(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

I'm in town on tues and thurs for JZ's JG class. Class resumes next week. SMS you to arrange collection and pass u the cash too, ok? :)
Lyn, do take care of yourself, try to get as much rest as possible. Ya, nowadays a lot of twins, in my Feb MTB thread, already got 4 sets of twins..

Mspiggy, so you are next to pop...so excited for you!

Yesterday reported 1 case of HFMD in Jerica's class.
really very happy for you!
Yes, B/G twins seem rarer, not to mention getting twins w/o family tree history!

Thx for the details on the binding, now I understand.
I was under John Tee when I was preg with Kell. He is good and was heading one or two departments at that time when I had his service. But not sure if he is still around. He did a very risky intervention to prevent me from having a c-section. He is good.

Congrats congrats!

Wah, there will be many 2009 babies here … any babies will be born in the same month?

Cel, Nao, Dal,
We have to jia you jia you!!! Keke... Actually, I am hoping the next one to be born in a cooler month like Oct,Nov,Dec... but cannot planned until like this hor.

so nice to have the B/G combination... and J can have a younger sis and younger bro all at the same time... so blessed


what risky intervention did John Tee do for you? I am feeling worried now cos dunno whether my boy is turning down yet. Thinking of asking my gynae to help me turn him :p but i know its risky and not all gynae will do that.
<font face="tahoma"> poohy,
i think it's still early for you to ask gynae to turn the bb. my gynae will usually do it ard 36 week only. </font>

u mean its usual practise for gynae to do that ah? How do they do it?

I had delivered at 37w1d for both S &amp; J so I worried by then, dunno whether too late.
Hey ladies,

Need advise from u all.

Im going to send my helper back this month.
So should i send her via air or ferry?

Asked her to choose between flight to medan or padang . She insist to choose surabaya. Told her to choose between medan or padang only and in the end she wants to take ferry to batam.

Is this the correct procedure?
mspiggy / poohy
i think there is some risk involved in turning the baby? most gynaes wld prefer to leave the bb alone
<font face="tahoma"> Poohy,
My gynae will ask if we want to do it, think the procedure is called EVC but not sure what it stands for. But it's not 100% workable. 2 of my friends seeing the same gynae did it, but not successful. After the procedure, we gotta rest in the clinic for about 1 hour or so to monitor the baby.

Yap.. gynae will inform all the risk involved. </font>
i tot standard is to send them to Jakarta regardless where they come from?

If she wants to go Batam, its fine also cos i know Batam have domestic flights that are cheaper, did she ask you to give her some money as compensation cos she take ferry rather than plane? As long as you see her pass the immigration, up the boat( abit hard on this part though) then your responsiblity is resolved.
No Thanks for twins... dont think i can handle...

You go JIA YOU yourself... Not prepared for #2 yet... but if sway sway come...I will keep it..and hope its a gal again! HB will kill me if he sees this... But we not planning for one yet... haha..

i have no idea.

She has yet to mention to me on the compensation. I will ask her tonite.

Alternative is to send her back to the agent and the agent will take care of her. But my colleague told me that they will send her back via ferry even though i had paid 200 to them.
What I did to mine was send her back to Jakarta (and her friend drove 3 hours from Surabaya to pick up her and send her home).

Is she coming back to your place? If so, then you may need to get a "chop" on the passport for her return trip.

Twins....I wish my first was twins, then can close shop oledi. My family tree has many many twins...and everytime I went to c my gynae during the 1st pregnancy, I told him his equipment is "goyak" cos he didn't manage to locate the 2nd one...he said I "siao"
hello mummies, thanks for your well wishes.

poohy, have you checked on the risks involved with turning your bb? maybe it's still early that's why bb has yet to turn? will keep u in prayers. by the way, what's bb's name?
so exciting...

vv, i sent my helper back for a holiday, and i bought her ticket all the way to her home town, via Manila. think it all depends, if ur helper is no good, and u wont require her service anymore, no need to give her a choice, but make sure she can reach home, else i dun think she has the $$ to buy additional flights/ship to go home. if it's batam, just get her a ferry ticket, and some cash to take taxi/bus to go home lor...

Am discharged today.Thanks for all the well wishes! Toto! Congrats to u also.very nice combination..
take care ok..

Am abit sad that i ended up emergency c-sect in the end &amp; after 12hrs of labour even..haiz..in fact i got the contractions on friday nite but decided to go in sat nite/sun morning 3am+ only as couldnt stand the pain.as the pain not only in front but i got vv bad back pain each time the contraction comes.Was 3cm dilated when they check me, i was still scared that flase alarm n that need to go back home..wait so 'malu' as we asked my inlaw to come over to jaga celest. My dilation went very slowly..imagine at 9am only 4cm,11am 5cm, 1pm+ no progress n then gynae say to put medicine to fasten the dilation &amp; increase the contraction as i didnt have very regular contractions there. After medicince, 3pm+ gynae check n say only 6/7cm dilation &amp; that each time the contraction comes, the bb heartbeat will drop &amp; get distress.he say something seems to prevent the bb head from going down. he advises c-section then as he scared labour too long liao n that my previous c-sect wound couldnt take it. My heart fell when i heard that.that goes my chance liao.so upset then.

During the stitching up,i ask him wats the reason in my drousy state, he say its the head position.like the bb face is not facing down n abit slanted? haiz..oso not sure wat happen...

Anyway,little Carine is not discharged today as her jaundice is quite high. even higher then celest last time...things doesnt seem to go smooth oso as i couldnt get the renovated room &amp; got the old 1 instead...then hor,today when i was waiting to discharge,got a call from the stupid CC to ask me to bring my gal back as she got 'spots all over the face' &amp; shes having running nose..i ask the principal spots? she said yes n say y i let her go to school n that she is being seperated from the class. n say y the teacher this morning allow her to go in even...wa lao,guess wat!!..made me worried for nothing..her spots only = 1 on the right side face &amp; 2 on the left side face &amp; its only insect bite!!! when i see her face i already koe its insect bites liao,how cum they couldnt see? coz these few days my gal was staying over at my inlaw house n their mattress v old liao.everytime tell them to change mattress they say they every 2weeks got wash the covers...vomit man..everytime she stay over,90% will get bites 1 n then will blame us or say its already there or say their house v clean...faint man! then i call the stupid principal n ask her where got spots all over the face? only 3 lei n 1 is the day before already have liao...then insist me to get a letter from doc tt say its not HFMD n fit to go back to school.waste $60 just to get 1 letter..so angry...

haiz..tink i got lumps/engorgement inside my breast now..feels soft yet lumpy n hard...try pumping out but to no avail..n this time round the milk come in slower than last time..worried that i dun have milk for #2...dun koe how...if still cant clear,tink will go n get the lactation nurse to help me liao 2morow..carine was hungry n my milkflow so slow n like so little..ended up got to top up with FM at hospi liao..

arrghh...sorry har..got alot to let off...must be post natal blues...hormone change..
You jia you jia you ok? I'll decide after you get preggie. :)

Yeah, me too, wishing for twins the 1st time round so can close factory after that, but no such luck. Hb's younger bro got twin gals. How nice. :)

Dun let the unhappy stuff and fei4 ren2 principal ruin your mood. Get plenty of rest and must stay happy and healthy.
Hi mummies,

Log time didn't log in! Hope everyone is well.
So nice to hear so many good news.

Congrats to your new bundle of joy! Take care.

Congrats! Not easy to have twins, not to mention B/G twins. Take care, not easy to carry a twins.

Wow.. congras! Happy for u.. it's really so nice to have B/G twins.. wow

Don't worry so much, ok?? Just rest more..

it'll soon be your turn.. jiayou ok? dun be stressed

So many mommies giving birth this yr, wow.. envy envy cos u gals can enjoy 4-mth maternity leave
Hi peng,

I was looking for you!

I read somewhere in other thread that you're looking for kindergarten/playgroup for your no1? Have you found 1 cos I think you're only one staying near me...I'm sourcing too.
Paula, Aishite, Dal &amp; Celeste, jia you! jia you! Hope to hear good news soon..

Angeline, dun be too upset, at least you did try to have a natural birth, no regrets yah? Try not to get too stressed up over milk flow, keep a positive mind. Really brainless of the principal to 'fan' you over such a trival matter, not worth getting angry with such people. You take care and stay cheerful! Jiayou!!
Yes I was.. I have actually put in Talentplus that offers 2hr program... so far, it has been quite good.. the teachers there r really very caring.. no regrets..

but will have to start sourcing for a childcare in serangoon as i will be moving there next yr.. any1 knows any good childcare there? Is rosyth childcare good?

Btw, is st gabriel pri a good sch?? Heard got alot of ah bengs there n in sec sch.. so dun noe whether shd plan for that sch..

I heard other mummies giving good comments of Talentplus and there's one near our place but not sure which blk no? Is it 2 hrs daily? how much you pay?

Hmm, how come move so far away? u selling yr hse in Bt Panjang huh?
ya, better see lactation nurse fast. Most of the time, engorgement problems if solved early, will not b a big problem.

ur gynae still al lim? whatever it is, be glad that both of u r well now...that's most impt, yeah? take care!
yes, the one that i go is sejar.. hmm.. i can't rem the block, it's near the community centre/ RC.. i heard it's a better branch.. yes, it's 2hrs mon-fri, teaching in english only.. the sch fee is really very cheap, $145 per mth.. but the teacher there is very caring.. like her alot..

haha.. yes want to move to more central plc

Ethan with Talentplus too, I also sent C to Talentplus near MIL's place. I think diff centre charge differently cos I am paying $135 per mth.
I was running a high temperature towards the tail end of the labor. My heart beat was going at 150 beats/min and Kell’s heart beats was over 100 beats too and is in distress already. By right, should be wheeled to operations room to have c-section but he gave us three minutes to get her out… so he told me ‘I have to try to get her out within the next three minutes, if not, she will be in danger.’ … Think pushing to ops room and preparing for emergency operations will take longer than three minutes? I also dunno lah… very chaotic… just told him to do whatever he can. And no time to sign the approval forms too … so ended up signing all the paperwork that allowed him to progress with the necessary procedures after giving birth. So funny … and my labor was announced on their PA system too cos’ labor was coded as code blue(?) … dramatic.

Maybe you will be next lei … cos’ got family history! Jia you jia you!

Yes, I will work hard… want to give birth to #2 before I turned 30. After 30… no more babies for me!

Cannot, you have to jia you first so that we can hooked up our #2s together again! Haha…

Take care take care… have enough rest, okay? Back pain jialart… my labor pains was accompanied by back pains… like whole back aching like this. I went for physiotherapy a month ago and I told the physiotherapist about my labor pain comes in the form of back pain. I was then told that usually labor pain occurred at the parts that we are the weakest. So I reckon my back is darn lousy ar…
Dr. Lim Kwang Hsien’s supporters… he will be changing his clinics schedule end of this month… so do call and check before you go down and see him!

haha..no lei.i change to paul tseng when he doesnt he let me try for natural.he say he wun take risk in modern science...haha..


yalor..my fren was telling me how she tong..she say she got no backpain,only front part cramp..my pain trashhold quite high lah but the back pain + front really cant take it man...

what did your gynae do in that 3 min?

re: manuka honey


checked with u all... can our tod eat manuka honey? What UMF rating is suitable?

I bought some Manuka honey UMF 15+ and 25+. I hope can take the UMF 25+ after giving birth.. dunno whether suitable since I will be breastfeeding leh..
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Don't feel too sad over the c-section, most impt bb and you are safe now.
Do lots of hot massages for yr breast. What cheri say is true, I tackled my engorgement problem much earlier for my #2 compared to my #1, the moment I gave birth, start doing lots of hot massages, and engorgement cleared very fast, no problem after that.

I just bot manuka honey today too!! Bot at john little cos have 20% sale. But bot it for myself, not for the kids. The sales lady seems quite knowledgeable, she told me that normal type is good enough for regular consumption, no need to take those with higher rating unless have problems such as digestion, eczema etc. Same for kids, she says the normal type or UMF 5 or 10 is good enough, unless kid has digestive or skin problem, then give higher rating type cos better.

I read somewhere that honey sld not be given to bb below 1 yr old, so sld be safe to give S &amp; J.

If breastfeed, dunno we can take honey or not, since our bb is below 1? I'm still breastfeeding my bb too, will check with my PD if ok to take honey while breastfeeding, will let you know after I check with PD.

ya..now feel better liao.its just that it will be a regret lor..
now have to adjust to having a new addition to the family..celest oso been more cranky n naughty these few days.haiz..especially after staying over at my inlaw house while i was at hospi...terrible man..came back with lots of bad habits...etc...now have to slowly teach her...
hi angeline

glad that u are feeling better now. take ur time to adjust to the new addition and rest more now. #1 will tend to seek more attention when #2 arrives. do pay the same amt attention to celest as before. I remembered when shannon arrives, Mandy treated her like a baby doll.. hahaha..like to pinch her here and there, wantin to hug S in her rough way and tryin to be funny... so must be watchful on C too.

post ur ger photo when u free ok...

ya,i tink she got abit of insecurity now..tt day when she go hospi visit,her face loook worried when she saw the bb...etc..just hope things will settle down soon as now got 2 new additions as i got CL staying over at my house..dor,celest oso a v rough ger so needs to watch outr as well for her..

today CL jus came..need to settle her 1st..tok again..hehe
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Wow, really dramatic labour! :) And Jezoir was the opposite of Kell. They can't hear his heartbeat at one point in time and when they 'found' it, it was slow and immediately put me on oxygen mask and paged for the gynae. :)

No.2 you have to go first cuz I would like to have a girl. Haha...
hi angeline, u did well. delivered a healthy baby gal and coping with C as well. not an easy task! give urself a good pat... meanwhile, rest well k?

here, we are preparing for hurricanes hanna and ike. been stocking up food and water in case electricity and water gets cut off. if the hurricanes do not slow down, might need to evacuate. what an experience....
hi mummies

any recommendation on good air purifiers to be placed at home?

hi toto,
wow really an experience. must be feeling abit panic rite? take care...

hi angeline,
dont be upset. Shld be happy that ur baby is well and healthy. Take care ya.

hope there is no need to evacuate... take care!!


good news! My bb had turned downwards already.. hope he dun turn back. *phew no need c-section liao I think.


congrats and do take care!!
poohy, wow.. good news. God is good!
will keep u in prayers that you can attain a supernatural birth!


things more or less settled at home...had to keep a over excited celest from the baby..keep going to kiss her,blow air at her,touch her,etc...faint..morning wake up,1st thing is she go see the bb...


good good..head turn down..hope u can have a smooth delivery...
