(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hi mummies

been MIA for a long time in this thread. How's everyone

read ur post.. Dun give up. I hv been through the cryin phase when Mandy cries for no reason Remember tt time, i started playing a song for her & let her listen every nite before she slept. So sometimes, when she had the cryin outburst, I will on the music and carry her ard. It did work. It's a passing phase.
So dun give up... they have only us to be pampered and relied on for comfort


woh...Krist drinks alot. Mandy still maintain at 180ml or less now... but her appetite for cereal n porridge is really alarmin sometimes as my nanny note down daily wat she ate. kekeke

no internet all day!! dunno wat i pressed and all chinese dun understand, must wait for hub to come back... FINALLY BACK NOW!!

kite: 2k!!! i thght one nite... FAINTZ... nice room... worth it!!

missk: milk is only impt for the first 6 mths, after it'll be solids!! expecially iron. thats why me gonna intro meat soon. Brendan's been eating alot!!
i'm also keen in the trial. pls count me in. thanks!
PM me coz recently i kena 'tekan' by my boy so may not come forum often.

dun give up. have faith. i've been taking care of my boy 24x7 alone since 2 weeks after his birth and was also very stressed and sometimes depressed during the initial months. then i came across an article abt high-need babies, like wat missk has mentioned. so i took a different perspective to the whole situation, and it helps. and it definitely helps to talk to someone. i'm blessed to hv a gd fren who is very supportive n encouraging and dat helps to keep me sane. kids love their mummies. your ger has been in your body for 9mths. now how close is dat?!

my boy fell from the bed this morning... head first. poor boy. guilty mummy. :-( wailed until no voice n whole face, head and ears all red. i went to the cupboard to take a t-shirt n didnt expect him to reach the edge of the bed so fast. really can't take risks with our babies now. :-(

same here..hope i can stop this bad habit of nursing to zzz.i pat her oso no use.usually i will'jump n rock' around the house b4 shes aslp..but v tired loh carrying her..on the other hand,i am so scare whether will it cause 'shaken baby symtom'??? but hor sometime i am too tired that i dun bother liao..zzz more impt..hehe..pray hard it will be over soon..


same here.my ger likes to cry at night.cant stop her 1.last week thurs she cry straight from 10pm+ to 1am+ non-stop no matter wat we try.we scare maybe we injure somewhere so we took her to kk.doc put her under observation for 1hr..but hor,most of the time she still cry..then doc say admit her for the night n c..in the end she stay for 2nite.btw,shes having a bad running noise tt time..ask them y she cry till so bad but they cant give me an ans..


my ger likes to look around but she cant stay still for long in the pram..she will start to wana me carry liao..she oso will wake up at nite a few times..i will try teething gel 1st..normally it helps to quiet her down but for a short while only..next then i pat n lastly nurse her to zzzz...i didn try to make milk coz am too tired by then n dun wana it to be a habit to wake up at nite to drink..


i am sahm..shes too cranky n active for ppl to take care..my mil scare liao n oso mil say her health no good..i got try crying out but no good..coz it makes her more awake..n my hb cant zz n he will get irritated n bad mood liao.guess we will have to bear with it n hope it passes soon..
on a happy note,i am still losing weight...hehe..my pre-preggie weight was 60 now i 58.haha
thanks for the encouragement everyone

last night i was v patient to my girl. but this morning when she didn't want to drink milk again i got so impatient again. though my hubby helps out occasionally, i think i've worn out taking care of her by myself 24/7 for 7 months. need a break!

for the chickenstock, what did u do the the chicken n veggies after making the stock. throw them away?
btw why did u ask me whether i have email? didnt we emailed each other already? i'm sceptical of books on sleeping, i feel that the advise is quite general n i know the general concept already, but still it didn't work for me. btw i just found a thread on bb who only drink milk during feeding. glad that mine is not the one only!

same here. i was 51kg b4 preggie, now 46-47kg.
in fact i told hubby, if anyone ever ask for advise on how to slim down, my advice is get pregnant, control diet during pregnancy, fire the maid/confinement nanny, stay at home n take care bb 24/7 by yourself! haha...
re: BJG

Poohy, thanks for the number.


anymore? I'll call them up later & check if they can arrange. and update you ladies.
Good morning gals! It's Friday again!

Last nite, my mum was telling me that my sis's friend went for a parenting course. They were taught to let the baby cry in the room at nite till the baby sleep on her own. And the parents just bear with it sitting in the living room. The next day, the baby stopped crying before sleeping already. Very effective, eh?
I explained to my mum that this is another method that will work for the convenience of parents. But I will not do that. It will hurt baby's confidence in communication. I follow Shichida, William Sears, and Glen Doman methods of nurturing children. I try to understand Aloysius' cries and needs, but need a bit of practice. Sometimes, I also dunno what he wants.

poohy, Wen,
So far, now, I store the cards in the storeroom. I have one whole shelf just for flashcards. I keep the Glen Doman cards in their respective boxes. For those lose pieces which I bought from BP, I store them in big paper bags that just fit. I will separate the retired and the new cards.

I think it's fine to flash repeated words randomly. Did you print the words at random? Maybe you can collect words in an excel file, then tick those that are printed and flashed.
How do you flash the cards since your gal is already creeping? Do you make her sit down?

sunflower, vivi, amy,
Yesterday, I tried to read very very dramatically to Aloysius. hahaha... He listened and kept giggling. So funny... Very tiring for me cos need to raise my voice and very "kua zhang"... Maybe that's the way to capture their attention ba...
Dal, oh dear, hit the head? must be v v painful..ouch! ouch! nowadays i dont really dare to put Fiona on the bed anymore... will put her on the mattress instead.
For safety reasons, i have lowered the playpen mattress cos i noticed she could pull herself up into a standing position!

haha! Mum2B.... your comment is so funny! Ya you'r right, if i look after my kids 24/7, sure lose a lot of wt!
Yalor.. sometimes need a break. My hubby will bring Aloysius straight to me when he starts crying, instead of trying to soothe him. Yesterday, I left Aloysius with my mum and went out
hee... a nice "retreat" to clear my mind and soul
Though it's only a few hours, it's effective. Went to HMV and MPH

keke think babies like drama!

re: cards storage
I store the cards using ikea boxes. no more space on the shelf, so I've stacked them up on the floor :p GD cards still remain inside GD box
<font color="ff0000">gentle reminder</font>:

Gathering this Sunday 21/1/2007, 4pm. Can come earlier if you all want.

PM me for my mobile Number.

I take the cards all out of GD box... find it very difficult to manipulate leh with their box... the problem is I gotta juggle between my 2 children trying to keep track who have read what

btw, I finally printed my Linking memory card... going to do it tonite or tomorrow nite

wow....where did you get the images for LM? me thinking of doing also
btw do we need to print 2 sets? 1 for me 1 for bb?

I will take out the entire category that I'm doing from the GD box &amp; place inside a big plastic bag. so that no need to keep opening box everday. Once retired category, then put back into box
Morning ladies !!


Guess this is the phase where all bb behave the same. Very curious abt their surrounding.... I tried applying the teething gel &amp; stopped ever since she got a very bad cough. Perhaps I shld apply for her.... Last nite, she woke up at 2.30am &amp; 7am for her milk with inbetween cries cos her pacifier drop off.. Or Bak Ka now !!
Me too dont wish it to make it a habit for my ger to drink in the middle of the nite....
lyn, sunflower,

no prob.. go to www.shichidaparents.com to download from resource/linking memory section. That one has the story similar to the shichida set.

I will be buying the original set from shichida also but I wanna print my own first cos I think the shichida set's card is very small. I printed mine and paste on 3"x4" cards. Its bigger this way so hopefully it will make the children more interested. Only printed one set... I am still pondering whether I should print 2 set leh...

lyn, thought u already have a set?

btw, if u dun like the clipart in the link above, u can always replace with other picture yourself... I bought a clipart CDrom just for this purpose
Good morning everyone!

I'm on leave today yeah! Can't wait for weekend to come lor.....

I'm going out later. If you do post the update on trial of BJG, i will only get to read tonite. Btw, rem to book on a weekend, either sat afternoon or sunday afternoon as I'm working alternate sat. Maybe sunday will be better for me. Paiseh...

vivi and rests,
Enjoy your gathering on sunday. Sorry I can't join you. cheers.

Thank you for the link
I am very tempted to buy all the maths sets from Tensai shop :p Do you have any idea whether the random dots are the same as GD maths, apart from the size of the cards? My hubby wanna get the Language Genius. Do you think that's good?

I have memory training book, speed reading training, photographic memory training books by Shichida. The rabbit story is in all the books... I havent reached the rabbit story stage though. I got these books for myself... lol... I wanna read faster cos got so many books to read. Then my memory really deteriorated after giving birth till quite jialat...

language genius consist of words. How come u guys wanna buy when u already do the GD reading already ? I thought the GD cards are bigger and better ? As for maths, I thought its the same as GD kind? in fact I thought GD ones are better. However I wonder understand if u wanna buy variety cards since it consist of objects other than red dots
... give the bb more variety when they are sick of the dots. I think my boy needs that. My girl still loves all her flashcards now.

I din buy any flashcards from them cos find a bit exp and all clipart form. What I buy from them is the IQ genius1/2/3. I wanna let my boy do those soon.

Some of the things sold in the tensai bookshop are quite expensive... they can be bought elsewhere
re: BJG trial

oki, managed to get Annie. Here's the details

Sunday 4-5pm (think this slot better)
or Friday 7-8pm

Need min 5 babies to start a trial class.
Trial for Crawler 1
$20 per trial
if 3 mummies sign up together for a package, 10% off.
if you want to join an actual class but in the end don't want to take package, $35/class

This sunday 1.30pm-2pm they are starting a new class for Crawler 1. Currently 5 babies already, any mummies want, can join them direct for the class.

1) sunflower
2) serene
3) okipoko
4) dal
5) ***

We need 1 more baby
re: keeping track of how many times cards are flashed

mummies... how do u all keep track of how many times your bb had seen a set of flashcards?

Sometimes we may flash a set of cards a few times and they dun wanna see but if we keep and re-intro few days later, they will see again... The general guideline of GD is 30 times for pic, 15 times for maths dots or words. currently I have a small slip of paper I printed to tick each time my children look at the stack of cards...

How bout u all? I wanna find out if there is more efficient method...

you are interested in BJG
its at bukit batok.

I'm also interested in the language genius - words and picture cards. I've not seen IQ genius.. will go check it out this week
oh where can we get the cards from other source?

SM dots - they have 3 types right? can we use GD maths to do their programme?

definitely can use GD cards for the 65 maths programme. I am thinking of starting the 65 days maths programme for my boy. Easier hehee
Joelle is still enjoying her 9 4-step equations daily so I will just continue for a while. I had taught them even and odd numbers sequences already... prob next step will go to arithmetic progressions etc. I myself is so poor at my maths... hope i teach the sequences correctly.

btw r u buying the littlebbluv cards?


do u do problem solving with aloysius? I never do much problem solving with my boy leh.... cos last time i do a few times and at times he got it wrong and then later he dun really like to respond during problem solving anymore so i stop it totally for fear of undermining his confidence.

I am starting problem solving with joelle.. 1-2 times only so far... At first she also just smile and keep look to the 2 cards and look at me... then i took her hands to point to one of the cards... afterwards, she will point to the cards liao. I am very hesitant on problem solving...

re: card storage

its a big headache to me... cos I got thousands of card all over the place. I hope i have time to do some spring cleaning this weekend... I wanna throw or donate most of my own IT books away to make way for the children's flashcards and reference books liao.
how long is the trial? Any BJG website that i can go see look look? Me also interested leh...very near my house oso

hahaha... Ya.. we will be living in "Land of cards" soon... Now, already living in "Land of toys". lol... I read from Shichida books on an example about a kid already saw 10,000 flashcards by one year old. I am far far far from that!

I also dun follow GD's recommendation in retiring cards and introducing new cards already. I think we should have the grasp of the concept of flashcards and know our babies better already. Can change to suit ourselves and babies
Afterall, I think these programs are mother-child bonding opportunities which are very important

without discount, I paid abt $500 last week for joelle's BJG class. abt $350 for term fee, $100 refundable deposit, $40 registration (i cant remember off hand but shd be this amt), $10 for uniform polo

i have lost track too.


thanks. Next round then.


i resend to you again then. Will let u know once i resend.

anyone bought? is nursery language in multi lingual? german, french, japanese... does anyone know?? Thanks!!
sunflower, poohy,

Wow so expensive!!! I'll see if it's worth this spending after the trial. Thks.

I'm going out now, do update me which sunday as i'm worried i may not be in town on 1st week Feb, not confirm yet.
i_panda: 448 for how many dvds? i bought the entire collection, 21 dvds. was asking bout that particular disc... language nursery...many languages!!
