(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

dear mummies,

anyone still on total BF? i'm going away on holiday for 5 days next month. anyone tried going away a few days then come back to resume total BF?


where u intend to get the HIPP and earth best brand? If u intend to go the the Brown paradise in tanglin Mall, then dun go hor cos both brands are out of stock. HIPP will come in 4 wks later and Earth Best will be 2wks time.

I went there last friday. Give them a call to check first would be better.

my boy does not vomit out milk when he flips. he does that only if we 'pass' him to and fro different people to carry. and he especially like to spill milk on me when we are going out. maybe i am too rough in changing him...kekeke...

THANKS!!!! i really wanted to go there ah. heng u told me else wasted trip sure kana hamtam.

where else got sell huh?
hi milo

i see you very on with BP. hehe..

wanted to ask about the healthy times cereal. Anything suitable for 4 mths and above? my girl will be turning 4 mths in a few days time. which one u recomend huh? btw, u got msn?
Hi bookworm,

u can try gymboree, they got veri nice clothes n assessories 4 bbies. I spent a fortune there

for organic cereals, only healthy times and bellemy(dun really remember the spelling) got stock. the other organic store also like tat.

so funni leh,heinz 4mth cereals like whole Singapore out of stock liao and yr bb dun like.

for organic cereals, only healthy times and bellemy(dun really remember the spelling) got stock. the other organic store also like tat.

so funni leh,heinz 4mth cereals like whole Singapore out of stock liao and yr bb dun like.

ya lor. i called up a few organic shop all say OOS.

to think that i paid so much to get the heinz rice cereal yet he dun like
some mummies told me that their cereal smell nice but the heinz smell like powder/corn flour to me. will start him on HT brown rice this weekend and see how it goes
Hi mummies,

Toking abt cereal ... I have feed my boy cereal last sat n he loves it .. cries for more when I show him the empty bowl.... 8)

My boy also starts to flip the past few days but only half flip n the last 2 nites he has been sleeping on his side hugging his little bolster .....veri veri cute ... 8)

My son likes heinz 4mth cereals...are you refering to the type tht "supply BB with ion" one? Tht time wheni got from Bedok NTUC,still a lot more...

Godness!! i think i've bought the wrong one, i have checked, the cereal i have is Heinz 6 mth..my boy almost finished all...

heinz 4mth cereals really always "out of stock"?

the 4 mths cereal is the blue box. u got the green / red box?

the 4 mths one can hardly find in supermarket nowaday

Hmmm dunno why all ur babies are so versatile, able to adapt to all those food sold on the shelves. I bought heinz juice for my ger, she rejected.. recently bought frisocream cereal, she rejected too, showing me her face that say it is awful haha.. so now i can't buy anything for her liao, scared she will reject.

She still loves her milk and takes brown rice and si shen prepared by my mum.
since she like her milk, why not u buy cereal tat does not hv FM content so that u can add her own FM.

Friscocream is added frisco milk powder in it. so maybe she dun like that FM.
Frisocream has a good smell but a bit sweet. Usually i only add 1 teaspoon then boil with plently of water to dilute it. I only add a small portion at each feeding.
keane is ok with this method leh. Same method for yrs brown rice oso.

What cereal can i get for her? I see those on the shelves all start from 6 mths onwards leh.. so cannot buy anything else now
You tried that Frisocream Cereal? My brother said is bitter. Friscocream smells like vanilla .. haha

Buy the Eu Yan Sang brown rice cereal? My girl don't like but Annie's Keane loves it. Maybe your girl will like too?

Do you all fed bb cereal with spoon? I haven't tried that, have been adding the cereal into the milk bottle and bottle-fed her. Because Sofia is a very impatient girl. She will scream at the top of her voice when she's hungry.

Aiyoh ur ger dun like?? I just bought yesterday leh, put at my mil place.. next week then let her try.. hopefully she won't reject.. else waste my money!!!

And the eu yan sang brown rice cereal also gotta cook rite?

haha, my ger dun take from spoon.. she scream and cry cos she is frustrated with the slow process.. and technically she also dunno how to feed from spoon.. so i still use bottle feeding for her brown rice.
hi kk,
if your bb still loves her milk, think shldn't introduce too much cereal for her?

my bb is still having a problem drinking milk. we have to spoonfeed her almost every drinking session. very jia lat...but we are still persevering. doc says to introduce solid food only at 5.5-6 mths...

hi taurus!
my gal is flipping like nobody's businss!! hehe...so cute when they flip...sometimes one of her hands will get stuck underneath her body and she will cry for help. hehe
Hi gals,

Noticed that most of u have introduced cereal for ur bb. However, my PD says that it is better to do so when they are 6 mths as their digestive systems would be more developed by then...now dunno whether to give or dun give

Btw, my exersaucer has arrived. my son still cant play w it yet as he cant sit striaght yet. what about ur babies?
For my boy, my mom helps to spoonfeed him with cereal(heinz 6mth cereals)wf plenty of water,so far so good..she adds 3 scoop cereal+2 scoop FM + water...i always complain too much for 4 mth++ BB but mom said she already introduced such amount/mixture to me when i was 2 mth old...
Hi mummies,
today 1st trial cereal for kevan. he is taking it well although initially he is wondering why i got tis food to eat

I intend to give him on weekends only until 5th mth then introduce daily. Now is like a treat

taurus, tks for the cereals, he love it and keep opening his mouth after each spoon.


hi all,

tried feeding kaeden cereal again today...sigh..dun think he likes it

mummies who feed baby by spoon,

do they stick out their tongue when u feed which will 'expel' out the cereal? mine still does that
Think your Kaeden doesnt like it. Ya, feeding keane using spoon since yesterday.keane only blow those brown rice out when he is full.

Jialat leh, Keane didnt like to drink milk. Can you imagine? He didn't even drank 150ml (in 5 feedings). At least, he willing to eat some brown rice last evening. How?

This is a tricky area. my boy does stick his tongue out but the cereals did not fall out leh. he stick his tongue normally anyway even when he drink milk. bcos now he lick everything so the moment he open his mouth he will stick it out lor.

Annie, no milk yday?? wat i did is i let him eat cereal and instead of drinking water to help to swallow i give him milk. After take a few mouth then i give cereals again. After that i give him the remaining milk. With cereals intake , i give 150ml milk instead of 180ml.
twinkle starry,
Yes, he didn't want milk. Yesterday, he cried when he was hungry.However, he doesn't want to drink milk. Then cried non-stop till we put pacifier on him and fell asleep. From morning till evening.
Every feeding time, he just didn't want to drink milk.
Wah! terrible, have to complain about my mother in law.
Hubby told me to instruct my ma to talk to Keane in mandarin not Hokkien. He comments that keane will learn slower than other bbs.
I got really mad cos hb went back home on saturday, sure that his ma commented since keane was taken care by my ma for the past whole mth.
She herself doesnt teach her sons Hakkia since young, ended up none of her sons know how to speak their own mother tongue.

its our mother's generation that dialect is not hip, but nowadays we think otherwise.

so much talk on cereal can't keep up, my boy still on BM and head still not steady. hee hee..
hi mummies,
can I join? was suppose to be june mummy but my son decide to pop early in may

planning to start my son on solid soon as he's turning 4mth liao...any idea where to get samples? I dun wanna buy one box only to find out my son dun like the taste...
btw, mummies who let your babies eat si sen + brown rice...anyone of u encounter baby having diarrhoea? my mum told me last time when she fed me, I had diarrhoea, so she din feed me this but rather just rice cereal.
hi milo, my gal oso stick out the ceral when i tried to feed her oso, dunno why.
Her milk feeds still regular but she gets hungry easily, i wonder if i shd give her cereal regularly. Coz i only give her ceral during weekends day time.

Hi annie, to know dialect is a plus point, i think no problem with that leh.
maybe u checked with yr ma did she gave you barely water at the same time when she fed you with yrs brown rice?
maybe you can try other brand beside yrs on your bb. Everyone has diff body system, maybe you are allergy 2 certain herbs that added into the brown rice (yrs have some chinese herbs added; mainly to make bb more appetite to eat)..
my mum din feed me barley water that time. u meant barley water can cause such effect? my mum say si shen not for everyone...all my siblings all cannot take si shen...I'll let my son try plain rice cereal or brown rice cereal first.
hi mummies

i think its a normal reaction that most bb will stick out their tongue while trying new food...give them more time to adapt how to swallow ...my elder gal (3 yrs old now) started semi-solid food at 5 mths plus also stick out her tongue and make funny faces as tough the cereal taste yucky..but i feel its normal coz its something new to them

No leh..in fact it is the opposite for my ger.. if fed excessive brown rice, she will not poopoo for 1-2 days.


Initially i read somewhere that it is good to speak to babies since young mandarin and english at home, especially mandarin because they speak more english in school. And i have students very weak in mandarin which i am really pissed off because we are afterall chinese. So i was very persistent that my in laws speak to my ger in mandarin and not dialet.

But i shared this with my colleague who is a dad of three, and he told me it is actually good because they in the future will be able to know more dialects which is really a bonus for singaporeans. And he say no worries, when grown up, kids will juggle on their own and differentiate between different languages and dialects.
hi mummies..

MIA for a while already...( tks for all the kind words and concerns.)

Here is the update of the infant swimsuit.

Yvonne, pls get back to me asap.

Trevor's mum,
sorry, will have it posted out on Wed...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Paid (Y/N)</TD><TD>Collection ( Meet up or Postage) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne Du </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_nana </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_nana </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Coral</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>gina_seow </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD></TD><TD>Self collect @ Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>kissbb </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Self collect @ JE </TD></TR><TR><TD>toto</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Meeting on Tue </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gummie</TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus </TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Collected </TD></TR><TR><TD>trevor's mummy </TD><TD>0.5</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Postage </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
About dialects, just to share some opinion. We are attending a Chinese church over here, and pple here speak English, Chinese, Cantonese and Taiwanese (Hokkien). My husband can relate well to all the pple cos he speaks Cantonese fluently and knows some Hokkien. With the world becoming even more globalised, I think it will benefit our children to know more languages. Plus they have an amazing ability to pick up languages so the more language you speak, the better. But then again, we still speak majority English to Ethan, very hard to change to Mandarin cos just not used to it.
For my case,i try to speak Cantonese+ Mandarin to my boy,his dad speaks English &amp; MIL speak Hainanese.I think they're able to pick up languages easily, it just happen naturally...
Barely water is good enough for baby to ease heaty in e body especially when bb has constipation. However, you must buy china barely which is "warm"; enough for bb.
Since you are allergy to si shen, maybe you can feed your bb with brown rice and a bit of si shen powder (buy fr medical hall) to test whether yr bb allergy to it or not.
Hmm, if you start with plain rice cereal, bb wont want to eat brown rice cereal due to the texture. Plain type is smoother than brown. Like for us, we get used to eat white rice, we oso find hard to eat brown rice. My nephew is started with brown rice when he was baby till now.

You can buy si shen powder from medical hall. Si shen is mean to help bb to have more appetite to eat more food / milk. Also help in digestion. Mostly, added into those ready made brown rice cereal or brown rice powder. You have to check with medical hall or e sinseh the amount of si shen powder add into your cereals (off shelves). Too much, might cause bb to get hungry faster or if bb is allergy might will diarrohea.

hi annie, my mum feed my gal 1 spoon of si shen powder in her milk twice a day, im not sure if 2 times a day is too much or not.

and my mum even want to feed porridge liao, i told her not too early, she is like eager to introduce food to solids, sigh.
