(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

u so good ar only 50 pax.. his relatives already abt 50 pax .. then plus his frens n colleagues add another 30 pax .. now headache sial .. my hs dun really think can fit in sooo many pple at a time ar ...

MissK, I m using cloth nappy during the day. I used average 10-15 nappy a day tat will be his poo and pee.

ydnic, so far i used 1 pack of NB Nepia in 1.5wks. My boy used average 3-4 diapers in a night. I will hv to keep changing him abt 3hrs interval as he really pee alot otherwise sure leak or overflow till he wake up.

kk, i got no choice but to cook mah since got to eat confnement food till 40 days and this week mum not around liao so me cook and made red dates drink lor. After this week i m a free bird can eat normal liao.

Look like AMK is cheaper. TMC charge is abit more ex. Consultation fee is $45 (FBI discount 10% will be $40.50) Jab is $30. So total i paid $74.03 w GST. If got no FBI discount then got to pay abit more. Next jab i go AMK liao.
oh ya talking abt lochia thought mine was clear for good, now back again w light flow. Maybe i express more frequently this week?

Wat type of food u take for lactation? I think we all tried fish papaya soup, eat more fish etc...

I tried to avoid water during confinement as i heard may cause swelling? My legs swell for three days after delivery. So i dare not drink water during confinement. BUT having said that, i think i break the rules 2-3 times heeee.. because i get too thirsty :p


Wow, not easy ya? My confinement 40 days should end today.. but then chop chop, i stopped around last friday heeee...

I am not drinking longan drink after 30 days leh. U still drinking ah? I still have many longans left in the fridge. And lots of funny herbs which i dunno wat.

But if u pay 74 it is considered roughly the same as AMK. But that is provided u have FBI... FBI valid at AMK??

Guess wat?? Mine VERY red discharge today.. dunno lochia or menses haha! Anyway since gynae say it is ok.. dun really bother about it liao.

still drinking longan drink leh bcos too much herbs dun know what to do and dun want to stock up my fridge too much so make and drink till this week lor.

i also dun know FBI card valid for AMK or not, i will call AMK, if applicable good leh.

When u walk, do u still feel yr tummy bouncy?

u can also put dang gui into the longan water if u have too much dang gui left heee.. quite "bu"

Haha, yes of course! I told hubby i still walk like pregnant lady :p I dun walk like last time liao. last time can walk faster. Dunno is it paranoid or wat.

cannot walk fast, or else i will be walking like a basketball player bouncing all the way. hahaha

I also taking ren sheng liao, dun know if tat is the culprit that make my flow back.

i told hubby lucky got maternity leave otherwise taking care of bb all day and night plus housework etc very very xiong .... now got time will Zzzzz dun even feel like going shopping etc.
Hi hazel

i did drink normal temp water, cos i read websites saying that if you breastfeed, need twice as much fluid - 16 cups of water everi dae... heheheh, so i did drink quite a bit. Warm water and soup dun quench my thirst...

Re: no. of diapers
my bb is 5 weeks old. We have used - 2 Pampers NB (the small pack one), 1 Nepia small, and 75% of Pampers Baby Dry.

Wish to recommend Pampers Baby Dry. Can use it at night. Can hold up to 6 wettings, so i only change once or twice at nite, and baby's butt still remain dry... heheheh, and can save money by using less...

My gynae say if take alcohol, it will affect the lochia flow. But he didn't mention chinese herbs. I got take rice wine, ginseng wine, etc etc which my mum made. So for my case, maybe really alcohol effect lor.

Yah lor, i dun go out shopping myself now.. need hubby to drive me around haha.. so lazy to walk.. after maternity leave, dunno how leh
Hi KK & Twinkle

Were u all talking about the one month jab? My PD's at Kinderclinic... i went for 1t jab - consultation $50, and I did a 6-in-1 jab... Hepatitis B 2nd dose + DPT/DT (1st dose) + Oral Sabin (1st dose)... nxt appt is end August...

So is that ex?

U were talking AMK - is it Ang Mo Kio? ???

Hi Yvonne,

Mine will be 5 in 1. PD say if 6 in 1 then bb first jab is @ 6 wks.

Yes AMK = Ang Mo Kio that is the branch of Dr Ong.

what is this 5 in 1 or 6 in 1? Dr Ong never tell me anything leh.


Haha, my query too :p My girl's nails also super long.. can be scratched by her leh.
wah yvonne,
but i heard frm my malay lady cannot take water leh as tummy will bloated .. but i really v tempted to drink icy water frm fridge .. hai.. ya lor either the red date, soup nor warm water cant quench my thirst leh

PD never tell me what is 5 in 1 or 6 in 1. According to the nurse it seems to be one of the jab will be taken as oral instead i also dun understand much. As long as most ple go for 5 in 1 , i also take lor.

My mum help to cut my son fingernail last wk liao but it is long again this week. I bought the baby nail scissors but i still dare not cut yet. Maybe next wk longer then i attempt , could be easier right?
hmmmm, i dun dare to cut, afraid to cut baby's skin...

But after bath, i saw that baby's toe nails like veri long, i just 'peeled' it off...

i will try to use the baby scissors for the fingers...

hi hazel

hmmmmm, if ur massage ladi saes so, then better listen... aniwaez my 'confinement' over alreadi, heard so many dos and donts until dunno who to listen to... how old is ur bb?
my bb only 2 weeks plus ... im still having my confinement ... so sad got to 'tong' 2 more weeks .. feel so oily esp after every massage. how long can we really squat down ar .. as now seem like everyone tell me cannot squat .. like that quite difficult to do things leh

Cannot squat because of massage or because of wound?? I didn't squat down because of my caesarian wound.. i took 1 mth to tell myself psychologically that i am able to squat down and dun be afraid heee..

ur c-sec wound still painful??? i start to squat and as if before i c-sec after the 1st week..
also sit on the floor and play wif my elder gal very often..
Hi cutie pooh, my BB has been regurgitating large amt of milk these few days till I tink it's abit overboard, sometimes immediately sometimes after 3 hrs he can still spilt a few large mouthful. Did ur 1st BB spilt to such extend? like projectile. Me gonna consult PD, abit too much leh...
Regarding the bean pillow, true to say, has to be careful..

My boy cried this morning while i was sleeping alone at home, woke up to find the bean pillow cover his face.. so terrible..

have to be extra careful especially when baby learns how to flip over and still duno how to flip back

wow, then ur recovery very fast. I only started to squat, bend, etc around end of confinement. Wound not painful liao. Now everything is normal as before


Sometimes my bb also spit milk in projectile. How much does ur bb spit out??? My bb sometimes can spit out quite a lot too. U notice when they are quiet going to fall asleep or sleeping, they won't spit out that much milk. But if my bb dun want to sleep after her feed and keep stretching her legs and waving her hands and making noises, she will tend to spit out more.
Yes KK, sama sama! BB stretch very hard followed by spilting of milk, sometimes sleep and all of a sudden wails, then spilt again, tink feel uncomfortable before the milk is out. Most of the time BB spilt large mouthful, me worried all the milk juz fed will gone to waste. Even bf which I dun tink is alot, he'll spilt as well. I tot occasionally is okie but these few days is like almost every feed, be it bf or fm. me heartache seeing him like dat....but he still enjoy drinking leh....
hi hazel

was urs a caesarian? mine was natural but with stiches below, can squat but took care not to stretch the wound in the first few weeks.

But i believe i have heard that for veri traditional and veri strict confinement, should not squat, as afraid that the uterus may drop, best to keep lying down and stay in bed...

but if u have no one to help u look after baby, that seems impossible!

Did u burp the bb longgg enough? My bb must be burped very long before she is ok and if she is guai, she will sleep after tat. I suspect they have wind inside their tummy after feeding, so spit out milk as a result.

My PD did mention spitting of milk is normal, not to worry

My bb also enjoy drinking and she even smile at me after she spit out her milk AIDOI!

Yes u are right! That's why my mum kept scolding me when i am not in bed resting during confinement haha.. So bored.. how to stay in bed the whole day??

But i did follow the squatting rule though..

seems like its normal that bb 'throw' out milk like merlion..feels that if my gal drink bm, she is ok but if drink formula, she make alot of noise as if the formual is toooo sweet..

sometimes if my gal din burp after her feed and i put her down on bed to sleep, she will cry and want me to pick her up for burping and after that she feels so comfortable..

any1 apply the ruyi oil after bathing ur bb on their stomach?? i think its helps alot coz i started to apply yesterday and then can hear her farting alot and her tummy nt so bloated liao

yes, my bb girl sama sama.. when she curls up her legs (indicating got wind) and starts to make noise after her feeds, i will pick her up and burp her. She feels happy

I only put ruyi oil on her at nite after i clean her body.

Haha, mine opposite.. she spit more when she drinks my BM.. i dunno why.. i think my BM getting so much diluted that she mistaken it as water :p
Hi kk & pooh, do u BBs spilt milk almost every feed? My BB burped loud but still spilt leh, but sometimes very long oso din burp, sometimes haven't position the BB for burping, he spilt liao, haiz.......my mil applys the oil after bath in morning & at nite. Now I'm trying gripe water.

Hmmm, for my case, yes. She will spit out more or less some milk after every feed.

yes yes, my bb burped but still spit after tat.

If bb never burp, u let her down on ur laps in almost upright position first (never horizontal position), then slowly after few minutes burp again
It works sometimes
come to tink of it, I puked a few times during my last 2 tri, dunno cld it be due to dat my bb has weak stomach wall..

u know, i even suspect it is my fault for drinking too much cold drinks when pregnant, that's why so much wind in bb's tummy :p
ino, y are the rashes near ur breast? u beta dun alwiz scratch as u will still nid 2 BF rite?? my rashes onli appear on my hands n legs. legs is the worst part. duno whether will leave ani scar anot. btw which restaurant u booked for the full mth n hw much it cost??
ya lor same old strict theory of squatting... im also natural birth .. anyway i need to feed my dog, need to clear their tray all these dun think i can escape not squatting ..

anyway when will the wound really heal n the stitches disolve ar?
eh checking those mummies who done full month celeb buffet... do u guys still giving cakes or eggs n kuah to relatives only or to all pple that came to ur buffet?

For our case, mil gave cake vouchers to relatives. My mum didn't give anything as she said no need. I gave chocolates to colleagues and all who came to buffet as small appreciation gifts.

As for ang ku kuey, we displayed as another dish during buffet. No distribution of kuey to relatives.
i thought of doing red eggs and ordered ang nee as u mentioned displayed as another dish during buffet ... so will be no cakes .. can right?
if not hor .. if order those come in a box (cakes,eggs,kuey) for distribute to relatives only .. is like a bit 'pai kua' right as frens dun have.
Hi hazel

the stitches will disolve by week 3 to 4, dun wori... and everything will be back to normal, just make sure that you keep the wound dry and clean. When you urine or do business, cannot just wipe, must must wash clean clean and dry the wound. In that way, will heal veri fast... Can't imagine infection down there... heheheh

For my baby shower, i invited relatives, friends and colleagues for a buffet and bbq at a chalet. And for everyone who came, we gave them one red egg and and ku kueh that's all...
Hi mummies

Have something to share... Was speaking to a mum in the March forum, asking for advice on milk supply. She mentioned that expressed milk is not a good indication of our milk supply - that i think many of us all noe, but she added that what we can do is that after we pump the milk, try hand expressing. You will be surprised by the amount of milk that is spurting out even when you tot you have pumped to the last drop!

I tried that, and it works! I manage to hand express 30ml more, after pumping. Of course results do vary from time to time...

hehehhe, so perhaps can give it a try!

Cos to be able to store enough supply of milk is impt for mi, as i wanna make the transition of feeding her even after when am back to work as smooth as possible... Even now, i onli latch baby on once a dae, the rest is all expressed breast milk, and formula for midnight onwards...
won't it be too crowded ar at chalet? actually got thought of having in chalet ... but a bit ma fan leh need to travel down so far but u will not suffer frm cleaning ur hs till siao ..
hi juzamine

ur bb is more than one mth old hor? coz i think gripe water can give for more than one mth old bb

as for cake, i order 1.5kg cake and then cut and eat for the buffet..the red eggs and ang ku also put on the buffet table as a dish..luckily my buffet caterer one of the dish is gluntious rice so dont have to make ourself

Hmmm, unless u distribute the boxes before buffet. Else haha, yah lor pai kua because relatives get and friends dun get. Weird too!

Ya, red eggs i also displayed out during buffet


bb is getting naughty today...He keep wanting to be carried all day long. The moment we put him into the cot, he will start to wail..Sigh..Hopefully its just one of his fussy day..
