(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

peng, thanks for the birthday wishes.. ke ke...

oki, angeline, zzzcookiemonster - invited you to view my blog.

re japan - wow ladies.. how nice... i would love to visit japan one day. never been to japan, only stopped over on my way here (and back) at narita. hmm... should have arranged for stay over...

angeline - my hb will be here for at least 2 yrs. next yr, we are moving to missouri for one month, then idaho for 1 year.

kissbb - time flies, happy one month to baby C! lovely pictures... are you holding a one month celebration for her?

serene, wow... melbourne, lovely! i have a conference in melbourne early Dec, but too bad i will not be able to attend....

When do you plan to go Japan? Actually I almost wanted to go Japan again but this time bringing Brayden. However I hesitated, think X'mas time will be too cold for him! I plan to bring him next year end....by then he will be 31/2 yrs old. Thinking to bring him to Thomasland.
Huh? Washington Shinjuku got murder? This is 1 of the popular hotels that singapore agencies are selling esp for F&E package. I guess the location is not bad.

Your blog sounds so interesting and popular! Can invite me also? My email is [email protected]. Moreover I've not seen Jake for a long time....since JG class ends in early Feb??? Well, early Dec is too close to your labour, definitely you have to give Melb a slip....
Toto, can you invite me to your blog too? [email protected] TIA!!

MTDT, thanks for helping us to buy the scholastic books, simply loved them! Dun forget me if you have other lobangs.

Cutiezayn, your tickets are with me already.

Angeline & Kissbb, thanks for sharing the photos of your little princess. They are soooooo adorable. Reminds me of Jerica's baby time...

Kissbb, nice shots by Benjamin. Is it expensive?

Dor and Aishite, I have always wanted to go Japan, but no chance to do so...enjoy your trip!

Serene, ja you! ja you! Hope to hear good news soon.
Hi all....

Am Back after missing for a while... So Sianz / Stressed / Fedup / sick of work!!.. worked like a cow for these few weeks... more to come next few weeks... arghhhhh.......

MTDT Lobang Queen..
the bb prom tics u keep for me first hor... keep till hot hot then i will take from u soon.. or when will u be in balestier huh?

Another thing to ask you.. any suggestion for a good humidifier... Ours failed us.. and everyone seems not well including Chelsia... think too dry with aircon running..
spicegal - hope J likes the books too.

celeste - ya lah.. keep for u. Balestier - there every sat.

Humidifier - huh.. dunno leh. i dun use :p

Popular - huh... i also dunno leh. hahaha all seems the same to me. bras Basha bah... big big. :p
<font color="ff0000">HUMIDIFIER</font>

Anyone got any recommendations of which Humidifier is good? I wanna invest on a good n long lasting one...
MTDT, ya she likes them, she was so excited when i showed her the penguin book.

Celeste, besides popular, bras basah also got bookshop selling children's books.

Serene, thanks. I am 16 weeks already, due next Feb. You are right, I am hoping for a boy this time round so that I can close shop liao... Jerica keep telling me she wants didi, no meimei..haha

Thanks... on the info abt Bras Basah...

I tried placing a cup of water in the room... But not as good as the humidifier effect... hehehe
Jerica so smart, knows to tell you her preference.
I ask Brayden about having a baby, he says NO! When ask him if he wants a didi or meimei, he says meimei...i'm not sure if he means it or not or just by general, he prefers girl as a playmate.

do you need a humidifier? cos it's more meant for dry country, singapore so humit, i think no need unless you in aircon whole day and skin super dry? i think we need a good air cleaner more...The Sharp Ion Plasmacuster should be good. My boss trust only Sharp and got 3 sets, 2 for his hse and 1 for office. It cleans the bad smell, dirt etc in the air....

i m usin novita brand for humidifier. ther r 2 range. think mine is the cheaper version cos is a gift. so far so good.

ur tokoyo inn is in shinjuku? this one?

when u wan to go?? durin ur 4 mth ML, izzit.. hehehe.

u intend to go next yr end using ur 4mth ML leave har...hahaha... since u are tryin no 2 now.
hope u get ur wish.
my mandy also tell me didi didi when i ask whether she wants mei mei or didi when i hv shannon lei.. hahaha.
Thanks Dor / Serene...

i need humidifier for nite with aircon leh... With aircon On frm 8pm till 8am or even 9am depends on what time chelsia wake up..

Dor think my current one is Novita too... we bought it less than a year and non.. GONE liao.. haha... and i dun know got warranty or not cos i misplc the receipts n wrrty card..

I think the OSIM one not bad... maybe i will give that a try...
<font face="tahoma"> Dor / Aishite,
so smart...hubby asking if i can leave the baby and wes behing and go with him to japan before i start work.

i told him NOPE! hahahahahaa

after you gals are back, please pass me your initinery. will love to plan a trip with the kids. </font>
Serene, Jerica used to tell me 'didi and meimei' when i initially asked her, but recently, she only tell me 'didi, no meimei'...haha...my girl is very chor lor, likes to play with boys...

Oh oh...haha...hope our wish can come true...
Novita.... got warranty or not?

Mine no smoke come out at all now... hahaha...

So do u think can repair? dun know will cost me how much manz..

BTW sent where to repair?
Let me have the dates of Disney again? I badly need a breather and have been having sleepless nights lately. My dear hubby asked me last night if we want to fly in for Tokyo Disney to relax. I am not sure. My October schedule haywire and HKG trip dates changed and changed and changed.

Leave me a message on MSN … has been off my laptop these days because of meetings and meetings and my entire team has to relocate to our new office next week! Puff puff! I will probably be on leave the week after next. Would you be still in-town? Need to pass you your books and CDs…

Count me in on Hungry Caterpillar! Can help me to procure tickets?

i plug is loose... the whole thing wont work right? Mine got sound.. but jus no smoke coming out..

thanks for the comment of Baby Cheryl

Dor &amp; aishite,
me planning to go Tokyo next May... Do share with me yr itinerary and hotel reseach.. hee

yap, having the 1st mth celebration this sat at my place...
wow, u bought so so many books!! Jake must be very happy!!

Angeline &amp; Spicegal,
yap, benjamin is great!! I took the bb 1st mth package that cost $200... He will come down to my house and take the photos.. All images will be returned and also included a 4R coffee table and 8R collage.

the weather now very nice for doing confinement..not as hot as our #1 june's!! i didnt really sweat alot..


now i headache with celest liao..eversince came back from in law house during my hospi stay, she's somewhat 'changed'??? very bad tempered.keep hitting people..when i 'punish' her,she will say, I DUN WANT U...I DUN WANT MUMMY..got fake cries easily...alot man...a few people already remark to me that shes somewhat changed?? including my mum whos helping me to look after her now..but her behaviour abit better when the grannies are not around...now,she will go bug the CL when i punish her...

And Celest sick now..making her crankiness worse..headache man..GP said she got asthma? wants to start her on lung tonic for 6 mths..can hear her 'panting' n breathing hard...

be patient with celest. Maybe becos there is a new addition in the family, she is also trying to get used to it. When J was borned, I also had fair bit of problems with S. He also made remarks like he want ah ma, dun want mummy etc. End up I spent a lot of time with him and he began to become much closer with me. Try to be patient... I am expecting changes in the 2 older siblings' behaviour when no.3 comes also...

I know it can be quite sad to hear those type of remark from our kids. Last week, we refused to buy a toy S wanted at the dept store... and we whisked him home since he was throwing tantrum... he ended up throwing tantrum throughout the journey home and started saying I dun want mummy anymore.... so sad, I cried. I guess he prob say it in a fit of anger and tantrum.... maybe my hormone that makes me feel emotional at that moment...
<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies,
I'm so happy! Back from my checkup... my placenta is up and baby's head is down! No need for C sect!!!!! Hurray!!!!

Baby is doing very well, she's 3.3kg now (just into 36wk).

EDD shd be ard 38 wk as Wes also ard that time and he's also a big baby, the trend might be the same.</font>

ya..something like wat u said..hope she will get back to her normal self soon...n her 'hitting people' episode will stop oso..cant imagine if if i got #3..got to take care of 2 tots man..must salute u..


tts v good....now waiting game for u liao...hehe..rest well ok...
hello mommies...

Am here for a breather... kekeke... but no time to catch up all the posts...

Gotta give more love to celeste. In the beginning, I also felt unwanted by A. I also gotta ask his permission to be able to feed BnC. Sometimes can get very tiring. Tiredness can lead to bad temper
So do rest well whenever you can. I have days when I just lock myself in the room to sleep while I leave all 3 to my maid. No choice... I have to gain back my sanity

Just give her more time and attention, she will be a good gal again

Wow! Fantastic! Do continue the good job
Your little baby is so "guai", listen to you.

How are you coping with your ABC? I am panting sometimes... gotta learn from you...

Dor, Aishite,
Wah... so nice to be going to Japan. I wanna bring ABC to Japan, but havent thought of how. December gonna go Bali, but it's with all the family members. Fingers crossed...
Last weekend, trial trip to KL on the coach with BC plus maid. hahaha... Not bad... Next trip gotta try going out with ABC.

Hugs... How's Kelly?

Happy Birthday...

k gotta go and get my things done before moo-ing and sleep again... nite nite... later all...
I roughly browse through the archive.
I read the key to siblings bonding is not to be overly concern when #1 try to hug, kiss, get near the younger one. Be "overly" cautious might create rivalry in future and jealousy. He might be thinking how come everyone else can touch baby, but he cannot. How come mommy can carry and hug baby, but I cannot. Gotta guide them to be gentle. Initially will be quite rough, but after some time, it will be fine.
hi angeline and poohy
its not easy to give birth to the subsequent kids when 1st one will get jealous..
For ethan, he was too young to be jealous when i had the 2nd one. But he was scared of the 2nd one haha cos i think he thot the 2nd one is a doll, but who noes this doll does cry and poo... so when the 2nd one cries, he cries too cos he dun understand y he will cry.. haha.. so when 1 cry, i have 2 to handle..

good for u.. ur gal is guai

btw, got a happy news!ethan has started to learn to be toilet trained, though he is abit slow in this area.. He used to cry whenever i dun let him to wear diapers.. keep telling him xiu xiu to wear diapers.. But suddenly on mon he decided not to wear it and can tell us he wants to xu xu successfully at all times. Hope he can continue to do that..

Btw, check with u those with boys, do u let ur boys sit or stand in public toilet? Cos ethan has been trained to sit at potty so i don't know how he will react when i ask him to stand in public toilet??

Btw anyone knows where to get disposable toilet seat cover off the shelf? Knows that there is bulk purchase, but it usually takes some time to get it.. Thanks!
u got mail.

i know there is this Sharp Plasmacuster lastest air purifier model cum humifier. I just bot a Honeywell air purifier for the bedroom. Going to buy another one for the living room. Hvnt decide on honeywell or Sharp Plasmacuster.

oh ya recently i think Chloe caught the sickness bug from me and thus resulted in alot of phelgm tt she is hving now. Been trying western medicine but still hv alot. how? sigh

wow so many ppl on holidays, Enjoy ur trips. We will be gg on a short trip to Bintan in 2 weeks time
Hugs hugs… Think C is trying to get used to having a mei mei at home. Don’t worry too much… you must rest and confine well during this periods. Would it help if you could tell her that you will be angry with her whenever she throws tantrum? And when you are angry, you will ignore or punish her? I started verbalizing my anger to her when she was at the peak of her terrible two earlier on in the year. It works. These days, I would ask her if she wants me to be angry with her? She will says, ‘no, I dun want mummy to be angry with qiqi.’ Then I will asked her how must she behaved? She will reply, ‘Qiqi cannot cry, cannot throw tantrums, cannot be rude. Must share things, keep things and must be patient.’ Usually, I will have such session with her before I left the house and she does keeps to her promise. At times, I will just ask her what will happen if she breaks our promise. She will reply ‘qiqi stands at notti corner, mummy upset will ignore qiqi’. Think she knows the consequences and that’s why mellowed down a lot…

BTW, do call before you go down to see Dr. Lim. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (I think) will be in East Shore Hospital. Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Mt Alvernia but no more afternoon clinics liao.

Really happy news!! Happy for you! Jia you jia you!

She just recovered from stomach flu last week. Her mucus came back two days ago but noticed it is a milder version … Bringing her down for a flu jab tomorrow. Next appt is on 7 October then we will know what we have to do. Other than that, she is okay… getting very talkative now, going around discipline others, singing songs, making up own songs, forever making things and reading books and doing a lot of cleaning up the house for me!  We are still trying to solve her moses codes though. She has been ranting like 8 4 12, 4 8 16… and some weird numerical combinations lately. Hubby said she could be doing sums at times but none of us teaches her… so it is a case of whatever will be will be for her. Noticed that is very fascinated on using opposites terms lately. I.e., ‘the purple bus is small, red bus is big … or the stem is short … the branch is long’
She is starting MIM in October… very happy that this is finally going ahead for her. I have been asking her lately if she wanted to pick up piano or violin. She replied violin on most occasions… so called up this pro musique school and they have agreed to hold a trial class to assess her cos most of their children are 3 years old… so will see if it works. KM coming to an end soon…

I saw it in Kiddy Palace and Mothercare…

Happy chatting! Have to drive my bullet train now!
I think she's adjusting to new addition. My #1 cried and felt I didn't love her, when #2 came along. Just cos I was bf-ing the #2 round-the-clock, unable to bring her out, unable to spend 1:1 as much. Took alot of effort to reassure her, had to take time OFF the #2 lor. Bohbian.

Hang in there
. Now #2 idolises #1... the sibling bond is stronger than the bond to me, ah. :p
Good morning! It's Friday 8)

Spicegal &amp; Serene: We ever asked ER if he wants a baby didi/meimei and he said NO. Only in 2 months back he started saying didi, then few weeks ago, his reply became meimei. He loves babies &amp; kids though, always smile &amp; watch esp when he sees them.

Mspiggy: Great that everything's turn out fine! Can do natural birth 8) Your gal is big :p ER was <3kg when he was born.

Peng: I have not brought ER to public toilets so far. He's still on diapers when we go out. Someone previously mentioned about bringing a plastic cup out to let them use for xuxu instead of using the public toilet.

Kite: I mix chuan bei with pearl powder, the cough went of within 2 days and the phelgm went off after 1 week. Not sure if you'd like to try. The medical shop said chuan bei is for cough while pearl powder will help get rid of phelgm. I've stopped giving ER western medicine cos he's been coughing w phelgm almost throughout the year and I don't want him to take too much western medicine.
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning!

Thank you ladies, am still very excited! Hope everything will be smooth.

yes... I immediately thank my girl girl for being such a guai baby. thanks for the tips!


yes, there's warranty. for a year I think. the machine broke down before 1 year, we sent in 2x. can't recall what's the problem. the service centre in the north, can't recall exactly liao cos hb sent in mah, not me :p
