(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi ladies,

is Augmentin very strong? It was given to Enya but didn't work. Anyway, pd found out that she got one of the pneumococcal virus. So now still on antibiotics.

Koalarie (evonlimsy), If you bring yr kid there, think is better to postponse yr trip. The hygenie there is still nt like Sin. But is still up to you.

Tiffany & Koalarie, I will mail to you next week ok? the stuffs are in my mom's house.

<font color="ff6000">Augmentin</font>, Yap is the 2nd line drug now. We use to take penicilin, Axmo, Eytro, etc... those where 1st line antibiotics.
But lots of pp tends to not finish their antbiotics or having the immue over those 1st line drugs.

So nowaday doc tends to give Augmentin just to 'close case'.

Overall, Augementin is good for thoart infection.

<font size="+1">Beware</font>, there are 2 types of Augmentin:

1. is the Genetic type, no box (Low grade)
2. the real stuffs (Comes in box)

I had thoart infection last Dec. Went to a GP, was given the genetic type. I did not nod. After eating, the next day I was vommiting and vommiting. Thought I was having stoamch flu too but was not.

When to see my Company doc and was told the difference.
stephz - go ahead and have a good laugh....i was laughing so hard at the PD when I found out it is not a nose drop.

yup, i am due end of march but #2 is already 3.6kg so gynae suggesting inducing.

momyam - i know what you mean. everything is "mummy mummy". Last time when they dunno how to talk, we keep asking them to call us "mummy"....now, we just wish they will stop.

When i step out of my home office, J will come and hold my hand and say "Ordan follow Mummy"....sometimes he even say "Ordan follow Mummy's backside" coz I said "Stop following Mummy's backside". Even when I go toilet he wants to go in with me and would say "Hide" and hide behind my back coz he scared the maid will come and take him away.

Can go crazy.

I also agree that work is a good refuge to maintain my sanity.

hunnie - keep your chin up. i think is becoz you are so accustom to being with A that you are suffering from withdrawl syndrome. Give yourself some time and also try to think more positively eg you are more financially independent to provide for A and you can dress pretty pretty and have decent adult converstations.
hunniepot, can feel the tears in your words. Pat, pat, ok. It's difficult for both of you as you have been with each other 24/7 since her birth. Kids are smart, they know who love them the most. Give Amanda a little more time and soon she will get to understand better why mummy is not at home and know you will come back in the evening.

For me, on 1 hand, I want to go back to work and yet I know I will worry about my bb if I do. I agree that the first few years are important to a kid's life, that's why I told myself to delay going back to the workforce as long as I can (too bad still under bond).

Su/momyam - guess it's tiring to have the little one to be so sticky after a long day at work. Hubby always tells me, enjoy it now that they are sticky cos' as they grow older, we won't get to feel this anymore. keke...

Those mummies going to HK, I would suggest visit another country or postphone your trip. I won't want to take the risk if my little ones are involved.

Btw, thot of going to gogobambini next week, what's the charges like? Couldn't view cos' there's some problem with their website.

Heard there's a newly opened place, similar to gogobambini at Turf City, anyone been there?
Re: Toddlers got flu and PD/GP gave antibotics

Any of you read the recent Young PArents Magazine?

There is a section that British docs are told not to give antibotics for children with flu/cold etc....


Copy the whole link on top to read.

One of the docs that recently saw me... also said the same... what we have is normally a result from virus and not from bacteria... taking antibotics is not solving the problem....
Hi ladies,

just want to check, anyone use cane on your little ones? Mine is getting on my nerves these days. Hb bought cane yesterday. Hopefully, I will refrain myself from using it.

I feel that too. But my hb insist of buying the cane. Now it is kept somewhere that is not easy accessable. Heeheehee.
Tracy - i did and i am the one who personally search and buy a cane back home. But the cane only serve to "scare" him, coz' he is not afraid of anything except the cane. I am those believe "spare the rod and spoil the child"

If those who have and been with isaac will know this kid is quite hard to handle, due to he is very SUPER DUPER hyper.

Now with the cane + he is getting older + more sensible running to his brain. it seems to me he takes instruction well with or without the cane.

each time if i need to use the cane, i will explain why and so forth. For that it works for my case.
i'm thinking of getting a leapfrog system for Sherlene.
I'm actually eyeing on the LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Learning System but its till 36mths only.
My friends suggest me to get My First LeapPad® Learning System Orange.

Any recommendation?

If you own one, can give some views also?
Hi Irene,

I think the pink one is an older edition not sold already. The ones they have are orange only... which I thought is not that bad, cos it's gender neutral.
Hi Irene and Su,

I got mine from OG not too long ago actually, about 2 to 3 months ago and my girl likes to play with it very much... but leapfrog cartridges are so ex! I started purchasing from LEAPFROG.COM the stuffs are cheaper even after shipping cost but the support is not there at all. 2 of my books didnt arrive and I emailed them countless times and no one got back to me at all
haha, irene, have decided to get from JR.com... the orange set. Can get tog with other leapfrog books. Do you want to order tog?
Hi RXmom,

I had PM you.
Let me know if you didn't receive it.

Hi mommies,

I am ordering the first leappad system and the books tonight. Will be using Comgateway. If any mommies want to tag along, please sms me/ call me at 8112 7272. Probably won't have time to check mail. Will be using US$1 = S$1.5. To transfer cost of items to me before ordering too. Shipping costs will be computed later. Am ordering from www.jr.com. Tnks!
Kolarie, the USD is 1.3866 vs 1.5 actually is not a lot of diff. Those that goes to overseas spree most of them still using 1.5 isnt it?

I personally felt USD 19.99 x 1.39 = S$ 27.79 vs USD 19.99 x 1.5 = S$ 29.99 is only S$ 2.20 difference lei.. Well i personally dont mind paying slightly more for SU great helping to consol and buy for us and arrange picking up for us lei. AND is still so much cheaper than buying from store
Hi Koalarie,

Am not taking any more orders as I have reached US$200.

Momyam, thanks for the tips and understanding
makes my struggle with Ruixiang yesterday night to stop him clinging to me as I am sorting out/ placing the order all worth it.
Hi Su,

Thanks for placing the orders for us and honestly speaking, the exchange rate of 1.5 is fine with me too, considering you have made savings of about $50 should you have purchased it from the local stores

And it is also not easy to manage a spree! Thanks for the your great help Su

I pay you in cash on Sunday okies?
Haahaaa... I don't mean that... anyway, if that is what you think; up to you. = )

The USD is still going down... so if you are buying a lot, you can save more... = p
For the 30th march birthday bash party,

I have questions to ask you mommies going....

Xuanting is still a little coughing and running nose.. she only gets worse sometimes.

I would love to bring her along to tat party...

Any ojections of mommies that prefer I not to?
Kolarie, you read too much. We wasn't thinking anything lei
of coz' the x-rate low then good time to buy as much as we can make every single cent worth.

Hey, for the 30th March Baby Bash Party i dont mind at all too
Hope to see you and XT then. As for the pre payment for the party, when you very firm about bringing XT then Transfer the funds la.

This time we wont be having any photographer, so dont worry abt that and we wont collecting anything with regards that.
Baby Bash - 30th March 2008

Since Kolarie have help me indirectly advertise about the baby bash which me and jasminetea are organising.

I really love to extend a warm invitation to EVERYONE here come over to join us.

Venue: MacDonald - King's Albert Park
(Free Parking)

Date: 30th March 2008, Sunday
Time: 11am to 12.30pm (1 1/2 hr)

Charges: Depend on overall kids attending. Mac is charging us S$ 105 so we really need pre-confirmation by Friday so we can plan a wonderful and exciting outing for the kids party.
(Currently we have 13 to 14 Firm replies)

There will be door gift, prize, cake, games for all the kids.

Terrible sorry that i didnt annoance this earlier to you girls. Hope this is not too late to all of you.

For more information, please feel free to email me - [email protected] or PM me.
Heeheee. paiseh la.. momyam..

now, we should not have problem getting more than 15 children.... shouldn't we?

Xuanting is doing well except night and cold cough and running nose on hot days.... I don't know if any of your toddlers hae ths problem... but a few children at her childcare centre got same problem too... and the pd clinic also saw the same form of illnesses too...

So if I don't let Xuanting go... like, she's going to miss the fun lo...

No objections then I will bring her lo.
Hey Hunnie,

No worries, can just pass me the money during Schichida.

Hey Jasmine,
I won't be going for the baby bash since Ruixiang is having his own big party the saturday before. Am afraid he would be tired out. So sorry about this. As for the money for the leapfrog, you can either tt to me, or pass to maybe Hunniepot who can pass it to me during class? I am ok either way.

Since I know those who ordered, actually I am ok that you pay when we meet to pass you the items also. Cin Cai lah...

U are referring to the international shipping rate? I am using Comgateway that goes by Actual weight and not vol weight/ actual weight like Vpost (which ever is higher). I think for our orders, it might be around 10kg. Actually shipping cost won't known until the items reach the office. Comgateway charges US$14 for first kg, and US$2 for subsequent kg.

So I think for us, it would be around S$50? We will be prorating the costs according to the weight of the items we ordered.
Hi Evon,

Hmm, sorry to sound picky, but I would think it is better not to bring our toddlers to crowded places when they are ill. It is not very good for them and as well as for the other children. There is this child in my shicida class *winks at Su* who brings her daughter to the class without fail each time, there was once she has red spots all over her body, and she was still attending the class whileshe should be resting at home to recuperate...
Heeeheee.... that is what I am saying lo... some ppl do mind lo... anyway, i will see the situation then and bring her if she is better...

after all you can't control when your toddler to get well too...

she has seen at least 3 GPs and 1 PD. = p
Happy Birthday to Amanda. Our puppies are all going to be 2 year old soon. I cannot believe they grow up so fast.

I visited my sister today and carried her 4 days old newborn. I kept thinking I carried KJ like that 2 years ago. I miss it so much.

On the other side, I am just glad that KJ has grown up and is attending to childcare now. I am getting my freedom back. Yippee.
Happy Belated to Amanda too. Can't wait for the two As to meet again.

hee... me been having the same feeling everyday when I look at my No 2, cos' she's like a replica of my No. 1 last year. When both of them stand together, I can even compare how much difference my No. 1 has grown. Time flies.

Brought A to Babies Inc for half day last week, so can truly understand the freedom you mention. Did you send KJ to the one facing CP? Do they have adhoc kind eg. for 1 day or half day only type if we have something on.

if the situation for your dd is not too bad, I think it should be ok. However, try not to let her get too close to other kids. If she's really not well, actually it's best to let her have some rest at home. It maybe better to miss the fun than to let her suffer throughout. You have to assess her condition on that day.

from what I remember, the parking at King Albert Park is NOT free. Fyi.

So where will we be meeting? Inside Mac?

I agree with momyam, NOT to spare the rod and spoil the child. However, cane will be my very very last option. You can try using the Naughty Chair method, it works well for my Amanda.

I find the ClickSmart system quite good.

haha...who else could I be owing $$$ to? So are u still on npl? U leaving after your bond?

Btw, my Korean language course starting soon, anyone interested to join in. Draik, you should be free now???

Yupz, it is by conincidence that the 2 A s met last year during your A's birthday

I bought the clickstart system for my A too and have not really been using it much, kept it aside and almost forgot about it liao.. which are the cartridges that are good? I have finding nemo and the dora one i think


Am changing my maid today, she still doesnt know about it, having mixed feelings now, she has her plus points too like she is very sharp when it comes to my girl's safety and I can tell she adores my girl and she can cook, but just that she has attitude problem but somehow she is ok towards me but my hubby simply cant stand her.. even dreamt about it last night...

Happy Belated Birthday to Amanda!

I just tried a short unaccompanied trial on sat..barely 45mins only..aiyoh, dun know how to describe the feeling leh.. on 1 hand, feel 'free' dun have to watch him around, on the other hand,kinda miss him..also worry if he's ok alone, etc.. when the class ends, hug him so tightly leh..nearly suffocate him..haha

wonder how i'm going to cope with him going to N1 next yr..
I send KJ to Faith. The one just beside sculpture garden and Koufu. I am not interested in languages leh, I am thinking of dancing or Yoga courses, just thinking only.

I can understand the feeling of being "free". For the first few days, I was feeling so lost without KJ for just that few hours. After I saw KJ finish all his food there, play with other kids, sit when teacher told him to sit, bathe there without fussing, use a cup to drink his water, eat sandwiches, fell asleep without Mommy, I felt so happy. He will not do any of the above at home. I think my choice of sending him to childcare is right afterall. He did not cry now, in fact he will say goodbye to me.

Now, I am just happy to plan my free time. I need to go to the dentist, shopping, tea break, and just work on my laptop. Looking forward to Monday now. Heeeee!

Hi mommies,

thank you for giving me suggestion... i brought xuanting back to c yu guo yesterday; she seemed improving... haiz.. why only yu guo can solve her problem always.

I understand what all mommies' concerns are too.... if me, the same too... but afterall, having xuanting feeling sick like every month, i am already getting "immune".

Any of you have this problem?

This helplessness?

Want to build your child immunity.. but she/he not cooperative to take the food you prepare or take the vitamins you gave etc... and worse of all, very fussy with food.

And doesn't like to drink water...

I am sorry, mommies..

momyam, if she is not getting well, i think i dun bring her... but i will pay you two on the party la.. not fair for not going when the organizer has put in this effort to do so.= )
