(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,

just checking, there used to be sprees for eclairs and pizza for orders more than $100. do you know what is the factory name? i forgot liaoz

Hi milo,

Thanks. but seems like they no longer do delivery. cant find the prices at the website liao

missed their eclairs
i think they dun list their price on webbie. have to call for it
Huh...have to buy $150!!! will have to stuff myself crazy

yoy, sending my maid back today. do u think need to check her bags? prev maid, i never check coz think she is trustworthy. but this one......
dunno la, on surface veri guai but lied to me lei.
How to make toddler sleep? K these days can switch on the light by himself... the last record he slept at 330am and still able to wake up at 8am the next day through without catching a nap in the daytime.
So many expecting no.2? Gong xi!

Hi sponge, glad to know you're expecting too, and a boy

Jarrett is doing well..v v v chatty now.
hi, mummies,
anyone can help, my boy( same age as your kid) still need to sleep in yao lan leh...only after he fall asleep, then i put him in bed...so he is now share share the yao lan with his younger sister who is 17 mths, so, i can't make them sleep together, sister got to sleep first cos she is baby mah..then only this boy, then only my eldest who is 5 yrs old, need to tell stories and tab tab buttock...very siong leh, every night takes abt 3 hrs to settle 3 of them...
I don't know if this can help. Can try hiding the yao lan and tell them no more already. They will cry. See if you can tahan. My daughter is also the same with your 5 years old boy. Must tell story and tab tab buttocks then only will sleep. BUT this is only with me. With her daddy, one word "SLEEP" she close eye and sleep. Sometimes protest by crying but daddy will just sayang her a bit and then she goes to sleep. I think kids know who to bully. My sis the best. She tried the Ferber method or modified ferber method accidently. Her daughter was crying and crying but she was changing the diaper for the elder son so could not go the the small one. by the time she went to the DD, DD was already sleeping. So she tried the crying out method with the DD and it works. Now DD just put on the cot and she will just go to sleep on her own and not problem. This is at 7.30 pm ok. but must tahan lah because initially the baby really cry and cry and cry and both parents must agree to try method. you can check out this website.
Hi So,

My boy also used to sleep in sarong but when he bigger, i just packed it into the store, he cried n say wanna go to grandpa's house (coz there got sarong even till now) but i dun care. let him cry until he tired, he will doze off. these days i also have to make my twins sleep b4 going to him. will make him wait in his room while i pat the other 2. sometimes, he will doze off but most of the time, he will wait for me to read stories for him. after reading, he usually too tired, will doze off. takes about 1-2hrs lor

not veri helpful hor ;p
Hi So,
Could understand yr bittness. Regardless how I coax my boy to sleep; really useless. He can sleep @ 3.30am... latest trick he used, wake me up and telling me that he is scare. (We sleep in the same room).. he wants this n that to "comfort" him. Regardless what time he sleeps, he still wake up 7plus and even wake us up.
I even dun allow him to catch a nap in the daytime, no cartoon / tv from 830pm onward, no sweet stuff. The tricky part is that he can switch on/ off the lights.. on tv and he isnt afraid to watch alone or play alone by himself.
Doesnt even work if hb n I sleep together with him at the same timing.
yeah!! give me five!! yes, my boy and youngest same as ur boy...dunno where they get the energy and strength from, like everlasting...mine wake me up at 6am leh

haha...u r so cute....my boy not only cry lor..he will scream untill the next block also can hear, scream until he has no sound, yet wanted to scream further...my ears feeling painful when he is screaming!!! very sharp and loud!!
<font color="0000ff">Annie,
Does K cry when he wake in the middle of the night? If yes, it may be due to "night terror". You may want to surf the internet for more info.</font>
ya ya.. same here.Few mummies here heard K's scream. He loves to scream regardless in exciting and crying mood.
He can yell at me if hb not around or push the sofa to hit my back.I bascially call him rascal k or monster... as he loves to spoil my things, fr cds, discman, hifi etc.. i am waiting for him to spoil his "own sony LCD tv.
No. He will walk to my side, then use the 'fake vocal' to wake me up. He doesnt even scare of darkness @ my place. He can walk to living room then switch on the light. The problem is I havent fix the window gill, so I stay awake if he wakes up. I am super light sleeper, light noise also can wake me up. Sigh!

My migraine started these few days again.. m not sure when I give up keeping k with me.(ie bring home)
K had this problem of waiting up every hour when he was infant. He was back to normal when my ma help me to take care of him when he was 5mths old.
Everytime I asked doc, he /she stated normal, cos k is v active boy, 15 mins nap can keep him fully awake for the rest of the day. Even if k don't nap, he can tong till 11pm until his body cant take it and fall asleep on the bumper mat, else he wont go to bed.
Hi Annie,

My eldest girl Celest also veri active, can dun sleep at all during the day n she only 9mths!! but at nite about 9pm, she will conk out. but the other twin, she will sleep in the afternoon n wake up 2-3 times at nite either for milk or due to nitemares...

as for screaming, think its the norm lor. coz my neighbours actually complained to me that my twins veri noisy at nite. can imagine 2 terrors screaming until hoarse n still screaming. i closed all the windows n doors but they still can hear lei...

hiaz the challenges of being parents..

Hi ivy,
I dying w/o maid...now have to rush everyday. esp morning, coz washing the bottles n pumps, then feed the bby n then change clothes for R and bring R to cc and bb to my pil.n then to work n then rushed the whole day so that i can go home on time to start all over again..

i rushing like mad and my hands dunno why sensitive, starting to crack n bled....
boo hooo hooo...
hi, thinking that baby born in yr 2006 all like to cry and scream hor...is it because they are born in yr of dog?? so like to bark????haha....
Wah! really saluate you for having 1 toddler n bb twin without maid, can really understand how tough you are going through somemore bf.
Sayang you.. will yr hand be better if apply moisture cream?

I guess so, my k alway sleep in hip up position (like doggy)
when is your new helper reaching? Your hands arh...probably too dried or too long no do housework and taking time to get used to it? :p
PS: i dropped you an email to your office account...help...!!! haha..
Hi Ivy,

Hee, my new helper is finally here (ie last friday)!! so far, she is good ;) she finished all the chores w/i one day!!! amazing hor coz last time, it used to take the prev maid more than 3 days. guess that is the diff btn new myn n indo maid. but have to wait longer n see lor, coz sometimes they only good for a while

siow think i am now veri dependent on maids liao...cant do without one ;p

how, is ur problem resolved? its my problem now. kena flu last tues till now no recover.... just saw doc again this morning and was prescibed w stronger antibotics

also any spree?
wow..great that your maid is here!
Ha, you have 3 kids, hard to do without a maid.

My problem is resolved, back to 80% output. You are right, problem auto resolved upon recovery! thanks for the sharing..so relief now.

spree? haha. we always have ON/GAP/polo on going..just email me or milo anytime you wan an item and wait for it to arrive!
Hi mummies,

need help again. do u know where i can get those covered ice tray? need to start freezing those blended food for the twins n dunno where is my prev tray....
Hi ino,

Congrats! poor u, its so hot n humid these days..tough to do confinement now : )

so quiet these days. yoooohoooo where's everyone ;p
hi joyce,

ok lar...the weather is quite bearable...much better than May period. :p
plus i don't observe the rules of confinement...like no bathing...i bathe everyday with lemongrass water...hee
is lemongrass water similar to those ch herbs thingy for bathing? i used the latter haha

should be, now waitin for them to approve his work permit. Hee u wanna visit us in Melb? welcome welcome!
i tink it helps to relieve wind? I understand that it must be boiled together with ginger...but i'm actually allergic to ginger...so i din add.

i tink the effect shld be the same as the herbal types but i very much prefer the lemongrass water...smells much much nicer :p
Opinions needed

HELP! My hubby thinks that it is better for girls to be in girls' school, while my mum thinks that any school with sound teaching is fine. What are your views?

I went thr 2 sys, I think that girls from a girls' school are more confident! But my mum says that some round wild at the sight of boys... but I dont think I did..
hee i'm more for a ger's sch wif sound teaching :p

but seriously, kids grow up way too fast nowadays. I would prefer to put her in a gers' sch in the pri sch years ideally to instil in her some essential habits. Then even when she goes to a co-ed sec sch, the values foundation built will help steer her thru. Anyway, it's not like being in a gers' sch means they will hv no contact wif boys. Hee not a nunnery mah. they will still hv boy neighbours, cousins etc.

conflicting tots.. if i have a girl, i would prefer her to be in a girls sch with sound teaching.

if boys would be in a mixed sch..

which school are you looking at?


are you attending church at bt timah area?
yes yes, lemongrass is v gd. My colleague that day just did a jelly using lemongrass with something.. stated one type of thailand dessert. Great taste.

icic.. i used to attend glory presbyterian church and am thinking of going back again. as the church quite near your place so jus asking if you happen to be in the same church
me prefer boys sch for my boys. But all depends if i managed to move hse! else will have to make do with a co-ed sch with good teachers.
heheh yes, i'm within 1 km of Pei Hwa, need not ballot...if i hv no other choice of sch for my ger, will likely put her there. Though i find it too academic focused &amp; it's a co-ed sch :p
I prefer mix school, these days kids are mature earlier.. so best that they get use to opposite sex in pri school time than focus more in sec school.. or else, all the way, same gender school. :p

For my convenient,i prefer school tht near my stay place..doesn't matter boy/ mix school.
there's 1 school "Red Swastika" 1 street away only..i always tell my son it will be his future primary school whenever we pass by..haha
