(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


XT was like that too when younger. She is now more open to others after going to school.

Here are some things you can try.

Inform her that you are going to the place and who she will be meeting too. Let her feel with enuthastic and eagerness to see what is going to happen. When you are there, before others talk, tell your child to say "Hi" to auntie, uncle etc... and you wave... there is a tendency that the little one will follow too.

If possible, let your husband to preamp the people that are visiting too to give your toddler sometimes to accustom to them too... and tell them try not to look at the toddler too...

Slowly, you bring her around the place to explore and tell him/her to go around hugging each of them too... eventually our toddler will start to warm up.

Hey, thanks for the tips, especially the part abt the flight seat. Btw, did you prepare food to cook for Shaun? Or he ate whatever the adults ate?

Anyone heard of Star Tots playgroup? I'm thinking of sending A there, but can't seem to find any reviews on it.
Hi twws,

We did not prepare any food for Shawn, and was intending to let him eat whatever we eat.. except that he didn't eat during the entire trip as he was sick. This time round going to Tokyo, he would probably eat what we eat.. he prob will eat lots of chawan mushi with his meals..haha...
To those mommies that maybe interested

Description : Baby Competition
Most Photogenic and Best Daddy and Baby Chemistry

Date : 06 April 2008
Time : 09:00 - 14:00
Venue : Ang Mo Kio CC
Guest of Honour : Seng Han Thong
Contact Person : Charmaine See Thoo
Contact Detail : 64588409

Description : Siglap Baby Show 2008 :
$15 per participant
3 categories (6-12 mths/13 to 18 mths/19 to 24 mths)
Fringe Activities
Baby Crawling Competition
Tallest Baby Competition
Heaviest Baby Competition
Sporty Baby Competition
Photogenic Baby Competition
Most Comical Baby Photo Competiiton

Date : 30 March 2008
Time : 09:00 - 13:00
Venue : Siglap CC
Guest of Honour : Mr Abdullah Tamugi, MP for East Coast GRC (Siglap)
Contact Person : Ms Teo Ee Ling
Contact Detail : 64498040
<font color="0000ff">momyam, that is interesting..

Strawberry, will be in HKG on 9-10Mar?? I will be there. TD on SQ001

Koalarie (evonlimsy), can send to you.

Tiffany, ok</font>

Thanks for the info. Full day at $500 is reasonable. You logged in at the old rate. New rate is really too expensive.

TQ for the tips. I will try out. Moreover, my gal sleeps face down, very troublesome when bring her out. She wants to be in that position, if not, she will be super cranky. Very difficult to bring her out. She cant sleep in her car seat, cos its forward facing position! TOUGH hor??

TQ so much.
i'll be HKG on the 10-11 mar leh...
i'm in HKG for 2 weeks aldy... gg back tomor.. off one day then come back again lor... wat time you leaving on the 10th?? i arr in HKG abt 1540..your flt should be returning to SIN aldy isn't??
Wow, seems like quite a few of you are heading to HK for hols. Happy Hols!

Btw, for those who has a maid, can i check with you. What do you provide for lunch? cause my mum hardly cooks during lunch, usually juz eat bread and this is a headache for us.
daphne, yes we do provide lunch. bascially all meals and snacks (if she wants).

U can talk to her, ask her if she is ok with bread. then u provide stuffs like hotdogs, tuna etcs for her.

alternative, u can provide raw food ask her to dish up simple food like fried rice, etcs for herself. hope this will help you.

SHOUT: Tracy!!! where r u? sob sob...

TWWS, never heard abt star tots lei.. and cant seem to find the link of the schools.

You got your myanmar maid liao? How is she? Which agency did you go to?

I will normally buy fish, eggs, fishballs, hotdogs, maggie mee, frozen chicken for her, she can help herself to the rice and veggies too.. thats for lunch... as for dinner she will cook for all of us and she eats whatever we eat.. but if we go out without her, she will cook for herself..

dun cry, I'm back. MIA for abt a week cos Enya was admitted into hospital. Bronchitis AGAIN!!! Only discharged yesterday. Let me go and check my working schedule and let you know my answer tmr ok.

I'm oso going to HK on the Vesak Day week. 19-23 May. Will be staying some hotel at Tsim Sha Tsui. My sis is now there so will book hotel near her studio apartment.

Anyone has cheap and good recommendations for hotel at TST?
tracy, everything alrite now?

My boy is having flu, fever and cough again. Fever last nite when up to 39.9. Aridi for 3-4 vdays on and off. I cannot do any thing. I syruck here in HKG. SOB SOB

Strawberry, call me la. I leaving on the 11mar morning. YOu still got my no? We can go for dinner.

wow, ur boy's fever so high ah. Better watch out.

What happen to Enya was, she had cough, running nose and fever during CNY. We brought her to GP. Then the fever is gone. Left with running nose and cough with lots of phlegm. This has drag till last week when the fever came back. Brought to GP again. After finishing the entire dose of antibiotics, the fever still persist. So brought her to her PD. PD said cos her phelgm never come out so cause infection in the lungs. Gave her another dose of antibiotics. Fever still persist. End up PD said better admitted to do thorough check.

Thank God, she is recovering now. But within a week, she lost 1kg. Poor girl.
There is a bout of flu going on now I think, and many of my friends' kids all kena. So mommies, do be careful now.

Ruixiang also had high fever ranging from 38.5 to 40.8 degc for 5 days last week... that's like really long to us and the doc said to bring him when if he had the fever for more than 5 days. Had to rushed him to KK A&amp;E at 3am on one night. Had cough too. But we aren't frantic, cos he was still behaving normally in a sense... what matters during a fever is that the behaviour is still ok, and the seriously of fever is not determined by temperature alone.

Nonetheless, we are thankful he's fine and his fever finally subsided on day 5.

My girl's pd said that there is a virus call mycroplasma that is going around. When kids get them, it is normally fever, cough and running nose. It may also pass to adults. When adults get them, it is only persistent cough. So everyone do watchout.
Hi Mommies,
have been MIA from here since very very long.
Time flies and our darlings are turning 2 soon. Some also have been graduated to big brother or sister.

I got some questions here.
Do you send your 2006 kids to childcare or playgroup? Any good ones to recommend at Toa Payoh or Bishan area?
Thankfully your girl has recovered. My boy has been disgonised with Bronchitis also and he's on medication now. He has fever this morning at 38.4 degrees. His cough and flu has been on-going for 1 month. So if he finishes the current medication and doesnt seem to get better, my doc will be giving him a inhaler and it has to be used for 4months! Thus, i really hope that he will recover with the medicine.

I myself is down with flu and cough. My girl is also down with it. She has slight infection on her right and is on medication now.
Yupe, i logged in at the old rate. When the administer told me that they are going to increase when yr 08 came, I decided to register my boy on the spot. But i think the increase for 09 is not alot for my current CC.
Hi MomYam and Denise, thanks for the lunch info.
Never thought of asking her to cook for herself *lol* cause my mum takes care of our meals.

Denise, i didn't get a myanmar maid lah. In the end, the agency (Jack Focus) recommended Indonesia maid becos of our schedule. My mum's place and my place, she said Myanmar maid got higher expectations. My maid juz came by for 1 week only, very young 23 but i think only 19. So at the moment, she's only doing housework and playing with my son.

re: star tots
no prob. thks for responding anyway

the website is www.edufarm.com.sg in case anyone is interested.

re: flu virus
my boy has this persistent running nose for almost a week. no fever or cough. just wondering if i shd let him recover on his own, or bring him to the pd soon since the mucus is not clearing up yet. his daddy also got infected last wk, and down with 2 days mc. i too had slight running nose last sat, but it cleared up after a night's sleep.
Flu virus
J caught it too. Got sick after going to CC for 2 days. Thus did not go for the past 4 days. Wasted 4 days of money arr.....if I knew, I would have sent him aft he recovered as as to save a few days of $. (Doc say not possible to catch a virus just aft 2 days, normally they need 3-4 days to incubate)

I'm the kind of mommy who is hesitant to give medication to my son, cos I think they only treat the symptoms, not the problem. Since there's no fever which is more critical, you might want to let your son recover on his own and build up his immune system.

haha, my PILs are so against me on this point... every little thing they want to give Ruixiang medicine... sometimes v worried that my FIL would give him too high dosage, wrong medicine when I am not around! Sigh.
Hi mummies

Never know there are so many kids down with the flu virus now. My boy also got it last week too, with high fever and slight infection on his lungs. Really stressed me out, taking care of him, and his baby sister, making sure he stay away from her is really a challenge
Took him a week to recover.

Think you got to be careful, make sure A running nose don't worsen, or his muscus become yellow/greenish.
Hi mommies, haven't been ard for awhile. Busy with two n real tired from bfing #2. He keeps waking for niht feeds even at 9 wks old!!! Last night was 2hly...zonked..

Oops got flu virus...will watch out...
Hey babe,

Babies typically only stop waking up for feeds when they are 6 months old, but every baby is different. Hang in there and sleep when the baby sleeps in the day.
Keziah is actually a very easy baby to have slept through when she's so young, but don't compare Abel with her, cos that might make you more frustrated...
Yah, every baby is different. KJ sometime still wake up for night feed and he is already 23 months old.

Today, KJ cried so much when he sees me leave the childcare without him. My heart break so much. I kept hiding behind the wall hearing his cries until he stop crying then I leave. Dun dare to take a peek at him because if he see me he will cry again.

Think it is better to get younger maids so you can in a way 'mould' them, my indon maid is abt the same age as me, worked in sg b4, and she doesnt really listen to us when we tell her certain ways of doing housework... she insisted that using less water and more solution will make the floor cleaner, thus half a pail of water for 3 rooms? Peng san...

Actually I thought myanmar maids will be less demanding? I really regretted getting an Indon..


KJ is in full day or half day CC, you going back to work? Amanda wakes up multiple times at night too, at 24 mths.. worse she sleeps at 11 plus 12 every night, wakes up multiple times at night and I have to wake up at 530 am everyday morning to go to work
denise, my indon maid although young, 1st time working in SG is quite a smart aleck! Noticed that she knows how 2 bully my mum by ban4 zhu1 chi1 lao2 hu3.
Same here.. Ruixiang still wakes up once a night though he sleeps through on some nights (before some illness come along and disrupted that!). I think this is a blessing already compared to last time of 9 times a night.. haha... am amazed I survived that. Now hoping no. 2 will be totally opposite in sleep pattern cos I feel that I'm too old to deal with more feeds in the night already.
Hang on. Your #2 will probably stop waking so often in the night. My girl, she has just started to sleep through after her last feed at 8+. I hope she will continue to sleep through all the way. My hubby is kind of worry cos 12hours never drink milk. I told him, its perfectly fine.

Typically, my boy dont really wake up in the night time except during the times when my girl is up and she is very noisy when she's up. Can tear the whole house down thou she's not crying.

Denise, u wake up so early every morning to go to work? What time u start work?
Ya.. L also will wake up at times asking for nei nei. *faint* In fact, his meimei who is now coming to 6 mths, been sleeping thru' since 3+mths. Think different kids react differently.

Dont worry, the day for him to sleep thru will come soon. hang on!

Think its not where they come from, its more of individual personality. I have a phil maid now, I think my previous indo maid is better. More obliging compared to Phil, more daring and demand for more things.
RE: Toddlers who need to be fed at nights several times.

Thanks, Denise and Tiffany for sharing... at least I am not alone.

She now also doesn't pee in her diapers too. So, she would toss and turn when she wanted to pee during her night sleep. So, we got to carry her out to pee.

These few days seem more tougher; when she is sick, she fussed almost every hour making everyone of us taking care of her very tired.

I am sick since Tuesday and so my husband took care of her over weekends and could not dahan too... now he is sick too.. and hopefully my mom can last.
I have enrolled KJ in a full day CC, they do not have half day. But I always send him there at 9:30am and picked him at 11:45am. He has been there for a week and I will slowly increase his time there.

I do not want to work at the moment because I felt I need to be there for KJ if he fall sick. I told my husband to give me half a year before I decide to work a not (I am hoping to work full time at home). After reading your blog, I felt like crying because I can feel how you feel.

My mom just told me that I am contradicting myself. When KJ is around, I feel like strangling him. When he is not around, I will suffer from separation anxiety. Dunno what I want also.
Draik, i cant help but having my tears rolling down as well. Of coz' hunniepot's blog did effects me somehow too.

Isaac today is at home coz' partly due to sch holiday. the other reason both isaac and my hb are sick as well so both of them are back home. 1/2 way thru my work, my hb viedo call me with isaac crying for me non stop. my hb says he cant handle anymore coz' isaac keep looking for me, he search every single room, toilet, cupboard just to look for me. During the video call, he keep saying "mama hug, hug, bao bao me" and he keep kissing the phone coz' my face is there.

When i talk to him on phone, he keep saying mama come bk.. mama come back with tears. i cant help it but to feel very terrible, horrible and wish i can just end my work that very moment.

I'm just like u.. when isaac is with me i want to strangle him coz he is REALLY REALLy very active and screaming. but when he cry for me while i'm so far from him, i feel so helpless and lost haha.. weird hor. guess that's mama love.
I also like you - unwilling to feed A medicine unless absolutely necessary. Since birth, he's been fed at most 3 courses of med only, all for his fevers. Other small ailments like running nose I'll let him heal on his own. I think it's better this way to let his body learn to fight off viruses, than depend on med.

what's wrong with yellow/greenish mucus huh? A's mucus was slightly greenish a few days ago. Now clear colour already leh.

i know exactly what you both mean by the contradicting feelings. i feel exactly the same way for A - missing him terribly when i leave him with my dad for 3 hrs, and yet when i come back, i feel so tired when i see him.... haha....
I recently sent J to CC too. I think I dropped more tears than my boy. When I see him crying for me, I cry. When I see his classmate who is also new, crying, I also cry. And I cry in front of the teacher too. So embarassing.

TWW - J also having yellow/greenish mucus. PD says that is a sign of virus infection and the worse case is to give antibiotic if still dun recover after 2 wks of flu/cough.

waking up at night
J also wakes up at night not for feed but more for comfort. Eg he will just called out "Mummy mummy" and when he hear my voice, he will fall back into sleep.

At times, he will wake up to talk to me. He will suddenly wake up and tell me "Mummy, Pooh eats honey" or "Mummy, I sing Mummy song....mummy mummy mummy (a song he makes up himself)".

At 4am, I dunno to laugh or to scold him.

Flu virus
I must be the most goon do mummy in the world. J was given the medication "Zyrtec" by the PD. This is an oral medicine but I used it as a nose drop coz the instruction is "Drop 4 drops/2 times per day".

So for the past 1 week, we have been pouring a sweet liquid down his nose!
Hi, me missing cos' partly busy and also almost give up on this vodafone from M1.

Talking about maid.
Sometimes wondering should I employ 1 again cos' more things to do now hubby back. Also recently been clearing and packing the house after reading a book about organising the home. Yet at the same time, don't want to go thru' the cycle of training and monitoring a maid again at this moment, guess it's more tiring. Hee... we woman can be so contradicting at times.

Missing our darlings.
The other day I went for facial and left my kids at home with hubby. Didn't actually miss them. Haha... guess I desperately need a short break from them. But on my way home, I can't help but thinking of them all the way and was very happy when I saw them. Hee...

My hubby was worst, when he had to come home late yesterday, he purposely came back home for lunch, so as to shorten his "absence" with them.

Waking up at night.
My bb usually don't wake up unless they found me missing "in bed". My No. 1 will only wake up if she wants to pee in the middle of the night. I'm the one who wake up at night to do my things. Haha...
Su - Regarding confinement lady, suggest you try to get one through recommendation, if not, go through an agency, at least they will give a replacement if the CL is not performing.

Babe - maybe you want to get a sarong. Most bb love sarong and it is comforting to them too. Your bb will soon be able to distinguish night and day, it will be easier for you then.

Su/tww - me too, I will usually avoid medication if possible. Even if I do, I will give the dosage lesser than the requirement.

Last week, everyone in the family was down with running nose last week, spread from hubby who is still having cough. My hubby says many in his office are also not feeling well.

Terrier - me also want to know more about the muscus thing. What I know is that certain colour will mean heaty or something like that.

Tiffany/Terrier - time flies and our No. 2 is so big already. Now my No. 2 can stand on her own already (aka more relax for me). When both of them stand together, I can't help but look at my No 2 and exclaim "my No. 1 was like this last year and has grown so much now"
Motherhen - haha... sorry can't help but laugh about the "nose drop". So funny. Btw, your EDD in March right, guess anytime will pop soon?

My work starts at about 7 am.. so I got to be up pretty early, suffered from lack of sleep these 2 over months, I have an average of 5 hours sleep per night, and it is disturbed sleep somemore.. the only thing I can do is push her bedtime forward slowly...


Honestly speaking, I regretted going back to work so early.. if given the choice again, I will only go back to work when A is about 3 to 4 years old.. cos I still feel she needs me to be there for her at this stage, my dad kept telling her: "mummy went to work" in cantonese whenever she asks for me, I was playing hide and seek with her last night.. she couldnt find me and started crying "mummy went to work" in that little pitiful sweet voice of hers... my heart just broke upon hearing that as I believe that is what she has been saying everyday when I am not ard.. it is usually ok for me to go off to work in the morning as A would still be asleep.. but nowadays she seems to know what time I go off to work and she will wake up at 6 am and stick to me non stop unless my hubby entice her with sweets or video games.. and at work, I rush to go home early, never stay on to 'act act' abit and received dirty looks from some colleagues when they see me pack and go almost on the dot... guess I really cant let go.. even with my maid at home now, I never ask her to help out with A as I want to spend every possible minute with her.... these are the thoughts of a once SAHM...
Hey Hunniepot,

Do take care of yourself too, considering that you leave work so early, still try to be there for Amanda as much as you can and still have to wake up in the night to settle her.... I think it must be very exhausting.

For me, I will also leave work on time to get home to RX as soon as possible, but I find that I lack the energy to play with him all the time now, perhaps because I am pregnant, but also perhaps he only wants me when I am around. Daddy cannot read him storybooks, daddy cannot pat him to bed, daddy cannot play this and that with him... daddy cannot sit/ sleep next tim him, everything must be mommy.. so whenever I can, if he will play by himself, with the maid, or with daddy for even 5 mins, I am happy and just slide away out of sight. To me, sometimes work is a refuge for me. You all must think that I am such a bad mommy :p
Mel, Isaac also has the insecure feeling middle of the night. sometimes is so much that i really want to ignore him and go sleep in my own corner. Coz' he wants me to carry him to sleep and talk to him.. kiss him before he doze into his own dream land. Plus the heavy commitments at work now, i can really tear my hairs apart.

Hunniepot, pat pat.. *HUHZZZ*
You are one great example of mother love ;)

Su, i kw exactly how u feel.. and i doubt this happens is due to you r preggie now! coz' i'm not preggie lei.. but i'm facing MAMAM MAMAM MAMAMAM!!! read book.. MMAMAMA MAMAMA! push bic! MAMMAAMA!!! sit here.. *FAINTZZ*

Is either now is a stage that they will do this.. OR they prefers mother love hahahah.. Like u.. work is a refuge to me, and during work is where i can drink my coffee in my own pace, eat my lunch in gracious and poo poo in toilet in peace!!! hahahaha...
hunniepot (hunniepot), I understand how is it like.

Now I feel like quitting to take care of Reyes. The 8 days trip away, I practically was crying... Even in the plane when I saw this mummy with her boy (Around 1yr old), remind me of Reyes &amp; myself. I started tearing...

Ok, I am back. Tiffany and Koalarie, Can I hv yr address so I send the details to you?

My boy was given Antibiotics- Argumentin. Not too sure y they give him such a strong 1.
After eating just 1 intake, his fever gone.
Now his body, hands &amp; legs got small red dots...

Is this the first time ur boy take aumengtin? Your boy may be allegic to this.

My boy was initially prescribed with Claripen and develop rashes on his body. So PD stopped this and give him aurgumentin. His fever hit up to 39+ one, when he went to see PD, insert a rectal suppository to bring his fever down immediately, afraid he might develop fit.
draik, not sure have you went to your gathering party.. but i found this place.. nice and good (food wise i will say 6.5 / 10).

Best thing abt this place is that they have children playground just next to eating area!! The place is like Marchie - but is jap food

Shokudo Japanese Food Bazaar
Raffles City Shopping Centre
252 North Bridge Road
Singapore 179103
(65) 6837 3793
Here's a link you may want to view more infor - http://sparklette.net/archives/shokudo-japanese-food-bazaar/


Yeah! It just tears you apart when you are away from your Reyes (8 days somemore)? Everytime it happens, I also feel the impulse to just call it quits to go back to my good old days... but it is just wishful thinking..

Augmentin? It is a very strong antibiotic... my gynae was surprised to hear that my GP prescribed augmentin to me when I had UTI.. even he said it is very strong even for adults

Brought my girl for her Hap A jab and took the flu virus jab just in case too
