(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Throw letter and be SAHM? keke...
I can't........take care of J on weekends, I almost went crazy le.

J these few night keep waking up to cry....don't know is it cos' of teething or, he kenna traumatise by force feeding of medi.
ivy, i tot all buffet caters are CASH ON DELIVERY, which caterers can accept Credit card????

wow, tot u just back from holiday not long ago, so fast holiday mood liao??? kekeke
<font color="0000ff">The weather was rather hot lately. I had my hair trimmed to quite a short length last Friday evening. Buay tahan leh!

*Personal* verdict on Baby Jumper Gym trial
5 babies attended the trial last Sat. It consisted of flashcard (words in red, real-life pictures) with songs, music, fine motor skills, right brain stimulation & physical play at the "gym". Lastly, a Q & A session was held. Not bad a trial to attend as it's very different from Kindermusik.</font>

i have been thinking abt it for a long long time but no courage leh. i am a big spendthrift and my pathetic savings not enough to last me.. cannot imagine asking hubby for money, he too cat liao!

my K also very cranky these few nights. wake up in the middle and scream. after milk ok liao but the mummy going to be panda soon.

u signing up BJG mah?

after thinking for a long time, have settled for juliagabriel and have made a booking for it. K will start attending classes when he reaches 18M.
Hihi mommies, i'm selling off a brand new unopened set (still comes with packaging intact) of Osim iCheck 500 at $250, neg. Actual retail price at Osim is $298. So, this is more than 15% disc!

Osim iCheck 500 is a blood pressure cum body fat measuring machine. You can check out the functions of this machine here.


Anyone interested? Can pay me using cash or takashimaya vouchers

Ya working mummy, but see my boy everyday. MIL taking care of him at home


Just about to ask you about the trial! Glad to know you enjoy the session. Is it as strenuous as kindermusik? Did you sign up?


JG good huh?
<font color="0000ff">No, I didn't sign up for BJG. Intend to "shop around" 1st. It's not as strenuous as Kindermusik in the sense that we do not need to "swing" baby constantly. Only during the gym session (abt 15 mins), that they'll move about more.

Heard that JG is very good but have to attend classes 3 - 5X on weekdays right? Is there any weekend classes? What's the cost fee like? The waiting list is so long ar?

Am also taking of going for a short trip but will definitely bring baby along. Cruising is not a bad idea but have to check hubby's schedule.</font>

heard not bad. i went down to look see as K not of age so cant sign up for trial yet. feel quite ok. they have someone to play the organ somemore! very impress!


they have weekend classes for 18M and above. i signed K up for the bilingual playclub on saturday at evans road. waiting list for the 9-11 am slot is abt 6M. fee is abt 600 for 12 weeks.

I personally have not tried neo garden before, but read very good comments on it.. u can easily do a search here and a lot of mummies have posted up their comments on neo garden before

I almost booked with their subsidiary delihub as their food is good too. But i increase my guests to 45 pax and their menu seem a bit costly lor.. so i switch to YLS catering instead.
yoz fairynowberry, try dentinox teething gel, can get it from watsons and pharmacy, the taste quite ok and it help to soothe teething bb, can try arh..

fates - me oso working mummy, but my mum take care of jeneil, i have to fetch/send bb to/fro my mum's everyday. :p
Wonder if my gal travel too much, she now on/off easily fever.
JB is good huh? Got school bus bo? I am thinking abt weekday classes too...But too young at 18mths to take sch bus hor? haha...
9-11am so early? Thats Xavier's nap time now, dunno if it will still be this timing for naps when he is 18mths...scratch head liao...

dun think its the travelling? Prob is the weather or she is teething?

i dunno leh...i tot so too, either cash or cheque. Thats why was hoping that Annie can managed to source a good and accept CC caterer and recommend to us here!
Hi milo,
^5! i also want to be a SAHM.coz i found that by the time i reach home at 9pm and bring boy back, he sleeps immediately, no chance to play and interact w him....somemore realise that he is closer to my inlaws and maid than me...soooo JEALOUS! do u know tat when i came back from my trip, my son cried till veri qi liang when he saw my fil, as if we tortured him for a few days..when my fil carried him. my boy sayang n hugged and kissed him...gosh! he never does that to me....haiz....

but with my nonexistent savings n shopoholic nature...its just a dream...cant imagine asking hub for money, think he will faintz if he sees my credit card bills.

Hi Annie,

Neo garden is good. i got them for a few times the only thing is that their decor is not so fantastic lar more of the china type. other recommendations r Rasel, Elise kitchen or Kgourment. I've tried them a few times and so far food wise is fine.

so far been to a few school, JG is one of the good ones. best thing is they got teabreak for the kids!!! jus try for a term and see how beneficial it is for him.

18M too young to take school bus liao la.. i been worrying whether will they get lost bo. they got other timing like 11-1, 1-3, 4-6 so can consider.


^5.. i agree that its really tiring but wat to do????

my mum has strict rules to bring back K at 7pm every night so there is no more after office shopping for me anymore. its jus work - home - work.. very sian

your R complaining to ur fil huh? so cute to see them uttering bb language.
ha, your mum so strict?
Heng, i can rot at my mum house till he slp...keke...

Got tea break? Eat wat?! Change your timing leh...take the 11-1 then our sons can play together!

i think your fil pamper your son alot...but its good also. My son only got female environment other than his daddy...haha...

ya lor. i gave her black face many times because of this. mayb she is so use to working outside, time up, go home. anyway, she takes good care of K so i better dun ask for more..

tat day i was there, they were eating xiao dian xin like siew mai or something. every week diff wor, so good.. onz lah... act i prefer the 11-1 also.. too early cannot wake up
Thanks for your responce. Still wondering this neo garden is it v ulu type.
Great. I will place order for my relative celebation (since more old folks):p among other 2 celebration parties.
Yes, i tried Elsie kitchen for keane's first mth celebration; forgot whose was the mummy here that recommended me.

Anna & Sponge,
Have you read today "mind your body", Gymboree has a free trial for new parent (nvb join their programme before), for age 0-5yrs.
I am going for a trial. Hmm for a certain period.

Yap, only accept cheque, cash is still not advisable for neo garden. (stated easier for driver). Hee hee.. i am still searching one that can accept credit card.Few that i have checked willing to accept request impossible guests number.
Currently, checking whether Jack's place catering allows or not.(will call their direct contact) since compasspoint branch resturant not sure about it. However, only 2 menus for asian buffet @$12 per pax. International buffet .$15per pax. However, I am not sure about their food. Anyone order Jack's place buffet before?

Don't apply teething gel if your bb is ok.It's just that his gum is itchy, can let bb bite on those freezed teething toy.(keane bites my shoulder when i carry him; bite my toes, my fingers).

The teething gel is sweet and stated safe for newborn baby onwards; its still a medicine. I only apply when keane suffered in pain until he doesn't drink milk & water especially when his gum get swollen & fever is on (keane has fever whenever new teeth is popping out). Hope you dont mind, personal opinion.

Huh? How come you need to bring your jarrett around? Thought he is @ home all day?

onz lah.11am one! i will go and check it out this weekend. Gut feel is that i will go ahead. This one for weekend then the accession one for weekdays! haha..

i got a tentative slot for a free gymboree trial on the 7th april at 9.30 am at tangin mall!!!

anyone wants to join me bo. the slot is empty!!! if can form our own class lagi best!!!

1. milo
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
yoz ivy, i think you are right, she is teething now and probably the reason for the fever on/off. I oso hope not the travelling coz my mum keep saying bb travel to/fro too much in car. sigh.

milo arh...class so early, i need to get up earlier to prepare food for bb...hahaha.
So your bb oso have fever on and off like Keane when teething? Keane fever will hit up to 39c. He tends to fussy and crancky a lot especially when we stop him from doing something. However, he still v active day n night. He can sit up and looked @ me out of the middle of the night and "shake" me to awake and repeat again if i fall asleep. Sigh! hb still can snored through the nite regardless keane's cried. However i wish i can sleep deep like him. Really tough to take care him during teething period. I doubt travelling affect that unless your gal shows tiring and seem no "energy" on everything.
milo, i m interested.

sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
<font color="0000ff">Anastasia,
Thanks for your reply. I'll check out the shop. In fact, I got most of my boy's clothing there in the first few months.

Some feedback on e-creative's cake
I heard that they use quite strong colouring (food dye) for their decor. If "kena" the stain, it's difficult to wash off.</font>
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
6. Ceepeetee
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates (told her to cut e coupon)
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates (told her to cut e coupon)
8. leejen
annie - i think iz teething bah, coz same symtoms as your boy, cranky at times but during car ride, she still blabbering her langugage. I really hope she is ok.

hi mummies, my gal recently likes to pull her own hair and slap her own head, particularly on the right side of the head, dunno y but i afraid she headache or sort. She fall down the bed when she 7mths old, brought her for scanning but shows nothing, just now got a colleague told me might be blood clot...i got frightened...do u think i shd bring her go scan again?
Thanks annie. No la.....I am not the one who brings bb around.


It's normal...no need to go scan. I read somewhere they pull hair or slap/bang head on soft targets (eg cushion, pillows, our body) because it's a pain relief to them (because of teething). It will become a cause for concern only if your gal bangs/slaps her head a lot during the day or continues to bang/slap her head even though she's hurting himself. HTHs
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
Same here, hopefully teething go away soon.. Wah! your gal still v guai, only do that to herself, but must be careful, dont let her hurt herself. For keane, haha its opposite, he pull my hb's hair (doesnt dare to do on me).. throw the toy.. sigh!
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon)
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
9. Hazel
sorry, i miss out yr name.

sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
9. leejen
How come like that, i posted then refresh then saw Hazel. Sorry, hazel.

sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
9. leejen
10. hazel
I'm interested too hope i can join in as well being the 11th one. :>
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
9. leejen
10. hazel
11. matsu
fates - really ar? oh then i monitor her, hopefully she be ok. My colleague really gave me a scare just now, lunch oso no appetite liao.

But seeing her pulling her own hair and her hand to slap her head, i heart pain wor.

Max how many babies huh? Now got total 11 liao


Monitor her la.....blood clot is quite a serious medical issue.....if your gal is playing/eating normally, it shouldn't be. How often she does that?

My boy loves to dunk his head on me, on the cushions, pillows etc. And when milk is too slow, he will pulls his hair too! Gosh..as impatient as mummy la :p
i just read over your earlier post; cos puzzle with the word "blood cot" ..
So she had a fell n did a scan, since no xtray to indicate crack line in the head, no worry too much. As for blood cot on the head, the pd should tell you on the spot when you brought her for the scan. It's a hump up, when you press, its like "jelly" can move a bit around the hump; thats the blood cot on bb head (i am referring to bb > 1 yrs old when the skull isnt hard enough).
Blood cot takes 3 weeks for baby's body to asborb by itself. Pd wont give anything to apply. However, you can use the sticky gel from Alore vera (brought from mkt, cost few bucks for 1 stand, put in the fridge) apply on the hump when bb is about to sleep. V.useful to ease the hump or any itchyness. Safe if bb touch the gel and eat it.
Above is my personal experience, keane fell from cot bed when he was 4mths old,suffered cot blood below the head skin, a long crack on his brain skull and a gap of 2 cm. The crack finally healed only end of jan this year.
So hope you are ok now with my info.
I'm interested too hope i can join in as well being the 11th one. :>
sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall
(must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial)

1. milo
2. ivy
3. anna
4. annie
5. krystne aka fairarina
6. Ceepeetee
7. Fates
8. Sponge
9. leejen
10. hazel
11. matsu
12. gummie
Matsu & Cheepeetee,
Mind to have your baby full name for the registration for the class, I am deeply sorry i f i indicate the wrong one.

Please highlight if i indicated the wrong name. Pardon me & thanks.

List for the trial

1. milo - Kaeden (sorry e surname i typed, fourm ban)

2. ivy - Xavier Ong
3. anna - Kaelyn Soh
4. annie - Keane Then
5. krystne aka fairarina - Kendrick Kwa
6. Ceepeetee - Christian Peh
7. Fates - Jarrett Tan
8. Sponge - Ariel Lim
9. leejen - Jeneil Choo
10. hazel - Jared Hee
11. matsu -
12. gummie - Seth Koh
