(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

yap, they love to play together esp hide and seek. yesterday i brought them to my friend's place and they starting finding corners to hide after warming up. sometimes i feel so pai seh esp when they mess up my friends' homes.

F cant really talk a lot... "daddy", "mama" & some simple words only

Serene, I think u r rite...keke

Tinklebell, I think partially could becuase of he is jealous. Even my girl, if you ask her to give way to her little brother how too many times she will say " I don't like him" and she will tense to be naughty and don give way anymore. So difficult to handle them..
So fun hor? F knows to play hide and seek.

It's true when you have 2 kids, the elder one always gets jealous. However it's always to hv girl as no.1, no matter what, girls more willing to give way. That's what i see from my cousin's kids.
So many talks about boys...Some of you have met my G - a girl...and think she outdoes most boys on screaming...keke. So, pawprint theory has one exclusion clause - except for strong-willed girls..:p
It is not true that if they know how to communicate their needs that they won't scream. Gabby is communicate quite well on her wants. She can speak in some short sentences and couplets now (though maybe only me, daddy, waigong and waigong understands her. But she would still scream if she is not getting what she wants, especially when she is hungry or tired. I know no other way to deal with her but to stay calm and not giving her too big a reaction. It helps though it can be really tiring and trying on patience. Lower successful rate though if she is tired or sick.
Busybuddies sound really fun...but me have to wait till Dec to go for trial.
Brayden so cute! How many teeth does he have? G stopped at 8...now hor...biting everyone, including me!

Yesterday hubby had to locate her old rattle that we had stored away and told her to bite the rattle instead of us. So she carried it everywhere with her and used it the whole afternoon...haha..
Talking about tantrums from boys...does your boys or girls stomp their feet on the ground (those left and right stomping) when they dont get their way? Darrell started that recently and he even sit on the floor and start kicking his legs...


Bren will love them!!
yawn... juz wake up from my long nap.. worked half way n took mc today.. can't take it.. the body juz gave way...

To the boys' mummies
hi five.. my son ethan is also getting naughty.. scream n scream.. not to mention i have 2 boys.. gosh dun noe how my life will be next time.. serene, as what u say, go out, want to walk on his own.. dun want to hold mummy's hand. walk 5mins want u to carry liao.. sigh.. think he will be terrible 2..

i think the trial is really very good.. but our kindermusik is starting soon right? dun want to force ethan to go for so many classes.. maybe wait till next yr then say.. but also hope next yr he gets into JG..

bray is so big.. gosh.. so handsome.. u shouldn't keep things to yourself. this forum is for u to air your thots.. so if anything pls share with us.. u take care ok? sweetie

K ong,
congras to you! wow u can still bf.. when i had the 2nd one, i couldn't bf cos i would have cramps if i do that..

if u got any news abt the trial can let me koe? i oso keen lei..mayb we can go together? haha


i shd be letting celest continue with the current class for the next term b4 moving her up the level...dun tink she is ready yet...
haha..saw ur post ont eh #1 boy then #2 will delay...my 2 boys...5yrs gap...hehe..so most ppl aske me to try #3..for a ger..but wat if is a boy agaibn...aiyo...this kind of stuff no guarantee one..
Good goody goodie mummies are back!

Screaming hmm, have you tried giving them an expressionless face when they did something that they shouldnt? It works on Kell when I gave her an expressionless face and with my finger waving no-no but these days, she is into tantrum mode will cry and cry and cry if she wanted something. I do it the hard way loh you want to cry, you cry loh so after her tantrum ended, she will walked up to me and hug me and thats when I will explain to her why she shouldnt behave that way and why I didnt gave in. Ditto when we are out in the malls too

Me lucky lucky Kell would hold on to our hands when we are out. Even if she is on hands-free mode she will still stick close to us by holding on to our pants!

BTW, still waiting for the results for Kell spoke to her PD this evening and he said that her CBC is just okay so can only comment more when her antibody tests are out.

Muacks muacks! I will be okay with Saturdays think Kell would love busybuddies

Why not have a chat with her teacher next Sunday and seek their advice accordingly?
Mummies, I think my maid is driving me crazy Kell has been having sore bottom every now and then. Most of the time, I just close my eyes and did not question her. But today when I am back home, I noticed her bottom was extremely sore and red then Kell kept on crying and crying during bedtime. Tak boleh tahan, I asked the maid what happened to her bottom? She said when Kell woke up from her nap, her diaper was full of poo and thats why. I asked, why didnt you tell me when I reached home? She is really in pain now keep on crying. She kept quiet. I told her, this isnt the first time that she has sore bottom already many of the times, I closed my eyes but you made me feel that you are climbing over my head these days. I told her, dont think that I am now back to work, I dont know kells habits she wont poo when she is sleeping. She will only poo before napping and if she does poo she will spent hour and hour rolling on her bed and will get your attention (she knows how to tell us when she is poo-ing now, very accurate). Obviously, you wont with her when she is going to sleep right? She kept quiet.
And to Mich thanks for your mini parcel too received it today! The bblegs looked so lovely by the way, what should I do with that red piece of paper and the fu? Just put inside the red packet and put inside her pillow?

Actually, it is really fun to mail things out and recieved parcels. Haha.
Paula, u mean she didn't clean Kell first before putting her to nap.
Better tell her off because Kell will get infection easily by doing this.
She might be pain when she urine now, my girl sometime only a little bit sore she alrdy complaint pain when urine.
Must clean her well now....
Poor Kell...muack..muack
No lah, I suspect she placed Kell in her bed and then didnt check on her and go and do her own things like having lunch or take a nap. Yea, think she is in pain cos she suddenly sat up when she was sleeping and started crying

I didnt even scold my maid just talked to her in my normal tone and just now, she bo chap me!
No lei ... what's that? Something like destine?
BTW, received your order I am trying to compare the prices from allaboardtoys with Toysrus in the States to see if there are any differences. So most likely wont place the order till Wednesday.
Paula, u heard of California Aloe Vera it is the same as Jorubi.Use on baby for mosquitoes bite, rashes etc...Is very good 100% Aloe Vera gel...can even use for mouth ulcers, very cooling. Can get from the pharmacy...
No problem for the order, is not uregnt. So u applying desitine for kell now ?
Haha ... we have decided what to get Kell for Xmas ... Daddy is going to get her the ELC kitchen set and Mummy is going to get her a huge ELMO hamper ... hahaha
Hi mommies, i am new to this forum. Can any mummy staying in Punggol advise me if they have heard any feedbacks on Bridges Montessori Kindergarden located at Punggol 17 Ave?
Paula, oh dear... change ur maid? Won't Kell be screaming away when placed in her cot alone to fall asleep? Really poor thing to have a sore bottom because of the maid! I find everything I can close eye, except the maid's attitude to the charge?

dsii, hey ur boys share such a close bond! Little one was keen to join gorgor outside the glass door! I find it's distracting for both kids to be there when only one has class lor, like the other time brought Irv for The Little Gym trial... he kept trying to leave, to join his sis waiting outside!

mtdt, gosh Busybuddies sounds really gd. Alas, the location... very difficult, sigh. Last time I attended Centrestage, also around River Valley area, for one term. Girl LOVED it, but getting there and back was such a hassle!

K Ong, ooo- late in my congrats! :D

Tinklebell, wow, #3!
Kowtow to ur ability to juggle everything, esp with work to add on! Yah, I find sibling jealousy such a pain to deal with too, haha. My girl gets jealous too, the difference is that she's the quietly jealous type... I have to SENSE it. And definitely still need to address it even though she's not thrashing on the floor (or thrashing the younger one), cos it's still a problem even if she's more subtle showing it.

Mich, did u receive my email abt Wallables discrepancy?
Hey HB said he *may* be travelling to TW next Jan, I *may* be allowed to tag along... but nothing firmed up so not getting my hopes up either!
Paula, I think will last her for a while.

Pawprint, heard Mich say u are mother of 2. Your girl also 3 plus and boy 17th mth is it ??
How u handle huh, sometime I am going crazy with 2 of them. The small boy really fierce, like to scream alot at his sister then 2 will start to fight. Faint...
CutieZ, yup
. My ahboy idolises jie-jie, except he doesn't know how to express it properly. So sometimes he'd be too rough, climbing onto her or pulling her arm to get her attention. He's also abit more competitive, whatever she has, he will try to snatch.

My girl often ends up in tears lor... so I try to explain to her how much didi likes her but that he can't speak, so he's too rough. And I explain to didi he shouldn't grab her. More importantly, I put them away from arm's reach when they are in highchairs, then no grabbing! :p

As for toy-snatching, we've taught jiejie to DISTRACT him with another toy. So everytime he wants hers, she'd quickly grab another toy to offer him. If that doesn't work, we'd ask her to lend him just for awhile, cos once he has it, he loses interest pretty quickly and she can have it again without FURTHER conflict.

Alot is dependent on her cooperation... if she's in a poor mood, then all hell breaks loose, LOL! Jiejie won't push or hit, but will hold on tight to the toy (or it can be a person carrying her). Whereas didi tends to KICK and all that. Both are great when it comes to turning on the tears. :p My boy has a more challenging temperament... he can get so upset that he'd FLING himself onto the floor FACE-DOWN and wail. Waaah!!! Never seen that in my girl and she's already 3+!
me leaving for perth this friday. Will share my trip with u when i'm back..Hmmm..haven't really finish packing...qi qi ba ba lah....hb is a last min person so i dun bother abt him...LOL

yap..bring J with me too! Enjoy ur trip to Japan.

k ong,
a BIG congrats to u!! Take care ya..

just a day and i have missed so many posts..forum is real busy today. Just finished reading the past posts & while i'm writing this...i have forgotten what i have read. Think i oso have STM

anyway, J is better now. slight running nose..hope that he will recover fully by Thur
Hi ladies...

not sure if u all got saw this news a few weeks back..I just received the same call this afternoon..Please let your frens/ relatives/ parents know....about this scam...


its exactly the same...i received the call..,the other side is a voice recorded message..i knew its a scam but i abit KPo so i press 9..then a china lady picked up & asked me for my name blah blah... i asked her wat u want & her name & contact no. & she hang up...

A lot of such scams going on.. from china, HK, etc.. so now once i received calls from someone i dunno (number not registered in my phone), i will just say i am not free and ignore.

Recently read a report in the papers.. think sunday papers.. a teacher got cheated! Alamak!!! I ask my hubby how come she so silly.

Serene and K Ong,

Thanks for your concern
I am ok, taking it fine already. More than 2 yrs have passed. Just a pity that my dad did not see the birth of YJ

Serene, when is your flight? Going for my japan briefing at the travel agency this saturday as well as pay the balance. Counting down

Haha everytime go tour i pack for hubby leh.. he never do packing up.. i still remember there was one time we went HK and i forgot to bring his sleeping shorts!!!!! HAHA! End up he sleep 3-4 nites without any shorts hohohoho! So after that i learnt my lesson. I had a travel bring-along list which i refer to everytime i pack up for our trip

Enjoy your perth trip! I missed perth!!!! Albany, pemberton, busselton, sorrento resort.. and my hubby's auntie family was staying there too.. so we stayed in her place for 2 days.. we went to their neighbourhood supermart and went round the neighbourhood at nite to look at their christmas deco.. wow, really love the way they do up their houses in preparation for christmas!

My perth trip was 11 days long.. etched in my memory
do your toddlers sleep during the day now? realised that my gal is ok on weekdays, at the nanny's place but when it comes to weekends, she simply refused to nap and will become very very cranky and bad tempered.........aiyo, hubby lost his cool at her last weekend
Paula - aiyoh... Poor Kell again..

ya, shd really consider changing maid... a maid tat doesnt love kids like their own really a big headache. Ask her: if she wld let such things happen to her own kid!

Elmo - wow!!!! So tempting!!!!! I wan to faint...
I wan to go back to USA! haha :p

Pawprint - I wan to try centrestage too.. but they wan a min of 3 session for trials... timing cant match. :p UESq - not tat difficult leh... it's really nice.

Poohy - ya loh... WRU?? Or maybe she went for her Korea Trip already?

Peng - ur boy soooo guai leh. where got all the "boys trouble" we facing! :p See this video... best evidence! :p

see the other 2 "yakking" mummies

True.. weekdays when YJ is at mil place, she will sleep once in the day even around 10 am or 11 am. But weekends, she just refuse to sleep. So can't be helped, we got to bring her out, to farrr farrr places like plaza singapura, changi airport, etc.. bring her "walk walk" "gai gai" then she sleep in the car on the return journey and continue to sleep when reach home. This is the only method to make her sleep.

Sometimes she will even fall asleep on our journey to the destination. Once we up the expressway, she will sleep le haha! Can't tahan her.

I think they simple want our attention when they are with us over the weekends.
Morning mummies!

anyone of u give frog leg to ur child?

Sure enjoy ur perth trip ya. hee
Must take more pics to show me lol

wow u really look different n slim down alot leh!

yup i remmebered u went perth, care to share ur perth pics?
me planning gg next yr hee now sort of planning my itnerary.

Yes, my mum has boiled frog leg with yangsheng for my girl last saturday. My girl just drank a bit, the rest mummy finished up haha!

But when she is a few mths old, i remembered giving her frog leg to eat. I used that to cook my porridge, so gave her to try
She loved it then heehee..

Hmmmm, photos.. previously i put in yahoo.. i read that cannot access anymore? Let me try..
yup yup, my hubby suggested driving round the neighbourhood just to make her sleep! but i thot the journey will be too short for her to fall asleep leh.......actually its ok if she wants our attention ..but we just cant stand her crankiness lor.....

u having school vacation now? saw u online quite frequently nowadays :p
Paula, poor Kelly! Cannot imagine her sleeping with a soiled bottom. Do apply thick layer of aloe vera cream and try to air her bottom as much as possible. Let her wear cloth diaper instead. Maid left alone with toddlers who cannot speak tend to 'be funny'.

Peng, ya you very slim now...envy..

Steffi, its like tat cos when they see us during weekends, they wanna play with us so will not want to nap. Like what kk say, bring her out to tire her.
Kk, yahoo has ported all the photos automatically to flicker, there is no more photo sharing under yahoo photos. Maybe you can try to check out at flicker?

Panda, enjoy your holidays. Do share the photos and experience with us when you come back!

aiyo... i'm having headache with u esp when they r so happy playing tog and refuse to sleep until 11 plus at night!
I really have no idea how i can cope with 3! We wanted 3 but came a bit faster than expected.

u lost a lot of wt ... finally back to yr slim self

Maids r not as smart as we think. My new maid also couldnt figure out when F pooed initially. I have to show her my shocked face everytime i smell shit smell, i ask v loudly, F pooed? why so smelly? After a while, she also recognises the smell.
