(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

hi anastasia, thanks for the updates.

hi littletot, looks like jumperoo is more interesting than excersaucer hor...tempt me to buy wor.
Maybe i go take a look one of these days....

hi milo, remember to chio me for BP...ha


any pic on e jumperoo?

better to get yr son to try on exersaucer and see whether he likes or Not, else a big waste of money. I didnt do that when I went 2 buy e 2 in 1 walker; end up collect dust now. He didnt like it at all. Luckily, he likes exersaucer.. so expensive.
hey can check with u gals, did u shave ur baby's hair when she is 4 months old?

also i have been dropping a lot alot of hair, is it normal

yup that is the jumperoo!!!


i bought kaeden to cut hair instead of shave. bu she de to shave all

there r saying that when our baby reaches 4 months, mummy will start to drop much more hair than usual...
i also realised that i shed a lot of hair lately, especially during hair wash, the amount is like one big lump..quite scary..


Have u gone back to see Dr Ho for follow-up checks like papsmear after ur delivery? Dr Ho is my gynae too.

i went back to dr ho to remove my stitches as mine is c-section afterwhich did a papsmear. next visit will be june 2007 loh. u?

I had my gal's head shaved at her 1st month...cos she dun hv much hair but till now the hair didnt grow a lot..it's growing but slow. She's still adorable though..kekeke

Does ur gal's hair grow fast? If not, in my own opinion if it's not necessary then mayb dun shave..

Y do u want to shave her head now?

my hair started to drop since about 3 weeks ago. they keep falling on my baby's cot and on his body when i am tending to him. this is normal as our hormones are changing again. think best not to expose hair to any colouring or treatment for the time being.

i will be bringing my boy to the barber this sunday. he drops more hair than me! i hope his hair will grow fast so he will look handsome again by CNY next year.

dun think will get the exersaucer. like the jumperoo better as i realise kaeden is attracted to toy that produces sound
Hi bookworm and anatasia,

I also shedding a lot of hair until me a bit bald liao. in fact me started to lose hair after the full month....and it is not getting better...scary hor...

I also went thru c-sect. After removing of stitches, wasnt able to do papsmear cos kept hvg menses discharge then..so was told to go back 3 months later for papsmear. Going to see him on 25/9.
hey lh_jyc, me too leh, shedding alot hair, everytime i wash hair, can pull out a chunck of hair...arghh...at this rate im going bald soon lor. Scary.

Thinking to do rebonding/color, but dun dare.
hi mummies,
I am wondering whether the bouncing action will have any side effect on keane especially his brain is still developing.
Even through spine might b firm enough to stand or sit.. hmm... hope i have time to do some research on any information on this item. Whether is it safe for bb or Not..
Just like walker, state not safe but still many brands selling the old type of walker..
Hi Leejen,

think u better dun do anything to ur hair now...at least until the shedding stops...
hee! mine going to stop soon coz me no hair left liao...
Hi mummies,tats the jumperoo that i've brought. My ger is 4mths 4days old. Her head quite firm liao.So far only put her in n holding her for about 5-10mins at a time with pillow behind her. U can adjust the height of the seat with her feet touching the floor.

kissbb, sensory chime ball encourages developing motor skills.

Taurus, i've not try keeping the jumperoo yet. Usually i'll leave it at a corner after letting my ger play. Nowadays when i buy bulky toys i'll try to keep its boxes so tat when they outgrow it can dismentle n put it back at least wont b so messy.
I really want to cry out! My mum thought my hb and I lied to her about keane can't sleep at night.
Initially, I called my mum to ask her, don't let keane sleeps too much in e daytime. Cos, he will only sleep at 11.30pm but wake up at 1.30am, 2.30am, 3.30am every hr till 6.30am (for milk). Other time, he just wants to play with us. He would cry, kick, bang e bed by using his both strong leg.
My mum doesn't believe in us, so yesterday, she offered to take keane one night to observe. Damn.. he sleeps through last night.
I got so mad, he oso slept through @ my mum place when I went to bangkok trip. However, he doesnt sleep through @ my own place.
This time to prove that I am correct, I insist my mum to come over to stay and sleep with me and keane for one night. Hopefully, keane shows his tail.. else, my hb n i sure died of "lack of sleep"

just happened to read your posting about your bb's sleep pattern... hmm your bb waking up more at night may be because he still had not differentiate that night is for sleeping and rest? I read in this forum that if your bb want to nap in the day, you should try not to restrict him at this young age, else it will result in him finding it difficult to sleep at night... Another way to help settle him for the night is to intro nite time routine like lights off at certain timing just after top-to-toe... when he/she wakes at night for milk, just offered it, do not talk to him or play with him.

Last time when my son wakes every other hour, we will just feed him, lie him beside us for him to kick and play on his own... we will just pretend to sleep on..
lights are always off.... i think its a passing phase...

could it be keane wanna play with u? can put him in another room to test test instead of letting him slp with u?
Poohy & milo66,
Initially, when my sis maid took care of keane, he only woke up once for milk @2.30 -3.30am (that time he was oni 2mths; provided last feeding @ 11-mid9).
However, when my mum takes over 2 take care him, he already 4th mths old. keane sleeps more when he is at my mum place and v awake in the evening time, wanting to play with my hb n I.
My pd stated that keane recognises us as his playmates. No matter how my parents play with him, he will still want to play with us when he sees us.
We alway play with him after fetch him from my mum place till 11.30pm. Force him to sleep, but he wakes up at 1.30am, 2.30am , every hr till 6am..

Is your room too hot or cold? Sometimes when bbs are uncomfortable, they can't fall asleep so easily. Don't worry about your mum, I always believe mother and daughter won't have any conflicts as we can always talk things out

Another suggestion is maybe don't play with Keane so much at night...he might get over stimulated..

i dun think its sleeping too much in the day problem leh. during weekend when i take care of kaeden, he will zzz after milk then wake up and drink so most of the time he spend it sleeping.

something i notice is that when bb slp, they tend to have 'wake up' moment then they will look ard, if they see u, perhaps will cry to ask for ur attention. kaeden wakes up too and if he spot us lurking ard in his room, he will cry but as usual will ignore him if it is not playtime

The infant suits are here...
The cost each is S$71.10. Pls transfer to my POSB Savings 152-10134-1 and inform me via email once its done.

Pls indicate your preferance of collection: Meet up at Sengkang/Compassvale Link or Postage.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Emails</TD><TD>Paid (Y/N)</TD><TD>Collection ( Meet up or Postage) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne Du </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_nana </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_nana </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gina_seow </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kissbb </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>toto</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gummie</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus </TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>trevor's mummy </TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>
Ivy, transferred. Thanks for organising this.

To Account POSB Savings
152-10134-1 Ivy Wetsuit
Amount S$71.10
Transaction Reference 827290249
If i m not wrong, shd be yr bb 1/2yr old birthday.

fates &amp; milo66,
Initially, we on e air con for him since that he alway crys when his back get hot especially when he lay down. However, these days, we change to switch on fan after hearing my parent's suggestion. sigh! useless... he still wakes up...
Strange enough, he can sleep through @ my own bedroom (last time b4 i married). My bedroom is facing west, therefore, sun shines on the two walls till 6pm, by right, shd be v hot to sleep inside without air con.
If whats the Pd say is correct, think my hb and I cant be spared for duno how many mths..

i will go to the postal office with the suits on Monday then advise you on the charges? I think normal mail shld be about $1.50 while registered mail is prob be about $3? If you ok, email me your address.
mummies who had purchased Bumwear before...

can share the experience? BBs dun shit so often now...i am thinking to switch to total nappies for day and diaper for nite.
Hi Ivy,

I have transferred total of $74.10 from my OCBC a/c into your POSB A/C. Trans Reference No : 20060908495005. (Wetsuit + $3 registered mail charges). I will PM you the address to send to.


erm mayb the gal who took my contact is a part-timer tat doesnt noe promo stuff canot reserve... shall c on mon lor.


wow the swimsuit is here. so xcited. btw when u mummies intend to bring bb to swim??

mi oso dropping plenty of hair. is it normal?? will drop till when??
Hihi! Wow...so many mummies getting the exersaucer, can tumpang??

Anyway, how about a meet up or something for those of us who are going on Monday?

1) SS1


Isabel has been on Bumwear for a long time. I let her wear at night and when we go out (sometimes, esp after she has poop before we go out). In the day wear normal cloth diaper. The bumwear sometimes go urine smell especially in the morning after whole night of output. If you use it during the day, then you can check the wetness and change accordingly. I think there's a bulk purchase on this for sengkang mummies going on now.
hee hee.. i notice this item long b4 u even b4 jumperoo..
Well, its depend, both can held bb weight < 25lbs, can fold and carry around.
However, jumperoo looks more stable than this 1.Cant imagine if bb fall in front or back, sure get hurt

hehe i saw that on auction too!

i got the jumperoo from isetan yesterday and didnt know that after fixing up its rather bulky. tried putting kaeden in it but didnt dare to let him play too long. seems like he is having fun and slowly figure out how it works

never see leh and cannot reserve. all these big items are selling like hot cakes. the jumperoo was the last set there. think if u wanna get the exersaucer, was chiong there earlier.

stuff are in, will pass to her tomorrow
hi milo,
i noe...i think tat gal tried to sell it to me when i posted in the forum that i wanted 2nd hand...but her px of $140 is way too high for a 2nd hand. rather pay extra $29 for a BN set.

Bulky har? hmmm...my space at hm is pretty limited...so it's kinda of a difficult decision for me now. the take-along hop and pop seems to be less bulky...

i saw the exersaucer...the toys on it aren't really veri interesting...not sure how long my gal can stay in there if i buy it for her...

ya that was wat i tot too $140 too high for 2nd hand even though she claim was new. now isetan, $169 comes with a FP chime ball, quite worth it. for this kind of mechanical toys (with spring) think BN safer leh.

yup. quite bulky ah but its really fun! wish i can squeeze in too :p
ya lor...u r really tempting me now...haha

btw, u interested in the mozart effect CDs? i got 2-3 more sets from my bp...(collected extra to clear the waiting list...but some mummies either dropped out or are slow in response). if interested, let me know. may be able to pass them to you at clementi tmr...btw...it's $50 for the 3 CDs
hi ivy,

can gimme ur contact no. so tat itz easier to contact u?? will mit u up in SK den pass u cash coz mi nv pass by atm 2dae.

when r u mummies bringing ur bb to swim??

btw saw ur posts on the eys si shen cereal. heard frm eys staff at campasspoint they having sale frm 13sep 20% off. 1 tin is so big. duno whether suitable for bb if buy such a big tin...

Hi all,
Mine is a May baby as well. Have you girls weaned your baby yet? I wanted to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months but PD said to supplement him with viamins or rice cereal cos he hasn't gain much weight in a month(200g). I wrote for advice in a another thread(How to improve quality of BM). PD gave Nestle Rice cereal sample but read in other threads that some mommies gave organic ones.

Ino and Milo66,
I dropped out of Ino's waiting list cos I joined Milo66 list. So erhm, if Milo66 is still organising, I'll stay put with her.
