(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hi mspiggy,
called them liao.. the one at Evans.. i hv to probably wait til the next term intake in Mar08. But i thk it's ok for my boy..

<font face="tahoma"> serene,
before the GST increased to 7% huh?? hehehee

I see. Did you check the Forum one?</font>
Hello Mummies

Share with you all a sad sight at my apartment's gate this morning, there were 3 separate parties:

1. Me: taking a taxi to work
2. Hub: taking a taxi to airport
3. Maid n baby: looking at us rather forlornly

And last week, it was the other way round, hb went to work in car, me took taxi to airport, and [3] is static. Sooo .... I can't imagine this scene to continue for too long.

SAHM - what do you do in a typical day? Can share .. .am thinking how to fill my day if I become one .... if that day will ever come.
As promised to some mummies, here's some pics of my trip.

Central Japan tour (Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto/Kobe/Mt Fuji)





Nic pics... glad that u get to catch the sight of Mt Fuji.

Change venue lah.. Now Brayden & Chloe are in the same class. If u can, Wesley will be with us too
<font face="tahoma">
Serene, nice pics!!!!

Duffy, me like "countryside" too! hahahahaa

Oki, prefer Evans actually. me like "countryside" like Duffy. hahaha</font>
Ya, it's very lucky to catch the sight of Mt Fuji cos the tour guide says can only see it 75 days a year.

I never have chance to check out Evans so maybe just make do with Forum though i've reserved my name for both places. If Wes is bored, join us at forum lah.
good mornin ladies

wahh..so many going for playgrps. mtdt, really look like pri 1 allocation hor. i didnt even sign up any for Mandy at all. :p


wow.. nice pictures. it's a great fun to go for holidays. did Josh run alot? i cant imagine how mandy will behave tis comin wk when we are in sydney...


toying with the idea of becoming a SAHM.. hehehe. well, be one 1st, then u will noe wat to do liao lor. hohoho. I think it will be a big change-over since we are in working life for sometimes. sure need sometime to adapt.

Mummies of 2 children... pawprint, poohy etc

i wanted to ask u all this q to a long time ago. How did you handle when ur No 2 comes along? I really dun noe wat to expect when my time comes? any tips to share. thks
Hope B is better...you take care too! *hugs*

Panda, Serene
Envy, envy...lovely photos! Planning Perth next year...keke


Aiyo, what a picture to paint on Monday morning...G was still zzz when me and hubby left this morning. Wonder why she sleeps very late nowadays..past 10pm, sometimes till 11.30pm...yawn..

Want to call you re the home-based playgroup that S is attending. I am postponing G's Shichida for a term. She shows sign of boredom. Keep asking to leave the class during, and grin when the class is over! Goodness me! I can hear the sound of money "tong, tong, tong.." down the drain. :p

Hehe...want to learn to take photo becuase I was too ambitious and got a Canon S2Is before G was born but never learn how to use it properly. So now she got most of her photos 'burnt' coz of over-exposed flash...if not blur...:p If not going class, gonna get new 'point and shoot' camera...maybe hint hubby..haha..
Christmas is around the corner.
Serene: Beautiful pictures of Japan!!! Makes me wana go. It's been ages since I went on holidays. Sigh....

Joyfulmom: Can set to auto mode on your cam so that it'll behave like those 'point and shoot' cam? I have a Nikon film SLR which is now a white elephant lying in the cupboard. Need to practise on the depth of field, aperture setting, etc to get the hang of it and to aga what to set when taking actual shots.

I am continuing ER for SM next sem. He's enjoying prob about 70% of the class, remaining times crawling around. Current teacher leaving SM for good. So hopefully the new teacher will be good loh. Keeping fingers crossed.
Auto mode no good...don;t know why the pix look so dark even though it is a sunny day though taken in door. Plus the model has a problem of over-exposed flash...if on the flash light, the pix look 'burnt'...:p

You know, our ex-shichida teacher is also leaving at the end of this term, Teacher S. Really Exodus huh...
Which Flashcard dvd? The one produced locally? No, I didn't buy coz most of the categories have shown G in other ways liao. So thought no point. More for starter, imo..

You are absolutely right on massive adjustment if I were to become a SAHM. Have been working for nearly 14 years, so will need a paradigm shift. My hubby told me to go buy some pretty dresses if I ever become a SAHM, so I can join him for clients' dinners. Can you imagine what his thoughts are on my current wardrobe? Haha, first thing I need to do is to lose 20 pounds.


Give me a buzz this evening on the home-based playgroup, then I can share more. I think the activities are fairly in line with what G is going through, but perhaps a change of environment will be something refreshing for her. S is only interested in 50% of the activities, but I am ok with that ... what tickles is how she and this boy enjoys each other's company during the class .. .they spent more time hugging each other then focus on the activities.
Thanks. Will buzz you this evening around 6pm? Think our kids are in this milestones whereby they starts to get interested to play with others. G also...don't want to do activities at her own station. Will move props to squeez to be with her friend...or sit at the back with her friend, then they will snatch each other props... or sometimes she will try to start conversation by pointing to the other's nose, and say "nose" or other body parts...really wierd way, right? Like "gal you aren't gonna get any dude to be interested with you that way"..lol...but it works for her now...haha.
Bren is not better, last night it went dwn to 36.6, we were so happy!! now between 38.5-40.2...
very high hor... SIGHhhhh!!

very painful for him to eat so, we're using a syringe to feed him fish soup/liver soup...and yogurt.
wen and aishite - hahaa... the way u 2 describe are so funny... but so true. :p

think they are more focus on their social skills now. ;)
Joyfulmom: Hmmm, then maybe consider getting a P&S cam. They are quite cheap nowadays. Otherwise need to start practising.
Hmm, teacher S also leaving ah. Sth must be wrong working at SM ah?
Did u find some playgroup for G to attend for next year?
40.2...too high.. Think need to make sure wearing more 'airy' clothes..Also, may have to sponge a bit? At least wet towel at the forehead? Aiyo, sayang...
hey Welcome back. Was expecting u here. Can see both u n Josh enjoyed urselves. Hehe nice pics esp Busselton Jetty, so beautiful n breathtaking. did u visit the underwater observary? hey i was wondering whether got the time to drive up to Albany since its very far from perth. Did u visit the Gap n natural bridge? Care to share more pics and ur itinerary, accomodation, car rental with me?
Thanks. Yet to book my tix, must quickly go n book liao.

Nice pics esp Mt. Fuji. So breathtaking too.
Must be charged up liao after e trip hehe.
I also think that something is not right. In fact, heard too many things... But they are the only ones that claim to have direct training from Prof S...so bobian... Haven't find anything for G yet. Still looking. Wait till I stop working then can go reki...
did u give B the rectal medicine since his temp is so high? how come he's in pain when he feeds? any ulcers in his mouth? hope he gets well soon...

any mummy knows of any good lip balm for our tots to use in winter weather? n good moisturisers? cos my ger has dry skin so wondering if i should get for her trip next mth...

XXOO to you too. Know there are already a lot of good advice being dished out to you, so shall not add more. But do take care of yourself, and Bren will defo turn out fine.

How's ur trip????

Ya.. counting down to hokkaido trip... next mon

How's the weather? Cold?? Hokkaido would be so much colder than tokyo.. hmmm..

very relaxing = no night life + sunset at 4 pm

We are expecting an early sunset lor, since it is winter time. And hokkaido basically not much night life. And super cold at nite. So we prepare to hibernate after 4 pm liao :p

What they only have are the hot springs.. did u try?? I told my hubby dun dare try the public one.. pai seh lah! heehee.. my hubby also wanna try the private one

Kind of addiction after going on tour ya? heehee.. i told hubby bobian lah, its a way for me to relax from my hectic teaching job. So if finance allows, wish to continue to go twice a year - june + dec :p
kite, kk,
Unfortunately, i caught a flu on the 3rd day of my trip and now still not recovered. I've been feeling very tired and sleepy after the trip...recharge? I'm waiting to be recharged! haa!

So suay that I got my menses on the 2nd day so how to go hot spring??? This is the most disappointing part! U sure will enjoy onsen every nite in Hokkaido!
Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, daytime around 14-18degree. MT Fuji area is between 0-10 degree, quite cold! The sky turned dark at 4.30pm. I heard Hokkaido is already snowing.
Which agency you book with? How many days and how much u pay? Do you go to Tokyo for this trip or direct flight to Hokkaido?

That's why i am so glad i just had my menses haha! That time after i made the tour booking, i counted and counted and told myself chiam liao, so suey.. go there if great-auntie come, then no hot springs. But luckily 'she' came earlier :p

Yooo that's my worry.. first time go winter, dunno we will kena flu or not
Hope not lor *keep fingers crossed*

14-18 deg really shiok!! Still miss NZ's weather when we went there last dec
Just a nice warm sweather will do liao
No need to wrap up like dumpling lor.

Ya, 2 nites ago got news.. certain mountain in hokkaido snow avalanche mah.. something like tat.
<font face="tahoma"> oki and serene,
talked to hubby regarding Wes JG class, we decided to change to 11.30am one instead. Timing best suit his nap.

kk and serene,
so much talk abt jap tour... makes me "itch" for holidays too!!!!</font>

I booked with dynasty travel. I always book with dynasty for my trips haha.. so far very happy with their service so continue to join them. They should give us membership privileges liao :p

It is a hokkaido 7 days package. After all dbs discount and in-house fair discount, around $2370 per pax. I read from forum that the price shoots really high during jan-feb period. That period got more things to see lor, especially sapporo ice festival and the ice breaking cruise. Gotta miss all these

Nope.. no tokyo last nite. We spend full time there.. fly back 7th nite flight. Reach singapore after midnite lor.

Errr flight to narita.. then to chitose airport.
<font face="tahoma"> kk,
hahahahaa like the way you say it... "throw" him here! hahaaa

am thinking of maybe next mar/apr maybe can see sakura if lucky</font>

Ya, for me, i think i can't get to see sakura in my lifetime liao, as long as i am in teaching haha! I always miss the beautiful seasons
Mar/Apr is the time to see sakura but this period will be quite cold too.

I booked with ASA Holiday. Yes every meal is Jap food except breakfast is hotel's buffet but also mixed jap food.
U must prepared the long john and thick winter clothes, gloves, hot packs etc.
The tour guide told us that Hokkaido summer is nice too! During Jul/Aug to see the lavender and sunflowers.

Ya.. different seasons in hokkaido different flowers to see.. winter no flowers only snow.. Hmmm and the period i am going is just the transition to winter actually.. dunno got interesting things to see or not..

Yah lor, spent so much on thermal wear, downfeather, socks, heat packs etc.. and spent a bomb on timberland shoes too

If winter is alright, i am aiming for tokohu or those less visited areas next dec
My colleague going to tokohu so maybe i check with her see nice or not
Initially she booked turkey but seem chaotic so they change their travel plans.

In fact i love ur 9 days central japan package too
The coverage is comprehensive
<font face="tahoma"> kk,
so must go for more winter holidays to make your money worth since you've invested so much on the winter clothings :D

you think can do Free and Easy for Jap??</font>
JG Evans called me just now to offer 2pm sat class but i rejected cos sun is more convenient for me.

For Japan, if u r going only to Tokyo, I think you can do F&E. But if you'd like to visit other city, it's better to book package tour. If not, you need to do some homework to check out the hotels and the transportation to move from 1 place to another and it's not cheap to do so in japan.

my central japan is 7 days only. Indeed comprehensive. The Tokuho u talking about is it the Osin tour? More countryside sightseeing?
I like hakone, Gawaguchi lake, mt fuji area, very scenic, peaceful and beautiful.

Did u go to the disneyland?

What's osin? heehee.. ya, more countryside and scenery-based
That's what me and hubby like.

really nice photos you had taken for your boy!!!

re: winter holiday

me too... looking forward to my family's korea winter holiday next month... we are spending christmas there. I had been busy these last 1 month trying to buy sufficient winter wear for the children... now the shipment are all pending at USA Vpost... sigh so stressed. I bought a wool jacket for both J & S each. Hope to get a ski suit for them over there cos I cant ship the columbia ones from the USA in time liao. Really hope it will be a pleasant trip cos so far its been a huge spending liao. Think more than 10k including the tour package itself.

any experienced mummies know whether getting a 99 - 100% wool coat for them each is sufficient as a daily outerwear? They have a puffer jacket each from zara in case it snow or rain. A set of wool mix sweaters each. But I really have no idea whether its sufficient. Really gearing up to take lots of photos .... told my hb they will outgrow the clothes before we know it but the precious photos will leave the memory with us forever.

rE: SM

I had suspended J from SM. I wanted to suspend S also but decided to try it for another term. He is ok except this term he dun like memory games like linking memory. I feel that I should give him what he likes best which is music... so next term shd emphasize on music. For J, she enjoys music and movement more so I think those memory and flashcard thingy she can do at home with me at no cost lah.

MTDT, I saw u last sat... u contiune for your boyboy rite
Nowadays, everything also money at SM... hmm ok lah all along its like dat heheee
Postpone also need to pay $80 and if postpone and never come back , pay $150 etc. complicated rules... Anyway I need a break rushing everywhere on saturdays and sundays for classes....

No, I opt out disneyland and universal studio this trip cos i've been to the US's and i'm not keen to go again. Frankly, I don't dare to take those scary rides lah. keke.

Osin? hmm...i think the place where they filmed the famous show, "Osin"...not too sure where either.

Wow! whole family to Korea next mth. My cousin also bringing whole family to korea next mth to spend the xmas. She joined WTS Travel. Korea is very cold. U bringing J and S, will have to take special care for them to make sure that they are warmth enough.
