(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi babe, yah something like that, and their breathing will sound wet. and they will be breathless... (though I did not notice the breathlessness becos he was so active and moving around then)

Glad that your girl is ok now and it was nothing serious

I agreed with su. That's what xuanting's current pd said too. Luckily hers not that bad yet. Just croup or barking cough.

really wonder how this cough thing been hanging around so long. Wonder if it's becoz xuanting caught in class too.
hi there... how was your MOTHER'S DAY?
mine was horribly spoilt by my ILs... anyways....

brot GAB to see the doc today.. she has flu and diarrea(i think wrong spelling) anyway doc said she can't have milk and gave me samples of pediasure and isomil... i donno how man cos she is still BF and will and has bug me for BF.... so no choice give in lor if not cry and cry... haven't let her try the sample yet.. i'm very sure she'l drink a bit and then reject...
oh yea... will someone pls explain to me... and pardon my ignorance.... so since the doc say can' take milk and gave me isomil and pediasure which he said has little milk content... so then is it ok to just give bb this and don need to give milk any more? of is this a supplement on top of milk..... thanks
Su, thanks. She's recovered but I realise she still has the funny noisy sound in throat some times..wonder if need to bring her to dr.
<font color="0000ff">Strawberry</font>

I doubt the doc is thinking that bb Gab is having lactose intorrelance.

Think he means that bb currently having stomach upset, dirr, etc... He advising you to give Isomil which is lactose free and at least bb is still drinking milk.

Just like we adult, when we 'Liao Sai', we hv to avoid all dairy product. Same concept.

If you think bb is doing well with Pediasure or Isomil, can go ahead to give.

Like what daphne said, you can give soy based milk.

Brought my girl to a gastro specialist PD when she had diarrhoea for 1 mth, she did a ph test on Amanda's stools, luckily it turned out neutral, if it was acidic, would have to stop giving her bm then and give soy milk.. not bcos she is lactose intolerant but certain proteins in milk might aggravate bowel irritation
thank you ALL for your help... well now the prob is... Gab still wants BF and will bug and bug me... i let her tried both pediasure and isomil but she din like it... took a few sips and tats it...
Strawberry, not sure if bm works the same as fm.

Do you express breast milk? If you do, you can try mixing it with rice water and give to your baby?

i did just that for fm and in fact also dilute the fm some more.
Hi ladies
seems like the thread is rather quiet these days..i was thinking tt i will hv difficulties catching up..^_^
Anyway, quick update, today, happened to spot Ivec has one little tooth popping out..yipee...finally out of the 1 tooth mark..hee..yeah..can u imagine, 13mth old oredi..still 1 little tooth..^_^ & dunno whether its becos of teething, he's cranky & refused to sleep alone in his playpen, want to squeeze in between us..& his stool was also rather loose the past few days..:p
yupz I think so too..it's been really quiet. Have more mommies got out to work?

Anyway, do you gals know if you can take 'bah kut teh' when you are pregnant?

Advice needed for bb playing with pets. My MIL's house has a pet dog. Just want to check is it ok for bb to play with dogs? That dog somemore now changing fur so drop lots of fur. I'm a bit reluctant to let Enya play with it.
<font color="0000ff">Babe</font>, Congrats!!!

<font color="0000ff">Tracy</font>, Is up to each person. My MOM's house have 2 cats. But I don't let Riz play with them. Cos My whole family are prone to allergy. so I play safe then sorry.

My mum's palce has a dog. Ryan loves to play with it. I allow Ryan to play with the toy as it's not aggressive. But seems like the dog fears Ryan more than Ryan fears the dog lei! It's such a funny secenrio whenever Ryan wans to play with him, he'll hide under the furnitures..but i do agree with Petite, it's up to individual preference.


I do understand how u feel..my hb also does not help me with housechores or taking care of Ryan. He'll only play with him at the most 10mins then return Ryan onto my arms liao. I'm used to it lor..haha
Tracy, because of animal fur and the fact dat my son has ezcema, i get very paranoid whenever my son plays with them. I make sure he washes his hand clean before he starts to put his hand in his mouth, eats his food etc.

Thank goodness, he only get to play with the dog once a year - when he visits his aunt during chinese new year.
I have a dog at home. My boy loves to play with her. He will throw the ball to her or feed her when he's eating his biscuit. Most of the times, he will purposely drop his food on the floor so my dog gets to eat his food. But, my dog is oso scared of him. Will hide under the sofa when he goes near her cos my boy will pull her ear n tail n hit her stomach. He abuse my dog. haahaa... Its quite a fun sight to see them playing catching. They are getting along very good. But it is oso up to individual whether u want to let ur child gets near to dogs.

babe, congrats to u.
Pregnant??? Congrats in advance.

my parents have got an old dog too. I dun purposely keep my gal away from it and the dog is unleashed too. They juz run around together. But when she touches him, I will quickly wash her hands. N I dun let her kiss him too.

I understand your woes coz I am a SAHM too. It is especially tough when we are sick and no helper around to look after our kids. Juz like my sorethroat + flu has been dragging on and off for weeks and not completely recovered due to lack of rest. Still got to cope with the discomfortness n drowsiness while caring for our darlings at same time. Then I lost temper and told my hubby I had enough and wan go look for a job which at least allows me to rest when I am sick. Dat's when my hubby finally got the hint n let me enjoy a 2hrs sleep with no disturbances while he brought my gal downstairs to cycle n play.
Btw <font size="+2">WHERE'S EVERYONE????</font> So <font size="+1">Very QUIET</font> here.
<font size="+2">All in MSN???</font>

Sorry all dat I juz realised I have lost all my MSN messenger contacts when I tried to sign in today. Any way to retrieve back all the contacts or muz do invitations all over again????
Congrats! when's your EDD?

did u accept the job, when r u starting?

tempted ah?
but don't gian gian rush into it, make sure u really want and can cope with 2nd one now.
I got 2 cats at home and KJ just love to chase after them. One of them will run away while he see KJ coming, the other one will roll over and lie on his back, wait for KJ to pull his fur. I always wash KJ hands after he touches the cats.

What kind of online job are you doing? I am also working on my online business and it is really tough when you have to look after a baby full time. The best time to work is when KJ is sleeping at night. I went to bed at 3am and KJ woke up for no reason at 5am today. He only sleep again at 8am and when my part time maid came, she found both of us still sleeping at 12pm.

I realise that most people are skeptical about earning money online, cannot blamed them, there are too many spam around. My husband and my parents only stop nagging and let me work on my laptop when I asked them to help me to bank in my cheque during confinement period.
Wow, seems like many Apr mummies are getting preggie with #2.... as for me, we are just taking it naturally. If I conceive, good.... if not, we just wait for it to happen.... but I told my hb I do hope to get the baby-bearing business done asap! Haha!

BBLim & Petite
Husbands need to be thrown tantrums now and then. If not, they will never realise how hard it is to stay home alone with their babies all day long. If we just keep quiet, they will just assume everything's going fine, and they'll just lapse into their own worlds of TV, internet and sleep.

I threw my last tantrum a few mths ago, and the effect is still lingering in my hubby.... he still initiates to help out whenever he can, basically limited to feeding, bathing and playing activities, but it's good enough.

I just had a bicker with hubby over the weekend. I told him off abt how he seems to neglect me since the birth of our boy, and how we seem to have grown apart and never talk much. He gave his whole host of reasons, but eventually he suggested going on "dates" every now and then to re-charge our relationship. He promptly took half day leave on Monday, and we had lunch and caught a movie - without our little bugger. We both enjoyed the time together and it brought warm feelings back again.

So for those mummies who quarrel with their dh often, it's time to bring your marriage back in perspective. Work on the relationship like in those courting days!
Those mummies who are running their online biz

Dont you think that the time spent on the biz can be better spent on educating our child and having more constructive time together with the family? I used to be very 'piah', to the extent that I neglected the family, spent little time with my girl.. until my hubby (who is not the sticky type of person, and he is the type who likes to have time to do his own things) also said that he felt neglected by me.. in a way we drifted apart... realised how much I have neglected my girl esp when she fell ill for 1.5 mths.. it just 'ding' into me that hey, my family is so much more important.. so nowadays I make it a point not to spend too much time in front of the computer.. and spend more time playing with my girl in the daytime (if I dont enjoy the moments now, I will never get to enjoy her at this stage ever again), and spend time with my family during evenings and weekends...

I was busy cleaning the house these few days.. and I went downstairs to buy coffee for my parents, the stupid tea lady like macham dont want to serve me.. cos I was halfway thru my household chores.. my clothes are partially wet, my hair in a mess and I stink too (but not stinko until everyone within 1 metre of me can smell me).. so sickening... well.. doesnt make sense for me to shower and change out of my clothes just to go downstairs for awhile.. gone were the days (at least for now) when I used to wear power suits to work everyday..
Thanks ladies, yupz yupz early stage of number 2. EDD in mid Jan. Aiyo, these days so tired and not very effective at work. Come home put bb to sleep I also put myself to sleep. Gee, even my colleagues at work said I looked tired though I had my 8 hrs of sleep the night before. One sad thing, my face is outbreaking!!!! So horrible... Keep having cramps and gynae gave some hormone pills. Think I more healthy in my first pregnancy..haha...

Agree with many that with the child, time with hubby has been less. Worse now both of us are tired. Time together has been always threesome now as that's the way we spend weekend with our gal since both of us working. Think need some couple time soon!!! =P

Huni, shld spend more family time...nothing can earn more than time we have together..

Oh, I am so jealous of my PIL who pick my gal back from my mum's everyday. Now she more sticky to them and laughs and plays with them more than with me. Think they pamper her while me and hb discipline her...aiyo, they will do what she wants even when it's not the right time to do like bring her out walk at 7plus pm coz she keeps standing at the door and pestering or even crying.
can fully ... me also sloppy and sweaty at home. Even my SIL's maid is better dressed and tidier than me when they come over, think that's why she always look at me, must be comparing me in her heart the difference between me and her boss (my SIL) or how similar I am to her. I actually do believe she's thinking along this line: "this woman like no education so cannot find work must stay at home".

Yaya, tink alot of ppl have this perception coz that day the Singtel technician (an uncle) came over to fix my MIO. Then he also seemed very surprised when he spotted my graduation photo and blurted out "oh, so you are a graduate ar." He must be tinking that I am one of those not-so-educated housewife too.
Aiyo, makes me so tempted as well ler. But...hubby says will consider having one more only if my gal request to have a playmate. N i dun wan a Rat bb so no child-bearing plans for time being.
Wow Babe

I was actually been wondering how come I don't see you active in the biz thread nowadays....now I know why.... Haha....I still remember the point u say about "...smell like a rat..." at the end of the day....now I'm one too...and would smile when thought of what you wrote....

But the problem of staying at home for past half month is I find myself getting fat! Nowadays I hardly get out of house, less chance to work out...eat and sleep with my boy...feeling terrible abt it...

BBlim, why you dunwan rat?
<font color="0000ff">Chenoa</font>, Nop I did not take up. Can't find a suitable Infant care near that area.

<font color="0000ff">Hunniepot</font>, I do understand what you are saying. I usually work on the net only when bb is sleeping during the day / Nite. I using the time that I use to watch TV to play on the net.

I did try Hm base property agent. I can't manage. Left no time for me & bb together.

I did not like the idea of online Biz too. But I hv no choice. I got bills to pay and the Stupid Credit cards Co always deduct $2.00 if yr bank act is less then $500.00 per mth.
I'm sorry to know what you are going through.

Is there any help that you can help from your family members?

Have you tried marriage counselling to resolve the differences? It's not healthy for a couple not talking to each other, especially when there's so much resentment around. Your hubby will probably has his reasons. He may feel stressed that he's the only breadwinner of the family, and hence indirectly hurt you in his words....
I usually work when KJ is sleeping too. It is about 2 hours after 12 midnight. I do not need to do any packing, shipping, buying stock so it is ok for me. Moreover, my online work still give me income if I take a break for days, weeks or even months, but not for too long lah. In fact, I am quite addicted to my online work that I dun think I will quit even if I go back to my "power suits" job.

Come to think about it, I dun even want to meet my uni friends outside. I cannot imagine my "power suits" uni friends looking at a SAHM and ask,"What happen to you?". Although I dun really have time for myself, I am enjoying staying at home too, watching my son growing. So I also dunno what I want.

Is it possible to put your bb with grandparents while you go out to have some fun? I also dun have a life, used to countdown to the days when KJ can go to childcare so that I can dump him there for 12 hours. I actually scare poo out of DH when I tell him I wanted a big "D" with him when I was suffering from depression. Now, he help out, change diapers, play with KJ, feed him, let me have my internet time, let me sleep before I go crazy again.

Another way is to go to your parents place during the weekdays if they are around. I went to my mom's place to keep her company, she look after KJ for me while I bathe, read the newspaper or even sleep.
i agree with Maraquan. Can you leave your kids with any of your family member. Or when your kid is napping, you could ask one of your friends or family member to take care of your kid and you could go out for walk, drink watever for 2 hours.

Sometimes, taking care of our children is very stressful especially when HB not very helpful.
In life, we tend to focus on negative things and get us all rattled up. Why not try to remember those positive things......dat cute little smile, those small little hands and feet etc. This is wat my pre-marriage counseller said before we get married. Focus on the positive and build on them. It's not easy but let's all work toward it.
cheona, terrier, draik

Guess this is one of the sacrifices we make for our child.. for me now, I tend to filter out the 'not-so-close' friends and concentrate on those who really matter. For eg, I have 2 groups of uni friends whom I usually hang out with b4 I got pregnant.. 1 grp is very baby positive.. always asking me if I will be bringing Amanda out to meet them.. the other grp is not so receptive to having a baby along in their outings, moreover I am not so close to them in the 1st place... so I hardly turn out for their outings nowadays..

Im fortunate that my close friends really dote on my daughter.. there was this once I had my sat night off and went out to meet my JC friends, and they wanted to see Amanda so much that they popped by my place at 10 plus 11 pm just to play with her


I can manage so far is cos my parents are very hands on in coming over to my place to play / help out with my girl. they will travel every weekday from Jurong to TPY just to play with her.. so that leaves me some time to clean the house, meet my friends for lunch etc.. I will go over to the west side to my parents', my auntie's or my granny's place at least once a week.. in a way to spend time with them and let them play with my girl.. and of course have some breathing space to myself too... if not, think I will go crazy with her being soooo sticky to me all the time
Is your family facing financial difficulty? You sound worried and depressed. I sense that you have a strong desire and need for financial independence. That being so, get a job that allows you to leave Riz in childcare or a nanny if you don't like Riz to be tended by his grandparents. I feel that a job not only solves your $ issue, but will also rebuild your self-esteem and social life that you badly missed.

In life, we give some and take some. Sure, having young children at home is a hindrance to personal enjoyment, but this phase will pass. A few years down the road, you can breathe better liao!

congrats to you.

Wow.. so much things have been going on while I am busy catching up with my new job.

Xuanting still has a bit of cough and nowadays quite scared of turning on aircon for her. Just in case, she got sick again.
Hi ladies
was posting until half way until silly me click e wrong key & had to retype again. :p
Anyway, while the rest of u while enjoying ur quality family day, i had to force wake myself to open the door at 7.30am today for my work :p sighh...
My eyes were even swollen, due to the lack of sleep, as commented by my customers :p
Reason being, Ivec is teething, down w flu, fever, diahorrea & running nose, so he's feeling very cranky & sticky..wow..one tooth already causing so much problems, & there are still so many to go!
Have u point out to your hub that u need his help & need time for yourself as well? Guys usually need to be told directly..cos they dun get hints..so no point wasting effort at trying to change this ..heheh..anyway, it will also be gd if u two can hv some couple time together..a strong marriage is impt to the development of ur kids as well..beside, he might b feeling upset tt u hv neglected him for his son. Just my thoughts..i do hope that things will improve for u..

Do talk nicely to your hb. Maybe he will understand. My hb used to be like that also until I make noise. But must always be patient, try not to argue over small things. Even if I'm not happy with him, I try to think logically that what I'm doing is for my girl and family.

I just told 1 of my colleague recently that being a mother is the most "wei da", cos we sacrify so much things for our little one. This colleague of mine just gave birth 3 mths ago and I so afraid she will suffer from post natal blues. Her hb also not supportive and is very MCP. He wants the bb to be boy and didn't really like the bb girl. Cannot imagine that this time now still got people so old fashion.

I'm really tempted. But like you mentioned, i'm not financially and phyiscally prepared. That's why I'm delaying this plan.
RE: Online Business

I have been thinking about this ever since Enya is born. However, if I go for online biz, then I have to give up my full time job. Which means I will be full time taking care of Enya. Where got time for online biz?
<font color="0000ff">Ladies</font>, Tks for yr support & advice.

I not too sure If I am facing financial difficulty. I still can afford to eat and buy things. Of course no more LV, Shushi every week, Mphosis, Starbucks etc...But I am scare my saving will be gone soon. Each mth I hv to fork out abt $600 for my bills.

In near future, I hv to fork out for the infant care, and my mum wants me to pay shared instalment for my grandma's new house.

As for putting Riz in the care of my parents, I can. Only for a short while and only when my mother & dad are free. But the travelling and the things that I need to bring, can kill me. Furthermore, he not use to the bed over there.

My mom ever come over to my house to help me to take care of Riz so that My HB & I can go out for a while.(the most is 4hrs). But I find it very troublesome to ask her to come over all the time. Cos it involve my dad and my mom. In the end, her things at her house not done. And she only hv offday on Sun only. My HB does shift-work and at times does not match with my mom's free time.

I just waiting for my mom's new house ready end of this yr so that I can move in with her. Hopefully I can.

is $600 including house utilities and family's general expenses, or just for your personal? If just personal expense, it's quite high leh...no income must be more thrifty lor. housewives are not called for nothing. no $ how to groom? got $ also no time to groom.
