(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Annie. Your obssession with credit cards never fails to hit the funny bone for me and I am sure, for a lot of other readers too. why is it so impt for you that the caterers accept cc when it is mostly not the case?
Pooh & Poohy, Ashley (dd1) tried out JG Billingual playclub also around 18mths. We were there for 2 terms only though. I must agree that the teachers are wonderful with the kid..so full of energy and joy.
Hi Matsu, the JG Billingual I was referring to is Julia Gabriel's Billingual class. Ashley used to take the weekend 2 hours class. What happens is the class will be spilt into 2 groups.

One group will be taught by the Chinese teacher while the other group will follow the English teacher. after 45mins, there will be tea-break followed by a switch of teachers.

We attended Julia Gabriel at the main branch at Forum Galleria.
hi milo,
if you interested in switching to gain IQ, cold storage currently selling it with a free Brainy Baby Vcd.You can choose between Animals A-Z, Shapes n colors and 123s

can i chk with you.. when flashing cards to our bb's, do we flash the pics or the words?
littletot & milo,

what brand of cereals do you buy?

i may want to change milk powder for my boy too, cos find Mamil Gold quite heaty. however, my friend tried to switch for her daughter but she kena very serious diarrhea. she mixed the milk powder but still happened. so i am kind of worried the same thing will happen and plan to do the switch when he is around 15 or 16mths old.
i'm giving my gal Healthy Times Cereal.I'm not familiar with Mamil Gold.Can it be fed to bbs up to 15-16mths? It is stated on Gain IQ tin that is for 1 yr and above.I will give it a try and see if she has any problems with it.Hope it doesnt happen to my gal.Keeping my fingers cross!

i am feeding HT cereals to kaeden too. currently using nan 2 ha. trieding changing him to similac follow on but he cant poo poo after that so no choice stick to it lor. will be switching to gain iq when he turns 1. hope he will react ok to it
my boy is now drinking Mamil Gold Step 2 for 6mths and above. heard that can drink up to 3 years old. there is a Step 3 for 1 year and above.

think different babies react differently but i believe when they are older, their bodies should be more 'receptive' to new milk powder.
Switching Milk
I will switch dd milk when she is turning 1. Currently left with 2 tins. One I finish, will transit to GainIQ then, no 1 and no 2 will be using the same milk. Ha. At least for a period of time....

1st Birthday
Will bring my 2 kids to Underwater WOrld on dd bd. Hmmmm trying to onvine my hubby to include a hotel stay. haha. Anyway am still looking for a restaurant that is nice and an take my immediate family in
spent the last weekend looking for a bed for kaeden. any idea when is a good time to change?


true.. like my nan fm. now the new nan 3 does not comes with nan 3 ha liao cos the lady say when they pass 1, their body shld not be prone to allergy that much
Matsu, what I meant about pre-viewing the class was prior to signing up. For lil tots class that Ashley was in...1 parent/caregiver have to sit in thorughout.
littletot, I started Amber on morning cereal when she was around 6mths. We only added on the lunch porridge at 7.5mths...and dinner porridge 1 one month later. Amber latches on for breastfeeding so I can't tell how much she drinks.

However for Ashley (dd1), she wasn't totally breastfed so she followed with Abott's formula milk. After she turned 1, we switched her to Gain IQ. I have heard other mummies saying that they start swtiching at a later date like 15mths thereafter.

Just like when Ashley was due to change to Grow after she turned 3 years old. Some mummies again said that they stayed with Gain IQ for another 1/2 or 1 year.

Think, best to check with the PD.
hee hehe.. not really, gd food is the most priority. However, if there is gd food with credit card, its much better, at least can earn points.. i have been using the points to redeem shopping vouches especially robinson one, so can use it to buy bb stuffs like diaper wee wee and others. Furthermore, i have to held three buffets and out of 2 are on the same day. Anyway, i have confirmed the three caters liao, one is recommended by ivy, the other one is neo garden and Sakura.

hi mummies,
Went to attend the free trial @ Gymboree. Something v difference from others. I personally like it, however, keane seems to be tense throughout. Hubby was upset cos we thought only 1 parent to 1 bb; it wasnt the case. Both parents can participate. However, he stood there to see throughout the 45mins what we were doing.

how come ur hubby dun go in? we also tot its only 1 parent but when we asked, they say both can so we just went in
Annie & Milo66, not sure about Gymboree's ruling. But in the past, for My Little Gym, there's a 1 parent ruling cos they don't want to crowd the gym up. However, in the early stages when the attendance was low, they close one eye and also allowed 2 parents to join-in.

The gymboree class realli fun huh?!!!

Maybe we should go for a few more gym trials before deciding on Gymboree? Or just enrol them now? It's really nice meeting you mummies again after the long break :p
ah yo, i asked the gal, she said cannot, befor that, i even went to buy a pair of new sock for hb cos he said he wants to join. After the gal said cannot, he then said let me play with keane. Sigh! Not my luck with gymboree.

gabby,littletot, shawny17
i still have 6 tins of follow on on hands, think will only switch to gain iq after i finish all 6 tins. keane drops his intake from 240ml to 180ml. Sigh!
Hi Annie,

So sorry! Couldnt reply your posts as i didnt have access to internet for the past few days.

My son missed his trial class on Sat too. Something cropped up last min so we couldnt make it.
Its ok. Oh, you check whether can make it this weekend, i personally feel v gd, should give a try. :p

i have two coupons on hand to give away, any mummy want? pm me your add, i mail to you. This foc trial end this coming sunday. I have checked harbourfont & marina parade is still v empty. As for tanglin mall, the slot for sat is available in the 4.30pm and sun slot.
Hi Annie,

Is it v gd? Better than kindermusik? What is the program like? I thought its mostly physical play.

Thanks. Oh ya i have PM'ed you. I think i have lost my cut out so would appreciate if you can pass me yours.
No prob. I mail to you today. You will receive within tomorrow or the latest on wednesday. :p
Oh? You haven't attend the kindermusik yet? It's totally difference. I could say more stuffs for baby to try on, its more like letting the baby to learn more on balancing, hands, legs co-ordination. The class is kind of crowded with 2 parents and babies but keane enjoyed. heheh
What to do? No slot for me in the am session. Pm one v crowded. sigh.

yo, i am still waiting for your email on providing your add? hehe..
<font color="0000ff">leejen,
I've already bought the book from another mummy. Thanks a lot for helping me to look for me.

shawny & Annie,
No need to kow-tow to or salute me lah. Besides, my DH is unable to pacify him when DS wakes. He only wants neh neh!

Your meal plans sound really nutritious and delicious.

No need to "sigh" that Keane is reducing his intake. In fact, their appetite increase when they're about about 8 - 10 months. After that, their appetite will remain stagnant or even drop. So, that sounds pretty normal. How come you still have so many tins of Follow-on? Just sell the rest if you intend to change to Gain IQ after PD's nod.

Seems like quite a no. of mummies enjoy the Gymboree trial. Am considering to enrol DS too.</font>
gymboree is fun. Lots of space for bbs to crawl and equipments for bbs to play about. Certainly is gymboree is less tiring for parents. Kindermusik..Wooo...after a few swinging and swaying... hands gng to break manz!! LOL

Not sure who pmed me for the pics. Anyway here it is. let me know if u interested

think she can customise to ur design...

Waa.. so cute, hows the taste?

Hi mummies,
Any advice on this? I already told my parent that keane follows mummy's rule. I really mad when I learnt from hubby that my dad fed keane durian (a small bite).I even questioned my dad about it.Keane was so hyper happy that night.
My mother in law also naggy on "why didnt i add salt in the porridge for keane?". She even went to the extend did the cardiology forbidden me? She highlight she did that for my hubby.
Luckily, my ma is the one that take care keane most of the time. She follows my instruction.
But how to prevent such similar issues to happen in near future? Regardless i have mentioned that keane follows mummy's rule, these old folks seems to love add their preference on.
may i know how much is per cup cake. thinking of giving to the guests for my girl's birthday party if it is not to ex. :>
Cupcake seems to be the rave now?!!!!
I find it v cute and sweet too, but because of designs and all, will there be too much colourings (chemicals) on it? Do advise on the pricing. Thanks!

Everything just eat in moderation loh..what's wrong with durian? Abit won't kill..
The old folks are wise and experience so let them be if they don't listen to you. Anyway your KEANE gonna be 1YO soon. Time to expose him to more foods.
hi Annie,

i agree with fates. so long as they do not over feed Keane with such heaty stuff. i have stopped asking my mum what she feeds him. i just tell her the possibility of allergies occasionally. my boy tried durians when he was just 3 months old.

i agree with the rest of the mummies too. being too protective is no good. though i am very fussy at time but i try not to impose too many rules on my parent as i appreciate them helping me to take care of kaeden.

well to date, kaeden has taken countless of rubbish like fries, ice-cream, cream puff. u name it, i tried it!

^5! Xavier was a junk food bin since he is 4 mths old..haha...blame it on himself..He demand to have a pc of everything we eat...So far no problem lah. Even his porridge got a bit of dark soya sauce too. A little of everything dun hurt!
Ppl say no honey till 1, but he have been taking a bit since he was 1 week old...so....lets be more carefree! Too uptight about these things will end up unhappiness for everyone.
Huh? Fries? *Faint* a lot of salt leh.ice cream v sweet..
I do appreciate my parent to help despite i give the same market nanny price, i never expect a lot but just to follow my rules on food. I don't want keane to love salty or sweety food, hmm you know as a preference. Keane at this age tends to know how to choose his likes regardless of food, toys & even the bb that he sees that he would like to play with. (I read from an article from baby centre).

No no for durian, beside heatiness, a lot of chemical stuff is added into durian to make it grow so fast that you see them everyday throughout a year.

Yap, the baby is so cute, pity him, swinging his head here n there. If Keane sure yell @ me..

^5. abit of everything is ok lor. not as if we are feeding our boy with a whole truckload of rubbish. one small bite wont kill :p

i think egg white still cant feed right? since PD told me tat so i listen lor..


aiyo even my mum also not so old fashion. anyway its my kaeden that i am feeding. u dun feed keane can liao lor
If wanna talk about chemicals added in fruit/food/meat, we can come out with a long list. Now the earth is experiencing global warming...just be content there's such yummy king of fruit for our consumption now. We ate durians too and see! Nothing happen to us. Anyway up to you..
Oh ... on fries and ice cream ... i gave J before too!!!! ^5 milo

A little bit won't kill hor?

Not as if we are feeding them a tub or a big big packet?!

hi Annie,

chill! if Keane is not exposed to these artificial ingredients, he will have hard time in future. honestly, you will not be able to stop him very soon. like what Ivy posted, our babies are already demanding food. my boy goes 'mum mum ah' whenever anyone sits at the dining table.

besides, i dun think you should compare your mother to other babysitters. your mother's love and care for Keane can never match that of any other babysitter.
