(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Find his medicine effective lor. at least my son recovers...keeping my fingers crossed that he will not kena again

how's ur bbies? May party how? the thread is so quiet these days

Hi lh_jyc,
your boy fully recovered after going to nam seng? Brought my gal there yesterday. Was there at 10am took a no. number(no.12). Waited 1hr 45mins.

I agree with you.He is ex! Hope me gal will recovers soon...
hi mummies,

our May tots are turning 3 soon! for those whose kids are drinking Gain IQ now, do you plan to upgrade them to Gain Kids or Grow? i wonder if titration is needed at their age.
waiting for ppl to volunteer help..haha...look out for my sms hor...( xis xie for offering!)

i usually wait another 6mths before moving him to the next stage of milk powder. Never done titration.

i also think titration is not needed. my boy drinks everything-soya milk, Yakult, Ribena, almond milk and even canned drinks. his stomach is probably 'seasoned' by now.
Hi littletot,

how is ur girl? hope that they r better

Hi ivy,
Sorry dun think i can make it for ur boy's first month
hub say he may not be free and diff to bring all 3 out myself
make up another day k

Re the party,
let me know if u need any help...dare not promise much but think can still cook something to bring over

31st May (Late morning - Afternoon)
Please indicate your choice. If we can round up 15kids, then we will go for explorer! If you dun mind either option, pls put down your name for both.

A) Downtown East (Explorer)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
Hi firefly,

R recovered. hope he dun fall sick again

A) Downtown East (Explorer)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce (preferred coz its should be fun)

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
Hi firefly,
my gal has been having on/off, cough/flu for the more than 1 mth. Even since started school, worse. Been going pd almost every 2 wks once. Pd was not ard (on course)last week.Brought the med Nam Seng gave to pd on mon. Pd said it's over loading of med.
littletot & joyce,

my boy also has been coughing/runny nose on & off eversince he started sch in january.

see pd until i scare but i realised after 4 mths in school, he has more or less better liao
A) Downtown East (Explorer)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce (preferred coz its should be fun)
4) Gabby (2 kids please) (This should be more fun for the kids!)

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
4) Gabby
overloading of med? what does that mean? dosage too strong? or too many types of med? some say GPs med tend to be stronger hence recover faster but the effects on the child is debatable...
Hi lh_jyc,
she's much better after going back to pd. Change inhealer.

pd reckon it's too much med at 1 go. Some are repeated med. eg chlormine(runny nose) + actifed (block and runny nose). Both for her running nose problem. Ventoline (liquid) + her salbuair (inhealer) which i double confirm with nam seng and he said to give both. Well... pd says if take 1 dun need the other.Cos both worked the same just double dose of what she's getting now. Infact, salbuair works better.
little tot
yes, that's what my pd advised too...if we use inhaler then dun need the ventolin liquid anymore. In fact, when i expressed concern abt using inhalers often, she said that the dosage for inhaler is actually less than liquid but will b more direct hence effect faster. Actifed is actually a v strong medicine. I try not to give that.

Now i've kinda switched N to Eu Yan Sang TCM..so far for her last 2 coughs, seemed to work well. Within one to 2 weeks of med, will clear.
Hi Ivy,

Got two, so I'll choose the one preferred!

A) Downtown East (Explorer)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce (preferred coz its should be fun)
4) Gabby (2 kids please) (This should be more fun for the kids!)
5) Fates

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
4) Gabby
Hi cheri,
She was getting better after seeing Nam Seng for 2 days.Maybe cos double dose of med.There after, no better. Pd removed all the med and change her inhealer and she's all right now

Which Eu Yan Sang TCM did you go to? My gal used to frequent YU GUO twice a week for mths and after a while,it didnt work for her liao...
i go to the one at Bt Batok cos it's nearest my place. I dun put her on the med for long period, so far once her cough stops & i finish that week's worth of med, i stop. Cos my ger doesn't like the med so dun think i can make her take that when she's not coughing haha. She knows she has to take when she does cough or she will not b able to eat all her yummy fav foods!
Hi Ivy,

what do they do at downtown east? organised party activities or just play freely at the playscapes?

A) Downtown East (Explorer)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce (preferred coz its should be fun)
4) Gabby (2 kids please) (This should be more fun for the kids!)
5) Fates

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
4) Gabby
5) cheri
Hi littletot,

peisei, nam seng did work out for ur girl.
heng ur girl is better now...

funnie, my pd sometimes also recommend inhaler n ventolin together for my boy. maybe he serious case ba..

Hi mummies,
what do u prepare 4 ur kids birthday party @ the CC? my boy one ask for 3-5kg cake. wonder whether i can buy balloons and bring there
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
It should be alright for most childcare centres. Perhaps you can check with the principal or teachers?</font>

they will have organised activities as well as free play...

why need such a HUGE cake??? Mine only told me to prepare for 21kids..which i think a 2kg cake more than suffice..
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
I bought Polar cake before I don't like its taste. Any other suggestion?

Are the cupcakes from Zach's full month celeb from Glad? They look really nice!</font>
Ivy ~ will go for option 2 too lah...haha...option 1 preferred mah! It'll be so fun for our kiddos to play together
p/s dont be paisay. Have been wanting to chk out nam seng too. Read quite abit of good feedback about them . Which inhealer is your boy taking? Mine used to be salbuair + flexotide . Now changed to seretide (stronger) .

Not sure which inhaler lei. used so many that i blurz

btw, my friend asked me to bring boy out for walks more often and make him run here n there so as to built up his lungs. dunno whether will work

I couldnt buy the shampoo reccommended by u earler...becoming bald soon. hair still falling in chunks n my girls are 6 mths!!!maybe should really go for yun nam

where are u? any recco on where it is more convenient to bring toddler for overseas trips?
planning to go for one soon....too many leave to clear ;p
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
Couldn't buy meaning u can't find it or? U can try NUH Pharmacy. I used to buy from there. Unity Healthcare at Raffles City also sells IIRC. If not, maybe you want to visit a GP to see if it helps before spurging on Yun Nam / Beijing 101 or the like?

As for tour destination, it depends lots on your budget. Usually, I think "ang-mo" countries are more kid-friendly but more expensive and farther from SG ...</font>
were u at ivy's boy's full mth celebn too? din see you...ino &amp; i brot our gers up to anna's place to play after that.

swimming is oso another v good activity to build up their lungs. But of course, must go underwater kind...if just playing wif water, dun think help much.
sorry mummies,

Just courious and need your advice.
Why need to use inhaler? I thought only for treating breathing difficulties- eg bronchitis.

My E has a sensitive nose,always nose blocked during sleep time? any advice how to cure it?

I have booked with KK for a skin allegic test for him
<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
Nope. I didn't go as I couldn't make it that day. Saw from some pix that Kaelyn's room is very nicely decorated with lotsa pictures abd toys. U girls must have be having lotsa fun! *envy*

Race C,
My DS also has stuffy nose during sleep which makes him wake several times at night. Can you let me know the result after E's allergic test?</font>
race c
does ur boy sleep in air/con room? could that worsen his nose blockage? if it's not a permanent condition as in nightly, you could drip some Karvol drops or other equivalent brands to destuff the nose? hahah if there's such a term.

yes, K's room is v sweet girly type wif loads of toys. Our gers had a lot of fun inside. Was hoping to enthuse N to sleep in her own room after she sees K's room. But but...now N wants a double-decker bed! Must come wif a slide somemore!!! Gosh!

Will do the allergic test early May.
I think ur boy's case is same as mine.i suspect he is allergy to "someting" lor...so can b more cautious if we know the cause..

No air con 4 him..if his situation get worse somtime, i will put 2 drops of "nose drop" 2destuff the nose

But 1 mother told me tht little toddler will finally outgrow of it when he grow older when his immune system bcome stronger
not in her wildest dreams...way too ex for a bed! she decided on one wif a slide after seeing the display bed in Flexa, the shop in United Sq...i will die first if i buy her that. Will probably not wanna sleep &amp; just play all the time. Bye bye to whatever sleep routines we've established haha

Here here... I surrendered after my recent trip with K... Flight there, he slept throughtout the 18 hours... flight back, he was awake almost throughout except for a short nap of abt 1 hour! Me and hubby almost DIED entertaining him :p

My boy also has blocked nose every morning when he wake up. Feeding him Zyrtec now but dun seems to stop the problem. Perhaps he has sensitive nose like me and hub.

As for building up lungs, eversince K episode on bronchitis and few times of cough almost reaching the lungs, i have been faithfully feeding him Fish Oil, not sure whether that help but so far so good wor.. worth a try bah

woh milo, where u go this time? share which country is the best lei...me also planning

btw, take jetstar okie or not w toddler? neber take budget b4 but the price to perth so cheap!!
