(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


YLS got delivery charge meh??? I think dun have leh.. i took the $10 menu.. very good hor?

For cake, i ordered ice cream cake from swensens.. winnie the pooh design.

hi, glad that mummies are signing their kids for gymboree. i have enrolled my baby for their level 3 and i found that it is quite simulating for her. i hope mummies will find the same after the trial.btw,for babies who know how to walk with assistance, it is better to sign up level 3 and for babies who don't know how to crawl, then it is best to go for level 2 though personally i found it is a bit boring.

i'm giving my gal yoghurt like once every 2 or 3 days...not everyday coz afraid she might feel 'sian' to eat the same thing everyday and also baby yoghurt expensive wor...

u feeding ur gal everyday?? i think it helps for consitipation ...my gal poo everyday nw (can be twice a day) after introducing yoghurt to her.
Hi mummies

After a lengthy discussion with my hubby perhaps the only celebrations my dd will get on her bd is a private celebrations. Sigh So envious that you can have a mjor celebrations. My dh said he might not even be able to be in Singapore?? so sad....
pooh & littletot,

i feed K yogurt everyday during weekend and when i am on leave and it definitely aid in smooth poo-ing!

my mum is abit skeptical on the yogurt as she find it cold wor... she even ask me can warm abit mah :p
i give my gal yogurt everyday and she poo once every 2 days now.Used to poo once every 3-5 days!But was wondering.. is yogurt consider "liang"? So far i only gave her baby yopilate and petite mian for kids
hi mummies,
would like to chk whether have your started using finger brush n toothpaste to brush your bbs teeth? Do u just leave the toothpaste on after brushing?
Hi mummies

Feel like bringing my dd and ds for a picnic this week. Want to meet up at Botanic Gardens this Sat or Friday?
we are on the same frequency! Me baked sinfully choc cupcake on Sunday too...melted the whole choc bar in and its so rich...haha...
Sigh, totally burnt my weekend cos Xavier had a high fever on Thur, fri...Din even go out of my house for 3 days! And he slp quite a bit so i had the time to do my baking...haha...

your cupcake looks good. perhaps you and Ivy can bake some for next gathering. i was unable to join past gatherings but sure hope to meet you all soon.

sorry to hear about Xavier. did he just have a jab?
Is the cake nice? I have the same thought of getting Winne the pooh & friend. :p (Crazy fans of Pooh...)

You can try Heinz, i use that for keane Definitely, help poo-in. Keane finish a small bottle at one go, hence, doesn't need to put in fridge.

Cot blood can resurface? Are you sure? Maybe you call your PD to ask. Not to I know. Until now, Keane also nvb experience this resurface before. Unless, baby has hit one more time that so serious.. check with your PD first..
heinz got yogurt?

no leh, he din have a jab or anything unusual...just had a fever and slowly shot up...sigh.

Hope X is feeling much better now! You and milo good leh......I simply no time to bake! Miss baking those yummy cakes and cookies.


If using the First-teeth toothpaste...there's no need to rinse bb's mouth as the toothpaste is edible.

Talking about gathering....when is our next gathering huh????
<font color="0000ff">*Personal* verdict on Gymboree trial
I went to the Harbourfront branch for the trial yesterday. The program is similar as Kindermusik but not as strenuous. I prefer the environment there as the branch is rather new and there is a "own-time-own-target" time for baby to explore the "gym".</font>

<font color="ff0000">!!! Remember to bring or wear socks (baby and also the parents). I thought only need the socks for baby and has to buy a pair for myself.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Brushing baby's teeth
We only use the First Teeth toothbrush with cooled boiled water without the toothpaste as I don't want to introduce too much chemicals to baby too early (though it's edible).</font>
thanks for e recommendations

must go buy and let him try. i have been giving a little ice-cream and cake. yoghurt is a much healthier dessert.
Wow bbloh.....you went for gymboree too huh? Trial sprees
. Thanks for your reviews....
So which one will you sign up?

Besides bb biscuits/yogurt, what other munchies/titbits are you mummies giving babies?
gathering huh...must wait liao loh...
Mum told me xavier fever again..now they are at the pd. Just found out ariel, zenrong also fever...
seems that so many bbs are sick this month, must be some virus going on!
Baking? can do when bb is napping loh. This mummy is ownself find trouble kind, afternoon cannot fall aslp so find things to do loh.
yes, oso has pudding. hehe

Thanks for the review, great, else i wonder how to carry keane, he is getting heavier.. sigh!

my parents have a habit of pinching food from their own plates to feed my boy. i ban them from feeding eggs, peanuts, oily and fried stuff but who knows what happen when i am not around.

my mum feeds him quaker oat whenever she has a bowl and apparently he likes it a lot.

Oh yes I heard our baby can eat oats now right? You gave your baby the 3-in-in quaker oats or? Anybody else tried??


Oh no! I hope lil xavier, ariel and zenrong will be well asap!! I know how tiring it can be for mums when the little 1 is sick. No la...you love to bake, and that's a good thing!
i found one catering that willing to accept credit card, must go down to the nearest branch to make payment 1 or 2 days in advance before the buffet party held. Am not sure about the home buffet whether nice or not. As for the resturant one, v nice with wide variety of sushi & others to choose on.

The resturant should be Sakura, any advices on this?

http://www.sukigroup.com.sg/catering.htm# (According to them, no more $10 per head, min is $12, can ask for email / fax to you).
alama,i posted too fast again, forget to add this line, delivery charge is wavied off 40 paxs. I also understand sukura is kind of link with ntuc link card or what card, can earn points. Anyway, the contact number is 92990880

U mean swensen cake?? Me and hubby dined at swensen last week and bought a piece of cake to taste.. ok lah not too bad.. of course the best is still haagen daz :p

i am crazy over pooh too! Now all my birthday party deco is pooh, the cake is pooh design, 2 agar agar are pooh design too. Even my girl's new dress to wear in the day is pooh too haha.
hihi bbloh
So you went to Gymboree too. hee I also went for their trial.
After comparing Baby Jumper to Gymboree, I took package with Gym cos my girl seems to like that place more maybe becos it is very colourful. As for me I actually like Baby Jumper more cos they have the flash cards thing which i think can stimulate her right brain. Hee i am very pro to flashcard have been flashing when my girl is 3 mths plus. As for Gymboree the plus thing is the gym equipment that they have that attracts me. I read from books that having babies to play with these gym equipment is very good for their development. And since my girl is so so happy thats why i sign her up. per lesson is $29. Actually my girl is also happy in baby jumper though but too bad she laugh more in Gymboree. :>
Just to add on to the gymboree class, Ethan had been attending the classes over here, so when we went back for CNY, brought him to the one at Harbourfront for his makeup lessons. Was pretty impressed that everything was very similar to the center here, right down to the equipment and songs too.
me also giving the quacker oats. But using the need to be cooked kind cos it supposed to be better....

no lah...dun think that plc is nice to eat. Me not going for the link points, cc points etc...just wan my guest to be happy eating yummy stuff.

amazing...you can even attend make up classes!
Is it? I only tried the buffet sushi @ orchard branch, quite nice. As for the home buffet, am not sure about it. :p I have fix the neo garden liao.
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
Did you go to the Harbourfront branch as well?
Since you have been using flashcards for Wan Qi, then Gymboree is good enough as I'm quite impressed by their facilities as well. Still thinking if I should sign up for it.

BTW, since Wan Qi is still nursing, what is her meal schedule like? How many milk feeds & solids is she taking daily?

It's great to know that we can attend Gymboree make-up classes even when overseas!</font>

Thanks for your feedback. Good to know that the Gymboree standards for both countries are the same. I am looking forward to our trial class this Saturday!


Ya wrt oats, i intend to buy those organic rolled oats to cook. Suppose to be healthier?! What other foods you feeding x?


Are you still flashing cards to your girl now? You flashing more pictures or words? I am in the midst of the Shichida 65-days Maths program.
me feed quite a bit of adult food these days but no eggs yet.
For fish, he can take off our table as they are usually steamed. For veg, all kinds that i can find in the supermart.
Fruits, same too.
At times, lazy mummy will drown rice in soup and feed Xavier too.
For meat, only gave him pork but boiled in porridge and not to be eaten. I am very wary of chicken cos of the hormonal jabs they take. To me, seeing the chicken boiled in the porridge is akin to see the hormones being released into the food for Xavier to eat..
But then again, i try not to give too much organic stuff cos i dun wan him to get used to organic stuff. Else it will be a big problem when he go out to school or NS next time!

sounds like a big time paranoid mummy hor?

Actually J's food is not totally organic, but like you mention, some foods are better to be organic eg. chicken. My MIL do her daily marketing at the PP wet market, but paranoid mum here will buy organic veg for him once in a while. I am wary of pesticides and chemicals in them. For chicken, I intend to intro when he's bigger. Now is mostly pork

For soups, do you cook specially for him or from the adult's portion?

WRT eggs, my MIL gave him some cooked egg yolks and he seems fine with it. Guess gotta give them slowly now. If not how to eat their birthday cake?

I thought of giving J noodles/pasta...have you try?
hehe.. still feed k porridge but as for the food, just like you whatever on the dinner table. Expect for the fish, steam without adding anything. (seperate from us). No eggs strictly, i oso intend no cake for him even when k's birthday party held.
MIL naggy that i didnt put light soy sause in the porridge for k. really can faint. Sodium isnt gd for heart.K has a hole in e heart. She demands that she practiced on my hb.
Luckily, k is taking care by my ma. Mil loves to cook salty food even for veggie.
i found another one great buffet catering. The rice table, menus from 12 and $15, only two kinds of menus. $35 transport charge. This one dont allow credit card. However, the food is damn great.
Forget to say, until now, still no meat for k lar, not even chicken or pork. I only used the pork big bones to brew the soup and use that for k if his appetite drop. Mil keeps naggy on me... Sigh! anyway, he has fish, which i think is enough for him, until he can eats all sorts of veggies. Currently, beancurd, tofu, corns, young bb corn, beans and other veggies except tomato and mushroom.
Hi Annie,

thanks for your recommendations. I am not looking for any caterer that accept cc. I am happy with my current arrangements and have no plans to change them.

hee...Xavier haven have the pure egg but he pinched cakes before already. So far no reaction, so i am not worried. The reason no eggs yet is cos his caregiver say egg hard to digest so better dun start so soon. So i just leave it as it is loh.

PP wet market is very very expensive! I tried to do my marketing there but end up paying 1.5times more than usual. Sigh!

Sama sama! I pinched cake to feed J b4 too! So far no reaction *cross fingers* Now whenever J see a picture of birthday cake with candles, he will clap his hands and I'll sing for him. So would love him to have a taste of his own birthday cake

YES my MIL always say PP wet market vvvvv expensive, so she buys the threadfin from clementi instead. Cheap and fresh she says! Where else besides PP wet market you buy your raw foods?
hi bbloh
yap i went to the harbourfront one.

Ya i was jus about to ask mummies here about their babies eating pattern. Cos i am always worried that my girl is not eating enough.
I am still latching my girl Wan Qi cos she simply doesnt want bottle.
3plus am drink milk
6plus am drink milk
9-10am plus drink milk
1-2pm eat porridge
4-5pm plus eat cereal
7-8pm plus drink milk
10plus drink milk

I always feel that my girl's eating pattern is not very good
for 9-10plus feeding i am always worried that i dont have enough milk cos normally i dont have brakfast till 9 plus. But becos i latch her so i dont know her intake leh.

I am flashing more picture stories cos she simply dont like the words flashcards. As for the dots she also dont really like. But when she went to Baby jumper i find that she can concentrate so i guess is because my method is not correct or maybe i flash too many or maybe now she is sick of mummy flashing lia. Dont know why she detest the word flashcards.

How is shichida's programme? Is it good?
Hi Matsu,

My Amber's born in May and apart from a month's trial on bottle when she was around 4mths old, she's been latching on since. She's currently 9.15kg at 10mths old.

She takes cereal in the morning and porridge for both lunch & dinner. I am a SAHM and latch on as and when she desires. This being my 2nd child, think I am not so conscientious nor concern.

I believe as long as the child appears health and happy, you really do not need to worry too much about their growth. The thing about milk supply, as long as there's demand, there will be suply so don't fret too much over it.


my side here oso,aready started introduce adult food (home cook)2 Edison-steam fish,vegie,rice,bean,soup.
Oso only add pork/fish in porridge, no chicken...it's true chicken wf hormonal jabs,even u get it fr wet market,a std chicken needs at least 1.5mths to growth but wf jabs, they can sell 2 market in 3 wks time...how scary..
