(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Why sshhhh here n sshhhh there...... BTW my LUK coming soon... I die die also find a way to get frm the states! hahaha.... Huge shiooing charges but after calculation.. still cheaper than United Square!


Food catering - my vote is Neo Garden
Goodybags Idea - can buy from OTC trading spree in overseas thread if your fren has ample time to wait
Date: 1 Sep 08, Mon
Venue: Fidgets, Turf City http://www.fidgets.com.sg/
Time: 11.15am

1. Paula + K
2. Aishite + S
3. Cutie + Z&Z
4. Dal + J
5. Lyn + ABC + maid (TBC)
6. Wen + G (confirm later? Think I have something in the pm....but can't recall now...poor memory)
7. rodeo + ER (TBC)

Not joining for gym but for makan and nuah thereafter:

1. Celeste + C (TBC)

Pardon my ignorance, but what's the nearest MRT to Fidgets? Also, how much is the entrance fee? Don't see it listed on their website.
my cards are pristine... but that shows how little I've touched them. Too worried about how the kids will mess up, then I must sort again. Yeah I think I really shld put them in booklets, then will use more often. They're gd for phonics for my ahgirl too.

wow, that's like 60 ziplock bags? Currently mine all properly sorted in a Muji drawer (sized exactly), with post-it tags to label each segment... not ideal.

I think I shld get down to photocopying.......... then bind into booklets. YIKES.

fidgets at turf city...dun tink got any mrt there..not sure if their shuttle bus runs on monday though..u have to chk..the admission fee is $15 unlimited play for our tots..above 2yrs ols..less than 2 is $8...mus remember to bring socks for kids as well as the adults for all who want to enter...
PP - my SRM are kept in A5 clear folders, then binded as a booklet. i use different colored binders to code the books accordingly. i kept them all in 2 ikea plastic boxes, and printed the titles and CD track and no. so i can refer to them when i use them. btw - i have stopped using these since J started PG. cant find the time to do this with him, but will start again when J's new siblings arrive.
cutie & angeline: Thanks for the info. Err, so what's the nearest mrt to change bus to get there? It seems a looong way from Tampines for me...hahaha....

PP: I keep all those cards into a togoyo box. Should be similar to how u keep them. Toto: Your way of converting them to booklets is good! So far, i only tried using A4 size clear folders, that's y it's quite disastrous....hehe...I should try your method :p
Ahboy drools alot so I really need the clear plastic folders. That time when I bought my cards I chose UNlaminated cos Ahgirl wasn't drool-y.
U mean each of the cards in plastic folder and each story bounded in colour-coded spine? Or?
I find it quite troublesome to refer to my printed tracklist, I think I'd write on each booklet, easier?

Will cost quite abit binding and all? I tried photocopying today (bought new printer at Comex, yipppee... any excuse to use, haha). Too expensive after estimating cartridge costs!!! Dunno whether I shld just bind the cards... strangely, cannot bear to "damage" them.

Twins...cos u use siblings?
Wow, if that's the case, lagi solid....at 1st thot it was one due in Jan 09 (and even if it were one, it's still v v good news oledi :))
How, what's the arrangement gonna be like in Jan, you having helper by then or relatives flying over to help?

I read my earlier post and I meant to say thank you for the other thing that you did for us...but it sounded like I was directing my questions you hor...:p

Yeap, all in ziplock bags but not Ziplock brand (ex!). I got size 10" x 7" bags from SKP. Keep flash cards in them too. Just much easier to retrieve (from Toyogo drawers) and also provide some protection. I put the "book" in A5 size clear folder if I want G to "read". Can get from Popular. They had it in portrait or landscape but more difficult to find landscape format. For tracks nos - I Rip them on Window Media player and rename the tracks so that it is easier to identify.

Keep each story in a clear folder? Very ex leh!! but super nice and organised.
yes I saw the A5 clear folders and thought it was too ex to put everything in them. Great idea to put in particular stories only when u want it!
**Bring socks !!**
Date: 1 Sep 08, Mon
Venue: Fidgets, Turf City http://www.fidgets.com.sg/
Time: 11.15am

1. Paula + K
2. Aishite + S
3. Cutie + Z&Z
4. Dal + J
5. Lyn + ABC + maid (TBC)
6. Wen + G (confirm later? Think I have something in the pm....but can't recall now...poor memory)
7. rodeo + ER (TBC)

Not joining for gym but for makan and nuah thereafter:

1. Celeste + C (TBC)
Congrats Angeline!

I put all my materials in ziplock bags. If i want it then i will take it out n put it aside. its a great idea to slot the cards into A5 booklets if want to use it. Usually will either point at e words or flashing.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="aa00aa">Angeline,
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!!!!! </font>
Wah.. Here very quiet today... Teachers Day.. All on Holidays ar..

Peng... Why u wanna KKH? Mt Alvernia can or not?
Cannot leh.. if KK, then i got discount.. other hospitals, i can't have.. sob sob..

MDTD, got any lobang of good PD in KKH??? Need to bring kids for jab..

yeah today super quiet..
hello mummies, just came back from myrtle beach over the long weekend. v beautiful place...

PP - i placed 2 cards in one A5 plastic paper - you can buy 20 plastic folders for $2.00 at Big Book Shop, then you bound them, as the plastic folders have holes, so you use a plastic binder, insert into the holes, then fold up to bind. Hope i am able to explain this properly.
the plastic folders are like those used in SM, only they are A5, not A4, and on the side of the front title card, i will write the title and disc on the right bottom hand.

Angeline - congrats! do share with us ur baby's pic.

Re siblings, oh yes, good news to announce, J will have a B/G pair of siblings in Dec!

congrats ... twins!!! take good care of urself too. so will u be delivering ur babies here or USA? We have quite a number of twin mummies. who will be the next mummy? hehehehe

how are u doing? u'll be the nxt one to give birth...
hello mummies, thanks for your well wishes. ke ke... will be returning to Sing mid Oct, deliver, then back to US by Feb nx yr.

oki - no la... not JKL.. ha ha...

mspiggy, how are you? have your bleeding stopped? i had low placenta at wk 12, it was covering my cervix, at wk 20, placenta moved up, lower twin head down.
Congrats!!! That's very good news! So are you alone in US taking care of J now? Anyone to help you out? Must take good care of yourself.

Congrats and rest well. lately weather quite cooling, nice to do confinement.

Congrats to all the mummies who's gg to give birth soon, mspiggy, poohy, etc. You have one more month maternity leave to bond with yr baby

CONGRATS... Alots of Twins in this Thread!!.. kissbb.. then Lyn .. then now toto... who else ar...

Angeline will be discharged only tomorrow.. cos she emergency C-sect on sunday... after 12hrs of pain i think..... let her tell you all more when she back..

Wow congrats to your twins.
Happy for you. 1 of my frens just delivered to her son in usa n got the green card, think will hold until 21 yrs old. However now they are back to sg.
congrats manz...i tot it was only G when you mentioned at week 14, dun tell me B was hidding and suddenly appear!? haha...
<font face="tahoma"> Dor,
yeah... next is me! i've called auntie to inform her i might deliver earlier.

glad your placenta has moved up! bleeding stopped but i still have to be careful coz there's a portion of the placenta didnt move up. still covering my cervix.... so i might be able to deliver naturally.
wow... congrats toto.
B/G twins not easy to concieve one.

jun thread really alot of twins huh?
Kissbb - B/B
Lyn - G/G
Toto - B/G

want to ask these 3 mummies, family tree hv twins record? like so easy to get twins. hahha
Hello ladies...
Lately quite busy. Think falling sick. Last nite had very bad headache and nausea feeling... not enough rest... Today, engorged!

Congratulations! Very happy for you
I also wish to have B/G twins...


Can meet you and pass you cash?

Come to think of family tree history of twins. I can think of my dad's brother has twin. Nowadays very easy to get twins cos most people hormones haywire, one time ovulate 2 eggs instead of 1 egg. You trying twins? hee...

Ok moo moo time... :p
twins - sounds fun but i think also alot of headache. hahahaha :p think no thanks... 1 at a time better hahahah :p

Lyn - can.. anyway u r in town most days right? :p

I will be busy sorting out the tickets tonite... tink big headache! :p

mspiggy, pray your placenta will continue to move up. jia you...

ivy, ke ke... din really want to inform everyone untill the gender is confirmed ma... also, early stages of twin preg, gyanes always say not stable... 2nd twin might disappear... btw - my family has no twins history.
