(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

err..not very clean lar. Got some stains too. But the car seat only 1 position..cannot tilt when he is sleeping or drinking milk. And the seat belt i dunno how to tighten also. a little bit loose but can do.

mich - glad tat B is only hving roseola. everything will be fine once the rashes are out.

Panda - haha... u win. keep tempting everyone. :p

Paula - Baby prom weekend tickets for sale.

ya lah..u so fast..order liao..i like both 707 & 707A very much..but had to choose 1...coz she got too many 2yrs old clothing in store for her liao..
Thanks for lobang. i placed my order. Cham...early in the morning already starts shopping...keke.

*Hug*. Hope you can get some rest soon.
Ros Schoolhouse
Enrichment Programs for Toddlers and Preschoolers

28th December 2007 (Friday)
9 - 10.30am
29th December 2007 (Saturday)
9 - 10.30am
11am - 12.30am


I am going for trial on Sat 11am session. Anyone joining me? At Pasir Ris, so mommies from the East. It is a free trial. Actual classes start in jan 08.
hi mummies,
so what exactly will be the activites like in the SSO babies proms? anyone of u gog?
i hv civil svs club memnership so can entitled 10%..
hi panda & mspiggy,
haha.. with all your inputs abt WA...
i'm so tempted to book for one now! so planning for one in may.. before my boy turns 2.. heehee
it'll be great if you could list down the useful contacts for accommodation, car rental.. etc.. so i can copy them in a document file for reference.. (if u could spare the time... no worries if too troublesome for you. :p )

thanks so much!
<font face="tahoma"> Duffy,
May is winter... COLD AND WET! Perth doesnt snow but heavy heavy rain fall. So driving is quite dangerous if you're going down South. </font>
<font face="tahoma"> duffy,
will be cold lor. if you wanna go before J turns 2 YO, guess ard Mar-Apr will be cooler coz it's autumn. Am planning 1 in Mar too
saw today papers on "Igenius" advert
Tel: 67373333

They hving a seminar preview

Friday 30th Nov 7pm
Saturday 1st dec 2pm / 4pm

btw I heard alot of SM teachers went to this place to work instead. :p
hmm.. mar huh... then i also shd plan for WA now. hahahah :p

wow... think we can hv a mini gathering in WA in March! :p
<font face="tahoma"> hahahaa... yeah we shd plan ard the same time, then can go together.. machiam like a mini tour group! </font>
Hello mommies...
Long time no "see"
Finally got some time off with my mum around
A needs lots of attention lately.

You going Perth again ah? So nice...

Hope Bren gets well soon... I am also exhausted. It's really not just tired, really exhausted. Sometimes regret for being preggie now :p It's no good for the babies inside, but cannot help it.

They are into franchising it now. There will be more centers or schoolds that will be using "Shihcida Method" in Singapore very soon. Those not in the franchise cannot use the word "shichida". hee... Just met a venture capitalist last weekend who is in the process of setting up a franchise in Singapore. So by next year, nobody will say they are monopoly lor... I still feel that for SM, software still the most important.
SM - is franchise a good way? how will the standard be....

but still a monopoly. :p so price wont drop also. hahaha
I dunno... It will highly depend on their franchise system. If system very good, then standard will be there. But... I havent seen the "software" in the teachers they have currently, so dunno how it gonna be like when it's franchised.
hahaha... move to KL. The SM fees there are cheaper.
got to take things positively...nowadays i also feel very very tired especially when HX clinged onto me at night and hubby just 'sleep'.........

btw, have u prepare A for the babies' arrival?
I am already starting to feel guilty sometimes for not doing as much "tai jiao" now, and not much time to do lots for A too. Dunno if I can cope when the twins come. I am also contemplating not going to have a maid, but sometimes I have second thoughts, cos I felt like a mad woman and a maid. hahaha... Your mum is really very capable in handling two kids. Most of the times, I dun even have time for my own lunch, so my main meal is only dinner...
You are also a very dedicated mother already.
Can share with me how did you prepare S for J's arrival last time?

Do you know exactly how to prepare A for the babies' arrival? So far, I only tell him verbally that mommy has babies inside. Sometimes he will stroke my tummy.
I have not much time to read up on how to get him ready the "correct" way. I gotta revise the "tai jiao" so that I dun missed out too much, find out how to cope with A, etc. Too much to read... Plus sometimes so exhausted to do anything and just wanna sleep.
I am very lucky cos my hubby will take over to look after A and play with him at nite, but sometimes he lost his temper, then I gotta come in when he goes and cool himself down. A is quite close to his daddy, but sometimes still need mommy, especially when I have not been giving him enough attention.
thot sso baby prom tix all sold out oredi at sistic? unless u buy tix from mummies who r selling...i'm going too on 8 dec, 10.30 am show...kissbb, c u there! we will be in the same row.
keke, not really know how to prepare our toddlers...so far i only tell HX that didi will be coming soon, got play/share toys with him etc...sometimes she will stroke and kiss my tummy.....

talking about mad woman and maid, I still feel like one now. totally can understand that feeling of guilt. Hmm.. especially when we believe so much in the providing as much stimulation to our child when they are as young as possible, attachment parenting etc. Having another child before our first turn 3 seemed to contradict and "obstruct" those huge plans we had. I also sometimes wonder why I wanna have another so soon... biological clock I guess and because I really love children.

Maybe because I was not preg with twins, during the time before J's birth, I was not as tired out as you may be feeling now. I was significantly more tired but it was manageable. But I was feeling tinge of guilt in anticipation of the soon to be splitted attention for S. I spent a lot of my time with S... teaching him, playing and all. Not much time for myself to rest, not much time for me to even really talk to J, dun mention about tai jiao, no matter how much I believe in it. I was preparing material for S and at the same preparing for J (checkerboard, etc). Double stuff to do. Emotion wise, nothing that I can relate to him cos he was below 1 year old at that time... still so young. I dunno how to put it... but if we keep having high expectations of ourselves, I guess we will end up not be happy. In the end, I have to be realistic that being a mother of one and being a mother of two and two really young children at that, is different. Plus working full time, so it means I gotta "lower" my standards here and there, delegate some of the things I would love to do for them myself, be more forgiving to myself. All these does not come overnight, it took me a year to become slightly more forgiving of myself for not being able to do so much more for the 2 of them.

With three, its even more tough. that's why I am still hesitating on plans for no.3. In any case, I guess life is just filled with gains and loss. You gain some and you lose some. if you know what I mean. You do gain the affection of 3 children. You have the love of not just one child but three darling children. Triple the joy in life. Beyond brain stimulation, beyond whatever development, isnt life more about love, joy and laughter... i think those are even more important. Relaxed. Be well rested and happy. I think it will affect A and your future babies much more positively than any brain stimulation programmes... that's my opinion.

dun make me paiseh.. I am not any more wonderful than any one of us mummies here. We all love our children to bits.
saw ur blog yest noon, nice nice on Perth but seems hvnt finish updated rite? Will check it out again.
tats good, i will rent a car seat for Chloe as well.

nice to hear from you again. Take good care of urself.
joy - i got the email from may on mediation quite sometime back... been doing the meditation every now and then. sometimes can hit the timing, sometimes cant... also dunno consider pass or not. hahaa

lyn - JG lyn was asking abt you.
btw she is still teaching in evans road and at the same time will be incharge of the evans road location.
Zav fav's malay teacher is actually a asst teacher in edudrama. He is just helping out in playnest now.

no2 or no3 - well... partly becos of the delimma tat sets me back on my plan. so no 08 baby but maybe 09 baby.
But agree all mummies are the greatest.

Oz - Mspiggy says Mar-Apr rite? also to make sure our tods are below 2yrs old lah. :p i am thinking of over the Good friday weekend... as my hubby cant take many days leave.
hi mummies, am in sydney now. nite time now as it is 3 hrs ahead of spore. weather is good today. hope it dun rain tomm as we are headin to the beach.

thks. 1st day already cheong shopping. kekeke.. Toyrus. their ranges here are always good here. but i dun think i can haul all the stuff i wan here. too bad, oni can do selective shopping. sigh... and with big tummy ard, cant shop much too. hubby also nag and ask me to rest n dun SHOP so much.. kaoz.

thks for sharing ur valuable experience in upbringin S & J. currently, i also feel that i cant give mandy my 100% attention, be it later, when my no 2 comes. but i hope i can do my best.


today i found my little pple aeroplane in toyrus. hahaha. so happy. kekeke. and last pc somemore.

hey, hang in there. hugzs...i know how u feel. i m hvin the same thots as u when i m down. mandy sort of know i m having a baby inside my tummy cos she like to flip up my tee and poke my belly buttons. hahaha. so i always tell her, mummy is hvin a baby and i will ask her 'Who's inside'. sometimes, depends on her mood, she will say baby and stroke my tummy, if not, she juz poke my belly button n 'beat' my tummy like a drum. hahaha.. cos got sound mah.

mandy, too, needs mummy attention, esp when comes to drinkin milk. hahaha. cos she knows daddy is the playmate and mummy is the 'food'. Even when she is takin her milk, she wont let me get out of her sight.

go sydney also. hahaha. sydney shopping also good.

those books are either the same or more expensive than our rate tat time.

Dor - wow!!! So shiok huh.... go sydney uh... need more days in Sydney rite. hubby dun hv leave leh.
Perth itinery
Here's mine. Highlights:
1. Wineries in Margaret River
2. Restaurants
3. Pies

The above 3 was super solid. But be prepared to pay for [1] and [2], quality food and lovely ambience in many of them.
Car seat, I also lugged mine over, no problem lah, quite light.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
perth itinery
Perth_Itinerary_Aishite.xls (24.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT, i might be going during that period too coz my sis will be going to visit her frd then. we'll just tag along

Mont Clare Boutique apartments that aishite stayed is good and it's near to the city.

guess our toddlers will appreciated animals hence farm stays and wild animal park is highly recommended. I like Marapana Wildlife park and also Cohuno Koala park. Check out more from http://www.westernaustralia.com/sg/Pages/Welcome_to_Western_Australia.aspx</font>

yalor...i was wondering y u buying size 4 & 6..then i thought maybe YJ is tall thats y u get that...:p


haha..all shopping liao...actually hor, i saw kk's name in the BP then i go in the thread & c c.coz now i seldom buy from there as heard alot of 'fakes'..now always buy from Gym etc...just hope that the quality for this BP is good.

So tiring...just came back from noddy show & sesame street show today with sunflower,dal,fi...tink celest vvv tired...the noddy show is not bad..can go n c...

Brought Irv to Underwater World (JG Hol Excursion)! Then both kids to watch Sesame St (free, but queue before show starts, free photo-taking with characters using own camera after the show ends) at Taka.
Then I cldn't take it, knocked out for 5+hr nap :p .

Fake? U mean saying its from australia but not?

So far the clothes i get from BP are ok
So i kind of enjoy buying YJ's dresses from there lor
Sigh, rather than shopping around.. nowadays not easy to get unique sweet ones for her. Now is all disney lah, winx club lah, disney princess lah.. it comes to a point i hate disney princess sooo much!
By the way, saw my earlier posting on the gingerbread house baking session? The organizer responed to me and said that if I'm confident in managing Kell ... she would welcome her to attend too ... so contemplating and contemplating! Any mummies interested in coming?

I am growing fast and getting heavy very fast now. Sometimes, no time to rest.

HX is so sweet... will kiss your tummy...

Sometimes I was wondering how can we cope without a maid. It's seems like a norm in Singapore to get a maid when we have the second kid. I am trying to "study" how do people in other cultures that do not rely on maids cope. Do you have any idea?
My hubby wanna be a daddy of 5 children! ***faintz***
Yalor... Need to be more forgiving to ourselves. Sometimes cannot help it but think too much :p I think I need to know and plan some balance and be prepared for them.

Have you sent May the application form? I have yet to receive anything from her.
SM is good, but not the center they have here

Enjoy your shopping in Sydney!
Nowadays, I cannot let A climb over me already. I feel pain, so will turn to my side when he wanna climb over me. A also loves to poke my belly button. hahaha...
Sometimes I feel very guilty when A run to me with his book or toy and sit on the kitchen floor, wanting me to tell him what he's pointing. I felt like not having enough time for him. Sometimes, when I see him flipping his books, I will sit beside him and read to him, but sometimes I got no time for that.
