(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


i dun feel that too. me also c-section but at week 37.


when i touch my wound hor, that particular area feel a bit sore. saw that some pubic hair are growing out from there, not sure whether is that the reason. ur wound totally no pain liao?


how ur bb feeding pattern now? stabilise? mine is at abt 3hrs interval now, feeding 120ml.

Talking about diaper rash, my son also kenna!

It's either we didn't change him often, or because of this disposable diaper called Prokids? Anyone heard of this? Chinese is xiao3 tao2 qi4. Thinking of throwing it away ..

A friend gave it to us as present :p

U mean when u touch and PRESS the wound, u feel sore? Pain???

No leh, i dun feel anything now. Can do anything i want now heeee... I feel i fully recover last week - week 6.

My bb feeding pattern.. depends on her mood haha.. if she sleep 2 hrs, then we feed her 120 ml. If she sleeps more than that, we feed her 150 ml.

OHhh, be careful of wat diaper u use. My colleague's bb girl kena BIG BIG nappy rash. She alternate between pampers premium and pureen diaper. She said pureen diaper cheap at KKH so she bought from there. End up her bb kena very serious nappy rash. Seek treatment from everywhere and only fully cured in her 3th mth or so. A lot of follow up treatments. Still got bleeding that kind.

So i was telling hubby.. this kind of money cannot saved.. end up more trouble heee..

jus stroke nia already feel sore. the feeling is like kana cut by paper. not sure ok or not. will be going back for my post natal check up next week. me at week 5 today. time flies.

u at hm alone with bb? so tempted to bring him out to 'gia gia' but no courage yet.. still dunno how to use the moms in minds sling..sigh
My bb now on 2.5Hrs to 3Hrs interval, drinking 120ml to 140ml depending dring the day. At night, she'll sleeps at 1am to 2am (last milk intake usually at 12 midnight) and wakes up for her milk at 5am to 6am.

Wah.. yesterday jialat, different from her normal routine. She sleeps at nearly 3am (last milk intake at 1am) and wakes up at 8am this morning for milk
^5 Milo,
I'm also in Week 5 now, can't wait for confinement to end. I'm still eating the confinement food and drinking the longan water. Can't bath from tap water also. In another 5 days will be 40 days, can't wait for that day to come.

I'm going back to work in another 2 weeks plus time, so fast!!

how many weeks is yr baby? drinks alot.. or my son drinks v little??

milo, if bring bb out, he wanna drink milk how? bring along ebm or formula isit?

how come u going back so soon? not taking all in a stretch?

haha i already abandon my longan water since my bb full mth celebration. told my mum if i follow all the rules, having 'feng shi' i gila liao.


anyone brought bb for hep b second dose? all of u bringing bb back to PD for the 5in 1 or intending to go normal GP. i still thinking leh

Ooohh, ya, something it pricks.. but i thought that is because of hair growth :p Last week i didn't experience much of it liao :p So gotta wait till u feel more comfortable. Anyway u are in week 5.. perhaps next week fully recover liao

Yup, alone with bb
Haha! I dun dare to bring her out yet leh.. she can throw temper.. want milk, want to be carried and rocked, want to suckle nipple etc etc. Very ma fan :p

Oh, i have the sling too, but dunno how to use also heee.. and anyway if use sling bring her out also ma fan.. cannot shop for clothes!!

Anyway will be going out with hubby this thursday for movies, makan and shopping
Take it as a break!


Ha.. last nite girl slept at 1 am.. sleep all the way to 830 am this morning. If she wanna sleep, she can sleep realllll long.

Hey, sometimes my girl's routine just go haywire. I think they are still not too stablised yet

Oh, u also having confinement 40 days? I had that too! Unbearable hor?

i am from Jun MTB but had delivered my bb on 23 may .. would like to check with the mummies here . if we bringing bb for 6 in 1 jab on 1mth does that mean they don have to go for the second jab of hep-B
BB now 36 days old. I think my bb is a big eater lah. PD also scared of her intake

So good, my mum comes over everyday to make sure i complete my 40 days confinement. Difficult to break the rules leh. I didn't stretch, my boss has been asking me when I'll be coming back to work already. Not enough manpower, so I got to go back earlier

So good!! My BB still don't sleeps very long hours leh. I missed my sleep! VERY Unbearable. My mum said because I didn't eat much during the 30 days of confinement, so must add in the extra 10 days to compensate. I already having sore throat eating those seseme oil and heaty stuff, worse still no plain water. It's so unhealty eating the confinement food.
I also brought my BB back to the PD. I guess the PD will be more gentle compared to GP or polyclinic. My BB didn't cry during the jab.

Baby can drink more is a good thing! You giving her EBM or formula?

I missed those days when I get to sleep 8-hours straight! Now...cannot already...sigh
Do you mummies wake up in the middle of night to pump BM? Any perfect schedule to share? If this continues, will grow old v fast leh

forget to ask this, i oso drink longan n red dates drink,taking herbal shower but my hb starts to cook normal meals for me, is it ok? i m at beginning week 5.. confinment food seems v heaty..

anyone starts to cut yr bb finger nails? my sis told me has to cut so that to let baby to learn grabbing things instead of putting on the small gloves on.

think i have dom and still expressing my milk out for my boy.. no wonder the discharge still on.. so sian..
Formula milk, she's drink too much till my MS not enough to statisfy her. In the end, I gave up BF because I still only manage to express only 10ml for both side on my Week 3
My hubby cuts BB's fingernails on day 3. Recently he also cuts her fingernail but we still put on the little gloves for her because she scatches her face when we took her gloves out

Right!! I told hubby maybe confinement food do us more harm than good haha.. i always get out of bed with headaches and weird feeling. After confinement sooooo much BETTER! Feel more like normal person :p

i also didn't drink longan red date after 30 days, like milo heee.. my mil just stopped boiling it, so i took it as it is :p So good drinking plain water again :p

It really depends.. 2 nites ago, bb slept at 1130 pm but wake up 430 am for her feed. And sometimes she also slept at 1230 am and woke up at 530 am.. it depends how full she is on her last feed.

We still dun dare to cut bb fingernails. But they chip off by themselves.

Wow, my bb cried during her jab haha.. but for a while only :p I liked my PD because he will explain a lot of things to us and also, check on bb's health status too. So we feel safer when he say bb alright and healthy
I wonder whether GPs or polyclinics do tat?


Can't be helped lor.. my lochia flow also on and off.. sometimes thought finish liao, but so sian to see stains coming back again

I do eat back normal food after 30 days. Except that my mil still cook chicken with wine etc.


i am no longer pumping at nite already. My MS drop drastically. Now only on and off pumping a pathetic 50 ml the most. i dun feel engorged too.

so you intend to stop bf already? I am gog back to work early too...dunno to continue to pump or stop.

Fates, i wake up at 3am to pump every nite. A bit tired but am so happy to see the 80ml worth of bm...haha..
Always tell my hubby that its pain and tiring to have bm, and with the ugly stretch marks...but then back of my mind, i am happy that my bb is having the best nutrients that i can provide.

Me lazy mummy...don't pump every 3-4 hours but if too long, I feel so engorged leh

Like that how to go out and shop during this GSS? :p
I am still drinking the longan/red date drink..my MIL says good for blood - bu3 xue3.

My little one is like an alarm clock...wakes up every 3 hours to drink! Maybe should let him drink more to last longer?

I somehow stop liao. Since MS drop on its own. Now my bb only suckle for fun before she wants to sleep heee.. if i find that my milk is coming, i will just express now, instead of latching on liao.


Initially i need to pump every 2 hrs.. else really buey tahan! The engorgement can kill!! But after tat.. slowly slowly need to pump at 3 hours interval for sure.. then slowly slowly at 5-6 hrs interval... then slowly slowly no need to pump for whole day also can :p

Ya, longan red date drink is good.. and it bu xue

Hey, my bb can't drink more than she can consume.. she will spit out all the excess.. naughty!
hey ivy,
my boy's cord hasn't dropped, not even now on 17th day... still dangling there. jus now i saw a streak of blood around the umbilical area too. i guess i'll bring him to the PD this evening to check...
his nappy rash is much better now, we used desitin and another barrier cream from babes n cream. i'm still using cloth nappies in the day time.
as for CL, my husband was just sayin that since she doesn't know who is the BOSS we should perhaps ask her to go now, rather than have to pay her money and take her nonsense. sigh.

What is the interval you pumping now? only when you feel engorged or?

Ya sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night to feed my little one, and to pump...v sleepy hor? I felt the same way as you...it's the best for bb, that is why I am so reluctant to stop! Sigh...

I think we should think of a perfect schedule to pump?
So good, till now, I can't feel I'm a normal person. Very frustrated also because can't eat normal food. I nearly forgot how plain water taste like already. Everyday feels my mouth so sticky because of the logan water and milo.

My BB only cried out "AH". Me too feels safer to have BB under PD's care. She'll checked BB on her development thorougly and answer any queries from us. My baby actually smiles at her when she talks to my BB

My hubby cut my little one's nails when he's less than a month! I dare not do it.....
. Now we still put mitten for him...esp after bathing.


Ya asked her to go home...
So you giving her full month pay or pro-rated?


Oh no...so now you feeding your girl formula? It's sooner or later for me I reckon.

u drink milo? I dun, because i scared really too heaty liao.. cannot take it

Heee, yah, the PD makes us feel reassured cos he checked on her development too. I wonder whether polyclinics and GPs would do that even if we bring the health booklet along??


Yup, my bb mostly on FM now as i dun produce enough BM. After she suckle last nite, she still CRYYYY, indicating still hungry instead of wanting to suckle for fun :p

Good also, i better let her get used to FM, then when i go back to work end of next mth, not hectic for my mil too
Everyday drink milo, now also got breakout already. I guess too heaty. I told my mother I've got sore throat due to confinement food. She don't believe and told me said cannot be, during confinement food, no matter how heaty the food is also won't get sore throat. aRgghhh..

Faster cross the 40 days so I can starts eating my healthy food and start my exercise. Confinement food is so oily and the 2 eggs everyday is making my cholestrol high only

i pump every 3 hrs, so some pumps only 40ml...others will have 80ml...trying to stick to this schedule rather waiting for engorement...
hi ladies,
do you all feel quite "heavy" around ur pte part and tummy when u're still in wk 2??? I am feeling that and my mil says it is cos' the uterus has not shrink back yet, and that's why.

Just curious when will feel "light" and as mobile as before.

Confinement food very very heaty.. in fact i feel more tired after eating confinement food haha! My colleague also kena headaches during her confinement. She said for her, the main cause is longan red date drink.

Sigh, i can't exercise yet.. no strenuous exercise for caesarians.. my gynae say only swimming and brisk walking allowed. I am trying to see whether taking of bb alone and doing housework can slim me down or not :p

WOW, 2 eggs a day! I also ate two eggs per day for one week. Then i tell both mums cannot lah, like tat hor, end up cholesterol high leh, and cholesterol most likely stay and won't go away easily! Do more harm than good!! So i cut down to 2 eggs every 2-3 days then to none at all. Only ate eggs used in cooking. Used to have hard boiled eggs every morning.


I dun know abt what 5-in-1 leh.. PD never say.. i just blindly follow vaccination schedule given by TMC.

Yes, u dun feel the same as before. Like something still there.. and u still walk like preggie rite? Heee... i experienced that until week 6. Now can walk normal and as fast as before
I see..then wat happens when you go back to work? Pump in office?

I read somewhere, because after birth, our body is very cold so no matter how much heaty stuff we eat (confinement food), we won't get heaty..Quite true..my MIL ate some for few days & she got sore throat & cough etc!
dunno leh... see how, maybe pay her a month out of good will?

all of you mummies are making me feel guilty here... so far i've not had to wake up at night to pump or breastfeed. night time the CL will give formula milk... now maybe i think i should try to breast feed at night too. only prob is i dun seem to have enough milk to fulfil his appetite...

its been 2 weeks and i only lost 8-9kgs, still have a stubborn 6kgs to lose... how are the rest of you doing? is weight loss supposed to be consistent for the first few months? and, does malay massage help at all?
u eat 2 eggs every day??? so far i've only had about 2 for the last 16 days. btw is the standard confinemnent period 40 days?

i think every one reacts to the heaty confinement food differently... for me, it was really bad. i had constipation for 7 days and had to take laxatives... and my poor boy also had diarrhoea bcos of the breast milk. it was the most terrible constipation i've ever had. i also have pimples popping out bcos of the heaty food...
Hi Milo,

Your wound shld be better in wk 6. Last week when i was in wk 5, i dun feel pain at the wound but the flesh surround the wound seems to be little pain. this week i m much better liao except the tummy still bouncy and feel funni when walking w/o the binder.

Hi kk,
no strenuous exercise for caesarians.. can use U-Zap hee... my sis just give one to me.
BTW if we follow the PD schedule that will be 5 in 1 . 6 in 1 dun need so much jabs as some jabs are combine.

Hi Piglet,
40 days very hard to tong hor. i just finished 40 days on food. at 30 days i already cannot tahan and sneak out to Mac and hv lunch giving excuse got to buy diapers. hahaha

Pampers really ex leh. i finished the pack given by TMC and i now using Nepia, i find it ok leh so far so good.

Maybe that is what your CL is hoping? :p:p To get a month's salary and at the same time, asked to leave early. Hehee..

Talking about weight lost, I think I'm back to my pre-preggie size! Can wear my jeans liao

See what the stress is doing to me..

Ermm how to order Nepia diapers? Thought of trying because of the raves. Is NTUC selling it?
saw it in NTUC yday but the price is few dollars different as compared to order directly fm them. Their contact no is 62262650 min order is 4 pax and it is $14 per pack for NB and S, not sure abt M and L.

Dun feel so guilty.. me too.. my bb is totally on FM at nite. My mil did the feeding for me during confinement so tat me and hubby can have absolute rest.

I dun have constipation and find my bowel movement smoother than before. I think it is because i take alot of rice wine, ginseng wine, etc cooked food. I asked hubby and he said yes, if take alcohol, it will smoothen the bowel movement


The nepia can contain poo well? Aiyoh, my mammypoko leaked so terribly and the poo went all over my legs. My girl pooed so much during her feed last nite.


WOW envy!! I can now wear my old tops, except can see clearly tummy bulging out. But skirts, etc nono! Can't fit in any old bottoms!!
Hips and tummy still flabby.

NTUC got sell nepia.. but only M and L. S got to order like the mummies did. I have yet to try. Dunno will be so suey or not, end up like mammypoko.
so far Nepia dun leak poo leh. i know what u mean bcos when he wear on drypers and even pampers dry for nite , his poo will kena our thighs. Every nite feed when he poo, one of us will scream for help.

u gals may want to try Sealers, so far this also dun leal poo.

ur pampers dry refer to normal pampers or pampers premium? That means the cheaper one?

Wahh, then the bedsheet also kena leh.. first time so serious.. then hubby got to change bedsheet at 10++ pm.. imagine haha..
Thanks twinkle! May I know the weight thingy for size NB and S? My son still on the small side ....


Tummy sure has abit lah. Think it will take awhile for our tummy to be tight again
...The vertical line on my tummy still very dark leh? Am I the only one?

wow, i envy some of u, bb so cooperative. My bb alarm is quite on. 2-3 hours need to drink liao. Maybe mine some eater, going to be week 4 liao but drinking 60-70ml.
And she develops this really bad habit of suckling my nipple to sleep. Now she make so much noise until i cannot tahan must let her suckle. Thnk might have to give her pacifier liao.

anyone facing this problem? My gal will refused to sleep and cry and wail so loudly for 1 hour till she gets my nipple.How?
