(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi ladies

I just did my first trimester test last week. It consists of blood test and NT scan to test for down syndrome. Glad that the results were negative. Doc oso did a 3D scan and we managed to see a very detailed scan of baby's features. We saw a butterfly-like tattoo on baby's head and were told that that's actually the left and right brains

Anyone orady know baby's gender?

Hi fates

Please include me in the list:

EDD: 12 May 2005, Raffles Hospital, Dr Thong PW


Hi Margaret,

My EDD 1 May and yet to feel baby's movement. I hope it is not the norm to feel it now! Else i get worried

Hi Paradox,

How long does it take for the blood test results to be out?
Hi KK,

No need to worry ... I heard tt the norm is to feel the movement is ard 4-5 months ...

I did my blood test on sat and gyane called me on Monday afternoon to tell me the results .... so quite fast
Yes ladies will update your details shortly. Isn't it great we can update the baby's gender into our table too when we reach 4-5th month

Ya those earlier EDDs should be in their 15-16weeks already right? So exciting to feel the baby's movement. I can't wait for mine too!!!

Margaret ~ same here...
Hi Paradox,

Do u mean NT scan? I went for my first ultra scan a month back. That was just before my 1st trimester ends. I am going for my first visit in my 2nd trimester, that is this friday. My gynae mentioned taking blood test, but not NT scan.

Hi Fates,

Ya, it is 15 week and 1 day for me.
Hi kk

Yes, I think the NT scan is only done once during the end of 1st trimester. Will u oso be doing the detailed scan? Mine will be done at the 20th week.
Hi Paradox,

Should be i think haha.. My gynae normally doesn't overwhelm me with information. On every visit, then he will tell me what to expect for the next visit.
Hi Ladies,

Went for a seminar by UFM100.3 last Sat, learn that if we are going to brew those herbal soup, it's vital to get quality herbs. The Chinese physician says that if low rate herbs are used, might lead to complications in both mother & BB. If you are heaty, shouldn't drink herbal soup also..

hopefully i will not affect anyone's mood here. these few days been feeling very moody. MS is not getting any better and seems like my appetite has worsen too
i am so hungry during meal time but when food comes, i just cant seem to swallow it down. hubby's busy with work also adds on to my moodiness. dun really like having dinner alone every night but if i were to wait for him, will be too late. have to clear the mess of 2 dogs when i reach hm and seems like everything jus irritates me.

thks for listening
i feel so choked up and jus wish for a place to let out my frustration
hi milo66,

dun feel upset. your baby will feel it too.
is it possible to ask someone to take care of your dogs in the meantime?
you may want to go back to your mother's place for dinner. i think you can eat better with company.
Hi milo, we are here to listen to your frustrations....

Now we are undergoing tremendous hormones changes so it will more or less effect our moods. Sorry to hear about your MS....actually me no MS but very very picky on food..can't eat food with very strong after taste if not I'll feel uncomfortable. So sick of soupy stuffs alredy.

Ya like what anastasia suggested, why don't you go to your mum's place to eat? Be a happy mummy okie? The baby can feel our stress and frustrations ya..
Hi milo,

Can fully understand your feeling coz I in the same shoe as you ...minus the 2 dogs ...8) ... hubby also been exceptionally busy ever since my pregnancy and almost every night needs to go for entertainment ... and with my bad MS ... I also nearly sink into depression ....sometimes my tears just drop for no reasons ... so in the end I tried to go mum's place for dinner or go for a walk instead of going home straight after work .... I feel much better now .... if there is anything that upset it ... try not to think abt it coz the more u think...the more upset u get ...
Hi Milo,

I am also more emotional and keeps scolding my hubby esp when he messes up the house. I also think that eating at mum's place helps and can de-stress by chatting with mum.
Hi Milo,

Try doing something u like or plan something to do after work. These days my hubby been picking me up late after work and i m sick of waiting. so i try to go off on my own to shop and do something else. Work is already stress, we need to relax.

Like Taurus, i been dropping tears for no reasons , when i m stress at work and feel like s*** i just cry.

add on mine too!

MAY 2006 MTBs EDD Hospital Gynae
kk 1-May-2006 TMC Dr Lim T C
Taurus 3-May-2006 Mount A Dr C Y Chen
sponge 3-May-2006 Mount A Dr Fong Yang
Juzmaine 6-May-2006 TMC Dr Yvonne Chan
twinkle-starry 7-May-2006 -tba- Dr C W Lee
ydnic 14-May-2006 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
anastasia 17-May-2006 -tba- Dr Adrian Woodworth
Cindy 17-May-2006 Mount E Dr Douglas Ong
milo66 18-May-2006 Mount A Dr H K Ho
Eve Lim 18-May-2006 -tba- Dr Paul Tseng
yasmin 19-May-2006 Mount A Dr Douglas Ong
ino 21-May-2006 TMC Dr Eunice Chua
fates 24-May-2006 East Shore Dr Heng Tung Lan
Margaret Heng 29-May-2006 Mount A Dr Y C Goh
Cutie 18 may-2006 TMC Dr Yvonne Chan
Hi Milo

I'm experiencing the same thing here. Now i'm still waiting for my husband to pick me up from work and i'm feeling veri hungry. And i don't have the energy to go home by myself.

Cheer up, maybe u can also eat some thing light while waiting for ur husband to come home.
Hi ladies

As this is my no 2 i think i feel the light fluttering in my tummy like a butterfly in it... hehe. Think its no 2 kicking...

fates My update
gabby - 26 May 2006 Mt E- Dr. Chiew
yah milo, u r not alone here.
I think all of us have become more emotional to a certain extent.
I also have a doggie and i've left him at my mum's place cos i dun think i have the energy to take care and play wif him during first trimester.
hi all,

thks for all the kind words
feeling better already after a good night sleep. yesterday, my tears also start dropping for no reason. hubby promise to knock off at 6 and da bao my fav jap food, ended up at 7, he still struck at work w/o even informing me to buy dinner myself, so ended up i so hungry waiting for him. reached hm saw the mess the two monsters made, i jus sat there and cry non-stop...*so shy*


trying to remain happy else scare later bb come out look grumpy also. glad that there is this forum where there are u gals to share experience and listen to frustrations from me


ya if minus the MS, i will feel better. sometimes its like feeling so alone going through this all by myself. hubby been having irregular working hrs since we got married, tot i gotten used to it but during preg time, dunno why, start finding faults


i wish i can leave my furkids at my mum's place too but sometimes cos my hubby comes hm quite late, they are like my companions, w/o them very lonely, w them headache. sigh...
Morning ladies!

Hmm I can't feel any flutterings in my tummy

Btw are any of you drinking milk like ANMUM-1?
An update

<table border=1><tr><td>MAY 2006 MTBs</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>1-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lim T C </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr C Y Chen </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>6-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkle-starry</TD><TD>7-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine</TD><TD>10-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>paradox</TD><TD>12-May-2006</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Thong PW </TD></TR><TR><TD>ydnic</TD><TD>14-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi </TD></TR><TR><TD>anastasia</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eve Lim</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>yasmin</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>ino</TD><TD>21-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>24-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bijin</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Joceyline Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>gabby's mum</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Chiew </TD></TR><TR><TD>Margaret Heng</TD><TD>29-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi fates,

i have started drinking anmum-1 though i dun really like the smell of milk now. mostly drink at nite when i feel hungry after dinner.
Hi Fates/Cindy,
I was recommended to Anmum during my 1st preg and was told it's best esp now that we need calcium but it'll make mommy put on more weight too, unless you substitute food with milk. in the end cos my frame is petite and if my weight goes beyond 12-15kg, i'll have difficulty giving birth, so calcium tablets were given to me at a later stage. Anyway, with or w/o the additional weight, i still opt for C-sect...kekeke...but now that i've the calcium tablet, I avoid anmum cos I did exceed the weight i'm supposed to gain dat time. In the end, after I gave birth, tot weight will reduce abt 80% but it was the other way round, BB's weight din contribute as much as my intake of milk..kekeke..
Ya boy but the ANMUM-1 I saw is low fats leh......wonder if I should buy and drink as those fresh milk are equally fattening I reckon?

You feeling better today milo?

Hey anyone can feel whether your baby is a boy or girl now?

heehee feeling better today liao... think the mad hormones are flying everywhere. thks for the comforting words, i really appreciate it

i haven know the sex of my bb yet,was hoping for a girl. u?
mmm..me tho in 15th weeks still can't feel the BB's movement, think my water sac too big...kekeke..but my tummy has ballooned, gotta force myself to shop for bottoms. It's ironical, I used to be a shopaholic and deem shopping therapeutic esp after a hard day at work, but now i find every reason not to go shopping...the latest fashion makes me feel more depress cos i won't be ble to wear till I slimmed down after giving birth. think i'm very comcern with appearance now that i'm preg cos feel bloated, guess dat's Y pre-natal blues comes into the pic...kekeke

Fates, my last scan show sthg but gynae said cannot confirm it's a boy cos as BB grow, if he's a boy, it'll grow more prominently, if she's a gal, it'll shrink lo....so too early to tell even can see sthg protruding

did u try the gender predictor?
Hi Ladies,

Have all of you put on any weight over the past months?? I did put on nearly 2 kg in my 1st 7 weeks ...but after that hit by bad MS .... weight drop back to pre-pregnancy weight .... today should be in my 16th week liao weight still the same .... abit worried ...
Oh gosh so ANMUM-1 is fattening.....I better drop the idea cos' I'm taking calcium tablets now. Me quite petite too so don't want to gain too much weight....

Taurus~I don't know whether I'd put on any weight but my face seems rounder! *horror*

milo, Juz ~ actually i like baby girl, but I tried some calculations i saw in other forum and it's a boy........oh well I guess baby boy is cute too

Which gender predictor softwares are there?
Hi Taurus,
think maintaining weight before preg should be okie as long as BB is growing (their weight won't contribute much to mommy as yet now). Better than me rite, BB grows but it's what i've taken makes me heavier, not so much of the BB loh...I'm trying to maintain..as long as your weight din drop drastically or way lesser than you use to weigh should be fine..when's your next visit?
Hi Fates,
how many tablets of calcium are u taking now? gynae advised 2 if I'm not taking a glass of milk and 1 if I'm taking milk. Maybe ask your gynae...think too much intake of calcium is not too gd too, juz moderate

I got the link www.chinagold.com from this forum and most of my colleagues tried and claim is accurate. But my firstborn is not accurate leh, so hope not accurate for my case..ahahaha
Hi Juz,

Suppose to see gynae next wk but gynae on holiday ... so will be seeing gynae the week after next at wk 18..

Worried coz my frined gained abt 6-7 kg at her fourth month and I still weight the same ..... tot its ok not to gain weight in 1st trismester but now already 4 month still same weight so very worried ...

Update me..:
19 May 2006, TMC, Dr C W Lee.


this is a bad wee for me...Sunday nite got bad LS, Monday bad vomit (1st time actually vomited out food!) Then today bad flu! The worst of all is that hubby is away in reservist! Hate the government!
Never felt so xin ku and alone in my whole life...Sigh...

Really kudos to all 2nd time mummies!

Dun need to be so worried. I gain 1.5kg, my gynae say so fast! (was in week 13 when i see him) But after SUN LS, all the weight gone liao...But BB is still a healthy bouncy BB. I think BB know that mummy very sad and alone, so when i went to see gynae just now for my flu, BB decided to bounce for me to see...so cute!

i feel very depress going on shopping also! whenever i walk past my fav ness and gg5, i feel so sad cause i cant fit into their clothes anymore. dunno why but i dun really find maternity clothes nice thus till now only got 1 or 2 pcs. gotta hurry up cause i am ballooning at all angles then my old clothes cannot fit :p


not to worry, i also didnt put on any weight (from the balance lah) but colleagues commented my face and butt getting rounder. think as long as bb growing well, not to worry too much
wow! 6-7kg in 4 mths...me tot 3 kg is oredi bad...preggie women are advised to gain 12-15kg by standard, try not to go beyong to prevent diff labor..diff to shed the fats after birth too, Imagine during confinement so much tonics to eat to help build up our body..our weight will gain faster esp after the 1st trim. so be moderate now to compromise the weight we're gonna gain in the next 6mths..heh heh heh....
Hi Taurus,

dun worry abt weight as long as the baby grows.
you are luckier than me , I hv been losing weight since I m pregnant. abt 5 kg liao , i think recently the weight more or less remain the same.
The good thing is the baby is growing everytime i went to the doctor.
Hi Juzmaine,

Gynae gave me calcium tablets and folic acid for supplements during my first appt with her. Taking one calcium tablet per day. I'd tried the website you mentioned. It shows me having a baby boy too!

Hihi Ivy,

Then do take care of yourself ok? Your BB so cute can bounce around! heheheheee
Hi Juzmaine,

i dun have any calcium tablets leh.
have been taking annum for sometime liao but my weight has been quite constant so far.
i tried the test too and it shows a baby gal. let's c how accurate the test is...
I am annie, great to join in. i m currently week 13. Still having nausea all the time, hopefully will get better. This is my 1st time.

I oso suffer tummy contaction up till now, but strange enough that whenever my hubby smooth my tummy, the pain gone in seconds but if i do it myself, the pain still pesist. My mil stated that the monster inside afraid of my hubby. :p
like to update this information, saw this tablet indicate everyone EDD &amp; hospital. My EDD : 8th May 2006. Mt A, DR Koh C H (clinic @ tpy)
This is my wk 12, I went for my Oscar this morning and could see my baby bouncing too.

I thk I could feel it moving, when I lie down to do my scan.

Till now I am still getting headache almost everyday, really very sian.
Hi taurus,

Guess we are in the same shoes. I weigh myself but dun seem to see increase in weight as compared to one mth before. Me get worried like u sometimes too :p
Hi Juzmaine, the chart says I'm expecting a GIRL!
If its true, really really happy leh. Anyway, I myself think that I cld be carrying a girl bcos the symptoms I have in this pregnancy and that of my son is soooo different.
Hi Juzmaine,

I also try the website and says I'm expecting a GIRL!! Wow Fates...if the chart is accurate..then ur BB BOY very lucky hor...so many gals to 1 boy ...got lotsa choices....kekek

Initially I was thinking I should be concieving a BOY but recently takes a sudden fancy for pink stuff ...and my BB quite selective on various kind of food ...things tt BB dun like will throw out until one drop also dun left ... but if BB like ...will take all the food and throw out gastric juices or bile juices ...so alot of ppl say must be GAL ..coz boy more chin chye ... kekek

Anyway BOY or GAL is fine with me ... so long as healthy ...what more can we ask for right .... somemore we suffer so much to deliver them ... so wateven gender ....I think we will all treasure like our xin gan bao bei ...keke

hi fate pls update me.

12May06 - Dr Chan KH / Toa Payoh Clinic/ Mount Alvernia.

Hi ladies,
im new here....nice to meet you.
