusik, it's more on singing and a little of gym like practice their motoring skills, also give them something to grab n hold, like mirror, a bell, a scraf to play peekaboo etc...

My brayden also looks fw to his cereal meal everyday. When we start preparing it and if he saw, he got very excited, can't wait and make noise, as if, "hurry, hurry, i want it!"

so excited going to meet all of you this sunday

er.. not milk cartoon .. its like you have to buy their milk powder then got some coupons inside or must cut something out from the tins & used it to join the contect

yes yes, all of us join together then june babies get all the prices

what's PS? I'm interested too
can PM me, then I can forward attachment to you

hello alice, welcome welcome! I am a FT mum too.

mum2b, can ..why not? I dun see any problem with that. Have u tried giving papaya?

ipanda and serene, any more vacancies for the trial this Sun? I am interested too!! Hhee...coming back this weekend.
yes, but no effect. will try tomorrow then. now everytime i see opportunity to give milk to my bb other than by bottle i get excited coz she will turn her head away after 80-90ml of milk by bottle. tried sippy cup, even normal cup, to no avail.
I forgotten who are meeting this sunday! :p
Is it :-
1) sunflower
2) serene
3) tinklebell
4) i_panda77
5) Dal

Who another one???
re: bb contest

mummies, do share with u all know where got bb contest hor? I wanna bring joelle for contest leh! hehee will be so fun.. Last time Samuel also, I keep wanting to bring but never know where there is any...
Your gal appeared in the magazine huh? I'm interested to bring my boy too. Is it just to submit the photo? Pls PM me with more details as sometimes i can't catch up the reading here always. thanks.
My colleague says CC used to conduct bb contest but i don't see any. In fact this round i also don't know about it till quite last min, 1 of my friends told me and in the end i joined, she didn't join cos the time is too early 8plus in the morning....Anyway, i went there late, still ok no problem.

alamak! anothing spell mistake :p
Its Okipoki. So currently the class is full.

re: BJG

One not so good news
just called Annie to confirm our trial as Monday they are off. She said the trainer allocated to our trial is hospitalised. So now she's trying to get another trainer for our trial. If cannot get, then may have to postpone the trial to the following week.
Now keeping fingers crossed that she can get a trainer for us. Will keep you ladies posted once she update me on the status.

Just realised I forgot to put in my email address. [email protected]. Do email me with a few cute pics of your baby and your contact. If they need your baby for photoshoot (PS), they will contact you. Sorry I shouldn't say featured, more of using your baby as a model for any pics they need for articles etc. But I'm more interested in getting the softcopies back lor. Heehee

Fenugreek - its a herb right. Remembered some mummies here took before - Does it helps?
Btw any side effects?
Also how many pills & times to take a day?
How long it takes to see the results?

During preggie & Bfing, very cautious on taking medicine & herbs cos never know what's the effect.
It's still a challenge to feed FM today. Just threw away 90ml of FM. Going to throw away 60ml with vitality plus next if he dun wake up soon...
My milk supply also will not increase suddenly like last time already no matter what I eat. But Aloysius is like still having enough to drink.

I am interested in the PS for young parent magazine. You dun accept PM. Can PM me please?

How late is late in Gina Ford's point of view?

I also thought of adding milk powder into the puree. But I am afraid he will dislike food also if I do that. I tried feeding Aloysius with the milk powder itself. hahaha... he gave me a yucky look...
I also tried milk in sippy cup, shot glass, spoon, normal cup.. but to no avail yet.

seems that if nurse him, supply is enough as he never complains
but when express, its very little lor compare to previously.

Aloysius prefer BM than FM. but even if you change the brand of FM, he still does not want it?

btw have you heard of 'sprinkling' bit of DHA oil onto baby's food? you know the type of DHA that we eat during preggie? Remember you gave Aloysius lecithin - how to give, must I ground it to finer powder, must cook?
