(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


i am so angry with the gymboree now.

called to reserve and they say since ALL of us are using the free coupon, they are going to limit 4 babies to every time slot!!!

the slot they have is:

sat - 9.30 am
sat - 4.30 pm
sun - 11.20 am

i am so sorry for the miscommunication, hope the above arrangement will be fine as well

Gosh that's bad! Thought we can be together

Can try to haggle to put more bbs togather?

I choose the 4:30pm lot can?

apologies to the rest of you for the inconvenience.

fates, ivy & anna

i have booked the 930 am slot on the 7 apr at tanglin mall. pls remember to bring the tiny coupon and a pair of socks.

the rest, pls try to confirm fast as slots are running out...
bbpotato & amy,

i called last night wanting to book the other 2 slots but they tell me 1 mummy can only book for 1 slot. so sorry cant help.

u girls try to form a group then jus call to give them bb name only.

Im interested in the 0930 slot. Can i add my name in?

(7th AprSat)0930hrs


(7th AprSat)0930hrs

1) Fairysnowberry
Milo, thanks for your help.

I just called to book the slots for 7th Apr 4.30pm.

The class duration is for 45mins.

Dat's e only available slots left on the day itself.

Pls kindly indicate your DS or DD's name in order for registration.


<u>(7th Apr Sat) 0430hrs</u>

1)Krystne (Kendrick)
2)Hazel (Jared)
kk - YSL catering $10/$15 dishes, quite good leh, somemore delivery charge is $20. I just placed order wif neo garden last week, this YSL catering must keep for another occasion liaoz...
So what cake u ordering har?
yalah, buffet i settle neo garden lah, cannot crack my brains too much...alot cells dying becos of thinking too much.

for the cake hor, i really thinking hard....how abt u?

Only 4 babies for morning session leh.....why don't you join the 4:30pm slot?


4:30pm got one more slot..

Thanks milo
just called to book the slots for 7th Apr 4.30pm.

The class duration is for 45mins.

Dat's e only available slots left on the day itself.

Pls kindly indicate your DS or DD's name in order for registration.


(7th Apr Sat) 0430hrs

1)Krystne (Kendrick)
2)Hazel (Jared)
3)Ceepeetee (Christian Peh)
fairysnowberry, take the 4.30pm slot lah...been quite a while since we last met.
good afternoon, my colleague gave me another scare again, blood clot topic on my gal just now.

fates - if you ask me how often she pulls her hair and hit her head, i think i saw her did it once before she sleep last nite, but past few days, she did it about 5-6 times a day per my mum.

annie - thanks for the info, i think good to know that massage/rubbing on the area helps, coz i really don't want to go hospital and go thru the scanning. J is terrified of doctors.
So damn.. the centre said totally full. I guess no space / slot for me to this 4.30pm trial either man.. Whats a day ..

Great to hear that.I totally agreed, just same
jialat, sorry i was so mad over the trial matter. sigh!
Totally agreed! My niece whose i took her to see doctor few times cried like hell even way before the doctor actually see her. Bb really v smart can remember the clinic so well..

(7th Apr Sat) 0430hrs

1)Krystne (Kendrick)
2)Hazel (Jared)
3)Ceepeetee (Christian Peh)
bbpotato,just what you suggest, i indicated my name now 1st.

7th Apr Sat) 0430hrs

1)Krystne (Kendrick)
2)Hazel (Jared)
3)Ceepeetee (Christian Peh)
4) Annie (Keane Then)
annie - free trial is like that lah, everyone try to book, so u called the centre to book just now and they said 07apr morning slot fully taken har?

Hmm I going leh.....at the morning slot. You scanned before and doc says no clot right? Your colleague quite paraniod?!
She hit her head with her own hands or against the wall? If it's against something soft, it's ok la.....if against the wall then gotta bring her see doc..
Hi mummies,

haiz...me too late to join again
keke can someone sms me next time...coz me diff to log in during office hrs except lunch time and at home.

I got a crazy idea. next gatherining, we all gather at My gym? we can book one hour and bring our bbies there to have some exercise??? kekeke


thank god my mil n fil veri accomodating. me veri fortunate. somemore she is also looking after another 2 babies and one 3 year old rascal n i am usually the only dil that has to work so late.

keke...me also dilly dally again about the buffet and cake...i called patissier today..wah bian...they quoted veri expensive la...so....as for the buffet..someone told me Yan Palace veri nice. anyone ordered from them previously...i like the dim sum n food from the restaurant but not sure abt the catering thu


oh for those who loves tiramisu..try this. its heavenly...yummy
morning everyone....

fates - oh ya, just scroll up and see, u are in the morning slot. me blur liao.

oh ya, scanned with doc but nothing. my colleague say the clot surface after sometime, this statement make me worried.
and yes, she use her own hand to pull hair and slap her own head.
<font color="0000ff">For the Gymboree trial, do you register for the level 2 or level 3 programs?

I've just registered for the level 2 (as my son still can't crawl yet) with the Harbourfront branch for this Sunday, 4pm.</font>

Yaya, my boy also, when he's v sleepy but unable to fall asleep at nite,he'll pull his hair and slap his head..godness... i beat his hand when he do tht (in fact feeling guilty)so he dun dare to repeat..
Hi Chris,

When i called yesterday, they gave me the 930am slot. So i guess still available. Do you want to call them to double-check? I dunno if its still available now.

Sharon will be going tog w me for the 930am slot.

Yup thanks. Jayden is much better now
Are you sure? Is it you book for 7 April 9.30am? I was told fully book even I had confirmation earlier in e morning. They called in the afternoon to void everything. If your slot still can take & have space, maybe can reserve for sponge? If so, let me know.

Hi mummies,
Just called to gymboree @ this Tanglin Mall, the lady informed that for those whose have the coupon and wanting to go can call direct to book for a slot for 4 paxs on 14 and 15 Apr.Same goes to Harbourfront & Parkway Parade. Free trial is end on 15 April. Hope some mummies can make it.

Tanglin mall @67355290.
Harbourfront centre @6271 1545
parkway: 64406306
Hi Annie,

When i called yesterday they gave me the 930am slot. I just called to confirm and they confirmed that i'm in for the 930 slot next Sat.

The lady dun really want to say if the slots are all taken up but she said if want to call for appt, its based on 1st come 1st served and have to call up personally.

I can call and book for sponge but i dunno the baby's name and her hp number. If you have the details, would you like to book for her?


Mind to ask, is it book under your name? Mind to have your baby name then i call to add her name in. Whose are the mummies inside your group, paiseh, have to check with her whether she knows any mummies in your group.
Are you currently online? My msn: [email protected] (also my hotmail). Thanks a millon
Hmm.. how to say, i called them continuous 3 days liao. First, i got confirmation reservation for 4 paxs. later, called me to say overbook and was their fault, pestered me to change and reschedule the mummies.
Despite many agruement until this lady said she only 2 places tomorrow sat 4.30pm. Unfortunately, Sponge can't make for tomorrow.
Mind to ask, your group is it full? If not, can add her name until your group. (her gal: Ariel Lim)
Let me know. Thanks

How can clot resurface after sometime? Your colleague purposely making you worry isit?


Good recommendations on the tiramisu cakes! Looks lovely!!!
