(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Paula, Ms Piggy, Mtdt, Sunflower, Cutiezayn, Spicegal, Joyfulmom and lyn...
many thanks for the well-wishes

sorry no time to read all and only briefly browse thr.. sorry if i missed out anyone.

congrats to yr little Carine

my boy also like celeste... he scratched the sister twice and poked her once in the eyes...
now guiding the sister like a hawk.

think probably our no.1 is feeling insecure and they still dun know how to sayang the new siblings.

congrats on yr twins.

u guys planning anymore outings.
coming down to end of confinement. can join u guys soon.


yalo...i have to watch her closely coz celest is quite a rough ger...n hor,she likes to wake Carine up..always say 'meimei wake up' loudly...
Congrats! I feel so so happy for u! God bless
Take good care of yourself. I will pray for your a safe and smooth pregnancy for u.

Shifting soon? Some schools u targeting for P1 reg? hehe... serangoon is q central...got lots of schools ard there
hee hee that day hubby was commenting if we sd find another place for the 2 girls' P1 reg...faint...
<font face="tahoma"> Hi Angeline,
congrats! you're doing well! I guess our tods still quite young to fully understand what's going on? i believe i will have the same problems when my time comes.

Hi zzzcookiemonster,
WOW... counting down to confinement already! that's fast! Am counting down to my confinement.... *sigh*

Hi Poohy,
That's great news! You dont have to worry now. I'll be seeing my gynae this coming Thurs. Hope to hear from good news
congrats!! I missed the post that you have popped :)

outings wise
sure sure, bound to plan for something soon...just that i am recovering from a flu....got it by staying at YWCA for my church children's camp, the room was masky yet air-conditioned, so had been nursing this for 3 days.
MTDT, sorry for the delay.

08 Sep 2008 09:13 AM
To Account POSB Savings
096-09685-2 MTDT
Amount S$54.68
Transaction Reference 1876510462
spicegal - ok thanks

PP - wat was ahboy wailing abt? tat he only wan to see Thomas or dun wan thomas to go back in? :p

Zav also kept asking for Thomas only. hahahah
good morn ladies

can i check who has brought ur todd to Japan? Any itinerary and accommodation to share? thks

angeline, mspiggy
it's fun when the kids grow older.. Now whenever shannon sit or play on Mandy's stuff. Mandy will tell us 'It's mine or Me First'. And whenever i tell my hubby i m goin to put Shannon to bed. Mandy will 'cheong' to Shannon cot and say want to sleep. hahaha.... sometime really headache manz.. hehehe
<font face="tahoma"> Thomas and Friends show is great! Wes loves it! He's like Zav, kept asking for Thomas when he went backstage! hahahahaa </font>
Japan...I am planning to bring Shannon at beginning of November. But mine will be simple...just Tokyo, Disneyland and Takayama.
Same here, I have not quite planned on where to stay yet, but was told by friends that apartments at Shibuya or nearby are going at JPY10,000 per night if we stay for 7 nites or longer.
I am planning for 7 nites...u?

u goin ard tt period too... hmmmm i m looKin somewher that period too. I wan a F&amp;E one... just tokyo and disneyland . Currently, know nuts wher to stay and wat to do. am lookin ard now. want to go together??? hehehe.
Wah...so fun!
For me, I am there for biz trip from 27-31 Oct, then the family is flying over on 30 Oct-6 Nov. You leh?
Hi, anyone going to this one? Is it any good? I mean, if you hear anything about it.

how about this one? Don;t know if suitable for our tots...but am looking for shows to go with G coz she enjoyed the Rainbow Fish show last Sat. Key is must have songs in between.


This one looks good too...

This one is for Eric Carle's fans

Anyone know which other website to find info on child's play/concerts besides Sistic?

me going to the Eric Carle's hungry caterpillar. We just went to the Rainbow Fish last saturday, not bad
We were almost late too.. it was so dark but I was very impressed with the puppetry. My kids were more interested in the visual than the song I think. Towards the last part, J started to walk in the aisle... dancing
Lucky it was ending soon, I was so worried she will get into some trouble.
<font color="0000ff">toto,
Do you have any picture of how the cards are placed and organised? I'm really poor in my imagination.

Congrats! Has Carine been discharged?</font>

thanks...Carine stayed for 2 more days only..shes now at home liao..her jaundice level already dropping..
now is feeding problems...haha..shes a sleephead at breasts..kept dozing off n her suction not that strong...end up always hungry..getting tiring to keep feeding her..
<font color="0000ff">Jaundiced baby tends to sleep more. Must wake her up every hourly to feed her, else BM supply will drop. It's really very tiring for being a new mum all over again. Try to catch up some sleep, ya.</font>
Wen/poohy - nice meeting u gals at Rainbow Fish. The Show was not bad but the sound effect CMI.

Tooth Fairy - Bought tickets already.
Wizard of Oz - Not going. Recommended age is 4. so dun think wan to risk
Eric C/A-tishoo - planning now.

Me thinking of Chek Jawa next week or week after. Anyone keen? Need to get a boat to Pulau Ubin...will be fun for tots...and need to pray for good weather too!
Tokyo accommodation I am still mulling over...but defo not staying at Disneyland cos prices there start from sgd320 a nite.

My SIL is helping me to check if she can can get preferential rates cos we are immediate family...but if that's not allowed, then I will have to start looking around also....dunt really hv time to work on this yet, may think about it next week or week after. This week has lots of lecture sessions, so am preparing for these 1st.
yes one of the reasons for buying serangoon area is cos of the schs..but unforunately the one that i choose is only within 2km from good sch, not 1km.. so may not get priority to go in.. whatever will be will be lor..

chek jawa.. hmm..i m keen!! can be wkend??? perhaps sun.. perhaps the wk after maybe better for me..
Dor - go find "min shu or Ryokan" to stay... nicer mah. but not hotel.. dun hv nice buffet breakfast kind lah.

but can experience tatami etc. I always go for such stays in JP.
bbloh - eer... no photos to show now. i am not in Sing. will show you some pics when i return k?

sunflower, lyn, vivi --> you've got impt emails!

aishite, dor - wow... travelling again? how i wish i can travel.. think i am stuck for a while, other than domestic trips within the US.

angeline, how are you coping?
hope all is well and both your Cs have adjusted into the family.

still ok..celest been cranky n tempermental oso...can cries easily etc..but those 'fake' type lah...tink she adjusting to the new addition...now got CL,really cant imagine when she leaves..now i have to keep trying ways to keep celest from getting near carine coz she got cold a few days back n now she got abit of cough again...scare she bb will get sick...
Hm....Aithsoo not so suitable leh...The puppets look scary to me. I checked the website of the producer...

The Tooth Fairies
Anyone want to combine tix with me for the Family package deal? We each take two.
Time: 08 November 2008 (Sat) 11:00 AM
Family Package for 4 tickets - S$23.75 each not inclusive of booking fee.
Venue: DBS ARt Centre
See details here:
Joyfulmum - I checked out the group tat performed A-tishoo. Same group as the one tat did "ball pond bobby". Hmm.. the puppets is not those pretty ones but also not scary lah.

The hungry caterpillar is same group as the one tat did the "how much i love you" puppets show.
Sigh, my SIL enquired and looks like we can't enjoy the preferential rate she enjoyed cos it's not extended to immediate family. Have to start the search proper now :)
Good morning!

How's everyone? Looks like lots of activities going on.

Congrats to those who have delivered! Hope you're coping fine. We have so many babies in line :p

aishite &amp; Dor: Wow, going holidays in Japan? It's been ages since I last went for overseas hol. Have fun!
err....havent been following this thread.....just wondering abt the status of the bb prom tix..will u still be getting or i need to do it myself?
good morning

muffin &amp; mtdt
thks for the feedback n tips
in fact i wan to stay at those ryokan kind too if i can find.

dun envy.. u are already travelling now hor.. saw ur blog.. so nice to go sooo many places w Jake. Enjoy now till ur A &amp; M comes along.. Cute way that u named them J.A.M
cos they are always ur sweet lil's ones, rite.

i racki yest on the web. Shinjuku Prince Hotel has the best location. Is at the main subway n JR line interchange. My company always use that hotel to stay. Just tt is more like a Business hotel. But we wont be stayin in the hotel for long. I m still sourcing ard. Update me if u find anything better along the way. I m lookin at novotel grp now to see if there is any hotel suitable as I hv the advantage plus card.

hahaha.. it's the beginning wor. nowadays kids really noe how to pretend to get the maxi attention. mandy always do that. hehehe

ya...hopefully i can manage after the CL leaves...tts y i v peifu lyn...twins somemore..dbl the workload....now everyday when celest comes home from cc,i will try to spend time with her,read storybook, play toys etc..till when she naps then i free...really cant imagine if if i go for #3,got 1 4yrs &amp; 1 2yrs at home...can go crazy man...
dor, ke ke.. JAM... v sweet hor?

haiz... i am hooked on ebay now, having just got off amazon... over 2 days, bought 360 books for J.. on top of what i got for him prior to my arrival here. think i am on my way to my home library... now there are more reasons to buy more books, with 3 kids... economies of scale... ke ke...

angeline, take care and rest well k? all will work out well for you... you are also one super mom!

No chance to congrats you on your new bundle of joy. Congrats! Bump into your boy and your gal in the lift 2-3 wks ago and got to know you have popped. They were with your mum and maid then. Last sun, met yr boy downstairs also, and when yr relatives wants to bring him to their car, he seems wanted to get up ours...
toto - JAM! so cute... so wat is A and M? :p

360 books???!?!?!?! wow....
I also hook onto Amazon... just order 2nd round of books. U shd get more since u can save on shipping
enjoy ur time w Celeste n rest well when ur CL is here. frankly speakin, after my CL is gone.. i struggled. is not easy to take care of 2 at the same time as well as with all the hsework. Currently C is at CC, so it will be more manageable but still hv to depends on Carine's wakin n feedin pattern. Cos durin my last 2 mths of ML leave, when Shannon is asleep, i need to do all the hsework n washing. by the time i wan to rest, she woke up... arrgghh... hahaaha.
Are u intendin to get a maid? some help is good.. if not will be veri tiring.
dor - tat time the ryokan i stayed in is at shinjuku area. Alot are at Ueno area... check the JNTO site... shd hv some info.

360 books in 2 days? Wow..you are amazing scary shopper, i think your hb might regret asking you over to US, with the lure of online shopping...haha...
