(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

RE: exersaucer, really up to u, which brand u r favour in. Personally, I brought safety 1st becos it can convere to a 8 shape car route which allow baby to play until 4 years old and the price is cheaper than Leafrog n EF brands. More toys attached on it is also another attracts me to buy.
I intend to buy another 1 so that i can put at my mum place, keane will then can play when he is at my mum place.
I found one which is fisher price brand; v good but currently i cant find another shops even toysrus dont sell.


RE: car seat, i brought 1 that is a carrier also, so only can use up to 1 year old. Adjustable to 3 positions. Recently, my hb had adjusted to "sitting position" so that keane is in sitting position instead of full laying down.

I heard from my colleagues n friends that it's really hard to get bb to sit in the car seat when bb reachs abt 5 mths+. We faced the same problem, keane will cry whenever we put him in, basically, he wants to stand. Your baby will love to sit in when he or she sees another bb (yr 2nd bb) sit in. Therefore, my advise, get a cheaper type.

I have a car seat which can sit up till 4yrs old (given by my friend).He actually went to buy those "level up" seat so that bb can sits on it and able to view outside... I think thats more practical and cheaper $39.90

Hi mummies,
i wonder anyone try to feed yr bb when he or she is laying down flat on sofa or mattress? My mum loves to do so, keane will play or talk when he is in such position. I wonder is it dangerous or not? Personally, i am concern becos i am afraid that he get choke more easily. I also notice that he swallow more winds. When i told my hb abt this, he oso does so. (lazy fellow). Any comments?

hello ino,
i think there are pros and cons to starting solids when baby is 4mth+. i actually intended to start when my boy is 18 wks old, but came across some articles that say if baby is unable to support is head fully, he may choke easily. on top of that, i have a cousin who is a qualified infant caregiver and she told me the guideline is to start at 6mths.

my boy was rejecting milk and drinking less, but he is ok now. in fact, i just increased his intake to 150ml today and he finished the bottle twice out of 3 feedings. he is also gaining weight well so i made up my mind to introduce solids only nearer to 6 mth.
Hi mummies,
Any advises for first time feeding brown rice? i put 1 teaspoon of brown rice powder add with milk n boil for 5 min, is it correct?

I let keane tried 2 times, but found it v difficult cos avent teat 4 hole is too small to let the milk cum brown rice mixture flow. I tried spoon feed but keane was crying like hell. He was hungry n impatient and i found that he barely trying hard to swallow.

I brought a convertible type of walker for keane; to can put @ my mum hse. Have few toys attached on it, same as exersaucer with adjustable height. There is one additional feature, i can put on wheels.
Not that i want to start early, keane starts to eye on our food n show his unhappy face, dripping saliva whenever he see us eating our meals. He either get angry and cry or simply don't want to drink his milk.
As bb grow older, they tend to get sick of drinking milk every feeding. it just like we eating same things every meals.
According to his weight, he should drink at 240ml of similac formula milk instead only 100ml or 150ml the max. At the same time, miss out 2 -3 feedings a day. Hence, the total intake is at v low side according to his weight.
My pd stated that keane should drink 1.5 * 6.8kg = 1020ml per day. If i presume keane drink 160ml per feeding, the most 160ml*5 = 800ml (worst, he didnt drink so much for each feeding). If this carry on, he wont put on weight and will slow down his growing path..
I found this information on 1 article.

Once your baby is about 4 to 6 months old you can start introducing solid foods, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Babies younger than 4 months don't have enough control over their mouth muscles or tongue and end up thrusting their tongue against the spoon or food. This tongue-pushing reflex usually decreases by about 4 months. And now that your baby's energy needs are increasing, it's an ideal time to supplement breast milk or formula with solid foods.

Another reason why it's best to wait until your baby is at least 4 months old before introducing solid foods is that starting earlier could lead to problems like food allergies and obesity. To see if your little one is showing signs of readiness, use the helpful list below.

Can sit with support
Has control of head (and can refuse food)
Can take food from a spoon and learn to swallow

Remember, your baby has never been fed from a spoon or eaten anything besides breast milk or formula - getting used to a new eating method will take some time. As your baby becomes accustomed to eating from a spoon, you can make the cereal thicker and increase the amount, but start off with a watery consistency. Introducing different flavors and consistencies to your little one can be exciting, but it does take patience.

You can start with jarred baby food or homemade baby food after your baby has eaten cereal successfully. If you're making your own food, remember that all fresh foods should be well cooked until soft, except for bananas, which can be mashed and eaten raw. When it comes to vegetables like beets, spinach, turnips, carrots and collard greens, the AAP recommends feeding your baby commercially prepared foods rather than home-cooked ones, as sometimes these vegetables contain high levels of nitrates, which are not good for babies. Because baby food companies completely screen the produce they use, their foods are a safe choice.
Use these helpful hints so you both enjoy mealtimes:

Choose a time of day that is the least stressful for you, and a time when your baby is not too hungry. (Many parents find midmorning or midafternoon an ideal time.)

If your baby is very hungry, feed him a little breast milk or formula first to prevent frustration. Then switch to small half-spoonfuls of food and finish with more milk or formula.

Most pediatricians recommend starting with a single-grain cereal, like Beech-Nut?Stage 1?Rice Cereal because it's easier for babies to digest. Introduce wheat and mixed cereals last, since they may cause allergic reactions in very young babies.

Keep your baby in an upright position, and start with half a spoonful or less. Talk your baby through the process by saying things like "Yum. This is soooo good!" Your baby will not know what to do the first time or two, and these gestures and supportive words are helpful.

Increase the size of feedings very gradually, starting with a tablespoon or two until your baby gets the idea of swallowing solids.

If your baby looks confused, wrinkles his nose, rolls food around his mouth or rejects the food altogether, don't worry. These are normal reactions.

If your baby cries or turns away, do not force the issue. Go back to nursing or bottle-feeding for a week or two and then try again.

Once your baby gets used to eating cereal, you can slowly start introducing other foods. Start with a single-ingredient vegetable or fruit. Feed one at a time over the course of 3 to 5 days to test for allergies.

Even though your baby doesn't speak yet, she still may be telling you something. These helpful (repetitive) do's and don'ts will make mealtimes as easy for both of you as possible.


Wait 3 to 5 days to add each new food to your baby's diet. This is so you can detect any allergic reaction your baby might have to a certain food. Put your baby to bed with a bottle. This can promote "bottle caries," a form of tooth decay.
Learn to read your baby's signals. Never force food on your baby if she doesn't want to eat. This helps keep meal times positive. Feed cereals or other solid foods through a bottle, unless your medical advisor directs you. Cereal or other foods in the bottle may cause your baby to gag or choke.
Be patient with yourself and your baby. Remember tomorrow is always another day. Put your baby in a reclining position when you feed him. He may gag or choke.
Keep a sense of humor. Early feedings can be unproductive, frustrating, messy and frequently hilarious. Season baby food that you buy (or make). Babies don't need added salt or sugar.
Become a label reader. Check the ingredient list, storage and serving instructions. Start your baby on solids earlier than about four months (unless your doctor tells you otherwise.) Your baby may not be ready for them.
wow... so much has been discussed here about starting bb with solids, looks like i've been missing out on a lot, have to really catch up liao hohoho...

i'm such a lazy mummy compared to the rest of you, haven't really thought about what or how to start weaning my little boy. planning to look into that when he's about 5 months old as he's still drinking his milk quite well now...

btw are most of you still breastfeeding at this stage? my MS has dropped quite a bit since i went back to work last week, partly due to less frequent expressing...
i went to visit my niece who is about 1.5 months yesterday, she's kind of 'long' compared to my seth, whose daddy claims he looks like a teapot... anyway looking at two newborn babies (only 2 months apart) really makes me see that each and every one of them is born with their v own intrinsic characteristics...

my niece is sooooo Well-Behaved compared to my boy, she can lie on the rocker observing her surroundings without making any noise... and when you try to talk to her she responds with sounds and smile... and when she sleeps, she can fall asleep on her own in the cot... how i wished my boy were like her!

Seth, on the other hand, is a little terror. he cries even before we put him down, and his cries can tear the house down... i cannot imagine how i could have possibly coped without having a helper around... i really admire those mummies who are taking care of their bbies full time, think it's really not easy esp if your bb is v active...
Hazel and kk,

i'm also thinking should use walker or exersaucer. mil has 'hand me down' walkers ready to pass to me. how do you tell mil of the bad effects of walkers, they've used it for generations and most adults can walk proper.wonder if the bad effect is really that bad.

exersaucer quite expensive is it? maybe can get second hand ones?

Hmmm, for me, i will tell my mil directly that walkers are no good. My mil still ok, when i tell her not to use anything, she will not use it, for e.g. sarong :p

Safety1st brand selling for $89 only. But i think it is weekend sales from isetan. Check it out
I got my leapfrog at $189. Kind of regret ya, because the price is so steep, compared to safety1st heehee... but ger loves it. My colleague got hers at second hand price


Haha, i tried spoon feeding and my ger cried too. She got fed up because she was hungry and yet the feeding process was so slow. What we did was we cut the teat hole bigger. We using S sized pigeon teat.

Hmmm, we mix brown rice (with si shen) powder with water. Yes, one teaspoon of powder. We boil it. Now we make it more watery for my ger. After that then we add milk. We dun boil together with the milk.
Are you sure Safety 1st brand selling at $89? So cheap, I brought $129.90 at mums n babes @ United square. Kiddy palace oso offer at $129.90.
Hi ladies,

1st time in here ... been mainly on June thread but since my boyboy is born in mid May, I find his devt progress is more similar with all of yours. Forgive my late entry!

<u>Feeding on cereal</u>
Today, my mum started my boy (3.5mths) on 1 teaspoon (60ml) of EYS Si Shen Brown Rice Cereal with 30ml of FM. Have any of you already started yours on cereal?
Hi Annie,

I think kk means the advertisement in saturday newsper. I'm also going to get it.Fyi think the offer starts on 11 Sept...I found this in isetan's webpage


Btw, finally got the car seat. Bought the britax brand but boy does not like it. was screaming n screaming just now until hoarse....dun care, will force him to sit on it

Hi gummie,

I also noticed that my cousins' bbies are more "Guai" compared to my rascal. But my cousins say that generally bb girls are easier to take care compared to boys..

Hee...me also veri lazy infact is clueless abt how to start him on solid...

I'm still on partial BF for my boy...well funny thing is if I look after him in weekend its TBF but during weekdays, I can only pump out enuff for 3 feeds of 120ml.....
Thanks! Cant imagine Istean stated the usual price is $219.90.
I think you better go there early to buy, since only limited pcs. hee.. My keane loves it, he sits in everyday.
Hi all mummies,

i'm new to this thread.. been following the thread here for quite sometime but didnt post any message before. Anyone can tell me which brand of cereal is good and when can we actually start giving solid foods to babies? My boy already 3mths plus born on 25 May.
Anyone going to Isetan??? I'm going to buy the Bouncing Baby Play Place for my boy too... look at Annie's boy, he look so happy sitting on it. Hoping my boy will loves it too.

I think it was previously sold as 200+. Winnie of CS, told me it used to be every expensive but now its cheaper I think.

u mean that I've got to go early?? eee what time? need to ask someone to help look after boy if too early cant imagine going there to buy this with boy
Hi mummies! Wondering if any one of you is on the mailing list of Mums R' Us. Please take a look at the email message below for special price of freezer cube trays and let me know (via PM) by today if you're interested to get. Hoping to gather people to order at least 5 trays to enjoy the discount:

Today, we are offering a special service to you with pre-orders of some products from overseas. This is done so you can ride on my companys freighting services at a lower cost. Many a times customers have commented that they would like to order stuff from USA or Canada but the freight costs are way too exorbitant for them to do so.

We had this opportunity with the nursing bras. Now it is the Baby Freezer Cube trays.

To view the cube tray, please click here Baby Freezer Cube tray

Please do not attempt to ask for more discounts as weve already passed on savings in whatever way we can to reward you and say thank you for coming back time and again to purchase our products online and from our retail shop. Imported products are hardly given any discounts but now if you pre-order and pay in full amount with us for the Baby Freezer Cube trays, youd get savings up to $10 from it. We retail them presently at $25 each tray, but when you place your orders with us this week, they are yours each for the following price tier.

1 tray @ $20 ( you save $5 )

2 trays @ $35 ( you save $7.50 each tray )

3 trays @ $50 ( you save $8.30 each tray )

4 trays @ $65 ( you save $8.75 each tray )

5 trays and above @ $15 each ( you save $10 each tray )

We dont always do this so when the opportunity knocks, take it! Ordering period starts from today till 4th Sept. Late orders will not be entertained.

Ordering options

1. You may order and pay online using eNets, credit cards or cheque made payable to Moms RUs with the self collect option or local mail option.

2. You may order from retail by calling 62593326 and pay using a payment link sent to you through e-mail. ( eNets or credit cards )

3. You may drop by my retail and pay cash or nets if you are around Thomson Road, Novena area.

4. You may write and drop me a mail at [email protected] and do a bank fund transfer

Full payment is required should you place orders with us. This is non-refundable if you should change your mind.

For orders with 5 trays and above, courier service is required. We will need you to pay a nominal fee of $5 for delivery. Orders above $100, delivery will be FREE.

MOMS RUS United Square Mall #B1-64 Tel: 62593326
Hi lh_iyc

read tt u bot the britax car seat... may i noe which model u bot? from where?
I am looking at a model from kiddy palace.. selling at $329.. britex omega... beige in colour.. is this wat u bot?
Think you better go early since v limited set to sell @ special price $89 something. Stated in ads. You noe our pp v kiasu..somemore sell so cheap.
Yap, keane love it so much, he will sit there and play with those toys by himself for about 30mins.. but he wants some1 around him to see him play
but at least, i can 2 hsework and supervise him.
hi lh_iyc,

i'm also interested to know which model of car seat u bought. been seaching high and low for the britax car seat.. actually looking for royale model but taka and robinson all no stock.. now checking with mothercare, they only have the 1st class model which cost $420.. also no stock now.

Here's my twin pic:



hey thks for the link. hehe got new toys to buy for kaeden liao! u going to grab the exersaucer on 11 sept?
hi milo, how the cereal feeding over the weekend?

Oh about the exersaucer, Isetan sells rather cheap? Any mummies getting it?
hi leejen,

i'm not sure, the newspaper state is weekday sale.. start from 11sep for the exersaucer...

any mummies already go to isetan, maybe can help to check it out..

Try finding many places and still cannot find leh. I even went to marketplace supermarket and saw a big word OUT OF STOCK
Hi Babe and kissbb,

I bought the 1st class model. 2nd hand from one of the mummies in this forum. Condition is very new think its worth it. But hor find the cushion thin compared to maxi cosy but no choice coz maxi cosy do not have car seat from infant till 4 years old..

Yeah...me also searched high n low for britax brand coz a lot of mummies in this forum recommends it but its out-of-stock...so end up bought a second hand one.

Btw kissbb....ur twins so cute...Brayden looks so mischevious ;p

Hi milo,

yup will be going on 11 sept to grab the toy
happens that I'll be on leave. just got to see if can get someone to help look after rayne..u going? mabbe will meet u there.

Hi fairysnowberry

Me so envious...me not enuff but dun think my hubby will agree for me to take from others...today just went to see my LC again for another round of torturing. dunno why I can endure such pain
almost wanted to cry out loud when the LC pressed on my breasts...sigh...
hi lh_jyc,

now no choice have to have for mothercare to bring in the stock... btw yr bb feel comfortable in it?? Aiden always dun like to sit in car seat..

Brayden always give mischevious look, then kor kor give "honest" look...

seems like alot mummies are rushing to get the exersaucer.. can update us the status if u go on 11sep... maybe help to check out how many they have...
Hi mummies,
I feel so sad, my idol Steve Irwin has passed away. I used to watch his animal progammes every nights during my preggie time.
Just feel that this world has lost a great man;used his earning to buy forest, land, building shelters for injured animal,pay his contribute to e environment, saving the rare species etc..
Knew him when i studied in Sydney. Sigh! Missed a chance to see him in person when he came here to give a talk @ Singapore Zoo.

Was he the one who always appeared with crocodiles on animal planet? If he is the one, i find it a pity. I was really shocked when i learnt about it last nite over 630pm news on tv8
hi lh_jyc, u on leave on 11sep? me too leh, can consider to meet up? haha....
im oso keen to go to see the exersaucer...
hi annie/kk, he was stung by a jellyfish on chest, really deadly one, quite sad becos i watch many of his crocodile shows.

hi lh_jyc, got yahoo or msn? add me.

haha, previously me and hubby were commenting such a crazy fellow, keep playing with crocodiles. But deep down we do admire him. And it really came as a shock. Imagine handling so many crocodiles, but ended up being stung and killed by jellyfish instead.
Hi gals

My baby nowadays trying to stand? Anyone facing the same problem. And these 2 nights she has been crying so loudly before she goes to bed? I wonder whats wrong...never happen.

interested in getting the exersaucer. So the common brands i read is Safety first, and leaping frog? can let me know the price?

Got the bumbo seat liao from kiddy palace at 79.90 and realised its quite small and i think my bb will outgrow very fast. Sigh

i got the bumbo seat as well...haha..but i think its still too small for my bb. He look dwarf inside...So have to wait a while.

hehe i be working on that day. was thinking of asking hubby to pop by during lunch hrs to grab

ivy / bookworm,

i got the bumbo as well, like u, kaeden looks so small compared to the bumbo but on and off, i will take out and let him try. they grow so fast scare bu zi bu jue zhong they outgrew it
Hi lh_iyc

thanks for the feedback.

Hi kissbb

i saw there is another model in kiddy palace selling at $329. Its called britax omega. Hv u seen b4? Me considering to buy this one cos its cheaper. BB hypermart also carry this model. Hv heard tat there are imitations for britax. Do u noe if those at bb hypermart are real?

Anyone noe? Can advise?
KK / leejen,

Yap, he is e host for a series of crocodile shows on animal planet.

I think most singaporean knows him becos he once put his baby boy on e crocodile mouth open @ feeding show in australia. Becos of this, everyone in e world gave big response critice him for the crazy action.
hi leejen,
not jellyfish lar...it's stingray!!! the tail pierced his heart...

hi babe,
u can wait till robinsons sale (if u can afford to wait)...they have really good offers. i bot my britax for $279 instead of $379 (convertible type...suitable from infant to toddler). My gal likes to sit on it...will fall asleep during the car ride. hehe Last wk, Robinsons have sale on maxi cosi.

see tat a lot of mummies seems to be quite keen on the exersaucer...looks like they might be a long q at isetan.;P
hi ino, hah, blur me, shd be stingray. He was fliming the Great Barrier Reef there.

hi milo, u grabbing the exersaucer?
