(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

We went US few mths back. Think i still prefer Japan la... Never been to aussie before but guess its a good place to relax :

Think Jetstar short flight shld be ok. Bring a portable DVD player along, shld be able to help keep them still.

Hi milo

shiok shiok

share ur pics lei. told my hub i wanna go europe..he stared at me like i siow..too exp! keke
so have to settle with aussie.. went perth prev relaxing n like the farmstay + airticket so cheap so considering lor
Cheers.. gd choice to go perth with farmstay... but have to wait after winter season (End May - End Aug)
Indeed gd place for toddler
Hi ivy,

Is the May party still on?

I ordered cake for my boy's party for this week n got quite a good price for 3D cake.
not sure whether you want to consider engaging her for the party..

looking at the list, i think we shall confirm potluck at Gabby's function room!

Now the potluck list:

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
4) Gabby
5) cheri
6) Fates
<font color="0000ff">HARRIS Storytelling Session by Julia Gabriel Centre for Learning

Venue: HARRIS Jurong Point #B1-92/93
Date: 9 May 2009 (Sat)
Time: 3.30 - 4.30pm




In addition, HARRIS at Suntec City is having Clearance Sale at 25% off Regular Priced Books and 50% off books at Bargain Corner till 17 May 2009 or while stocks last.</font>
hi ladies,

I m looking for a 1kg cake for my gal's birthday celebration in her play school.

Any recommendations? Not too sweet. I wanted the princess series, but minium is 2kg. Her teacher mentioned 1 kg is more than sufficient.

anyone knows of any contact of balloon? Thinking of giving every child one each.So 12 altogether.

Usually, what to give for this kind of celebration. Never done this before
hi firefly,

U can try Prima Deli, find their cakes nice
Btw, where r u staying? the baker i use for Rayne's bday is nice. Think she can customised for u but need to self collect @ jurong

here here.. haha forgot to tell u i switched K to forum unaccompanied. no more at evans liao. u wanna join me there bo?
with the swine flu thingy...i haven confirm my son sch celebration..very worried to order the 2kg cake and end up cannot celebrate in sch! that wil mean me eating up a 2kg cake!!!!

Our may party:
Okie with everyone to continue? or to wait 1 more week to see if the flu cool down...

no la.. i enjoyed going class with her still.


thats what happened to me. Ordered 30 fruit tarts for my gal's sch party on mon and teacher called on Sun to say all parents are not allow in school anymore. We can only drop our kids in the carpark. Kana atuck with all the tarts

Cant you pass the tarts for the teachers?

Hiaz was initially planning for a trip, now think may have to postpone again
may birthday:

So far Kaelyn's school is still ok with birthday party. I assume that I can continue celebrating on 12. So far for what i know is that they only allow 2 visitors for the birthday party. What I'm afraid is that there will be a school closure and I have to eat up my 1.5kg cake!!!!
me too..initially wanted to order a 2 kg cake for her sch party end of mth..but now afraid that we'll kena quarantined when we come back from Australia..dun dare to order now. Do they sell 2 kg cakes off counter usually?

her sch damn on wif many declaration forms now...urs too? but they hv not indicated that no parents allowed in sch for bd party yet.
ya, lots of forms to fill up now.
The best part is on Monday, i filled up tons of forms then say bye to son..
At 11am, sch called to say son have runny nose and ordered me to pick up him right away..And need to go see doc before he is allowed back to sch. BUT he was perfectly fine when i went to sch! Sigh...wasted $$ and 4hr at the pd cos the sch insist on a letter from doc.
oooh running nose oso must remove child? not even fever leh...GPs earning lots this period haha. Tonite's news says they r downgrading the alert. Khaw was saying that seems that this h1n1 is like other flu viruses that come along every year, infectious but fatality rate not hi.
intially wanted to pass to her teacher. But day 1 of drop off system at carpark. Expected lots of crying clingy kids and the teachers have to bring a few kids to the classroom at a time on the lift.Dun wanna her to struggle with kids, school bag, tarts and all... so only pass her the goody bag.

As for the tarts, it's dessert for bfast, lunch and dinner!
Yup, no fever at all! mine is PD, earning tons man!

Was talking to my bil last nite, he had seen that doc since he is a little boy (cos he stayed at that ulu plc eversince), he confirmed that Nam Seng is really generous with his dosage. Hence best not to go if your kid is too young. Go only if you need immediate recovery hor...
<font color="0000ff">DS' school also bars caregivers from entering the premises. I also need to prepare a personal thermometer for him for use in school. As for form, I only need to fill in one sheet, that's all.

BTW, my co does not require us to screen our temperature from today liao.

For the application of Visa to OZ, there's a service charge of AUD 20 right? Any website where it's FOC?</font>
no idea abt foc sites cos done thru the agency that my hb's company uses.

u r headed for perth? when r u going? i'm leaving for melb this sat morning.
hello mummies~~ long time no see!

aiyah..why the kids explorer one off?? I wanted to put my big name on ur list leh Ivy.. lol..

i feel like sleeping now man..
my dear,

its off cos din meet the min 15 kids requirement lo!
So your big name will be on for the potluck..ask your whole village to come along too! You will need the extra help! *wink*
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Pity leh. I'm not going to OZ liao. The VISA thingy is asked on behalf of my hb who's going to Adelaide next month. Ask Cheri lor. She's going to Melbourne. hehe.

Have u flown?</font>
flying tmr morning...u cancelled ur perth trip due to h1n1?

melb has the strudel too? wat's the brand? but hor, most of the time, dapao not nice liao...so i eat on ur behalf k? hehehe
i dunno wats the brand, let me ask my colleagues..
I know lot of my frens who go perth will tabao back cos its only a 4hr flight, much nearer than another other cities..

You got melb, eat more fish n chips for me! haha.
<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
Bon voyage! Have fun in Melbourne.

For me, it's nothing gotta do with H1N1. I had planned to join my HB in Adelaide (not Perth) next month but decided not to as some work schedule does not work out.</font>
Hi mummies,

R down w cough again. on 2 types of puff plus need to go to the clinic for the puff..any idea what is the diff from going to the clinic to puff and those at home? really veri expensive sia

Bbloh n Ivy,
check w u, do u know whether if dun wake up in the middle of nite to pump, the milk supply will decrease? feeling tired with work and looking after the 3 rascals. thinking of not to wake at nite but scared scully no more supply! currently, pump schedule at nite is 10pm 2am and 6am.......am thinking of skipping 2am

lousy mummy
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
Of course you are <u>not</u> a lousy mummy as being a FTWM can be very demanding and tiring.

Skipping a pumping session will definitely affect your supply as BM production actually peaks in the night. If you want to skip that session, you may feel slightly engorged at 6am but your body should adjust after a few days. Some people may experience more EBM output at the 6am session but definitely not to expect to pump the total amount of (2am + 6am) sessions.

Have your twins started to sleep through the night?</font>
Hi bbloh,

nope they still wake up around 4am to 5am....
hiaz, then i tahan for another 1.5 mths more la, until they start solids. intending to stop once they start solid...keke
<font color="0000ff">\h_jyc,
Sleeping through the night is actually defined as sleeping continuously for <u>5 hours or more</u>. So, if your twins sleep 11pm, they're considered as sleeping through liao.

Since you intend to stop expressing 1.5 months later, do try to persevere till then. Great cheers for you! Yipee!

E has only started to sleep through for some nights. He used to wake up several times in the night until about 2 weeks ago. Hopefully, he'll continue doing so. *hopeful*

BTW, there'll be an event at Jurong Point this Sat relating to Breastfeeding Mother's Support Group (BMSG). I'll post the details later.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy Breastfeeding Mothers' Day Celebration/Huggies Fastest Diapering Daddy @ JP 2009</font>

<font color="aa00aa">“The gift that can only come from a Mother’s love is the gift that nourishes and fosters eternal bond”

In support of the commitment of mothers who give the best of what nature has endowed upon them for their offspring, the Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group (Singapore) invites you to our Happy Breastfeeding Mothers’ Day Celebration!

Many mothers desire to, but give up, breastfeeding because of the lack of support. Mothers need their families’ support to breastfeed successfully. We urge fathers to support your wives by actively participating in the care of your babies. Show off your baby care skills by taking part in our “The Fastest Diapering Daddy” contest and win great prizes! Registration starts at 11am onwards, terms and conditions apply.

Mothers, we want to recognise your determination and dedication to continue breastfeeding even as you return to work. Come on down with your baby or breast pump and have a treat on us! Receive a Momo Baby BPA-free Wide Neck Plastic bottle worth $7.90 and “Express Yourself, Mummy!”

And Mothers’ Day is not complete without our children. Your decision to breastfeed will reap a lifetime of benefits for our children! We invite children, aged 6 years and below, to express their love and appreciation for their mothers’ with a “Tribute to My Mother” drawing and story writing contest.

So come on down and join us in our Happy Breastfeeding Mothers’ Day Celebration with Guest of Honour Mdm. Ho Geok Choo, MP of West Coast GRC. Lots of fun awaits you.

Date: 16 May 2009 Saturday
Time: 12noon onwards
Venue: Jurong Point Shopping Centre Atrium, JP1
(Beside Boon Lay MRT station, John Little)


Huggies Fastest Diapering Daddy Contest @ Jurong Point

Daddies! It’s time for you to show off your nurturing side. To support your wives to breastfeed successfully, your support is exceedingly important. We believe that there are many amongst us who are already participating actively in the care of your babies. We urge all fathers to show off your baby care skills by taking part in our contest.
Top 3 prizes for each category
(0-6months, 6-12months, 12months and above)
1st prize (worth $330!)
2nd prize (worth $80)
3rd prize (worth $55)

Don’t tarry, make the date and time on your pda and come early to register. Show your support and stand to win fantastic prizes too!

Where: Register on the day of event, 16 May, Sat, at BMSG(S) contest booth
Time: 10am onwards
Fees: $10 for BMSG(S) members; $18 for non-members.

All contestants will be given a Huggies goodie bag worth more than $50. Premium items include Suisse Programme Active Moisture Emulsion and Purifying Mask, Inspire voucher &amp; baby gym balls and samples from Mustela &amp; NUK.</font>

ONZ lah...

ha, i faithfully doing 3hr pump..after i start work, then i dunno liao. Heng my helper help with the nite feeds, so i wake up, pump, then go back to slp.
So you intend to stop at 6mths?
Me trying to do 1yr for this round! wish me luck hor! haha..
Hi Ivy,

Jia u!! i used to do 3 hrly but when went back to work...pumped whenever got opportunity. everyday at 6 pumps max but ms dropping liaoz coz i din wait for it to stabilise and went back to work too early...alread reached the 6mths but becox they premature, thinking of doing until their adjusted 6 mths lor...

u finally got a maid? good for u.
Hi bbloh,

their last feed is 12am and then next feed usually around 4 or 5. keke already must thank my lucky stars coz prev rayne wakes up every 2-3 hrs

but daytime veri siong to look after them. pampered by my pil, they wants to be carried out for walks everytime....if not scream their heads off...veri naughty
ha, ya, i finally got a good helper..else i will commit suicide very soon too...baby with toddler is totally crazy..

thanks, how was isabel celebration yesterday?

finally over with x celebrations. Now i can coordinate our month end party liao.

Since most of us are quite busy, shall we order simple catering from Lee Wee Brothers? We can order beehoon, otak, lontong, curry chicken etc. Then maybe someone bring along desserts for kids?
And buy packet drinks?
Lets target 10 families with budget of $20 each, hence total of $200 for us to have the makan gathering session?

B) Potluck at Gabby's function room (Pasir Ris)on 31st May 2009, Sunday.
1) Ivy
2) Little Nana
3) Joyce
4) Gabby
5) cheri
6) Fates
7) Sponge

Sounds good.

I managed to get the functionroom in the afternoon. 11-2pm. then after that the kids can go back to sleep!!!

<font color="0000ff">DS and I have been sick for the past few days - cough and such. It's esp. bad for DS as he'd got a fever last Friday and only subsided yesterday. He's still coughing badly (phlegmy) and rubbing his nose hard.

Is there anyway to get rid of his phlegm as he's waking me every 2 hours in the night when he coughed and woke during sleep. I nearly fainted due to lack of sleep on Monday morning and gotta take urgent leave to rest. Ended up catching the virus from him. Managed to apply 1/2 day leave this morning to catch up some sleep but can't do it anymore as my colleague is on leave. Hope this ordeal will end soon. Feel so tired and terrible ...</font>
