(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Paula: I think you should change your maid. Afterall her main responsibility is to look after Kelly, the rest can close 1 eye. Last Fri, ER also had a sore bottom. It has never happened b4 and I suspect it's caused by my maid. Suspect she wipe his backside v hard when cleaning away his poo. My boy was jumping up & down, refusing to let people carry him cos will touch his backside. Very big patch of soreness. Till today, still not fully recovered.

heard can strengthen legs.
Think Brayden has got 8 teeths too. His teeth growth is slow too.


Your maid is too much and abit attitude! For baby gals esp., all the more has to make sure the bottom is clean and hygenic...Gals gets urine infection easier than boys. Be careful. Hope Kelly's blood test result is fine.

Thanks. You enjoyed your trip to Perth too.

Mine is nite flight by JAL, 11.30pm. Another 2 more days to go.....but I began to worry that i'd missed my boy very much and i've this silly thinking...i hope the holiday ends earlier and i can be back to be with my boy ASAP. :p
Thanks for your concern. Hope you're doing fine with yr 2 boys? R they giving you hard time that's why you lost weight so fast? Do share your weight lost 'mi fang'?

thanks for your concern. Though till now i still cannot believe that my grandma is gone but I try to think it the positive way, that she had finally rest in peace, no more suffering/torture.
tinklebell, paula,

In general, i feel maids r quite careless! Sometimes i asked my maid, "why this happened", "why she doesn't know".....she'd looked puzzled and tell me, "don't know".... It's quite boiling blood sometimes!
Your boy very guai look, he still got the baby face. Handsome boy!
Got any trial, if location not too far, jio me k? Long time no catch up with all of you.
tks alot for the compliement.. i guess i run after ethan alot cos he is so naughty plus weight lifting of the 2 boys..haha on and off i still ask Maya to do massages.. though i lose some of the fats, my weight din go down... i am still 6kg above my pre-pregnancy weight.. sob sob..

so good.. going to japan so soon.. envy envy.. must post ur nice pictures for us to c..

yeah ur maid is too much.. my maid also sometimes dun noe that my son poos though we can smell it.. guess we juz need to be harsh to our maids.. when i had my 1st maid, i was very nice to her but she soon climbed above my head.. i quickly changed 1 to this current maid.. i learnt for maids u juz have to treat them like maid n be harsh to them.. u can't treat them nicely cos they will know to climb over ur head..

Any1 plan to go to bring your bb to watch the born to be wild bee movie? thought of bringing ethan for a movie next mon but scared he dun behave well n be a nuisance to the rest..
Have you changed yr JPY $ already? JPY has been rising since last week, today is already 1.3378! I should have change it when it's 1.27 2 wks ago! sigh, regretted!

chat with you gals later, gonna log off to clear up some work b4 i go off on fri...
Yea manz, I am thinking of doing without one when Kell is in playgroup.

No lah, we have been training Kell to sleep alone since we got her a bed so, she will will hug her pillows and go to sleep herself

My uncle also received the call when we were having our family gathering. He put the call on speaker mode and we had fun teasing the china lady and finally, my uncle just shouted, STOP LYING (in Chinese) then she quickly hang up the phone.

Kell also missing her late afternoon naps during weekends these days I concluded that she is having too much fun that she rather forgo her beauty nap! Hahaha

I did asked her how would she felt if her own bottom was sore

Kell kept on crying last night when sleeping sigh sigh sigh!

This maid of mine is very smart lah mum to three kids and had two to three years of experiences caring for my 5 brothers

Kiss kiss ER
Peng, I second what you wrote. My GF also has her share of maid horror stories and she told me many times not to be too trusting with maid, and cannot treat them too nice.

Dun think Jerica can survive the movie show, can just imagine her climbing up and down the cinema seat and making a lot of noise. Cannot sit still one lah. haha.

Serene, ya lor. So far we have not met though we worked so nearby.
My hubby had to make appointment to 'date' me aka going out without G. One of my hubby's friend told her what his wife told him to get him to go on dates again: "Remember, your relationship with your kids is like leasehold property. Ours is freehold property!" So, for couples who go for holiday without baby, have a great time with your hubby! Though I know you are gonna miss your lil' ones, it is worth that time investment. And at our toddler's age, they remember us as who we are already. I can still see the way G jumping for joy and rushed to hug my mom when she saw her at the door returning from a one-week trip. And how happy she was to see her daddy returning from his trip just last Sunday.

So, bon voyage and have fun!
But you looked so slim now leh...envy envy....
Sure, i'll share some japan pics here with you gals but i'm abit shy to show myself cos still so fat!!! Agreed with you, my maid also didn't smell when my boy poos, many times, either we tell her or she has to carry his butts to her nose to smell!
Just last sunday, my boy poo and my maid didn't know, when she was changing her diaper while my boy in standing position, the moment when the diaper dropped to the floor, the poo dropped out on the floor too! haa!

Ya today the o level students' last paper - biology haha.. so the school started holiday end oct. I was having intensive program with the sec 3 till last fri. Today onwards free! Heehee.. but still need to report to school till 16 nov lor. So now online in school :p

Tomorrow and thurs got cca camp ah, and i am in charge from morning till 5 pm
Whole day! Dunno what to do

Ya! Purpose is to make the kids tired then they sleep haha! And now we go out we dun bring pram.. make her walk and walk then she tired out she sleep :p

My mum buy the frog legs from market... I myself never buy before :p Basically my nieces and nephews all eat that a lot :p

Sigh yahoo photos closed down liao hor? Transferring my photos to shutterfly. Will share perth photos with u once up
Should still be there :p

Wow, hope YJ jump for joy when she see me come back from my trip in dec

Now she super sticky to me.. at nite when we go over to mil place for dinner, once she see me, she stick to me liao and throw my mil aside hahaha... I am so happy!! :ppp

Oops dun think that way that ur holiday end faster then u will be back.. U must understand that once u are back from holiday, ur whole life routine will repeat itself
For e.g. i got to face naughty students again and the whole routine of marking, setting papers, preparing lessons, doing admin work etc etc got to start over again for 2008
How i wish i strike toto!

I am going to treasure this trip even more. Last year in NZ, was still thinking about work while there for 10 days. Crazy rite? Spent so much go there yet didn't enjoy

Didn't know what's my flight time.. also by JAL.. maybe also 1130 pm that time lor.. will get to know more details during the briefing
HX has neber like the stroller since day 1. Think my ILs pampered her by carrying her everywhere when she's a baby...btw, when she walked, she refuses to let anyone hold her hands and will just 'bang here and there'...so quite diff to bring her out...one more thing, if she sees me, she will want me to carry her, something which is a chore for me nowadays...really tiring carrying 2 packs of rice plus another on my tummy nowadays.....so usually when we go shopping etc, my hubby will carry her then i siam and do my own window shopping

YJ still ok with pram. Just that cannot stay put in one area for too long, example while we adults are having lunch in food court
So we bring her out for lunch must look for restaurants with babychair.. she love baby chair! She will bring her leg up to sit like in kopitiam SIGH!

My girl different lor.. hold my hands while walking and i so tired out by her. In the house, also want me to hold her hands walk walk.. faint! So she bring me round the house.. round and round and round.. until i am so bored haha..

Oh u with #2 too? heehee.. congrats! Lost track already, so dunno who are with #2 now.. think tinklebell and k ong too? Congrats all mummies

My hubby say he want kawaii bb.. i scold him siao :p No way!

The main problem is.... YJ dun let her daddy carry!!!!! And when my hubby scold her for doing something wrong, she will SCREAM at him! U see how naughty she is?? But when i scold her, she is ok :p
Steffi, you also preggie now? Congrats!

Jerica also dun like to be in the stroller now, she will make a lot of noise and struggle when we try to get her in it.

Kk, YJ so kuai, can sit quietly in the high chair, Jerica cannot sit for long in high chair. Keep wanting to stand up or wanted us to put her on the ground so that she can walk around the place. Faint!!
good for u..my gal sometimes refuses the baby chair..got a bad exp at swensons once...she was in her cranky mood, made so much noises...

yup yup, having #2..in fact he will be due next mth. :p
sure no problem, take ur time... yaloh yahoo photos shut now few mth ago n i hv transferred to flickr. Now Sony imagestation also gg to shut down next Feb. Hv to find other sources liao.

yup i stil remember u were preggie w no. 2 around as mentioned early tis yr.... Congrats.
thks..hopefully, this boy is manageable......otherwise got to take care of cranky gal and him...

#2 is a boy

Haha that day we brought her to vivocity haagen dazz because got voucher so we wanna take the chocolate fondue. There was no high chair so we put her on the normal chair. She can sit on normal chairs actually, and she started playing with spoon and fork and scoop up strawberries and the peanuts.. aiyoh all over the table lor. Dun let her play she will make noise leh. So got to let her play..bobian!


Due next month??????? Wow!

Heehee did u let ur girl play play with the cutlery at swensens? YJ will play and then happily drop them on the floor, waiting for us to pick up.. faint!


Luckily yahoo offer auto transfer.. if not siao liao, all my photos gone. It took so much efforts to upload the pics.. i thought yahoo revamp its photo site once and i really like it because it was soooo much faster than before!!! TOo bad, taken down liao
Steffi, dun worry, your girl will be older and she will know how to take care of her younger brother instead.

Kk, very good leh, YJ can sit kuai kuai on normal chairs, can just imagine her playing with the food, so cute!

Last Sun I brought Jerica to hawker centre, no high chair, so let her sit on normal chair, in then end she kept trying to stand up, we had no choice but to make her sit in her stroller again...sometimes bobian have to let them meddle with the cutlery and food to shut them up! haha.

I also prefer the old yahoo photos to flicker, find that flicker not as user friendly.
Help help! Those who have recieved d aussie itinery from Nao ... can forward to me? My uncle and auntie are planning a trip there and I cant find my copy!
I think tour coy usually book the nite flight for japan trip. Guess yrs must be night dep also...
I think the yen won't drop for time being! So heartpain, exchange a few hundred pts diff! if not, i'd be able to bring more $ for shopping!
When r u leaving?
Actually i agreed with you, i should treasure this trip. I know that i'll stick to my boy after this trip till the day he doesn't need me!

Think Jerica and my boy belonged to those super active type and wanna kepo on everything thus cannot sit still! My boy also refuses stroller nowadays and most of the time, the stroller is used for putting bags, barang! My hub says don't bring stroller out next time!

due next mth, excited huh? Good, 1 girl + 1 boy. perfect!

Tell u something cuter.. my girl sit on normal chair, then stand up, then attempt to climb up the dining table!! Can imagine? :p


Sigh, think we changing money this weekend lor, since girl is with mil and we are out to the agency and then dinner. So take the chance to go suntec to do exchange.

We are leaving 3 dec
I know definitely night flight, dunno the actual time :p

Oh going back home le... we catch up later
excited, but very very tiring....also sad that it will be another year or so before i can go on trips with hubby liao...

this is the 1st trip we had w/o my boy after he's born. B4 that, i always can't bear to leave him. i know it's very tiring at this last stage. i rem that time, i also feel v lousy...hoping the labour will come soon esp when i reach 37th week, i almost cannot tahan liao! My legs were swollen so badly/painful, my back aching too and so heavy and hot!

I must have picked the wrong one at chinatown that time for my HK trip. I went to the one inside CK.. alamak, that one not good rate. Think should go to the one near lin zhi yuan ba gua shop rite?

i always scolded her for acting like kampung girl hahahhaa.. sometimes wear skirt or dress also not demure. Very rough like boy like tat.


Hmmmm my hubby dun like to drive to chinatown hahahaaa.. guess we settle for suntec ba.. and can have nice dinner there after that
pawprint, yep... i also wonder what happen to poohy!! u read the other thread? she's also active there...

SOB! SOB!! yesterday's post so upsetting...
boys also can be lovely babies/infants/toddlers...
My Bren is such a lovely and sweet little boy... I've seen fren's little girls who really are 'little terrors'!! and i'bve also met sweet 4 yr old boys...

But would love love to ve a 2nd child who is a girl... sigh!!
