(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">In case you're interested, there's a Mattel toy (Barbie, Hot wheels, Fisher price) warehouse sale from today.

Date: 21 May to 23 May 09
Time: 10am to 6pm
Addr: No. 1 Lok Yang Way</font>

haha...i can ask him lo. You can also consider going to his studio for a family shoot!

phelgm arh, can try hu ning powder from EYS? But better see pd to confirm that the phelgm din get into his lungs...else will have to put on neub to clear it faster.
sorry to interrupt.
just want to check whether NESTLE NESLAC TODDLER MILK DRINK is available in spore? if yes, where to buy?
hv u tried diluting his milk or even giving him goat milk? i feel that helps for phlegmy coughs. usually N's pd will advise use of the ventolin inhaler to open up the lungs then the cough mixture to expel the phlegm. N has not used the nebuliser b4 though.
i'm fine with any arrangements that you've planned. thanks so much for the time
<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
E is still on breastmilk and only takes fresh (cow's) milk as alternative. Does cow's milk cause phlegm?

Have you found out where to buy umbrella stroller? Does anyone know?</font>
ever since my gal switched to goat milk, i noticed she has alot less phlegm when she cough and she gets lesser asthma attacks too.
kudos to you manz...E is 3yrs and still on bm. You are my idol.

May Party:
I will email you gals with Gabby's address tmrw.
Any more of us joining?!
yes, supposedly so, that's the drawback abt cow's milk. Read reports that even said that the chief culprit of kids' coughing frequently &amp; for long span is cos they drink milk. If they dun, their coughs would recover v v fast.

you can try a site called kimi/kimy or sthg...try googling for the exact link. Sorry i lost the bookmark sometime ago but nice stuff there.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
It's a routine sorta thing now. E doesn't suckle much anyway unless he's not feeling well or feeling tired and wants to sleep.

Would love to join the celeb but now, my whole family is coughing away. This virus is really strong for us.

E likes to drink milk nowadays. He'll request for it daily. Think I'll better try other alternative such as goat's milk again although the prices are really expensive.</font>
if you r going to give him Karihome goat milk, i hv the contact of this lady who sells in the forum bps...abt $38 plus per 900g tin but you've gotta buy in bulk lah...i usually get 6 or 7 tins at one go.Much cheaper than $48 plus u pay at Cold Storage etc.

can i have the contact of the person who sell the karihome goat milk? have switched kaeden to it recently and he seems to be doing well.. most imptly, no more phelgmy cough
you might wan to share with anna, she need to buy too...i rem anna told me this lady need to have orders of 15tins before free home delivery.

we have a number of sick kids, namely ariel and kaelyn...hence after discussion with gabby, we decided to postpone it till mid autumn.

your family also coughing away arh?

Hope all kids and mummies get well soon....
1st swine flu have landed in SG.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Ya lor. First I tio, then recover. Then E tio and passed to me. Then we passed to his dad. So, now all coughing lor. Quite jia lat leh. Cough till I can't sleep at night and chest pain. Aiyoh!

Does anyone has samples for Karihome goat's milk? Would like E to try first before ordering in bulk.</font>
that's v good...will PM you her contact shortly.
i self collected myself the other time so only ordered 6 or 7 tins. I only let N take the goat milk for nite feeds usually cos she tends to hv v hard poo if she takes it for all feeds. But will give her only goat milk when she's coughing though.

ok, good to postpone or too few mummies turning up too.
<font color="0000ff">Saw this ad from today's TODAY</font>

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">act3 DRAMA SAMPLER</font>
For Parent and Child</font>
Explore together with your child in a <font size="+1">FREE</font> Drama class to stimulate your creativity and imagination!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

For ages 18 months to 5 years old
9.30am, 10.45am or 12 noon

For ages 6 to 7 years old
12 noon

ACT 3 Drama Academy
126 Cairnhill Road
Singapore 229707


Call ACT 3 Drama Academy at 6735 9986 or e-mail: [email protected]

For more info, www.act3international.com.sg
Hi bbloh,
thks for the link
.I'm looking for products that sold at bp eg. more on right brain training stuff. SIL going taiwan for holidays so was hoping to get her to pick them up for me :p .
Singapore Arts Festival

Go take a look! There are a lot of activities that are suitable for our little ones esp the closing at the field at Yishun!
<font color="0000ff">littletot,
Maybe you can search for the Taiwan travel thread and post your Qn there? There may be recommendations of where to shop for these products.</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">SINGAPORE BOOK FAIR 2009</font>
Previously known as World Book Fair

29 May, 2pm - 10pm
30 May - 7 June, 11am - 10pm
Suntec Singapore
Level 4, Halls 402 - 404

Free admission</font>
hi mummies,
not sure if it's worth it. Karihome having promo at Guardian. 900g + 150 sweeties for $49.90 .Recently stocked up from cold storage promo $41.95 per tin.
<font color="0000ff"><u>ABC Music &amp; Me (by Kindermusik)</u>
DS' school is offering the a/m enrichment program. Any comments about the program?</font>
Hi mummies,

So quiet....hee was down with the dreaded flu. think kena same as BBloh, whole family down. till now have not recovered..wah bian the medical fees for one already piled up to $500 liaoz...

Hi ivy,
no plans for the gathering? me so bored staying @ home these days, wanna get out! keke
your family is down wiith flu and still wanna go out? haha...shoo shoo....
we can meet after you are better la!
how is the maid thingy coming along?
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
We've more or less recovered. DS even finished the whole bottle of cough syrup (Dhasedyl) but we didn't visit the GP again since his fever had subsided. However, we tried not to give him iced drinks though he still has his daily serving of fresh milk right from the fridge. I did, however, started supplementing him with 4 x Nordic Naturals Children DHA 250mg chewable soft gels every night and sometimes half piece of chewable Vit C tablets (I ate half of the 500mg tablet and gave half to him as too much Vit C is not good and will be excreted out. keke).

Hope your family get well soon.</font>
Hi ivy,

can plan in advance ma, so got something to look forward to.

Re maid, seems like she staying for the time being

Hi bbloh,
Bought a mag yestd, gave free vitamins. think its today's parents or something like tat. my boy loves the vit
got, the plan is for mid-autumn lo..like sound so far hor? haha...
you still have maternity leave rite? arrange to go gai gai with us la..haha..
tmrw or friday? me on leave!

gotta ask you this BF expert..how long can we keep the milk in the freezer of our regular fridge? me comtemplating to buy a deep freezer..my freezer is full now...headache arh.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Thanks for the compliment. I'm not a bf expert lah. Just had the interest to read articles during pumping days. Actually I forgot quite a lot of info about bf liao.

IIRC, standard guideline is:

Fridge (back end): 2 days
Freezer (below 0°C) : 3 months
Deep freezer (approx -19°C): 6 months</font>
Hi ivy,

actually i on leave these 2 days also but cant coz i dunno why having diarrhea after the bout of flu. not eating much n no strength...

So envious to hear tat u so productive
since the bout of flu, my supply is dipping so much tat i almost want to give up liaoz
i read from other threads that flu will cause supply to drop...but will climb back again when you are well..so dun stop hor...jia you together..
me arh, dunno consider productive or he is slowing down his feedings? Now at 150ml per 3hrly. sometimes stretch to 5/6hr at nite..so freezer starts storage liao.
long time no see! How's things with Jarett?

i officially crown you a moo moo.. hehee.. i also want to be a moo moo leh.. hope my BM will increase by leaps and bounds this time!

any tips on increasing BM? since u r an expert on this subject? hehe
<font color="0000ff">sponge,
Wah! So far, preparing to bf liao? Your EDD is in Nov right? Do u know baby's gender already?

I'm not bf expert lah. My BM is also not much as DS is a small drinker. Ivy should be able to provide much better tips as she's doing very well.

Anyway, the bottom line is

<font color="ff0000">SUPPLY = DEMAND</font>

meaning, if you express more, or bb suckle / drink more BM, your supply will increase. But, must make sure you have enough rest and consume enough liquids.</font>
My greatest Fear

My nrighbour just informed me that the kindergartens may shut soon due to H1N1!!! I am presently in a panic mood... if it does, mummy will be feeling stressed!!! How can I occupy them fruitfully?? Now am wondering if I should put my 2 in childcare!! LOL
