(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


WOW! $100 for 60mins shoot. Sound very good deal!

Sunflower and peng,
Thanks for your info. I will go check out! kekeke

Btw, noticed most ppl choose David? Is he the best? Now he has got so many orders, can he cope?

<font face="tahoma"> peng,
i find that our teacher seems to be rushing everytime.

Wes is tiptoe-ing at home too, and he will wave his arms like swaying the scarf. hehe

i also dont know what's our teacher's name</font>
Sigh just had a horrible phone conferencing so pop in to catch a quick breather.

First and foremost, how is BRENDAN?

I concluded that it is not only the 12 years old look at our children. They are only one year old and can do so many things that we can achieve when we were probably about 2 to 3 years old? I dont recall I know how to identify which unit is my home when I was a one year old I dont know that shuttlecock has to go with badminton racket, I dont know how to separate things into their respective boxes and etc. Kell surprised me yesterday again after our card games were concluded; the cards from the ELC box were mixed up with the cards from the Farmers House game. So, I told her to clean up. She knows that the ELC cards should go into the ELC box and the Farmers House cards should go into the Farmers House box. She got everything right! She knows which classroom she should go to when she attend GUG class and she knows which house she stays in. Im not too sure if street-smart is the right word to use but seems like children these days are really street-smart lei. I was playing with Kell on Sunday while we were having our family dinner. I rubbed the wet tissue in my hands and then quickly hide the hand with the tissue in it. And I asked her where. Soon after that, she took over and performs for us!
hi paula & aishite,
agreed! children these days are smarter than us those days.. haha! was very amazed by the things they can do.. always surprise us!

Co. trip cancelled!!!

Suppose to go HK for Aaron Kwok concert last week... but never go too!! So sad already.... ;(
Aiya... I didnt go...

Hubby dun want to go... ask me go alone.. he sa i siao go HK so many times... He sian liao...

So he no go... chelsia cant go... Cant bare to leave chelsia behind for so many days...

Thus i decided to give up AARON KWOK for Chelsia's sake!
I'm signing up for this if they allows 18months old!

Date: Saturday, 08 December
Time: 2.30pm 5pm

Have you dreamt of the delicious-looking gingerbread house that Hansel and Gretel have gone to? Don't you wish to be part of this fairy tale. Unleash your dreams here in this workshop. Let your kids design their own gingerbread house.

Workshop Details:
There will be a half hour demonstration to parents/kids on the process of making the gingerbread house.

About the Workshop:
All kids will learn the skills of:
An Architect by constructing the Gingerbread House
A Designer by decorating the house using their creativity.

Workshop Cost $90 (if you register &/or pay after Saturday 01 December)
Early Bird Discount - $80 (if you register & pay by Saturday 01 December))

Things to bring - Apron

Prices include ingredients and all decoration materials. No additional cost will be incurred.
Participants to bring 2-3 tupperware, and an apron
Workshop Cost is only applicable to one child and 1 parent. Additional kid or adult will pay $80 each with additional set of gingerbread.
Payment to be made by Saturday 01 December via internet banking or ATM Transfer to POSB Saving Account 084-23973-9 If a cancellation is made after payment, a charge of $50 will be imposed. For No Show - Payment would not be carried forward to another workshop and refund with an administration charge applies.
Best Gingerbread House Award 3 best designed gingerbread house will be awarded. Parents could bring additional ingredients (if they wish) to further enhance the design of the house.
Adults (not coming with kids) can join in the fun too. Workshop Cost will be $90 per pax.

Venue of Workshop:
78 Marine Drive (Near NTUC Marine Parade/Parkway Parade)
For more information on our workshops, contact us at:
Tel: 9858 4883
Or email: [email protected] ; or [email protected]
FOR REGISTRATION Please email us indicating name of participants and contact number
This is not a spam email.
u going HK next mth rite? Enjoy ur trip there.

nice pics of Japan. Envy leh..me never been to Japan. Maybe next trip..hahaa. So how did B miss u?

we brought the stroller along. J sat on it most of the time. Sometimes will want to come down & walk. Overall still manageable. Wow..going Sydney next week. Enjoy ur trip & come back show us pixs..

faster go & book ur tics. Busselton Jetty is veri nice. We even went down to the beach & played with the water. Did not expect to go down water so did not bring extra clothing, all pack into luggage liao. Just took off J's pants & let him wear diaper only..haha. If clothes wet, just dry it under the sun, very fast dry. Did not go to underwater observary cos missed the timing, hv to wait >1hr for the next tour..then when we return to Perth will be veri late. The jetty is very nice itself. Go go u will enjoy! Yes went to The Gap & Natural Bridge. Did not bring J down cos very windy & raining. And the wave will splash on u. Imagine..we can even feel our mini bus swaying! We took turns to go down & see. Must go! Very breathtaking! Still uploading pics & itinery into my blog. Let me know what else u need to know after viewing my blog, k?

wow..going korea. Spending white x'mas there. Must be very nice. Come back must share share pixs..

J was sleeping during both take-off (just nice i dun hv to worry about ear discomfort. U start packing for your Tas's trip liao? Excited rite?

Irvin so handsome! Big boy liao har..

which top? Is zit the colourful one? Its a gift from relative. From Prada

tot u going HK? How's Chelsia?
<font face="tahoma"> Hi panda,
you not working today? i wanna go back to perth maybe in next mar. miss the place... hehehee

now Qantas $398 w/o per pax to Perth. how much you paid for the Jetstar or Valueair? Overall ok?</font>
haha..me still on leave. Return to work tomoro.
I took tiger. Paid ard S$600 wif tax per pax. Child under 2YO free (no seat), only hv to pay S$25 admin fee per trip. Sorry dunno whether Quantas cheap or not..
panda - u still on leave??

yeah.. looking for to HK... altho not snowing, but this KS mummy also prepare lots of thick clothes for my boy liao hahaha :p

poohy - oh, now then i rem tat u say u saw me :p
stop SM for 1 term huh... btw u noe tat angelin quit already. so J next term hv no programs?
tiger prices are good huh... i also planning for next yr... definately before 2YO for the free ticket!! hahahah :p
<font face="tahoma"> Panda,
the adult prices works out abt the same coz $398 + abt 300 (tax), considering you have meals on Qantas.

but the infant price is definitely cheaper coz you need to pay abt 10% of the adult fare. </font>
any1 tried to take photo shoot b4??

juz now chk with david that the $100 promo didn't include touch-up to the images.. the images will be as what it is..juz want to noe how the standard will be?? tks!
No need touch up lah. They look nice none-the-less. If you want, can ask for makeup arrangement, used to be at $30.

i din know angelin quit ... I din go into the class last week but when i saw her outside she is still saying.. see you next term J. funny. I decided to suspend J cos feel better off teaching her myself. I wanted to suspend S also but at least the 3 year old class got new things to do. After going through with S all these while, its so sian to go through the exact same puzzle with J... so I decided I am familiar enough with the 1 and 2 year old stuff to DIY at home.

I wanted J to go JG just for a term to play because week after week she's been singing and dancing outside and wanting to get into the class for the last 6 months. hehee... anyway I am getting my hb to call the JG... cos they havent called me abt J's class yet!!! And J joined the waiting list for 9 months liao... so angry.

but I am actually looking at sending her to a preschool. The MMI in my area is out cos the review not as good and my impression not v good. I may send her to learning ladder at Ten Mile Junction there or go Pat's schoolhouse. But prob in term2 cos now I am too pre-occupied to go school hunting again.

More activities for S next term cos he will likely finally start his suzuki violin, likely continue edudrama. He will continue SM. But eventually I want him to attend music class only cos not very healthy for him to attend sch daily and yet goes to school on both sat and sun.
re: GUG

cant share that much cos I also only went for 1 trial with S also.

re: JG playclub

besides what MTDT had described, they have the puppet story telling (maindarin), a letter a week (can be letter, shape, colour, not just letter). That's about all.
re: JG

J will be going to the 9am class in JG on sunday at forums. ok lah.. just nice cos S going for his 1 hour edudrama at 10am so both end at the same time and I can go for my retail therapy after that
Who else in the 9am class?
B sent us off the nite we left for Japan. He did not cry neither did he wants to follow us. When we came back, is already past midnite and he's asleep. The next morning when he woke up and saw us, no special expression. But 1 thing for sure, he is still close to us.

ya I know the 9am class is vvv popular cos it wont end so late mah. S never got into the 9am class till the very last term and we decided to give it up the last time. That's why we kiasu and waitlist J 9 months beforehand. Even for edudrama, we just waitlist v early also. Kiasu parents.. cos I really very scared of 2pm slot. I cant stand having classes after 2pm... makes me feel so sleepy and its like in between kind. That's why a bit sian over the music classes lor... cos those classes are always in the 3-5pm timing
<font face="tahoma"> RE : JG
Wes going for 11.30am class but at Evans. Many of you going to the Forum one.

have you all received the confirmation letter and made payment yet?</font>

realised I miss out your question about handling 2 children. I will answer specifically based on the experience of 2 really young children 14 months apart. Frankly speaking, it had been tough. Especially in the first year. Especially if dun have maid. Especially if you demand a lot from yourself as a parent who practise attachment parenting.

When J first came, S was only 14 months old... smaller than our tods are now. He was at the stage where he demands a lot of our attention and can climb up and down furniture, learning to walk etc. I spent most of my time with him. I will normally feed J, bath and change her, give her flashcards and physical exercise, but beyond that, I spent all my other time with S. Dun want him to feel neglected cos he has to cope with a new addition at such a young age. But I ended up spending a year feeling guilty I din spend as much time with J as I had with S at her age. I could have done so much more for her. At first I was feeling frustrated and angry with myself ever so often for either not being able to this for S or do that for J... slowly I guess I had learn to relax more and just do my best and trust.

When the two fall sick together, hmm even more tough. Sleepless nights cos its either this one vomit or that one vomit blah blah blah.

Sibling rivalry do kick in for S. He refused to let me carry J initial months. And he was at a time of separation anxiety... I go toilet also he come pounding at the door and crying outside.

Going out with just the children and hb was a vv tough cos I gotta handle 2 crying children in the car while hb drive and at times made milk for both in the car and feed both at the same time etc. Well that means loss of freedom and my mum needs to go with us almost everywhere.

Only when J became more mobile and start walking as she turns 1 year old did things improve... and nowadays the 2 can interact and play with each other. The car is full of their laughter as they play with each other
Still have tough times but at least increasing happy times. I wonder if life would be v different if I had hired a maid. But I didnt and hope it stays that way even with no.3.

no sand play and water play at Forums
Only once in S's 3 terms in the playclub did they bring in a huge tub of water for them to play a little. And for a real short while
I think it depends on which teachers you will be getting for GUG classes. Teacher Herli is good and Teacher Eeree (can't remember the spelling) is good too.
<font face="tahoma"> Poohy,
it's not easy to make sure we have very equal attention for both very young kids. sometimes i feel that if i have another kid now, will i be neglecting Wes afterwards.

but i feel you've done a very good job already, dont feel guilty. you're a great mom!

Re : JG
good.. glad I stick to Evans then
<font face="tahoma"> Mummies who done photoshoot with Foto-U Studio before, which photographer is better with kids?

Seem like none picked Wai Peng... is she very new?</font>

hehee thanx... I lower my own standard liao lah... as long as I see smiles and laughter on their faces, I am happy liao

re: SSO baby prom

any of u all going? I am going on 7 Dec first concert (cant remember what time). Last year, I brought the 2 of them, they still dunno how to enjoy it... i am very excited this year cos S sure will be so mesmerized. He can sit through to watch those really dry orchestra recording I took for him on tv. J also ...
I went for David. Will go for him again. Made Gabby laugh so much. Really difficult for me to snap her with a happy face. She wont't smile for my camera.

According to David, his style is more relaxed, casual and fun. He said Benjamin does more potrait type or if you want to include any pet, he is better with them. didn;t ask about Waipeng though so no idea.
So cool. S & J so young can appreciate orhestra performance....I don;t expose enough classicals to G so think she has no clue about 'em. ...
<font face="tahoma"> poohy,
wow... J and S so musically inclined. very good! Wes cant even sit still for High 5 not to mention orchestra.

i see, thks! very tempted to book also heheheheee </font>
Hi Mommies

was at Parkway yesterday, saw that Growing Fun is having 15% storewide discount and they have crayola products. Saw earlier posts about purchasing of crayola items.

yap its the colourful one that i was asking.....gosh prada!! haha J is so lucky to be togged in Prada at such a tender age.

can grant me access to your blog. the invitation has expired. Thanks...my address is [email protected]. TIA

get the tix from sistic. but may be long sold out liao. u can post in the WTB corner and see if anyone selling.


ya its amazing. I still need to observe J more cos she is much more inclined in building blocks. She can spent hours playing with building blocks and building towers and structures of different shapes by herself.

I observed for 6 months and S is the one that is more musically inclined especially towards strings instrument and lively classical pieces using strings instruments. I never listen to classical pieces lah... seldom expose them... the only place I can think of is the Little Einstein which I start to realise S loves to sing the Blue Danude Waltz. He pretends to play it on a pretend violin at first... then slowly, I bought he a real and small violin and he started playing on it (though he dunno how to play lah) and hum the pieces he know. When we are driving, at times he will insist on listen to a cello CD that I bought during last year's SSO baby prom. Then one night, I happened to browse the Tv channels and saw this mozart festival concert by an orchestra in salzburg. He sat through the 45 min watching it. I recorded the last part and he keep wanting to watch it every day. Repeat so many times. In his JG classes, instead of singing with his teachers, he will be watching his teacher play the guitar. So I sorta have some idea he may have interest in strings instruments and so it firmed up my mind to let him start with suzuki violin next term to see if he really is interested. Hope he dun give up halfway cos learning musical instrument can really a tough journey.
speaking of instrument, anyone went to the music child prodigy Marc Yu's concert? I saw him play on Tv yesterday night. impressive. But I guess such talent are really rare.
<font face="tahoma"> poohy,
I saw Marc Yu's interview the other day too. He has his Dad's gene. It's really amazing that he can play soooooo well at this tender age! He speaks very well too!

You going to his concert?</font>
hi hi...

Just came back from the JG hol prog...

Poohy - thanks for the info in JG.
It's so nice to hear that S is doing things tat he really enjoys.... musical instruments is really a diff ball game. I rem I learned piano but never enjoyed it :p but last nite Nat geo program talks abt learning music... sets me thinking maybe i shd give a chance to Zav... dun let my pass experienced deprived him the chance. :p

At JG... he also loves to play with the guitar... :p Today we had sandplay in JG... Zav just went and sat right into the sand. 1st encounter. :p

Angelin - oh... she did say tat she is not "telling" the parents yet. :p oops... i forgot.

no lah the concert is over liao. it was last week
ya indeed a talent. But I guess the road ahead will be so tough... musician prodigy needs to spend a lot of time practising and practising. And when they grow up, may not necessarily succeed. Being under the limelight from young, the pressure will be quite substantial as they grow.


frankly, I too did not really enjoy my music lesson when I was young. I find that learning an instrument is soooo tough especially if u r not super interested and then gotta keep practising the same thing over and over again. I never really have the expectation that my children will excel in music... but music was always on my learning agenda for them just to expose them to the appreciation of it in a more intimate way. While learning, your brain gets stimulated and your body gets to exercised. People who learn instruments especially strings and keyboards like piano/electone has really agile fingers. Those who learn brass and woodwind instrument practised breathing and improve respiratory system... just my opinion lah.
Its a nice enrichment. Plus it improve concentration and focus. and cultivate discipline.

poohy - haha... wow... so u also one tat "din enjoy" ur music lesson. haha :p

will explore this maybe next yr. anyway now also dun hv any classes for their age.
