(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


I think I would shop full time online if I were in USA too.... too much things to buy and no need to worry abt international shipping hor
JAM is nice and meaningful

Angeline/ zzzcookie,

Just manage to read some of the earlier post and found that u have popped. Congrats!!

u also have 3 kids? oh... u also stay in senja?

wow..360 books? tts alot..tink really need a proper catoluging of the books like the library?hehe..but when u come back to singapore,u oso got alot of books to courier back man...hey,when ur twins out,u got any body to help u? any plans yet?


maid?dun tink so..haha..i not working lei...already told hb tt he mus help out with housework liao...prewarn him liao...oso,i will be ordering tingkat i tink for the next 2/3 mths..so tt i need not worry abt food at home...


<font color="0000ff">MTDT,
Can I get 2 tix from you if they're still available?

No problem about the pix. U can show them when you're back.</font>

Some bb pics...shes peeing like mad lei..didnt have such problem with celest..already put so much bb oil but still like tt...
MTDT - wow... Zav so fortunate, so many plays to attend. i can only watch them with J when i come back to Sing. hope J will enjoy the shows then.

angeline - i will not have a CL this time. last time, my CL complained she is too free, nothing to do, and she pai say, resigned halfway thru. now just my helper and my mum will suffice.

re peeling skin - did you check with C's PD re her peeling skin? is baby oil suitable?

re books - i will be leaving all these books here, wanna start a home library for the kids when i return to the US nx yr.
will ship some books from Sing to the US nx yr. despite the variety of books here, J still loves the classic collection like Rigby Rocket and Non fiction series.

poohy - oh yes, i am doing lots of online shopping, thanks for all the recommendations in the forum, got mudpuppy puzzles, officeworks books, scholastic books, amazon, etc.... hb complained our house looks like chinatown since we arrived.... no longer designer... ha ha...

online shopping in the US - any more recommendations? ke ke...
Toto!! U making all of us here envy with green! U r in a shopping paradise! And looking at ur blog, so many fun places to go!

Ayioh shows nia... Nevermind lah. Haha scholarstic - why dun u try and see if u can join their bookclub. Prices a lot a lot more cheaper. Learning resources-another webbie tat u can beo. Haha

So u coming back in nov? Then when going back? After confinement? Btw when's ur edd?
yeah u r so lucky.. it's nice to just do shopping.. envy.. wow.. so many books for ur bb.. lucky them..

congras to u.. ur bb is so sweet.. really sleep until very deep.. but it's good.. so that u can rest more.

u have popped?? sorry, i am abit slow.. congras congras!!!

zav is so lucky to watch so many plays.. haven't brought ethan to watch any.. haha.. suspect he will tell me i am scared cos he everything also scared. very timid

is any1 familiar with serangoon garden that area?? Is Rosyth childcare good?? Can advise?? Tks!
mtdt/peng - ke ke.. indeed shopping is fun here...but need to watch what i buy... else end up with lots of stuff to ship home.

mtdt - edd in Dec, will be back mid oct, then return to US in mid Feb, if all goes well, that is, if my helper gets her visa.
Your baby is chubby and adorable! Peeling? is it only for beginning? Is better to check with PD.

Dec babies nice! Am sure you are very excited and looking fw to seeing them...

Looks like we have to jia you hor?
<font color="0000ff">MTDT,
I'll ask my friends about the PLAY TIME tix but you reserve 2 tix for me first, ya. TIA!

Can you share your blog addy with me? It seems interesting and is sure to inspire me lots.</font>
oki, ke ke.. not sleeping yet. due to 12 hrs' time diff, sometimes my meetings can be at 1am, 3am.. etc. stayed up so i can skype some of my colleagues.

serene, oki - jia you! cant wait to see my bbs... wonder if the boy will look like J, and who will the gal look like? hmmm....

bbloh, ke ke.. nothing much in my blog la... you can PM me and i will send you an invite, as my blog is private.
I think skin peeling is norm leh cos Chloe also has skin peeling when she is few days old

Wow the more u should rest leh, still need to work at such late hour due to time different. Oh btw, I think my invitation to your blog has been expired do add me again at [email protected].

Hahah yeh need to jia you but abit lou you leh... Well getting very excited on your twins leh, sometime it really cant stop wondering who the bbs will look like hor ;p

so u be coming back here to do confinement n then go back again? how long ur hubby station there? but this time round twins lei..whos doing the cooking for u? btw,can add me to your blog?
[email protected]
the peeling skin i oso not sure.PD say apply lots of bb oil only..but afew days liao still like tt...tink will switch moisturiser...to try

u very fast can see your twins liao..so excited..hehe..very fast hor..now going mid sept..


u r wrong man...shes very naughty n at a few days old wants to be carried already.yesterday been feeding her hourly coz she demands it but as soon as she sucks for a few mins she will doze off again..when put her down to bed,she will wake up again..so tiring man to feed her this way..


yalor..i oso see the resemblence for the sleeping picture...
congratulation!! Everything seems to restart again hor... taking care of a bb...

Engaged Benjamin from Foto-u to take Cheryl's photo at my house:

woh.. such nice pictures and so pretty. how many mths is she in the pics? if got time, i will update shannon pic here.. hehehe.

peelin is normal. i didnt apply anything at all. Shannon, at birth, peels alot and she had 'menses'too. Mandy doesnt hv all these at all.

serene &amp; oki
jia you!!! Hope to hear good news frm both of u soon

U shifted to serangoon area ah? Must be aiming for that famous top sch rite? hee my mum is staying in serangoon and i hv a list of childcare/playgroups. u want? i can email you.
u staying near serangoon north?

wow so many books! must hv alot of storage to keep all the books. hee Ur blog sounds interesting. Can share ur blog w me? thanks.

cheryl so cute in the photo..make me gian abt taking the photography package...was tinking of taking it when carine was 1yr old like during celest time...haiz...our nightmare starts again...broken sleep..backahe etc..


same lor..celest oso dun have peeling skin...n the 'menses'..hers not much..just a slight tinge...just hope tt carine will be a easy bb...can forsee myself stuck at home for the next 2/3 mths..
Sorry to disturb.
Anyone uses Bliss confinement agency before? Any feedback? Appreciate with sharing ur experience with me. Pls PM me. Thanks!
Serene, Tinklebell, Peng, Asihite,
thanks for the well wishes.
Ms piggy... heee... me finally out of confinement and have first taste of coke in a month!
The weather should be gettig cooler, so u will have a better confinement.

Tinklebell, i am staying in Senja, u too?
Me 2 kids. Remember u have 3.

Serene, u 'jia you' make baby. ;)
Think u saw my maid and mum brought the children downstairs so the gal an do sun bathing. she has slight jaundice and stayed one extra day in hospital.
My boy even attempt to go yr car?? faintz!!
last week some relatives came over, so he wanted to follow them go gai gai.... and went with them for a spin. but to think he even want to go gai gai with u is too much....

my girl also have this skin peeling problem when she was borned. PD advise to leave it alone, no need to put anything and bath her with just water. Don't need any shower cream or gel etc.
After a while the skin peeling will stop.

can pls add me into yr blog pls. my email [email protected] thanks in advance.
kissbb - C is only 1mth old? aiyoh... i tot she looks like 4-5mths old baby liao. hehe

toto - oh u still working huh? gd tat ur company allow u to work from usa leh

bbloh - ok ok reserved 2tickets for u.
would be grateful if u could share the list with me? my email is [email protected]
actually not exactly cos of schools. i actually wanted central area, then later know that there r some good sch nearby, so it's additional bonus.
But unfortunately all the good schs r within 2km, not 1km. So most likely may not be able to get it..See how it goes..
The new place will be at serangoon garden area, not too sure whether it's near to Sgn north.. But it's near the sports complex..

Ivy and Amy
Happy Birthday gals

wow so nice the photos.. really love it.. Foto u service is good right? though the last time mine is taken by david..
Your gal is so adorable. Hope i can have a gal too next time.

Oic, so that time i saw them, they are bringing yr gal for sunbathing huh? i hope she's ok now. i recall my boy's jandice quite bad too during the first 1-2 wks. he went for blood test twice! So u r enjoying your maternity leave now...is it 3 or 4mths for you?

I will jia you after my australia trip this dec...
If got preggy b4 the trip then won't be able to enjoy leh. do share baby shannon pics when u hv got time.

I'm excited to see your twins too.
<font face="tahoma"> Angeline and Kissbb,
your girls are sooooooo adorable!!!! thanks for sharing the pics!

hope the weather will remain cooling... when i think of my coming confinement, i very "sianz" already. hehee </font>

oohh.. comin 1 mth only. hehehe.. she looks big wor :p

hope carine is a easy baby too. Shannon slept thru the nite after my CL is gone, only need to wake up for one feed abt 5-6am and will continue to sleep. My CL said she knows who to bully. hahaha. But her temper is one kind.. worse than Mandy's. And can really scream veri veri LOUD. Ohhh no...

Melbourne. Crossing my fingers hoping not so hot! No choice, my hub says year end is better, not so busy and we also want to get away and celebrate x'mas in overseas this year. Also my bro is there, will stay at his place.
Some Tokyo stuff to share with you, all from frens who have been there:


1. At Ueno, and probably the cheapest after sourcing so many sites, JPY9,500 per nite (expect tiny room though)

2. My fren stayed here twice, near Disney. There's a 24 hr minimart. They have free shuttles to Disneyland &amp; Sea. Also, there is an airport limo that you can catch to get to the airport straight to the hotel. Abt 400m walk away is a huge Babies R Us megastore, a hypermart, an electronics hypermart &amp; a med sized shopping mall! Lots of nice, little restaurants in the adjacent residential blocks.

Other useful Japan sites:
1. http://www.japan-guide.com/
2. http://www.japanican.com/index.aspx
ashite - if u r staying in a normal hotel... then i suggest those biz hotels in shinjuku better. more centralise and nite activities there. Ueno - nothing one. :p

And all Tokyo hotels room are SMALL! hahahah :p
But all other hotels are pricey. Also, this is not first trip to Tokyo, so main aim is to maintain low cost...cos we are just there for Disney, Takayama and eat eat eat....plus there are beautiful parks at Ueno, so decide to go for this option lor.
Agreed with MT leh, Ueno nothing much except the Park which only have many visitors during Sakura period. Other than in the park is a uni and one temple and a small Hard Rock Cafe at the station.

But if stay ard Disney area then it will be quite far from the city...
yoo aishite

i hv searched quite a few yesterday. if i use my free stays under accorhotel grp, the oni choice i hv is at Mitsui Garden Hotel @ Ginza. The airport limo also drop right at the door step of the hotel.
like wat mtdt say, shinjuku is a better location to stay. If stay in shinjuku, i will chose hotels tt the airport limo will stop right at the hotel cos i dun wan to haul all the luggages + stroller. hehehe. By the way, do not stay in Washington Hotel in shinjuku cos ther is a murder case recently...
but i m tryin to loOk for apt style, oni a few like somerset azauba but i reckon they are expensive.

Do you know wher is the baby hyperstore call akachan honpo?
No clue where this akachan honpo is...though I have heard quite a bit. U bringing both Mandy n Shannon?

Murder case...yicks....the hotel where I stayed during my Aug trip, there was a fatal stabbing just right outside it also, plus my hotel has fire, plus i experienced earthquake tremor whilst running a class there....:) talk about eventful man

Now I am praying my ticket redemption for shannon comes thru...my tic is ok, my hubby's miles redemption also ok...hers wait-list on both legs. Apparently Oct is quite popular for Tokyo hols cos of autumn..u got ur air tics oledi?

I just googled mitsui garden...it's near tsukiji!!! Yum yum...u gonna have a real sashimi time!
angeline, kissbb,

wow lovely babies photos


wow.wow.wow 360 books!!!! can't imagine.

dor, aishite,

so nice, trips to japan

is it easy to get around in japan on your own?
thinking of doing that but worry about language barrier.
I think moving around in Japan on our own should be fine. I know lots of pp who dunt speak the language, and yet np for them. Plus the signage is easy to get around. I speak lousy jap, but frankly, didnt hv to speak a single word each time i was there in Tokyo...only need to use it when I get out to more ulu places.

will not be bringin Shannon this round. Just Mandy n hubby. i hv yet to get the tics. hope they will not be gone soon. u goin by SQ?

i think is possible.. i dun like tours cos hv to wake up veri early. with a toddler ard, u hv to suit their schedule wor.
