(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

ET - do your menses painful??? last Fri was my 1st day of menses and it was so painful that i couldnt move.. i dont experience pain before my birth.. but now is so painful i dont feel like doing anything..

Hmm...if Keith is sensitive to new environment, then how come go gai gai he will be happy? Also new environment leh...MAybe depends on his mood lah hor?

OIC...was wondering y your MIL is unhappy. Anyway, my menses is not as painful as last time but very heavy flow lor. Then somemore it's not accurate...thought after giving birth we shld not be suffer anymore menstrual cramps and will be regular? Bluff one...
I've emailed you.
Sorry that I didn't reply in time coz I don't log on during weekend and on leave on Monday. I am FTWM.
Pls keep me update and thanks for your arrangement.

how do I get the PM working??
Keith sleeps very late around 11plus...woke up around 8am coz mummy got to bring him go ah ma house. after his feeds at about 9am, he will sleep again till about 12. had his cereal and bath...sleep again from 2 to 6 at night around 9, he will take a short nap of 15 to 30mins. so total about 16hrs of sleep.

yesyes...me a union member..din know got such good price...okok..later I shall go surf the website and try to book. It will be fun to bring all babies and we can have a babies pool party...hahaha

I oso plan to go KL, maybe end of the year during their sale...hehehe...me got so many holiday plan in mind...will oso be going HK or Taiwan wk b4 christmas...already book my leave

not pain leh....only a bit of crampy feeling. previously I got bad menses cramp but now it was better dont need synflex liao. How come u opp huh...maybe u should check with your gynae?

maybe coz it is enclosed bah...on sat, I broght him to my hb's auntie house...wah...the moment I step in nia...he cry and cry until very cham lidat...the moment I go out of the house nia...he stop liao. Buay tahan!!!

My menses came back last week and it is really very heavy flow, till i stained my bed sheets many times! Didnt feel that painful, but a feeling of soreness thats all
Just to want to confirm whether you are the mummy that I met during antenatal class in KKH. I am the one with 'two' babies. You once told me you fall outside the KKH after the class, so is that you???!!!
sounded like looking for long lost friend....
Anyway, I am also from your 'ugly' uniform school ....ha...ha...no wonder you were a 'teacher'!!!!!
Money!!! It's you!!

Yup, I'm the mummy you met in KKH. Looks like not many pregnant women fell from staircases, dats y u can guess who I am...heehee....

So how's your twins doing? You quit your job liao ah? Become SAHM?

U also my ugly uniform kaki? Heehee...no wonder you look familiar to me? Hmm...maybe we have the 'suaku' look...hahaha
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sob sob....uniqueone..finally found you.....haha...

Ya, maybe is the 'suaku' look, i should be your senior and we should not have met before, right? Ya, come to think of it, may be due to this, we can friend so easily, normally i quite shy one. In fact the other mommies in class not talk to other except the two of us...

No I am not a SAHM...in fact a FTWM and sometimes a 'bo chup' mother too....

I have a boy and a girl who are totally different in term of size, colors, temple, feeding style and many more... oh evenly sleeping positions....so I have been quite 'busy' with them. but thankful they are quite easy babies (individually) as compare to my friends'. Thankful also that I have a good maid and with my MIL's help, I can come out to earn 'MILK powder' MONEY!!!

hope we can meet someday again, with our babies of course.
Money, you have twins? So far, no twins in our thread yet...

You wanna share their particulars with us?

To activate PM, follow your 'ugly uniform' buddy's instructions.
ET - you have the website? good deal lei, i go this weekend if is really good i let u kw ok. The ferry ticket is also cheaper by $2 per pack. but infants ticket u will have to buy at the ferry counter. But one thing good is the service - SALUATE! they even help me to get a baby cot in my room. so nice right hahaha

ET, Uniqueone & Hunniepot, my menses is also flood my pants, my bed, the floor. Until i'm so super pai say when my maid help me to clean..

ET - i'm so envy of you.. Keith can slp so much. Isaac is so Hyer!!! now he lagi dont want to slp
my mil says bb slp a lot very good. they will grow up faster.

You want to go KL also har.. hee hee.. shall we plan :p :p any mummies interested??
ugly uniform

Hunniepot & Tiffany did both of you read last Sunday Times?? the gals are objecting the fact saying that their uniform is ugly? hahaha


I've spoken to this gal - Nathasa and she will check for me and get back to me by today. I will keep you gals update. Only the 4 mummies are entitled reason being our bbs are 5 and half to 6 mths. Level 2 will be good for them ONLY.

for the rest of the mummies the bbs are 4th mths to 5th so still have to wait.

BUT i did help to check whether when yr bbs reach 6th mths will they call you gals for the free trial. Which also she will let me know later.
su, the one i got is different colour from the pictures u have posted... and it is easily found in departmental store..

for gymboree class, they have called me yesterday and would wanna offer 1 free trial level 2 class for Nix.. dunno should i go or cos Nix couldn't sleep the whole nite till 2am!!! in the end, i took leave to sleep at home yesterday and settle my new maid at the same time... dunno wat's the reason tat make him can't sleep.. but i can be sure that he got frightened when my fil carried him and sneeze so loud.. cos i can heard his thunder sneeze and follow by nix's cry when i was in the bathroom tat morning..

during the class, i couldn't get his attention.. his attention was all with the instructor who was doing the talking... and Nix got frightened when he heard high pitch sound like baby's screaming and little puppies barking.. (preciousbabe knew it huh.. keke)...

let me consider if should bring him to the class this sunday.. will let u gals know
hmm....yah, you shld be my senior but our age gap shldn't be too big leh...
we'll definitely be able to meet up coz this thread quite happening one...always organise trial classes then sometimes even have gatherings...

I was thinking if we can postpone the class so that all could attend together leh. It'll be more fun this way. If we postpone till 2 wks later, most of the bb will be ard 5 and half old liao mah...then can arrange the trial class just for us...heheee....

Does anyone here have your baby rejecting milk at this stage? My baby seems to be reluctant to drink his milk nowadays. Most of the time he couldn't even finish his 140ml. He also develop a super stomach. for instance yst, he drink about 2oz of milk at 10am and didn't want to drink even until 3.30pm. We scare he hungry so we just feed him at 3.30pm tho he never ask for it.
My auntie tried putting brown rice with si shen into his milk and he totally refuse to drink that. It seems like he had become very fussy ... headache..
uniqueone - okay note taken i will check with the manager when she calls me back.

Rach, really great!!!! okay then i will source for hotels and places to go that is alright for bbs

Smurfy, mine lor....... now he refuse to drink not more than 2 oz during the day. but eats solids like brown rice or porridge. but night time drinks milk every 2 1/2 hrs 3 oz. no sasd
but my pd ask me not to worry. i have plan to stop giving isaac solid and try to encourage him to drink milk during day time.
same same for Xuanting too... she normally takes up to 150ml n now, went down to ard 70~110ml.

She kept pushing n chewing the teat (water or milk) one to right side of the mouth.

PD said was throat infection but apparently a lot of seniors that saw Xuanting all said, she could b experiencing gum discomfort as the teeth started to grow.

Just feed her as and when lo.

For the brown rice thing, hmmm... as brown rice itself is very nice smell but no taste so the milk must be added or with some other tastes... What is the content ur auntie add for brown rice cereals? Could it b the flow is too slow since ur auntie puts it into the milk bottle?

Xuanting is using L teats now for the milk /w brown rice cereals.
nix's tooth out liao.. but one only.. is it norm to have 1 tooth or 2 teeth come out the same time? and he's learning to crawl.. he's trying to support himself up and in kneel down position but can tahan a while only and on his tummy again..
BTW, mommies /w bbs more than 5months old,

ve u started to apply toothpaste or something similar on to bb gums???

Also, those plastic toys that can put in the fridge one? It seems too heavy for Xuanting n so she nv likes them but prefer to take her blanket or pillow or bolster to bite. Can I actually put the cloth material into fridge to cool it down n give to Xuanting to relieve her gums itchiness?
Lucas only takes 100ml now as compared to 150ml previously....his feeding interval is 3hourly, but at nite, he sleeps thru.
His teeth can be seen liao. not sure isit really due to teething lei... Told PD abt it, she said, he seems to lose interst in milk, so, can start to intro semi-solid liao... hmm..... logical??
KL trip
Me interested though I just came back 2 wks ago. How u all going? Take coach??

irregular feeding/decreased in milk intake
J has been like that for the past 1.5 mths until I found out the reason yday....I didn't change his teats to a bigger hole!!....he is now 5 mths but still using the NB-3mths....no wonder he so fussy when he drink his milk and keep pushing it away and also have magic stomach for so many hours.

intro solid
Have intro solid (HT BR cereal) to J for 1.5 wks liao. So what's next huh? Increase the qty? Now is 1 tablespoon and he finish all or is it intro a secondary meal eg 10am and 5pm? I also intro bottled pea which he likes but gave him bottled spinach and he refuse to take.

Any adv on what's next?

so deprived hor....during pregnancy I oso buay tahan, so gian to travel but kena scolded by my mum...end up I still force my hb to bring me go KL...now with bb, still cannot go??? I dont care liao...I told my hb if he dont want to go..I bring bb go myself....hahahaha....

I think u can start to into cereal to Lucas lor...no harm trying mah..maybe ur PD is right leh

I've been using Y teats for K...last mth just change to L and he drinks faster too....

what bottled pea u give to J huh?
mom_yam, Koalarie,

I tried all the different size of teats but won't work. Think he don't like the smell ley.. but i ever tried giving him HT brown rice cereal and he like ley.. Is it really true that he is now ready for semi-solids, thats why he rejecting milk now?

Just spoken to my colleague, her ger also got same problem before with drinking. Her PD said this is a normal phase that all bbs will go thru.

If got overseas, how to sterilise bottles ah?
mummy been feeding me with this new yummy since yesterday..hmm... i like it!! But everytime i want more then mummy says Finished, no more!! Argh..


Jumbo, uniqueone, ET we are being schedule to go next Sunday, 24th Sept 3pm.

For the rest, i'm sorry there will be NO free trial for you reason being the lady says coz' 4 of us went to the "wrong" class. So is make up to us.

Maybe one of u can call and "complain" the teacher is substandard maybe got free class also.
I am still using M hole for 3-6mths. wonder Lucas dun finish his milk has it got to do with the hole too small?

Ya, will intro cereal this weekend... hope he takes, coz me gonna stop BF at 6th mth... buay tahan liao... very tiring!!

maybe u better @ motor skill..

me hands like legs, legs like hands leh..
this pics is considered not bad liao cos i cleaned Ryan many times while feeding him..he was like santa claus initially lor.. haha!! but it was very fun!!
Looking forward to it lei... duno how Lucas will react... yday fed him barley water with spoon, he zep zep zep.. like so yum yum.. beri cute lei!
Tiffany / Rach, this is NORMAL......... wait till u gals see Isaac. not only his mouth get it.. his hands.. my hands.. my hair and all over his clothes.

one feed.. change of clothes... hiaz
Wow... bb is growing up so fast, i still remember last time we are asking each other what we buy for bb, eg bb cot, bumper set lah than after that crack head about increasing BM, which formula to feed.... and now bb already going to start on semi-solid liao. I am going to start JJ in another 2 weeks time... wondering how he will look like for his 1st feed.
so the class is confirmed on 24sept, 3pm @ Serangoon Gardens branch hor? Do I still need to call them up to confirm attendance?
that photo reminds me of YY eating....all smear over the face. Salivating and all....hahaha
Sometimes she smiles with food in her mouth, all flow out liao!

How much you feed?

my baby also lost interest in milk for awhile.. about 3 weeks ago.. she was more interested in looking at things ard her rather than drink milk, no bo bian feed her cereal at 5 + mths.. and she likes it leh.. think it is symptoms of weaning.. and PD also said that it is normal, he also mentioned that babies will tend to drink less milk from now till they are about 1 yr old.. about 120ml each time, 5 feeds a day is enough...

I am now feeding Amanda with 3.5 scoops (milk powder scoop) of HT brown rice cereal.. and she slurps everything up.. also intro gerber apple custard, HT banana cabana (not recommended.. too sweet), and she also loves the HT maple teething biscuits... will cry when we take it away from her


the HT cereal is pour out from side one, how do you measure using the scoop? did you open up the whole box? I just aga aga 1 tablespoon of cereal, then i add 60ml of FM and stir. Its very watery. Then I spoonfeed him. I dunno if i do correctly or not cos the instructions not clear.

Can i just the level 2 class ah? I willing to pay since i miss the previous round.
