(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

kk, haha...very cute leh...she likes to have cream on her fingers maybe...Jerica will put her face really close to the cake like want to smell it. keke.
anyone wan to sell their old infant carseat?

my colleague looking for one.
hello mummies...

happened to see my nick so I came in.. hehee


was vv busy at work last week so I had not updated the blog. Plus my hb was in ICT... its the first time he really goes to ICT without coming home in the evening since we got married. I gotta take cab to work and drop S and then fetch him at lunch blah blah blah.... its been a hectic week for me. thanx for all the concerns.. the kids had recovered last week ... I had been wanting to update my blog these 2 days
lazy mummy...

I am still around the forum everyday but din really participate cos just too tired at times to type ... we had not gone to korea yet... though S is getting all excited about taking an aeroplane

re: boys terror

Actually S is not such an exception... he also had been quite a handful. I constantly worries if we had spoilt him rotten.
I had always tried to use the distraction strategy with him when he throws tantrum. If it dun work, I used to just sit down there beside him and let him cry it out. The longest he cried and I din give in where distraction strategy din work was abt 1.5 hours.... I just sat beside him and try to comfort him hoping he will soon calm down. But I think as he grows older, my patience is not as good as before 'cos I expect him to have more awareness and increasingly knows what is right. At times I will scream at him hehee....


sigh my S also.... everyday bully J. When I called home, one of the thing I will sure tell him is "dun bully meimei ok?" and he sure answer "ok!". But he still will snatch things from her and make her cry. But at times seeing them together is so fun... he will purposely chase her around and make her laugh and chuckle so hard. There are ups and downs... but they are just not those lovey dovey type of siblings.... I always tell my mum maybe its becos one is rooster and the other is dog lah... "ji quan bu ning"

re: busybuddies

mtdt, wow.. when I saw your post on how good they are, I am vv tempted to try too! I am likely to put J in half day child care next year.. so still sourcing around. Am trying to reduce any weekend activities.. old liao... felt v tired at times.
Poohy, yeap, weekends too hectic, LOL! I think we shld just stone at home with the kids, no nothing, just sit and watch vehicles passing. Irv likes to do that anyway, hehe. :D
poohy - glad to hear from u.

see u hv so many "fans" for ur blog... so must update more often yeah! hahaha

Busybuddies - hahaha... suddenly they will hv alot of pple asking for trials. :p

SM - how's J sm class? full? i really miss angeline leh haha
think for Z - as long as it's open space with a tiny playground, he will be happy for a long long time. really save me alot of money and energy to bring him here and there! hahaha
re: busybuddies trial

they have 4 slots currently.
am pending reply from angeline & dal.
Paula - can you make it?
so 1 more slot as of now, anyone? sat 1.15pm

let me know
Mummies, does your child respond to music or Hi-5 by dancing and dancing and dancing? Kell has been dancing and dancing and dancing these days whenever the music or Hi-5 is on for the latter, she will swing around in circle and circle and circle and she can do it throughout the DVD duration. OMG
mt, dun bear to sell my infant seat...
let my cats use to sleep...

pc, played hi5 for Bren for the 1st time today, started dancing initially then got bored! this child of mine... NO LIKE TV!!! HOW? must entertain and keep him busy all the time, not just play tv and let him sit dwn n watch...

understand fr sarah u waited for me till hair wht.? good!! then u'll be closer to our age group... :p frens in town and got dinners like all week... FULLY BOOKED!! HOW? rush bac to msn but u all not online liao...
RE : busybuddies trial


u koe how long is the duration & the price? 1.15pm sat rite..looking 4ward to it...tink i gota push her nap/lch time all up liao..hopefully all will be good else will end up with a cranky c...
re: hi-5

never let my kids watch hi-5... but they are hooked on mickey mouse clubhouse. U all shd try it.... really very nice and catchy music. Both J & S are hooked on mickey mouse clubhouse now... whenever the hotdog song play, they will dance with the characters...
funny to watch...


ya I must be more diligent on the blog... last week is the first time I never update for whole week.
Morning ladies.

Paula, is kelly better now?

Hi-5 : Jerica is hooked on Hi-5 too. Now this word is hush hush at home, cos she will want us to play the DVD for her whenever we mention 'Hi-5'. That is the only time when she will sit down and kuai kuai watch the whole show without climbing up and down. haha.

Poohy, you subscribe to mickey mouse clubhouse from Starhub? I have been thinking too but too lazy to call their customer service.
busybuddies - wow... hope u gals enjoyed the trial too. must feedback to me on ur views.

hi5 - Z also not into hi5. He is still into baby can read and bb einteins. :p
same same, now Hi-5 and barney are hush hush at home...during weekend, she can just ask us to play the VCDs over and over again....cant even mention the word 'surprise' cos inside one Hi-5 tape, there's this man playing the guitar and singing 'surprise, surprise'..........sometimes really regretted introducing these to her ...kekeke
MTDT, now that you mentioned, I have forgotten about baby can read and bb einstein, haha..should try to play and see if she want to watch them.

Steffi, haha, they make us 'hao3 qi4 you4 hao3 xiao4'
Hi Mummies,

Where to get mickey clubhouse??

YJ dun watch tv at all. Last time she love commercials. Now she ignore that as well.

Hi-5... dun think will let her watch because mummy dun like haha!

my boy is also into hi-five..everyday at 12.30pm the maid will switch on the tv for him n he will dance with the music.. so funny...

i am keen on the trial.. err.. sotong me, do u mean this sat??? where is the place? What are the activities?

Her bottom is better now just that she is down with running nose and slight fever ... Jerica consider guai liao my gal would swing and swing and swing and swing whenever they started dancing! I wonder where she got those energy from then Ijin said must save for Imperial College liao seems like she is those music/art types of personality.

Panda, Sunflower,
Muacks muacks
hey mummies,
i oso interested in the trial for busybuddies.. i'll give them a call for trial on probably next wkend.. cos this wkend really packed. No one answered earlier when i called.. but will try again.. if u interested, let me know.. then i'll ask as well..
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning mummies!

Duffy, if you're going next weekends for the busybuddies trial.. pls count me in. I cant make it this sat.

re : KL
anyone know which malls good for kids stuffs? </font>
Going KL? I don't know that much about kl but we always stay next to Mid Vally Mall. Think there are a few clothing/accessories shops for kids on level 3.
<font face="tahoma"> Duffy, thanks!

Joyfulmom, yap going tomorrow and will be back on Sun. Thanks will check them out. </font>
poohy, re the dvds available for mickeymouse club? Bren loves tat 'hotdog' song too!! would dance shake his feet, hands and all... in tw, they show it on the disney channel... pls add me to ur blog. [email protected]
glad ur kids are better!!

wah... busybuddies trial, i also wanna go!
pls pls organize trials when we're back!

joyful, i tried making 'salty' oats yesterday... added cabbage, liver & ham. Bren kinda liked it but not for me!
busybuddies trial is $35.

1.5hrs.. as usual 1st 15-20mins is freeplay.
then welcome song, puppet of the day/letter of the day, art/craft, snacks, motorskills/music&movement.

max 10kids with 2 teachers
Haha...I don't fancy G's food too. As long as she eats'em, I am alright..but never ask me to finish her food for her...my mom ask me to sometimes! I told her I don;t want to get fat jsut because of eating sheng4 cai4! Getting fat eating abalone is a different story...keke.
Z din eat the paint.... but he did eat the "glue" when we were doing the art/craft. :p

this sat class shd be the same theme as my monday's class... theme is "CLOUDS"
