(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


Today, my girl told me, I English so I cannot speak Chinese!!! HELP!! Horrors of all horrors! She is a banana like papa!!!


Chloe is quite common, I have 2 friends with kids of this name. I like Celeste and Stella though... It seems that part of Celeste's name came from Stella's and vice versa...

ha, yah, i agree that kkh sucks. Take good care of your health now.

M so cute arh? Maybe start turning the home environment more chinese? Or start her at a playgroup that is predominately chinese?
My niece will also reply us in english even when we talk to her in chinese..even tho she understand and can speak..
But no prob with X, he is a mixture of language.haha..
gosh, ur birth experience is wrecked wif anxiety! Thank God everything turned out well in the end. think those who hv good experience in kk r usually the ones who take the more expensive package & stay one-bedder...i hv a couple of frens who did that cos they were under the older medical scheme so heavily subsidised.

ur ger is so cute! My ger will insist that only mummy can read Chinese books, daddy dunno chinese cos she has seen him fumble over the hanyu pinyin hahha

my ger is also streets ahead in her Eng compared to her Mandarin though i'm seeing baby steps improvement in the latter. Can't blame her either as we speak lots more Eng at home & there's no elderly in the home to speak Mand with her. I'm not too concerned honestly cos of 2 reasons.

1)For parents to be less stressful when they start pri sch etc, it's better for them to be better in Eng as most subjects r in medium of English. If Eng is weak, means many subjects will hv problems understanding the questions etc. Better to coach her intensively in one subject (Chinese) than many subjects (Eng, maths, science etc etc)

2) From my limited teaching experience, good Chinese is not abt just speaking Mand at home. I taught in a neighbourhood pri sch for many years. Hv come across so many students who speak predominantly Mand at home but yet their Chinese grades r not fantastic but just average. Why? Cos they dun read enough of Chinese books or expand their Chinese vocab so though they can speak/argue in Mand v well, when it comes to writing, it's all v simple & localised kinda spoken Chinese (not enough of proverbs or lack descriptive vocab/style). In fact some of my colleagues used to call that 'pasar chinese' :p

of course, the ideal is still to be effectively bilingual; not just speak but to speak well!
Hi Joyce,
Hmm sound painful. tough for you BUT u MADE it. Gong xi. Gong Xi. Rest well.

Personal view on name
Celina and Stella ( my choice)
Selina ( make me think of SHE). Nice and sweet name.
I agreed your view over Chinese. Since its a language, speaking just help more on fluent pronounication. Reading more books do & help increasing vocabularys and idioms. Apply to use in the daily conversation and pratising in applying to writting in essary etc.

Sad to say, our g made a big wrong move decades ago @ our parent generation time on chinese language issue. Even through they made an effort to change, our great only Snr Mr Lee even set a very good when "speaking chinese when the champiage held"

How many really make an effort to learn and change?

In fact, I had a v bad experience that one middle aged lady came and told me off "singaporean speak chinese" when my friends sent me off when we were@ Changi Airport. I didnt got fast to response. Luckily my local friends did. They stated " we are all chinese, why cant we used our mother tongue". Shame to say, few taiwanese friends were present at that time and gave me a v impressive comment over.

As a chinese singaporean should I be shameful to speak to my local fellows in chinese?

am helping a fren urgently looking for a babysitter at Yishun area, preferably the nanny’s place nearby Blk 400+. Of cos, other yishun area is welcome too.

Prefer English or Mandarin speaking babysitter. Need the babysitter to commence on 1st week of Dec, Mon to Fri only. No overnight, my fren will bring her bb back every evening. Bb will start solid in Dec.

I will not follow this thread so pls pm me the details. Really appreciate! =)
i'm selling a brand new pair of crocs kids mary jane...cotton candy colour in sz 8/9...if keen, PM me please.

I think, in the near future, I will spend a lot of time talking to her in Mandarin. My Chinese is quite poor as I hardly ever read Chinese. I dont really watch Chinese as well. Sigh. Hopefully the grandparents can turn this round.
hi mommies

in case anyone interested in the bambinoluk set, i have a complete set 1, 2 & 3 with controller, all brand new in box and sealed for sale at $220. price non negotiable

self collect from Bishan St 11 or Raffles Place during lunch time
anna, pooh & milo
it was great meeting up wif u gers today albeit for only a short while...let's do it again another time...maybe we should plan a Mummy's nite out!
Hi bbloh,

Do u still remember how to warm BM from fridge or frozen ? cant remember liaoz and need to prepare myself for the babies return ( thu dunno when they can be discharged).

Went to hospital to try to latch them on but they too small diff to latch on. for the past few days have been expressing out for them
frozen one, bring down from freezer the nite before.
Fridge one, just put into warmer. ( lazy me last time bot like 20 avent bm container and then just warm straight from fridge and then put on teats on.
Hi Ivy,

Thanks. my avent warmer got temp, dunno which one just choose the smallest one to warm? found the temp veri high when i tried it out just now...
i think you try it with the smallest first. Mine din have temp so i just plonk it in and test test with back of my palm before feeding...How heavy are the girls now? Hitting 2kg soon?
i used the avent warmer then too...one thing i din like too is that u've got to do manual testing or else it gets too hot. Ya, too hot no good for the ebm, loss of enzymes etc.

nice meeting up with u too

Joyce, congrats to u!! take care ya
The smaller twin will be hitting 2kg soon. the older one still a long way to go..dunno apa why she in such a hurry to come out, the little rascal.

They drinking veri little now. about 30-40ml each /feed so i can store the milk. wonder whether i should pump less often (now doing one pump every 3 hrs and once every nite) but scared if no pump then no milk...now i'm officially the cow again and my hub the delivery van.heee

count down to end of confinement. 2 more weeks...sick of the longan tea and the smelliness...keke
think you shld keep it up on the 3hrly schedule and store it for the times when they come home. Cos when they are home, they will also be drinking more and you will be more tired, supply might be affected. So be cow now and store for hungry days! keke...

yes, getting her ready. Got her used to saying that mummy cannot go in and i need to go in on my own. then she said, gor gor will take care of me right? haha... but dont really know if she can take the separation. Sigh

chinese enrichment

any mummies know if berries is better or JG's edudrama/eduplay?

Crocs Expo Sale
14 November 2008 - 16 November 2008

Venue : Hall 4A
Admission : Public - Free admission
Event Schedules : Time: 10am to 8pm

Footwear and Apparel selling up to 80% off
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
I agree with Ivy. Continue expressing your BM every 3-hourly. In fact, newbornes are usually fed 2-hourly. So, after your twins are discharged and begin to gain more weight after that, their milk intake may increase. However, it's better to latch them directly (if possible) as with a good latch, they're able to drink more milk, and at the same time, feel mama's warmth which will give them huge sense of security.

Try to continue breastfeeding or feeding your twins EBM for as long as possible as it's important for their development.</font>
Gd new... for those whose have 2nd bb can have 6 days unpaid leave on top of 6 days paid childcare leave. Such benefit do help mummy whose really need to take care of bb.

Take care.
i hv heard good feedback from frens abt the chinese prog in both the schs u mentioned. Heard berries has v interesting way to let the tots learn chinese. R u asking for ur child? But maybe u can let ur child start nursery first next year then c if the mandarin prog in her sch is sufficient or good enough b4 deciding.

my hb has just got his 6 days child leave approved too by his HQ side..he's so happy! haha
thanks for suggesting oil pastels to me! N loves them now..the colour is really rich &amp; smooth when she does the colouring wif them. She din really enjoy colouring previously wif the crayola crayons etc.

Wonderful and good news. My co finally approve the new childcare scheme. Luckily I can clear till next yr before K's birthday.

Wah! N really good in colouring.. K doesn't have the patience and only knows how to scribble with 1 colour.K likes and crazy with sport cars model. My niece loves colouring too.. maybe this is diff btw gal and boy?? Or the gene? My sis loves and attended drawing when she was toddler.

Nice to meet u on fri..

No problem..
Indeed the colours are richer..
Hey try out drawing with pastel and paint it over. Must show me ya.

Nice meeting up with you too and with anna and karen. too bad didnt have chance to chat much with you
hahah it's definitely not genes cos both my hb &amp; I r terrible in art &amp; hv zero art sense. Maybe u can try wif the oil pastels too...N oso started off wif the using one whole colour to colour whole pic phase...only these few days, she started to really 'colour'. The oil pastels r not ex at all...less than $4 per box so dun discourage him if he just wanna use the same colour all the time...allow him time &amp; room to explore.

hv u let K try out wif oil pastels? she likes? yes, will try out wif paint over the oil pastels one day...

hehe let's arrange another date to meet up soon...
. We stopped class the same time as you. Is K going back to the same school next yr? After all the searching, finally settled for Barker Rd Methodist Church Kindergarten. Orientation this sat

sure sure.. must share share how u teach N, she is so talented!


icic.. K missing zhang laoshi wor.. after he stopped JG, he started humming all the songs he learnt! really caught me by surprise.

not going back to the same sch liao. still prefer JG method of teaching so we have settled for chiltern hse instead.

u fetching V to sch or taking sch bus?
V misses Zhang Laoshi too.She'll ask me where is Zhang Laoshi? Will ask me sing her pai pai shou, dian dian tou song.

Will be going by bus for a while till i master my confident in driving :p

Which chiltern is K going? U sending him for 1/2 or full day?
haha u taking ur refresher course? i jus got my license weeks ago!

sending K to chiltern halifax, half day for the time being while waiting for transfer to the turf club branch.

there is no transport going there from my place so i will be fetching him to and fro... abit siong to travel but guess for the 'priority' to switch over, tat is the only way out.

now alittle phobia of him starting sch, scare the same falling sick stuff will come in again, keeping my fingers XXXX
Hmm.. I try if I ever have time to go shopping.. : )
I didnt stop him on colouring, the problem is that he loves to scribble onto the walls instead of paper. Sigh!!
r u sahm too? or u will send him b4 &amp; after work?

The brand is lyra...i got the 11 mm diameter ones; slightly thicker than the usual 9 mm...hehe cos our kids r so rough, thicker harder for them to break. u can get lyra from popular &amp; most big bookstores i think.
you managed to get the canvas and arcylic? Time N can do her master piece soon!

X used to scibble on the wall too..Twice in fact. But he stopped after scolding by the daddy and of cos we made him wash the walls!
You shld think of ways to change him rather than stopping him totally.
was at art fren yest but the canvas not cheap leh...&amp; so pretty texture...heheh i decided that i would probably let N do it later when she's more predictable in her paint work; some days her work r just blobs of paint everywhere...if she wastes &amp; just creates a mess of it, i'll feel heart pain hahaha

nope i am not a sahm... will be working but my boss rather flexi so jus try to tong the few mths of travelling lor. hopefully by the time i come back from my trip, K can get a place in turf club
i'm concern of her falling sick too .Now drowing her with scott emulsion daily .Also the crying out period...Dunno how long it'll take.Sign... guess we all have to go through this period.
try nordic fish oil rather than scott emulsion. Understand that the scott these days not as good as our olden days.

expensive arh? I think my bil buy BIG pc then cut into smaller ones for my niece masterpc.

yup, nordic fish oil is better. i am feeding k with tat as well as childlife colostrum to boast his immunity.. let JIAYOU together!
ivy &amp; pooh
hmm maybe let me go ard slowly compare &amp; see where i can get cheaper canvas from hahah

ya heard that the nordic deep sea water fish has less mercury or sthg lidat...explains the price diff cos scotts r probably not deep sea water fish.
k knows how to stop automatic if he sees me around, the problem is e daddy allows him while i do cooking. So daddy &amp; k kena scolded by mummy many times. Daddy does the cleaning up. hehe
then that is bad lo...
you ought to tell your hb to let him to be responsible and do the cleaning up. Or buy mahjong paper to paste on the walls since daddy is happy to let him unleash his creativity on the walls.
