(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


dun have meh? I was still thinking I am going to enrol J into a music appreciation class next term.... but scared I vomit blood if she dun listen to instruction.


I thought mandeville and Mac's has ... but then maybe its 2 year old. Let me check.

I brought S to seimpi for a trial a long long time ago... it din went well that time cos he was at the age where he refused to return things given to him and will cry whenever he is supposed to return the stuff.
The teacher there uses a tuning fork to ensure their voice are of the right pitch when they sing ..
ooh.. pls check on mandeville and Macs and feedback to me.
i think the last time i check it out, it states 2yrs old.

ooh.. seimpi trial - I might go next yr... dec is pack liao. hahaha :p
I paid $300 for the flight to Perth on Qantaz for Chloe. If I am not mistaken, the tax itself for adult is already $300 plus.
poohy, m bringing Ath to bb prom on fri 1030am.
She enjoyed it last yr, but my gf's kid din... and I find Irv to be more active temperament like my gf's kid, so not bringing him.
talk abt music... haiz, my gal likes me to sing and she's always been singing. Sings alot on her own while walking along too. Whereas Irv doesn't seem to enjoy me singing, every time I sing, he goes, "NO NO NO NO". I switch song... and he goes NO NO NO NO. Switch again... same thing. Til I shut up, then no more complaints from him. Hmmm. :p
<font face="tahoma"> pawprint,
Irv's sooo cute! i find that Wes likes to sing also... he can hum 1st 2 verse of twinkle twinkle little star very accurately now. and on and off he will sing "his own sing" too.

he doesnt seems to like instruments though. only bang on piano then walk away. </font>
Hi all...busy buzzing week at work for me, cos its time for year-end accruals, and all the mad rush to purchase things before its end of the year...arghhhh!!!!!!

So many posts to read.

Mich, is Bren better now? Take care.

Panda, nice holiday photos, Josh looks like he is having good fun!

Serene, beautiful Japan, very nice photography skills, make me drooling to go there!

Peng, your hubby very romantic leh...envy..

Mspiggy, I also find David very patient and has a way with toddlers.

Rodeo & Kite, sorry I was sick last Sat so did not go Bras Basah at all, will be going this week. So will get the pots for you.
jaque, i also like that shirt!! ^5!! panda, prada ah.. no wonder so nice!! where did ur relative get it? I WANT!!!

Brought Bren bac to the doc, finally decided to give him antibiotics! Bren's ok in the day BUT only like wee hrs of the morn, then his temp rises, this morn, 5am, rose to 41!! we both jumped out of bed and gave him supp. and bath him! PHEW... real tiring... super super clingy, just suck on for comfort!! my poor baby...

Mich, same taste huh ;) Go get it unfortunately its way out of my budget....

Panda : just visited your blog, you look so good.....so slim. **envy envy**
yep, panda looks good!! even bac in jul when i met her... SLIM!! *&^%slap* hehee...
some more make up in perth!! lagi attractive!

panda, ask ur relative where she buy can... love teh colors!!

will look out for u then.. I will be going with my 2 kiddos on friday for the 10:30am also. We should be sitting quite near the front. J stayed still and watch S's concert for 2.5 hours the other day, I sure hope she will be able to this time.
hi mummies,
forgot to update u all that i brought my boy for the disney mickey magic show last thur. He was so stunned when the characters first appeared.. he has his 2 fingers in his mouth.. looked so excited. haha.. after abt 15min, he started to warm up liao.. then he clapped and watched the performance without even a blink.

after the break, he started to fidget and wanted to walk.. but he was watching the performance as he stood and walked around the centre aisle.. he joined another little girl dancing and clapping.. heehee..overall he enjoyed the show!
Just called Shichida:

If Postpone:
Have to pay $80+7% GST in advance for re-join assessment

If Withdrawal:
Have to pay $100+7% GST when rejoin for assessment - new rule since last term
No need to do PEC again
Get back deposit of $300 and pay again when rejoin.

Latest to put in an withdrawal request, this Sat for me. Else, they forfeit the deposit!!!
Very disappointed with them after the last incident. Plus, it actually only cost $20+ to rejoin. Not much diff vs postpone. I rather keep the deposit to myself. The longest duration they allow to postpone is 2 terms...who knows what will happen then. So, that is why I rather withdraw then rejoin if necessary...most likely Jul next year after G turns 2. Coz think that the activities are not much diff till then. :p

SSO Baby Prom
Oh dear, I am iching to go now...Read from internet...sound very fun leh.
Got to find out if anyone is selling their tix on 7 Dec am session.

Is Cat 1 the best seats?
Mandeville is the school that teaches Suzuki violin, right? Sound familiar...

Today very quiet...where is everyone?
Hi mummies,

Am on leave from yesterday PM. ER has been super-sticky and he is refusing to eat/drink milk. He's really testing my patience! Don't know if he's behaving this way becos old maid left + new maid here or what. Really worried that he's not getting enough food. Last night I went out for about an hour and heard from mil that he cried non-stop for all the time i was away. Sigh...heartache....

Spicegal: No problem. Hope you're feeling better now. I just bot 6 small pots of non-toxic poster paint + 2 paintbrush from popular last night. Still haven't decided when to have the opening ceremony though.

Joyfulmom: So if we withdraw from the SM, penalty of $100+GST is only if we rejoin subsequently? Then makes more sense to quit then rejoin rather than postpone.

It is not penalty. It is this new rule they come up with. The $100 is for assessing the child before placement in class. Yea, I also think it makes more sense to quit. Who knows what will happen half a year down the road.

Anybody knows anything about them? Any review or comment? Think their formal classes are for 2 yo onwards.
Hi Wen

you mean they have to assess our child should we quit and wish to rejoin? SM sure know how to make monie!

For the amount of money we pay to enrol them in SM, their service level certainly did not match up to that!
Joyfulmom: Hehe....they call it assessment fees, but to us, it's more like penalty fees isn't it. Afterall, their assessment is very unlikely to come out negative & conclude that they can't readmit the tods in. That'll mean they can't earn $ from interested parents!

SM is really money face wan lah
U see how much they marked up everything. Monopoly
I really feel that if they really care about child development, they will not impose such a fee. Children at times just need a break based on their development phases.... why impose a fine. If that "fine" can be returned just like deposit when u returned to the class after the 1/2 term, then still reasonable.


Cat 1 should be the best lah i think. I bought months ago when it first launch. The thing is I was clicking and clicking the sistic page so many time to try to get the seats nearest to the front... hehehee... end up I think I am sitting within 10 rows from the front.
<font face="tahoma"> very quiet today.

Poohy, not necessary the 1st few rows are the beset. i know for Victoria Concert Hall, the few rows of the 1st section is the best, follow by the circle seats. </font>

not sure whether its the best but I wanna go back to the closer seats to the front like where we sat last year so that S & J can see the instruments more clearly. If sit too far behind, scared they will be blocked by too many of those enthusiastic bigger children and taller toddlers who will be standing up and running around even. If you are going, u will know what I mean soon
<font face="tahoma"> poohy,
i see... if you wanna the kids to see the instruments then of coz nearer the better.

am not going this round maybe next yr if there's any.
Bren has roseola!! phew...
i really do need toothpicks to open these eyes of mine... am extremely exhausted! plus... Bren is literally STUCK to mama!! can't even leave him to go to the bathroom!!
Mich, somehow relieve to know that its Roseola right, at least you know what it is. R got it when he was 6 months old...super clingy too.

Those quilted boots looks unisex to me...anyway, as long as you think its nice. i have been getting skinny jeans from Baby Girls; GAP and ON for R....just like the cut.

do i look guniang??
i will try to ask him..but no promise hor. So it was false measles. Have the spots show out yet? When the spots come but the fever will subside. Wish B a speedy recovery & give u a hug for the 'panda eyes'...hahaa

R looks v different fr the last time i saw him during the trials (back in july). So handsome now! Wear skinny jeans somemore..
<font face="tahoma"> mich,
glad everything's over.

skinny jeans in trend now... and R looks good in them. not guniang at all.

your perth pics look really good! tempt me to go back soon. hehe</font>
haha..must take nice nice pics make u all 'gian'...LOL. Its feels so nice to take a break from work sometimes..feels recharged!
<font face="tahoma"> panda,
wahahahahaha... yeah it's always good to have a break. wish can have holidays forever and still get paid! hehehehee

wanna check with you, Josh's car seat is rented there right? </font>
thanks. Hahaa...i am tempting everybody now..

u still here? Wish u have a safe & enjoyable trip in Sydney.
<font face="tahoma"> panda,
i see.. the car seat looks new and clean. when i went there in May, i rented from M2000 car rental. the car seat was old and not that clean, i had to use a cloth to cover over it before letting wes in.

i know which coy i shd go to next time.</font>
