(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


good to know that you are doing well for your current pregnancy
pls dun strain yourself by doing housework or carrying A.. must take good care of yourself hor, especially now that you are carrying twins

juz to share with you.. there was one night i carried my gal and climbed stairs, the next morning i went into pre-term labour and my #2 popped at 33+wks. my gynae said my placenta had started to separate from the uterus wall and it was either due to trauma suffered or over straining myself. made me feel so guilty for putting my #2 thru all this, luckily everything turned out well...


your orders have just been sent out from Ralph Lauren, i will send u an email on the payment details when VPost bills me for shipping (in a week's time). the items will likely reach singapore in a couple of weeks and we will arrange for the collection/mailing out then ok?
You have 2 in you...so must be starting to feel it. Are they identical or fraternal twins? Thinking for names already? You are doing great with A. I saw the way you were with him on that outing to botanical garden, very patient and engaging.

Agree with your point on school vs sm itself. With May, after a couple of emails back and forth, she finally called me. She said she is very busy so need to bug her to get her attention. Maybe try and email her again and leave her your phone number.

So you have started with meditation already. I am not so sure about it....Maybe will give it a try next week since today is my last day at work.

Skipping naps
G has been skipping her afternoon nap. By the time I got home, she would be very sleepy already. It had happened twice just in last week. Last night, she slept at 7.30pm. Woke up at 3am asking me to carry her around. I ignored her request and told her to sleep. After some crying, she finally come to terms with the fact that I would not carry her...mumbling about Waigong sleeping, Waipo sleeping, moon and stars out bla bla....took a while for us to finally got back to sleep. Today quite tired...Is it a passing phase , I mean, not napping?

ya its a norm to hire a maid the moment most people have no.2. I was accused by cousins and aunts for "torturing" my boss when I dun wanna hire a maid. I mean it was an option for her if she really cant cope but she insisted on not having one. We also did our best to help outside of office hours. And we do insist on night parenting since their birth. The children had never once sleep anywhere else except by our side. Not with grandparents, etc.

Hey just concentrate on good things.... u r going to have twins leh!!! How fun it will be ... not many people have twins lah so gotta treasure the double joy you had been granted
And then A will have 2 lovely siblings to play hide and seek with. I wish my hb wanna by a father of 5 too but no... I think 3 should be the limit liao.... I wish I can have that many children and cope.... hehee

u went for the sesame street show yesterday as well?


i mean fakes as in those polo ralph stuff...:p


u got dal's number? coz i drop my hp & now can't switch on..she mention abt going to noddy today..scare she looking 4 me...can anyone help me sms her & let her koe i not going?
By the way, any idea if there are still vacancies for JG weekend playclub in the new term? I'm a little disappointed with the relief teacher's class management skills and this term alone, i have attended three lessons conducted by relief teachers liao.
nowadays HX takes 1 nap only, on weekdays...nap time is from 1 plus to 3/4 plus......On weekends, she can survive without any nap at all...the bad thing is, even without naps, she can be so cranky and manja and just refused to sleep till her usual sleeping time of 9 to 10 plus at night....

Haf u gone for scanning already? Will A have didis , meimeis or both?
Hi everyone.

Dor, enjoyself in Sydney.

Lyn, hope you're coping well. You need alot of rest and eat well and stay happy always.

kk, flying off next mon yah? enjoy yr holiday and post yr pics here when back k?
I am also very scared of pre-term labour. Sometimes I feel my tummy tightening, then gotta slow down.

Sometimes when I get very tired, my subconscious mind plays the major part in my actions
and lost my temper. Really gotta cool down to get my mind back.
They are fraternal. Will be going for detailed scan 3 weeks later. By then, will know the gender. Just saw my gynae last Monday and he's too busy to scan for me, I think. He just made sure they are the same size and got heartbeat.
A naps once a day lately. Then he will sleep at 8pm. If he naps twice a day, he will only get tired after 10pm.

I think that's the norm. Have you met people who have more than 2 and do not hire maid? How do they cope? I wanna learn from them...

Sometimes when I have negative thoughts, I felt guilty for the twins too. After that, I will apologise to them. Hopefully that will help.

Dunno the gender yet...

Thank you
Will try to...
wah! A sleeps at 8 pm every nite?.....good for you........what time does he take his nap?

i seem to have a hard time getting HX to sleep...sigh...every nite, she will want her barney, hi-5 shows...then after the show, she will roll all over the bed before she finally sleep....sometimes can take up to 45mins.

Yeh! Flying off on Mon, that's rite

Ok sure will post up my pics.. Hope camera dun break down hahahaaha! That's my main worry :p


Same for YJ.. roll and roll on bed before falling asleep, but she normally knock out between 9 pm and 10 pm :p

How are uuuuu?

Dropping by to say HI!

This is the RECENT me! Sui bo?

Notice how i play with the kitchen set? Very cor lor hor?

I loved my 1st visit to Changi Airport T3!





<font face="tahoma">kk,
YJ looks tall! yeah agreed with Steffi, she's looks like big girl girl now. Very sweet! </font>
steffi and mspiggy,

heehee.. ya, she always seems taller than those her age or 2-3 mths older than her. Maybe her piggy dad's genes lor.. celeste going to vomit liao haha!
hello mummies,

me long time never log in to this thread liao....


u got to hang in there..taking care of 1 toddler plus 2 nb is really not easy..... me too almost went crazy... there is once i was still doin confinement and my hubby got to go oversea to work and left me alone handle my 3 gals,i almost got depression that time ....but got to ren.....

how are you?? planing for a #3

ya YJ looks different now... but still chubby and sweet
tall... but i think my ah girl also tall... my mum say she looks like she is 2 year old liao... but my SIL's twins same age as her both taller! maybe they got tall genes... last time S also looks taller and bigger size for his age group... almost like ah moh size when I brought him to playnest.


ya, planning..
It can be anytime from now but a little hiccups at work.. sigh if I were to go on maternity leave again within the next 1 year, I think it will impact my promotion route lor. So I wonder whether I should just wait another year... serious competition at work. u know at times u may not seriously hanker after a promotion but I had been in this same position for the last 5 years if i still dun move up, external pressure is too strong.
Pretty YJ. T3 open already?

Long time no see. Really pei fu you, so capable, take care of 3 princess yourself.

Oh T3 open house till 9 dec mah.. then u buy $1 for self-guided tour (that means F&E on our own) and the kid can run around liao :p

It's fun! Nice place for loads of photography :p


Ya lor, when she 15-16 mths old, already pple say she is 2 yr old kid.
Rodeo & Kite, got your paint pots. Rodeo, I can pass to you when we collect our KOSE items. Kite, let me know when its convenient for you to self-collect. Thanks.
Hi KK...

Bon Voyage to you....

Finally manage to get a pics of the kitchen set that i bought... quite like it.. got sound... But chelsia step on the oven door.. and now abit loose..
<font color="ff0000">Kindermusik</font>

To those in kindermusik today : Paiseh hor... chelsia abit noisy hor.. cry n cry n cry... aiya... and MTDT is going to scold me say i lazy always keep her at home... SHIT!

But hor think hor.. chelsia dun like classes leh.... she is the type that go into class no matter play or sing or whatever.. she will wanna sleep in aircon room... Aircon room to her means sleeping time i guess!! hahah... Kinder Musik TRial / GUG Trial .. all clashes with her sleeping time.. including this noon Kinder musik class! I HEADACHE!

You n me can never meet... i never go.. u go... u go.. i never go.. ALAMAK
Celeste - haha... aiyoh..
u kept Chelsia away for so long... of cos think tat u always kept her at home lah :p
She change so much.... last time i met her was like months ago! :p

But think she is ok during class leh... only at the beginning abit shy lah.

Wat's her napping time?? why always clash? Haha:p

My kitchen set also a bit siao liao lah.. YJ will throw whatever toys she have :p violent hor?

Ya, flying tonite
Need to be at the airport by 930 pm

Wow, put in aircon room she will sleep liao? If YJ is like tat, good good.. then just on air con she can sleep whole day without disturbing me :p
thanks for your help to buy e pots. Ok will sms you when to meet up.

so shiok. Enjoy ur trip ya.

Finally booked my Perth tix yest liao. heehee
woah mummies are buying kitchen set for their girls.. and for me, hahaha i'm eyeing battery-operated motor car for my boy..heehee.. any mummies hv lobangs for that?

oh ya, angeline, paula & cutiezyan,
here's the email fm BusyBuddies..
> We are delighted to inform you that the new term for Busy Buddies will begin on 14th January 2008 until 15th March 2008.
> Trial classes will be held as follows:
> 10th January 2008 - Alpha babes
> 11th January 2008 - Busy bods
> 12th January 2008 - Creative Critters/Arty smarties

> When you register for the full term on the spot, the $35 fee for the one-time trial class will be waived.
> To register for a trial as well as for the Term 1 registration, it would be much appreciated if you could send us an email at
> [email protected] to reserve a place on your preferred date for more efficient processing as well as to ensure that enough attention is focused on every child.

Very excited hor? leaving tonite...

Are you interesting in getting kids' furniture like book shelf, toy box etc?

Princess Cabinet (L600xW300xH1115)

Little Star Boy (L800xW450xH800)

Little Prince (L800xW350xH800)

Space Rocket (L800xW400xH800)

Many other designs available.
Serene ah...

U never tell us where can we find these furniture...

Quite nice hor.. but my house cannot take in any more things liao.. unless i move house... haha
These new products will be display in Family Lifestyle Exhibition @ Singapore Expo Hall 5 on 6-9 Dec 07. See Flyers below.


Nice toyboxes and drawers.. doubt my hse got any space to put all these. C's room currently has a wardrobe, book shelve & 2x5drawers. Hahah limited space for walking ;p

yeah bo lang.. wheres every1??

so happy... ethan finally got into JG.. sat 2pm at evans road.. any1 at this timing?

Chelsia did very well even though she seldom joins such classes.. you should continue to let her go for it..

hmm.. ethan on the other hand doesn't seem to really like the class compared to other schools.. not too sure whether it is the teacher cos i saw that he responds better during the makeup class conducted by another teacher..

Future Trials etc... i really have to think twice! haha....

Sure got pple will scold me for my above sentence..
<font face="tahoma">Peng,
Initially Wes was at 2pm Evans, but I've changed to 1130am. Thought timing better fit his nap time. Else they can be classmates again!

Wes is also blur blur in class.</font>
Wow, very very quiet today! Monday blues!

I see. This is my hubby's new business venture. I'm just helping him to spread the news.

Mummies, anyone keen? Need your support. If you need more pics of the furniture, i'll attach here. Please also help to spread the news to your friends and colleagues. Thanks alot!
re: perth
planning for southern perth leh? know that panda went to south perth.. anyone else? can share share itinerary.. and what places not to be missed?
hi duffybuff:
i have booked w Tiger. I m also planning to go downsouth. Still planning my itinerary. Most likely i will be travelling down to Albany (Gap, Natural Bridge), Denmark, Margaret River, Busselton jetty, fremantle. Wanted to go Rottnest Island but i dont think we have enough time within 7 days. u?

the farmstay that u visited is located at the North of perth?

Mytoys having 50% disc...
thinking of getting the piano..

Paula--u got 1 rite? how is it? how abt the height?
