(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi ladies

I permed my hair, dyed and highlight exactly after one month...

Hair was quite stubborn, so the process especially the perming took veri long, and my stylist had to increase dosage...
u bf? is it safe to bf after that?

by the way, can someone advice me on what else to buy. I realised that as BB gets bigger we cannot always put her in her cot, we need to do work, did u gals buy any basket to place her in there so u can conveniently look after her.

also anyone using the eletrical sarong?
Hi bookworm

u asking mi? yar i bf... should be safe to do ur hair and bf bah... dun think it will go into the milk? hmmmmm, i dunno leh...

yar man, my bb will onli sleep in her cot at nite... in the day, i put her in the basket carrier... but i realized tat the basket can be very hot, so i have to put her in air-con most of the time... I saw kk's photos of her baby, and she put her baby on this pink net, i think that's very good, more airy, and baby will fuss less... When i brought my bb to my in-laws place, they had that inclined net for my bb, and she likes it...
Hi gals, I rebonded my hair exactly a day after 1 mth, did the same after my gal was born 3 yrs ago, for me, my hair started to drop on the 4th mth onwards
RE: sleeping
I let BB sleep in bounce chair in the day and bed with us at nite. din put BB to sleep in playpen oredi cos BB always wet frm perspiration tho it's not humid at nite. I tried letting BB sleep in bounce chair all day, not even on bed but decided not to in case it's bad for his sleeping posture loh. Aircon makes my BB suffer frm runny nose leh, & next day can hear his breathing very loud cos of the wet & dry "pee-sai"...hahaha

bb less than 1 mth can slp on the bouncer liao? My bb make loud breathing noise after drinking. My mum say is becos of the cold drinks that i had...
oh Juzmaine, u use bounce chair? where can i get one? besides bounce chair anyone bought any others stuff....hmm, kk whats the pink net all abt?

ya Yvonne, i think basket will be too hot for bb also, my bb scared of heat leh.

pink net?? what pink net? heee.. u mean the rocker/bouncer?


Ya, my bb less than a mth placed in bouncer liao. But she can't sleep still, 15 min want us to carry her liao :p But it is cooling for her. SOmetimes she will just sleep in it if she wants to.


Wanted to try putting bb in aircon but dun think we will do it. My mil tried 2 nites ago and said bb slept immediately and was ok in aircon but second day the nose seemed to get stuck like pple catching flu. So i think we dun put bb in aircon.

Yup, my bb also very wet with perspiration at times during the day. So poor thing. Whole shirt can be wet somemore :p

the bouncer u can get it anywhere. I think i saw before at OG outlets and kiddy palace. Very cheap.. $20++ only

If next time the net torn, u can just buy the net and change.

Oh ya, bb kingdom also have. I bought the nets from there to change. My bouncers are actually hands-me-down from my SIL.

I also put my bb on bouncer during the day. He can sleep while i rock him if i m so tired of carrying him. If u r worried abt the spine etc, get the bouncer will can be adjust to flat.

I hv 2 bouncers, 1 is the same one as KK and that one bcos of the spring , u can press lower which will be flat and of cos slowly the spring will move to recline position. The other i had is Fisher price one which i find very warm for him since he is so scared of heat.
Everybody areadi started to massage ur bb using baby lotion? How many mths can we start to do tht?

And one question,did u clean baby's bottom with boiled water n apply nappy cream everytime they pee/poo?(means do it 10++ times for the whole day 24 hrs)
i really "sogo", wat is bouncer? is it the net type one for which baby lying down flatly? or the one net type used for sarong?

Tend to buy a rocking sarong, but dun know is it suitable for baby, and dun know manual or electrical type better, pls advise.

Looks like my MS is really pathetic. At almost 3 wks, i only managed 30ml from both sides. You gals are very lucky liao. Thk I dont take much liquid as after taking the red date tea i got diarrhea. pparenty after every meal i will rush to toilet. Yup, my toilet paper also run out very fast, thk 1 roll in 2 days :p
Hi bookworm,
The bounce chair I bought (size L, biggest liao)at the normal shop that sells BB stuffs (the one KK used for her BB) cost $21 and the net is $10 for size L and $9 for M, depending on the size of chair u buy.
Hi Ivy, Me let BB use oredi after 1 mth, cooler lo & better, cos can rock somemore..hahaha, then I dun hv to use sarong in case my gal play with it when BB is inside.
yesterday finished my 5 days massage.. and finally can wash my hair as my hair gets very oily during massage. very happy now my waist is abt 29cm liaoz .. but still have little tummy there. How abt u guys? But funni .. my wt still not really go down .. so far only lost 7kg ..
hi race c,
i will wipe her bottom with cotton wool soaked with warm boiled water whenever she poos...feels it's cleaner that way. however, if i'm very very tired (e.g. during nite time, i will still use wet wipes)

hi yvonne,
wah...for me, i don't dare to do any chemical treatment to my hair as i'm still BF-ing...not sure whether any chemicals will go into the milk that my bb feeds on...dun dare to take the risk. ;-P i very kiasee...
so far so good lor quite enjoying n relaxing .. can fall asleep though, i engaged Madam Rokiah for 5 sessions only.
Now finished the sessions liao but i will still bind myself with slimming or firming cream lor. She said must work hard bind till month end to get more result wor. So will try hard lor

My bb girl still prefer us to rock her, than to rock on the bouncer haha! She can't sit still in it if she is super alert and active. But for a change in environment at times, it is indeed good to put her in the bouncer

Race C,

If u go to http://photos.yahoo.com.sg/kerenelu and look into the folder "baby's photos", u can see my bouncer with pink net

Normally i only use wipes after bb pees. But when pp poos, i will definitely use wipes, followed by handkerchiefs with warm water followed by nappy rash cream. Anyway my bb only poos the most twice a day

i also wipe her completely with warm water at nite before bedtime.
Hi kk,

Thks for ur info..(wf photos shown)

BTW,my boy was born on 10 May(Chinease Calender 13 April), so for the full month, should it be Chinese calender 12 April or 13 April? I'm now arguing wf my mum...Pls advise

Race C,

Heee, i dunno abt chinese dates.. but based on 10 May, the full mth should be 10 June i think? 10 June is 15 May in chinese calendar.

Ohh, i know why.. 12 May is because u all go by weeks. Ur boy borned on tuesday, so naturally the following tuesday is considered one week. But for my case, both mums counted another way. Mine borned 21 April (english date) so full mth is 21 May (english Date).

Butttt.. why 13 May??
My CL say english date not accurate as got 30 days or 31 days or 29 days.. so count chinese date is better ...

hmmmm .. mine is borned on 15 May (chinese date 18 April), my CL say chinese date 18 May is full mth then the english date is 13 June liao.. i also abit confusing ...

if born on 13 April(chinese calender), so full month should be 13 may(chinese calender), this is my mum's explanation, she said must follow chinese calender.No matter how, just follow hers..

Race C,

yes, for full month, we are also going with the chinese calender. But we will do the cake distribution and praying on the chinese date and the buffet on the english date. Cos the english date happened to be on a Sunday.
Race C,

Ya, if ur mum prefer that way, then can't be helped, got to follow :p

Different pple do it different way.. my colleague prayed to ancestors on actual day.. one week later then hold buffet.

Oh i didn't know heee.. anyway the two mums dun mind.. they go by english date. Moreover, the buffet was held on saturday, which was perfect for everyone.

Tried mamypoko yesterday and today on bb. Seems ok. No more leakage like the first time i used it on her. If ok, then i make permanent switch to mammypoko. Pampers too ex liao.

hv u try drypers?? mi feel like changing to drypers as pampers reali too ex liao. btw nw my bb still using pampers NB. when do we nid to change to S size??


mi oso engaged mdm rokiah. tmr is my 1st session. btw u said tat u will still bind urself wif slimming or firming cream, does she provide or we gota get it ourself?? if we muz buy, wat brand shd we get?? after birth till nw mi still haven weigh myself as i m afraid i m still real fat... haizzz... will weigh myself after the massage...

My bb girl already using pampers S sized liao... heee.. we didn't get many NB sized that time. We finished one pack NB and also leftovers from TMC then started using S sized liao. How heavy is ur bb now? When my bb discharged from hospital, around 3 kg, after that 3.2 kg few days later, so S sized is ok for her

hubby's colleague told him his bb using drypers and find it good. But i also heard bad comments about it. So it largely depends on bb themselves
hi kk

I bought so many newborn diapers ... about 8 packs because the gynae said my bb is small. Haha ..do you think I have overpurchased?

i brought 8 packs of 64 pcs each in each pack but i have finished 6 packs within a mth. i dont think you have overpurchased.

After having said mammypoko is good. Last nite my bb pooed and it was all over my legs and shorts!!!! Horrible! Told my hubby not ever going to use mammypoko again. Got to stick with pampers premium for the time being :p


Hmmm, i dun use as much pampers as annie, maybe because my mil got use cloth diapers when she was here during confinement. I think i will only use 6 packs in 2 mths.

What brand have u stocked up??

i was reading the forum on threads regarding sleep training for bb, anyone intending to do that also?
Has anyone here ever had problems with their CL?
I'm into my 3rd week of confinement and my CL is driving me and my hubby nuts.
She started off ok the first few days, but for the past one week or so, we've been very unhappy with her attitude.
First of all... she is v impatient with the baby. My boy cries like mad everytime she bathes him, and instead of pacifying him, she went on and on saying "hai... ku1 shen3 me4 ku1? hai... hai... hai..." she always looks v flustered and in a hurry to complete the task, making my boy cry even louder. There was once i asked my hubby to take over the bathing, but she refused to let me, saying that he doesn't know how to do it and will take long and baby may catch a cold...???
This morning, I told her to feed baby with the milk i stored in the fridge instead of another bottle which i've just expressed (not put in fridge yet)... and she shouted at me! She said the one in the frdige will take her a long time to warm up...???? wat kind of attitude is this????
She 'disapproves' of fans and aircon, and whenever we turn on the fan or air-con she will pass sarcastic remarks, like we will get sick, plenty of wind, baby will vomit blah blah... and she blames every little problem (even when bb sneeze which is such a common thing for newborns) on the FAN and AIR-CON.

we thinking of 'terminating' her services earlier, but not sure if this is a nice thing to do...

is she local or msia? Actually she shld do as told but if her attitude is really bad, bter to terminate her rather than getting angry over it.
she is malaysian living in singapore. the thing is, i dun think my husband n myself are difficult to get along with.. n i dun see why she shd always be so impatient and always 'talk back'... even the smallest thing we ask her to do. when my boy has bad nappy rash last week, i had to tell her 3 times before she finally let him wear cloth diapers. i jus cant bear to see her treating my boy so harshly... but i also dun wan to be mean to an old lady who's tryin to make a living. anyway if my husband can go on leave next week we may want to terminate her earlier, at least i wont hv to cope with everythin on my own...

Like to know.. for ruyi oil.. do we rub on our hands till warm then apply to bb tummy or we drop a few droplets onto bb tummy then massage? Do we massage with ruyi oil afterall?
Can I check with you mummies... my boy's umbilical area has developed some pus, and when we try to clean it for him he cries. has anyone had the same experience? shd i bring him to the doctor lest he gets infection?

has your boy's cord dropped? I bot my boy for pd check up when he is 6 days old. PD told me that its normal to have some pus before the cord dropped off. The cord dropped off exactly 2 weeks after birth for my boy and there is still so dried pus there, so i am still cleaning for him. Think he cry cos the cord spirit is too cold, at least, that what my pd told me.

for your confinement lady case, if you dun like her and her attitude is bad, then better terminate. For the nappy rash, try using the destin cream. My boy was using the cloth nappy for the 1st 2 days then i buay tahan. Cos his poo always kana me when i bf him. So we changed to diapers but end up with some nappy rash. Then we used destin and it cleared up. So now wat we do is, to change diapers after every feed or at least every 3 hrs, the apply the cream. So far so good, just bad on the parents' pocket. Haha...
Hi Mummies,
Finally, I've time to log to read the thread.

My lochia flow finally ends last Monday, nearly a month. The feeling is so comfortable without pad or panty liner.

BB went for her 1st 6-in-1 jab at the PD. Package for 6-in-1 (3 jabs) is $400 with medicine for fever. Surprisingly, my BB never cry leh. She just made a sound "AH". Wonder it is my BB pain threshold is good or because the PD is gently.

She's now 5.3KG, looks biggish and when we bring her out for shopping, pple thought she's around 2 months plus to 3 months old

I can only fit into some of my Pre-preggie clothes. Tried to put on the jeans, oh no, can't button at waist, lucky still can pull up till waist.

My mum said the ruyi oil should not be applied directly on bb's skin as it might irritates her skin since is so dedicate. We use the eucalyptus oil for baby instead, not "hot" so can massage on baby's whole body. The effect is still as good as using ruyi oil. She let out a lot of wind and it helps to make her burp easily also

Try to clean bb's buttocks after every change of diapers with cotton wool/handkerchief with warm water. It helps to prevent nappy rash
Even without rash cream it works! I only applied rash cream to my bb once/twice per day


That's good!!! Where can i get eucalyptus oil?? Massage on whole body ah?
Great to hear that yr gal used cloth diaper. for my son simply cannot use cloth diaper, one drop of urine will cry like hell.. no choice, we have to stick to diaper all day long.
He is v fussy if the diaper put abt 2 hrs or poo on it. (even one drop, oso have to change).. sigh! expensive buttok..hhaha


Anyone has this prob? i feel my private area, the soft bone suppose to open wide during delivery, tend to shift a bit when i walk around in the house.. is it normal? I had c-section at week 39, shouldnt have this prob right?
Another thing, how come my discharge still on, already 1 mth plus..
Can be used to massage on whole body, written on the packaging. But i only concentrate on her tummy and back. I bought it in Unity Healthcare Pharmacy. It's eagle brand, 'eucalyptus oil for baby", pink and white box with a baby printed on the package


Hey, actually that's the case for girl too. So i dun use cloth diapers myself. I have no time to change, and imagine so much laundry to do! Moreover, sometimes halfway she sleeping, she will start crying because diapers wet, then got to coax her back to sleep again.

I dun face ur problem of soft bone giving way. Me also caesarian. But at week 38.

My discharge also on!! And now already week 7. I asked my gynae last week during post natal checkup and he said if drink alcohol, it will prolong the flow. Or BF will also prolong it. I think i have been taking ginseng wine, etc during confinement, that's why. He say it is ok, dun worry about it

My mum once heard over the radio that if we take pig trotter vinegar, flow will also continue. So best not to take more than 2 weeks.


Thanks!! I will check it out at the unity pharmacy near my place
By the way, is it oily??
