(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Congrats Fussiecat n tiffany! Now u can have a 'HAO' with having a princess to be born
Heeheee...got to spend more money, but isn't it so sweet to see your baby gal wearing those sweet pretty little dresses? It's so much easier to shop for a gal. Till now, I still have much problem to find suitable nice pair of shoes for my boy, so he's still only got 1 pair of rugged sandals.

I'm also starting to think about how to handle a toddler and a baby by myself next yr. I prefer not to engage a maid too, as we value privacy very much leh. But still figuring out how to cope by then...

Tiffany, take care n take things easy, only 3 mths left before delivery. You can't carry your boy, but can still play with him ah.

hi mummies, nix is reaching 18 months next month and i am sourcing childcare centre for him... As I am working at NUS now, thinking of enrol him to Learning Vision at NUS... But the thought of sending him to childcare making me having "seperate anxiety" instead Nix... how to overcome this feeling? My mum keep urged me not to send him to childcare so early.. wait till he can talk then send... sigh..
Hi Mummies,

Fussiecat n Tiff, Congrats!! Me also having princess piggy..agree with Tiffany, gotta spend more $$ liao..haiz..their clothes are simply irresistable and also lots of accessories..aiyoh!! gonna burn BIG hole liao..

dun worry so much.. things will straighten out in time.. I too value privacy very much but honestly, with a maid..it's easier moreover having 2 kids is no easy issue. I agree have to be prepared for some headaches but i think it's seriously no joke to handle 2 kids alone cum housechores!!

Feel so sad about what happened to the mother who died.. in fact, i personally have a friend who also loss huge amount of blood during her delivery..therefore she never wan to have anothre child again.. Guess it's a truama for her.. There's risk in every pregnancy..all we can do is hope n pray everything will b fine.

Think positive, everything will b fine. Dun worry too much, baby can feel it.. Happy mummy = Happy Baby!! Stay happy and cheerful!!
Rach, Wow...u also having a princess! Congrats to u!

then have you work out how to handle 2 already? U intend to engage a maid?
Thanks. I can play with my boy, but i cant chase him lei. He always play tricks on me, pretend to wana climb the staircase when i said No No.. the more i said NO, the more, he will wana climb, still can laugh.. *faint* Have to shout for assistance to quickly pull him off the stairs. Gotto get the gate liao, thot can save some money dun need to buy... keke..

btw, know ur baby gender alrdy? when is ur edd?

Haha... we all same fate hor.. 1 boy and 1 girl.. isit good sign?? hmmmm......anyway, take care and have a smooth pregnancy and delivery.

I cant wait to send my boy to childcare lei, find him so active and mischievious until i cant tahan. Though I am a FTWM, dun find myself missing him while at work lei.... bad mommy hor..
Dont worry so much, the childcare is just at ur workplace, miss him can always hop over to peep at him ..

i engaged a maid when my boy is about 7 month old..i cannot handle him and complete my housechores..my boy is very active,need to spend 100% attention on him..initially i can't get use to having another person in the house. gradually you'll find that with a maid,she can help out quite alot..wake up in a clean an tidy house..very shiok feeling lor..
Hello April mummies, just happen to chance upon this thread. My son was born in june last year.

hello jumbo, I am working now and I will be sending my son to a playgroup (we dun have childcare here) in August. He will be 15 mths then.

I madethis decision because I think it's a good change of environment for him. I would like him to be well-entertained when I am at work. So he will be going to "school" three times a week.

Tiffany, like you, I dun miss him terribly, only a little concerned if he's taken care properly. I dun have the luxury of in-laws' help so I rely on my nanny. So far, she's doing an ok job.
tiffany and missk... hmm.. i will still miss him when i come to work.. althought i can be rest assure that he is in good hand under my mum's care but will still think of him lor..

i have the same thought as missk, put him at home learning nothing, might as well send him to playgroup early to learn more things and spent time with same age group children... think will benefit him alot..

I will be placing Amanda at learning vision at gentle road when she turns 18 mths, or 20 mths.. if you wanna sign Nix up for learning vision.. better do so fast cos they have very long waiting list. I was on waitlist for some time and only just gotten a confirmed place in September
hunnie, really huh??? Im going to the centre later at lunch with hubby and nix.. hopefully can confirm our enrolment later..
Hunni, where is this place at gentle road?

Heehee....mommies, congrats..I still have to wait 1 mth or more to know the gender...geegee...hope it's a boy since no.1 a gal..ke ke ke
babyship, gentle road is near thomson... novena there.. think pretty near hunnie's place..

so many mummies preggy for 2nd one.. so envy...
Tiff and Rach
congrats to you too! wat a coincidence we all gng to have princesses

Girl stuff
being a shopaholic, i look forward to buying girlie stuff. there's so much more variety for girls' clothing and shoes! GSS ending soon, must cheong this weekend to get good bargains!

maid issue
we actually employ a part-time cleaner to clean our house every week, now we will ask her to help iron clothes too. previously we didn't ask her to help with ironing... as for laundry, we always use washing machine and dryer, so no issues lor... we'll see how it goes and try to cope as far as we can without a maid.

i had separation anxiety when i first send leo to infant care... cos i was still on maternity leave and was doing nothing at home. but when i resumed working, i was too preoccupied by work to think about him all day long. i love the look on his face when we pick him up in the evening, the way his face lits up does wonder to one's emotions. only regret is that usually by the end of the working day, we are so exhausted that we can't really do as much as we want with him. usually just play with some toys, read bedtime stories and so on. luckily at daycare, he has a lot of activities and doing a lot of learning there. he regularly surprises us with new things/words he learnt in school.
Hi ladies
mia for a long while..was caught up w work as well as w Ivec..hee..actually I'm on a week's mc..cos i had my two wisdom tooth extracted..hmm..so now on a diet as i couldn't really chew much :p hmm..can say Ivec & I shared our food..hee..

RE: 2nd pregnancy
I never realised that so many mommies are pregnant. Congrats to all pregnant mommies..must be waiting w excitment abt meeting ur baby..hmm..btw, when i was undergoing my operation for my extraction of wisdom tooth, i recall my delivery process..so long since i had such a good recall of that memory..

RE: Child care
I wanted to put ivec at a half day child care centre ..preferably around my area - Jurong but yet to done any research on it. Any recommendations? Wanted to try learning Vision as well as i have a friend who used to worked there & she has good recommendations as well..but pity, none of the centres are nearby to Jurong :p
babe & jumbo

Yeah.. learning vision at gentle road is right behind Iras building.. like it very much cos of the layout of the centre, designed for childcare use, the teachers, the principal etc.. so unlike the cambridge childcare, just next to novena mrt, which gave me a very bad impression the moment I stepped in.


Actually there is quite a no of chilcare centres ard your area.. there is this eton preschool, montessori, cambridge, learning vision.. plenty to choose from!


I was once considering NTUC childcare at Jurong as my parents stay ard there.. but decided not to go for NTUC CC, most of the centres are pretty old and heard not so good comments abt the centre.. think the nearest learning vision centre for you will be at NUS or MOE building
leo's infant care is House of Kids at Dedap Road. They have both infant and childcare, but i'll be looking for new childcare centre cos we are moving house.

yah lah, still a FTWM... will cope the best we can with 2 young ones
<font color="0000ff">Re: Cleaning agency contact</font>
hunniepot, thanks. I will try to contact him sometime this week.

<font color="0000ff">Re: 2nd one</font>
Wow. So many mommies are having 2nd one.. make me tempted too...

Haiz.. if only xuanting is a easier child to handle. She has such a bad temper even my mom also don't know how to deal with her sometimes.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Potty</font>
ve most of ur babies learning to do potty now?

xuanting was on potty initially 2 months ago but for some reasons she now simply refused to sit in the potty.

Any idea why?

<font color="0000ff">Re: Walking</font>
Xuanting now is 15 months old but she refused to walk. she can stand and push her toy car or tricycle but she simply refused to try to learn to stand up for more than a minute or attempt to walk.

She enjoy standing on mattress down. Longest was only 30 seconds?

Is she normal?

<font color="0000ff">Re: Solid food</font>
She also refused to take her porridge a lot of times too. I saw a couple of you have similar problem too.

I am fine so long she is still taking her milk. But without the solid foods, how is she going to get her energy to stand?

<font color="0000ff">Re: Talking/mumbling</font>
Xuanting is so shy outside that she hardly mumbles. Only when she is in her room, she will start mumbling. She doesn't talk unless she is familiar or use to the place. But that seems odd becoz she is used to only my home and my mom's place?

We tried encouraging her to follow our mouths to call some simple words like "mum mum" [Eat], "mummy" [me], "dada" [my husband]. But the progress doesn't look good.

She can imitate us in some actions like "mei mei" [pretty], "xiu xiu", "pee ka bo" but most of times i was the one that discover she is picking up some of our actions, but not talking.

Some books i write, mention to just keep talking and reading regardless if she understand and try empathaize on some words to let her pick up the word with the action... but so far, progress is slow.

Is she k?

Or am I too anxious?

<font color="0000ff">Re: Friso Gold 3 with Friso Shield</font>
I got some lobang. A friend of mine can get some discount but i must buy a box with 12 tins (900g) in a box. Wonder if any of you keen?

Jasminetea, is Jaslyn still on Friso? Keen?

The delivery would be sent to my mom's place - Teban Gardens and so i would collect a few up to Sengkang... but xuanting would be there like mon-fri and so i be only able to send them along sengkang/hougang on weds and suns.

pm/sms me if interested.
Yep..the nearest are those two centres but rather out of the way..cos i would prefer within walking distance..so that my in laws would not be so troublesome to ferry him up & down..hmm..unless the centres provide transport as well..but then again, it would mean add charges as well.

Heheh..yep, same sentiments..if only Ivec is an easier baby to look after..both me & my hub are very hesistant abt having a 2nd baby..cos we have our hands very full in this point of time.

RE: Talking
Yahloh..Ivec isn't really speaking understandable words leh..just babbling loh..yet to even call Mama or Papa..was trying to coax him to call but he refused! Stubborn baby..even with temptation of food, he refused..such a strong willed baby! Any babies also like dat?

RE: Walking
Hmm..is it all babies who just learnt how to walk will refuse to walk? Or just plain lazy? Ivec can walk rather well with one arm support but sometimes, simply refuse to walk..he has yet to take his 1st unassisted 1st step..wonder when will he start to walk by himself.
RE: Solid Food
I was facing this problem last month. It lasted for more than a week, but now her appetite is back to normal (if not better). There's no change to the cooking and same types of food. Cannot understand why she was like that, but can't be bothered to dwell on it, just happy that she's now eating well.

I have started her on FM too, just 1 night feed and dh is IC. It's easier for her to accept drinking from bottle and teat when daddy takes charge. For me, she'll just try to push my shirt up. But I think my bf days are going to be over soon. My breasts have never been so light before (it's even smaller than my those pre-preg days - guess the fatty tissues that made way for the milk are gone. *sob sob*), and it's anyone's guess if there's really milk when she suckles. But I still have to latch her (more of comfort feeding and a habit) after her baths and for her sleep/nap.

I think Terrier's termination of bf in 2 weeks is a great success. <font color="0000ff">*clap clap to Terrier*</font> It has been about 3 weeks since we introduced the night FM, but the first 1-2 weeks, she was only tasting (even though we made only 60ml) and all the milk only goes to the sink. Very heartpain to waste the milk and $. We are glad that she's finally drinking about 140ml now, and I can also feed her from the bottle as she understands it's a different drink altogether. Anyway, we're taking it slow as I'm in no hurry to stop bf totally. Just that, dunno whether got the supply or not. :p

RE: Talking
She obviously can recognise objects and associate their names, but cannot articulate. Also, I think she's happy just to listen to us then try to pronounce them. She doesn't call me but loves to call for her Papa. She'll look at our wedding photo and call Papa. Maybe cos she sees me day in day out, so no sense of "missing you". But she doesn't call Papa when he's right in front of her. So far, her distinguishable vocab are: 'bor bor' (ball), 'boog' (book), 'bah' (hua - flower), 'dag' (dog).
Hunni, yeah there are many around but I wonder if I should pay that much for branded schools or even if they are worth playing. Heehee...

Evon, Chenoa and shylyn, I also the same worry. Wonder why she's not calling me and daddy yet. Not saying any discernable word that I can understand or close to any word. But she's signing. Not sure coz I let her watch baby signing times and since she's comfortable with signing, she's delaying her speech except for the usual 'uhm...ah...' babble. Have I done it right?

Wonder how long you all let bb watch DVD/TV a day. What kinds of DVD or programmes are good?

Ok, I haven't been buying much books for her. Can anyone tell what good cheap books can I get for her? Wonder if I am giving her enough to let her grow. Been so tired with 2nd pregnancy.

Actually learning vision is quite ok, after subsidy, full day is about $690 thereabouts (also not cheap!).. the rest of the branded schools are about $1k or so..

RE: Talking, walking, standing

Perhaps we should not give ourselves or our children so much stress, it doesnt really matter when they start walking, talking etc, cos eventually they will all start doing so, and once that happens, you will tend to forget about when he or she started doing so.. so just relax and enjoy them now and let them call the shots


I only lewt Amanda watch DVDs when I need to do my own stuffs cos she will tend to stick non-stop to me if I let her roam ard the house.. she will kwai kwai stand in front of the TV once I turn on the DVDs so I have some time to do my own things

I let her watch My Baby Can Read, baby signing times and wheels on the bus (her fav!). Bought dora and princess VCDs and she doesnt seem very interested now though


She loves those clothbooks with sounds and the board books. But she will end up eating the board books when we are not watching her
hunnie & shylyn, i had went to Learning Vision at NUS last Fri... The centre is kinda big, think has bigger than other centre for kids to run about. But they are fully occupied for toddler class... have to wait for December in-take.. sigh.. now looking for enrichment class on weekends... Anyone hear of Zoophonic at Beauty World? I'm thinking of bringing nix there as it is near my in-laws' place where i will be on weekends...

Afternoon to all.

Looks like xuanting is not the only one that is behaving weird, isn't she?

I am a bit scared if I have not been giving her much pressure and thus she prefers to take her own sweet time to learn new things. I know that she lacks of confidence but really don't know what else or how else to encourage her to try new things except to praise her when she did rite.

Is this wrong?
RE: Talking
There's no real worry if our tods are not speaking yet, although it was suggested to seek the PD's advice if there's still no sign of speech at 2 yr old. Some kids are slower to pick up speech, while some are more advanced than typical peers. My 3+ yr old niece now still don't speak much, but my gf's daughter (just two weeks old difference) was communicating like an adult the last time I saw her - which was over the CNY, and she was not yet 3 yrs old then. If you ask me, I will classify their speech ability as follows:
my niece "below average"
my gf's daughter "above average"
For now, I believe that as long as they can comprehend us and demonstrate some form of communication with us, that's good already.
Hi ladies,

Long time no post! Me mia for awhile cos internet was down for 3 weeks!! Give me some time to catch up with the post and I will give some input ok.
Gals, have you all been buying toys and books for your babies? I kinda have been reading the same stuff to her then when try to look at popular what to buy, dunno wat to buy coz always ABC, 123 or shapes....and things are not cheap.

Mommies, thanks for the advice on speech. Heehee...think abit gan cheong coz everyone asking if she's talking..

Any good classes for babies? Went for GUG trial but my gal was not interested to sit down to listen to story. Wanna walk around and take toys.
Hi babe,

At this stage, I have stopped buying toys for Shawn. Instead, I will give him things around the house to play with. He's more interested in them cos he see us using them. Maybe you can give them pots and pans, ladles, etc... let them practice scooping skills, etc... Shawn will now scoop balls into the ladle and walk around the house... like those kids doing races carrying eggs in spoons.
he also like to play with spoon and bowl and imitate feeding us and himself!


I want to apologise to you (and Amanda!) for accidentally hitting her last sun at class. I didn't mean to! I think the folder that I hit her with is cursed...
Shawn was carrying that same folder when he fell outside in the lobby before class and he had a deep cut on his lips! That was the first time I see so much of his blood. Think I better throw away the folder. It's so dangerous.

btw, this is Su (aka iemuhs). My previous account was suspended. ;p
hello mummies, wonder if any of u would like to sell the bumbo seat tt your tod has outgrown? I'm on tight budget so thinking of getting a 2nd hand one, while lilac colour is preferred, other colour also can
pls pm me if u have, thanks
su, ya.. i had given Nix pot, wok, sauce pan, etc to play with. I bought those vegetable and fruit platic model to "fry" on his utensils. He will follow wat i did when i was doing cooking
same here.. i no longer buy any toys for isaac.. coz' he simply not interested. everyday he will go to the same place and racksake my pots/pans/fork/spoon.

Su what happen to your acct? too long didnt log in is it? hope shawn i sbetter by now, isaac had a cut on his lips the other day after hitting on my knee. seeing so much blood, i keep screaming help and jiu ming haha.. how silly right.

talking - hmm.. isaac talks ALOT! but i simply dont understand what is he talking lei. now they are so fun and nice to play ard hor.. but now i have to run after isaac if he is not in the pram, he RUNS and i have to chase! aiyo so tiring.....
ruixiangsmom, yupz yupz she's been doing that and playing with all the grocery we buy, like veg and fruits..haha..nearly pluck all the veg leaves too when she got her hands on one.

Btw, how's the shichida class coming along?
I have quit buying toys for KJ too. Sometime, I feel that new toys are for his toy box, not for him. However, Daddy still buy for him. Everyone that come to my house said that KJ has too much toys. But I dun feel that way leh.

KJ is not talking too. He used to say mum mum for food, I think he has forgotten how to say that.

KJ also love to run around. He refuse to be carry when he is in the supermarket or departmental store. He wants to run around and mommy is always chasing after him, saying sorry to the people that he dump into, watching him so that he do not take other people toys, open departmental store cabinet, run into fitting rooms...dun feel like going to the mall with KJ anymore.
Hey momyam,

no lah, my acct kenna suspended because I was trying to sell my things on the 'things to give away for free' forum. :p sigh. Anyway, hey! I am still holding onto your book!!? So, so, so, paiseh! I pass it to you this Sun? Ard 10.30am? I will be going there for my piano class. Are you still in Pasir Ris or moved already?

The first lesson at Shichida did not went well and Shawn wandered to the back of the class and was making noises and didn't want to stay on his seat. I was quite frustrated. But after attending last week parents' course, I realised cannot say 'no' to them in the class and the parent must be calm for the child to be calm too. The second class my hubby brought him in, and apparently, he enjoyed it alot! He never left the seat and was standing and leaning forward to what the teacher is bringing out.
I think he enjoys the class now. We did senses play with him yesterday and asked him to guess out of 2 cards, which one is the star(one of the skills under shichida). Out of 13 tries, he's correct for 11! Quite amazing... maybe babies and young children are really more sensitive and uses their right brain more than us...

No problem its ok lar
Amanda was ok after awhile so no worries! No wonder I saw quite a bit of blood on your tee-shirt.. hope that Shawn is fine now.. noticed that you bought the materials already, so have you been doing home practice so far? I am clueless on how to do it, and the cards dont look as interesting as the other cards that I got from elsewhere..

Amanda loves to play with the flashcards with pictures.. her fav are those that you can get from popular, a box of 40 for about $6+.. quite worth it and they have real life pictures somemore
su, hahaha.. such accidents do happen thot coz u didnt log in for very long kanna suspended hee .. actually u can try talking chin leng as u dont do it on purpose and not in terms of biz should be ok. i'm not sure u can try.

for the book no issue as long as it benefits u and shawn. ya i will be ard this sun 10.30am - pasir ris.. sms / call me when u come i will take from u.

i find it hard not to say NO to isaac lei.. now the NO is so often from my mouth.."no running isaac ok... "NO! playing the fan ok pain pain" "NO climbing up and down from the sofa"

how to control not to say no? hiazzzzzzzzz isaac is super hyper that i simply cant catch up with him, i'm so tired end of the day and i sweat so much just taking care of him. my frd was laughing saying just taking care of isaac for one week should slim down. i stare at her and say i want to slim down but is so tiring and hot worst than gog to gym lei. hahahha
mom, instead of saying "No", give them instruction. This is what i learn from the TV program aired months back. Instead of "no running", maybe u can tell him "walk properly". Instead of "No climbing up and down.." tell him "Sit properly", etc. Cos kid dun understand what should they do when u say no, hence give them instruction. I dunno will it works but when Nix start doing something not right, I will call his name first follow by my instruction to him. If he insist on his way, then i will go to him and tell him wat's wrong... maybe he is still can't run, easy for me to catch him... haha
Hi Jumbo,

Yah, I read about that too... if you say "don't bite", he can only register the 'bite!'.
I think I still say alot of 'no's to him... really got to make a conscious effort to change.


Glad that Amanda is ok.
Shawn is ok too. He was distracted with the activities in the class, thankfully, and forgot about the cut. Yes, I bought the materials already, yesterday was the first night I tried with Shawn. But because I do it before his bedtime which is usually his story time, he was very distracted trying to get his books instead. Think will change it to before bath time. Hopefully it will be better.
I have been trying the 5 minute suggestion also.. don't know whether it's phychological.. but he really seems to be improving... am asking him to sleep properly and longer and don't wake up in the night.. yesterday, he slept for a stretch of 6 hours for first part of the night, which is really good! Hopefully with more 5 min suggestions, it will get better and he will sleep through soon.

Did you get the materials? I do think that real pictures are always better than cartoons too.


Paiseh, do you have my no? Can sms me yours? I lost it. :p I will drop by your place on Sun, u don't need to come to me lah... I am the one who borrowed from you!
Hi Ruixiangmom
The 5 mins suggestion dun work on Lucas. In fact, I find tat when i ask him to sleep thru, that nite he sure wake up. Times when i dun practice the 5mins suggestion, he does sleep longer. IT seemed opposite!
Hi Tiffany,

Actually it's still early for me to conclude that the 5 min suggestion truly works.. but so far, past few nights, have been quite good. Will see how, it could be coincidental.. maybe he's just going to the next phase of his life. Anyway, I shall not doubt it for now.. will try for the suggested 7 to 21 days and see how first..
Hi Mummies,

Have been quite awhile since I log in.

Congrats to Rach, Tiffany and Fussiecat for having a princess too. I have already started spending $$ to buy gal gal's clothes. I feel so tempted to put the clothes on my son.

My boy now talks quite alot and I oso do not really understand what he is talking about. He like to babble here n there. Eversince he started to walk more and more confidently, he doesnt' want us to hold his hands unless he needs help. I have to keep watching out for him. Furthermore, he likes to complain to me whenever his daddy bullies him. He will come to me, hold my finger and walk to where daddy is n point at my hubby. My hubby gave him a nickname ' complain king'. hahaa..

As for food, he is still eating what we gave him. But he prefers rice to porridge and he still takes his milk. Basically, he will eat almost every 2 hrs. Will definetly ask for milk before he sleeps / nap.
Des..Congrats too.. So, you are also expecting a princess... so qiao!... when is ur due? I also started shopping for pink stuffs.. thot will bring out kor kor's clothes to let her wear.. haiz.. still cant resist buying pink stuffs.
Hi Ladies,

Just want to check anyone of you send your little ones to the 15mth MMR jab?

I sent Enya for hers on Sat and now she is having fever since last night. Should I bring her to the pd tomorrow?
Hi Su,

Yeps, I bought the materials, but have not been trying it on Amanda regularly.. cos dont really know how to use it though.. 5 mins suggestion, havent really used it yet.. perhaps will give it a try one of these days

Perhaps you should bring Enya to see the PD, cos the fever lasted too long already..

Yeap, was so happy when found out it was a gal so have started buying pinkie clothes when i was at my 5th and 6th mth. My hubby almost going to ban me for shopping but he himself also agree that gal's stuff are so cute and so many choices to spoilt with! Probably gg bankrupct soon.. hahaaa.... My due is in 20 Sept. So I have another 2 months to go. Currently, still thinking of a name for her.

My son went for MMR and chickenpox injection when he was about 13mths. He did not have any fever thou i kept monitoring him for the whole day. Perhaps like what Hunnipot suggest, bring Enya to see PD.


Brought Enya to the PD this morning. Told the nurse that the highest temp was 37.8 degrees and she told me it is not fever, no need to come. Pd told me using the ear scan above 38 degree then is consider as fever.

But after checking, the fever might not be cause by the MMR. Her throat is a bit red and she has running nose at the same time. Pd said she has caught a virus.

Hb and I were very tired this 2 nights. Not enough sleep as she is tossing and turning. Really hope she recover soon.
