(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

So quite ler...

anyone's BB is under babysitter care?
My boy "poo" everyday under my mom's care previously since born but yesterday (for the 1st day sent him to nanny's house)when i asked nanny whether he poo, she said no...so i can know tht the lady is lazy help'g my son to poo but i dun dare to force her leh,scared tht she's unhappy and dun wanna to take care of my son anymore

hi chris,
me too. every 4-5 hrs, my ms only 100ml. so end up my gal gotta be supplemented by FM.
i was so surprised yesterday when my gal was doing 4 consecutive flips!! she can now flip from one end of the bed to the other end.

hi lh_jyc,
i also faced this problem of not able to buy clothes. M size cannot fit due to bust size but L is too large. Now i can only buy knit wear. very sad hor?

this is a pix of my lil princess...say hi to all aunties here!

I like her eyes, single eyelid but big n shiny..
Your girl's hair grow fast ler, my son's hair v short,can't see any new hair growth, never cut/trim since born
Race C, natalie (princess of Ino) is Ino's girl. My boy is Christian. haha.
Natalie is very cute!!!!! Wow - her progress very fast...my boy can't flip over yet, but has been turning to one side wanting to flip.
yes-clothes, esp pants have been quite tight...like what Eve said, my weight has also been stagant liao - 2-3 kg not shedded yet.
lh_jyc, the baby jumper gym class looks good but it's too far for me - I am a Sengkang-rian too.

Gasp 2-3 mths? have been shedding hair for one mth liao n already look like bald. 2 mths more....think confirm stop coz nothing left lor

Hi bblucas,
Have called the centre 2 check. veri expensive! one class is $38 and each class is abt one hr, according to the lady, so long as the bb can flip n left up his head can join liao

Hi Chris,
yup but no choice la, my ms super low so have to wake up 2x at nite to pump....already supplementing w 2 FM per day so dunwan to add more FM...tiring man!!!

does ur boy like the exersaucer? mine dun

oh the solids, my PD also said its better for him to start at 6mths so me still waiting

Hi ino,
woh! ur princess got lots of hair....she so alert looking

I MISS shopping and the days whereby I can just pick and pay for clothes w/o trying
My no 1 goes to BJG for lessons... it depends on which centre you want to go to for lesson. Heard that the one at OCC is better, but no 1 goes to the one in Pasir Ris. Find that they are quite okay. Need to keep the class small though or the babies will not pay attention after some time. Anyway just my 2 cents worth
I manage to get the heinz rice cereal at Giant IMM...there's a lot of stock...think the stock is back liao...

now my son is drink ebm mix with very small amt of brown rice cereal coz he don't drink anything more than what he has been drinking since 2+ mth....so we make the ebm thicker with cereal...as for solid food, will start him when around 6mth too, coz he's doing fine now with the ebm thus no point introducing solid food so early...
I also have the same prob when buying clothes...no choice since still bf-ing...so I only buy enough to last me thru the week for work...tahan till stop bf-ing then buy more clothes...

since Christian. is trying to flip and turning to one side. in another abt 2 weeks time, he will flip liao. tat happens to my boy too but too sad i am not there to witness it for the 1st time.

he started to flip today only
but daddy witness it and reported to me. So i ask daddy to ask me to show me via webcam and hee so cute flipping around performing for mummy

u in IT line also mah. Webcam is something very impt to me as traveller leh. u see at least i can witness my son doing dolphine flips
re: hair loss

I also start to drop a lot of hairs...but it's no cause of alarm coz the hair we dropped are not suppose to be there in the first place...this is because during pregnancy, the change in hormones causes hairs to grow more hence mummy may experience better hair texture that time.....

however, if after 1-2 mth, hair still dropping and show sign of baldness, that is not normal then...
Hi Starry,

You dun make me jealous ley... me no webcam....finally counting down to going back home...really missed my boy so much ... forgot to ask if my boy has learn to flip during my absence..... 8( ...

By the way, those mummies who are attending the positive infant class on 08 Oct 2006, the class is confirmed. I will PM yous the registration form when I am back in Singapore next week ok??
My boy is still on TBF, but that's becos I am a SAHM and formula is very expensive here. He's getting less and less interested in breastmilk so I will check with his pediatrician on starting him on solids during his 4-month checkup tomorrow.
He can't flip yet too (maybe it's a good thing), but can sit up unsupported for a while.
Ino, your girl also has a lot of hair. Does she drop hair. Cos everymorning I check my boy's crib, always got a lot of tiny hair on the bedsheet.
Here's a pic of him sitting up

And one of him all dressed up for a wedding

Actually i also got worried day by day.. my ger still dun flip leh.. she flip to the side, then hang there liao, then go back to original position again haha.. and she 5 mth 1 wk liao..

my mum say last time i dun crawl at all. I just move from place to place on my buttocks.

started feeding kaeden cereal since last sat but from mon, he has been pooing 3 x a days, normal or not huh? poo no difference, jus that more freq only.

u never know when they flip. my boy just flip yday nite and hubby suddenly realised he is not tat position b4 leh.

he is 5mth and 3days yday.
my gal flipped 2 days ago, so happy
she is 4 mths 10 days. Didnt manage to catch her 1st flip , but she flip for me many times when i got home...hehe

btw, when did you gals start solid for your child? i try to wait a while longer, but very kan cheong to start soon also. she is 4.5 mths.

my gal only can flip one side and cannt flip herself back to original position. hence, alwys hear her crying for HELP ...

heres a pic of her in her fav position


babies are flipping these days! Xavier have learn to flip from back to tummy for 3 weeks liao but no signs of flipping back from tummy to back yet! This poor mummy is very busy going to his rescue whenever he wants to go back to his back! haha...

On solids:
He is on cereal once a day, about 5 teaspoon on it. And we gave him orange, apple, pears to suck in the evening..Dun think much of the fruits goes into his system as he is only sucking it. But it made him happy cos it soothes his itchy guums and we can see a tooth bite on the fruits! ( mummy still trying to get a shot of his lovely pearlie! haha)
hello help...may i know if any of ur bbs have itchy ears?my bb keep turning her head left n right and seems to b itchy...she oso kept scratching her ears for no reason....

my baby is also like to scratch his head and ears, at times rubbing his eyes...but will stop when we pull his hands away and play with him...
Hi good morning everyone.,

Lucas has been flipping from back to tummy for sometime too. But like xavier, he has not learnt to flip back yet.

My MIL has started to feed him Eu Yang Sang Si Shen Fen once a day. He likes it & finishes all everytime.

As he doesn't poo everyday, I dun intend to start him on cereals yet. Heard that it may worsen his constipation prob. Anyone has any special effective way to help? I've tried changing FM 4 times (now Enfalac + Friso Comfort) to diluted prune juice but still the same. Sigh......
Pulling on ears can be a sign of ear infection (but dun worry, most likely not). This article mentions that babies will pull their ears for no reason. Extracted here for your info on ear infection.

How can I tell if my baby has an ear infection?
The easiest way to tell if your baby has an ear infection (also known as acute otitis media) or any other illness, for that matter is a change in his mood. If he turns fussy, or starts crying more than usual, you should be on the lookout for a problem. If he develops a fever (whether slight or high) you have another big clue. Ear infections tend to strike after a common cold or sinus infection, so keep that in mind too. You may also notice the following symptoms:

Your baby pulls, grabs, or tugs at his ears. This may be a sign he's in pain. (However, babies do pull on their ears for all kinds of reasons or for no reason at all, so if your baby seems fine otherwise, he probably doesn't have an ear infection.)

Diarrhea. The virus that causes ear infections can also affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Reduced appetite. Ear infections can cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also make it painful for your baby to swallow and chew. You may notice your baby pull away from the breast or bottle after he takes the first few sips.

A yellow or whitish fluid draining from the ear. This doesn't happen to most babies, but it's a sure sign of infection. It also signals that a small hole has developed in the eardrum. Don't worry this will heal on its own once the infection is treated.

A foul odor emanating from the ear.

What causes ear infections?
An ear infection results when fluid and bacteria build up in the area around your baby's eardrum. Normally any fluid that enters this area leaves pretty quickly through the Eustachian tube (which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat) when your baby yawns or swallows. But if the Eustachian tube is blocked common during colds, sinus infections, even allergy season it traps the fluid in the middle ear. Bacteria like to grow in dark, warm, wet places, so a fluid-filled ear becomes the perfect breeding ground. As the infection worsens, so does the swelling in and around the eardrum, and, as a result, the pain. Fever develops as your baby's body attempts to fight the infection.

Babies are particularly susceptible to ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are short (about 1/2 inch) and horizontal. As they grow to adulthood, the tube triples in length to 1 1/2 inches and become more vertical, so fluid can drain more easily. Ear infections are one of the most common childhood illnesses. Although there are no statistics on how many babies get them, the American Academy of Pediatrics expects that most children will have gotten at least one ear infection by the time they turn 3.

When should I call the doctor?
Call the doctor at the first sign of an ear infection. She'll ask you to come in so she can take a look in your baby's ear with an instrument called an otoscope. An eardrum that's red, bulging, and possibly draining is likely infected. She may also look to see whether the eardrum moves in response to a device called a pneumatic otoscope, which releases a brief puff of air into the ear. If it's not moving, you have one more clue that fluid is collecting in the middle ear and it may be infected.

Haha that's really funny.. that's why my eldest brother still remember till today. He say whenever he came back home from school, i will slide on my buttocks all the way to the main door to welcome him haha..
Oops by the way, i dunno related or not.. i only started walking at the age of 2 :p My mum even seeked doc advice but doc said perfectly ok
Hi CP,
Thanks alot.But she seems to be quite irritated when pulling or scratching her ears...hmmm....n sometimes get sleepless....But overall she does looks fine to me,,.,,

Me also lossing tons of hair....:<
Hi Taurus,

Guess I gotta give the 8 Oct class a miss cos' got something on that Sunday

Little_Nana's friend will take my place ya.
Hi all
Hows everyone? Just to update, my bb has learnt to flip and now she is trying to stand, loves to suck her hand. Very very adorable. Able to laughs and chuckle, trying to play pee-a -boo with her..

Hi chris,
whats the brand for that thingy again?
hi mummies,

wow most of the babies can flip oreadi?? mine trying veri hard but still cant flip over. guess when he can flip den he cant slp in his playpen oreadi...

juz nw brought bb to my mum's place n when my grandma n parents carry him, he cry till wana tear the whole hse dwn. haiz if thi goes on, next time i cant leave him at my parents place if i wana go out liao... can ur bb recognise hse n ppl??

My ger too... cry until tear house down. But dun worry, try to bring ur bb more often there and soon will get use to it. My ger cried really loud before when we brought her to my mum's place and she dun allow my mum to carry her. But slowly over the past few weeks, things get better and now she can sometimes smile when she see my mum
But now she still cannot face strangers. The moment she see them staring at her, she will cry badly haha..
hei bookworm,
it is by Safety 1st.
Hei Gina,
Christian can't flip still too. and yes, he cries like mad too...and I agree with KK...we jus gotta get him used to it by bringing more often. Mine can be a little crazy at times...sometimes might even smile at strangers if you catch him on a good day. haha...

carrefour's offer not the best...so far the best was by Giant when it was 3 for 53 something...working out to be 1 for 17 somethin...
Hei Eve, I have the same keyboard thingy you have in Breia's cot...from Fisher Price...except that i dun get to use it...it's at Mil's place...

I have issues with my mil...sigh...headache...she can't really teach baby anything cos to her, baby talk and carrying are the only solutions...sigh.

wow, you son can sit unsupported for a while, that's fast...he looks handsome in the clothes for the wedding....where you bought the clothes??

Yup, i also bought 3 packs from giant that time when they having offer haha.. i almost used up 1 pack already, left 2 packs. So today replenished at carrefour, another 3 packs. NTUC dun seem to offer that price before. So it is still a good buy

I am waiting for the giant at tampines ave 1 to open at the end of the year so that i can have good grabs for such offers
Now got to go all the way to parkway parade which is the nearest.

YJ say hi to all aunties here


Yup, my ger crazy at times too.. smile at strangers.. BUT today she actually cry when the waitress at restaurant smile at her and also when some girls in the cd shop smile at her haha..

Hmmm, i dun expect my mil to do teach my ger anything "educational".. wat i want her to do is just to provide her with food and other necessities haha..
hi mummies

Have not been catching up on the forum for a long time... went on a much-needed holi to switzerland, and started work already...

Yeah, my ss is also decreasing, especially when i went on that trip, just continue to pump in the trains and plane, to continue regulating the milk... and back at home, she alreadi finished more than half of what i have left in the freezer... so now am still working hard on keeping the milk supply going...

yeap! my gal has been flipping on both sides and front/back vice versa, but... it's so dangerous! cant put her on bouncing net animore, if so, need to watch over her... Let me cite an incident that happened 1 hour ago, it made my heart nearly shoot out my throat...

i finished bathing my gal, and put her on the changing table (she has outgrown it with legs sticking out from the edge). I forgot to take a hanky to clean her mouth, so i was thinking, since the wardrobe is 3 steps away, it does not harm, running to it, and to the toilet (another 1 step away) to wet the hanky... so i did that, and trust mi, it did not take mi more than 2 secs, cos i was literally sprinting... but when i turned around, i saw my gal sliding down the table, with her legs dangling in the air... she was grabbing onto a cloth i used to secure over the base of the changing table!.... i tell you, my heart almost literally stopped for a sec or 2, i nearly died.... i ran over and grabbed her from the bottom... i placed her back onto the changing table, and my hands were still shaking as i continued to change her... i was at the verge of tears... imagine if she reali fell.... it was quite a height... i would never forgive myself for watever happens! Well though, am still impressed by her strength to pinch on the cloth and hang on just those 2 hands.... well, perhaps like her daddy... she has climbing potential... heheh... but... aniwaez... u see how dangerous it is? From face up, she flipped over and must have kicked and fidgetted till she ended on the edge of the table... WELL, am gonna get rid of the changing table... she has outgrown it long ago, MY BAD....

that's a close encounter!...when baby know how to flip, cannot leave them alone even for a second...but your girl very strong leh, still can hold on to the cloth to prevent falling further....
my son will laugh and play with any strangers that smile at him or make faces at him...once, I brought him to a party and end up, he became the centre of attraction, being pass around from one auntie to another auntie...the aunties all commented that he's very fun to play with coz he's not afraid of strangers...
hey yvonne,

Welcome home. That experience must have shaken u quite abit! Thankfully Natasia is ok.. Think now most of our babies can flip and turn..so best is to let them rest/play on the floor. Thats when the playmat comes in useful..nowadays i dun dare to let ariel play alone on the bed..even if its for a few secs..better be safe then sorry lor.

re: babies looking @ strangers

Ariel is a tiko mmn.. realised she really digs looking at guys.. hehee

If anyone is looking for it, Heinze 4th month rice cereal is available now in NTUC. Least at the store near our place, till stock runs out again.
race c,

that walker is hands-me-down from my cousin. But i got a new one yesterday at kiddy palace because i want to place this old one at my mum's place (my ger can sit in it during weekends when we go back) and place the new one in my home.

I bought one at $79 (special offer price) at kiddy palace and it comes with many toys
Next time then i put up the photos

This old walker no functions at all. The new one i bought comes with music. And also the toys can be pressed down. Similar to a mini version of exesaucer heehe..

i also go to the Parkway Parade one. the new giant u mentioned is the same plot of land w the new ikea right?


Yes!! Actually parkway parade one really not bad.. i like the parking there especially haha.. spacious carpark with lots of parking lots
But then distance wise, really far. And of course, traffic jam there. Parkway parade is a really hot place.
