(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Draik - how long did KJ took to get used to going to CC? J has just recovered from flu and I am starting to send him back today after 3 wks of absence. Now he has to start all over again.

From what you describe, KJ seems to be going for full day CC? Good to hear that he is enjoying it but all along he has been quite an outgoing and smiley boy.

Happy Belated Birthday to Amanda!

Evon, my boy was like your girl and it took very long for him (was disgonised with bronchitis, luckily, he reacted well to the medication) to finally recovered. i have kept him out of CC for 2 weeks. I dared not bring him to CC and put him with my parents for the 2 weeks. I did not even bring him back hm for fear that it might worsen my gal's sickness. As my gal is having high fever on friday night and it was up and down till Thursday. I want to make sure that he's recovered before going back else, it will take even longer. I praying hard that he will not fall sick again. He's back to CC today.

Tracy, I will use cane on him if there's a need to and he was caned by me yday night. The "cane" that I used is the ballon stick. This morning, i asked him does he know y I cane him yesterday and he replied yes, cos he's naughty and does he want me to use the cane again, and he said no. (This is what one of my colleague taught me. After punishing them, ask them the next morning cos they memory is good and fresh, as they remember what they did).
I have accompany KJ for the first 3 days, he cried and fuss at the CC door for the next 5 days. Now he is saying goodbye to me when he sees his teachers. I was surprise that it was so easy. Yes, he is going to attend full day soon. I have picked him up at 3pm on Thursday.

By the way, I am a blur Mommy here. Just realise that today got no childcare for KJ. Lucky never bring KJ downstair before I realise that.
This thread is moving fast. Looks like everyone's into baby's 2 yr celebration. This year gonna be abit quiet for us, will be just doing an outing with K to celebrate her bday.

BAby bash
Would really love to join u gals but I'm afraid I can't coz I'll still be in church. Have a great time and loads of pictures.

Hunni, ur gal is fast with the leappad. I bought the little touchpad and she's still fiddling around with it. Wonder if she's really learning much from it though.

Steph, jus going to finish ML and will be on npl from apr to jun. Now still doing fine coz only my boy wif me in the day. My gal still goes to my mom.

Wonder if to start my gal on any of this now coz at home with my mom she doesn't seem to learn much. Juz play around on her own. Any good ones to recommend?
HI mommies, any of u been for holidays to Taiwan with bb? Could u advise on the itinerary and the hotels u stayed? I am planning to go in April but abit worried since going with two small ones. Heeheee....thanks
Hi Babe,

I was in Taiwan last year, went to kaoshiung and taipei. I stayed at my SIL's house in KH, only managed to go to dream mall for a while (it is hugh!)My SIL's place is 1 hour drive from KH airport and she mentioned that there is a very nice amusement park just behind her house (which we never got to go there cos of typhoon) anyway, went to TP via the fast rail and stayed at the siken hotel (it is ok, but heard that it is run by the underground society there) went to taipei 101, went to the top to view the scenary, it is very baby friendly, has nice breastfeeding rooms, but cant say for sure about the rest of taipei though, cos I never really made it to other places cos of typhoon
Hi hunni, thanks for the information. Hmm...we got no car so going to be going via public transport. Wonder where in TP is fun for the little one to go. Is taipei pram friendly? Btw, did u bring diapers or we could buy there? Where do you usually eat? How many days were you there?
re: CC

babe, same situation as me then...

since XT went to CC, she had improved well; more open-up to adults and little children and babies. She also started to do all funny things that toddlers at 3~4yrs old would do.. run ard, humming songs, trying to sing songs (she kept saying "yi shang yi shang" - twinkle twinkle), occasionally took out drawing board and start drawing, done various jigsaw puzzles herself and dancing till everyone can laugh...

I guess, it depends on what you want her to learn too at this age...

One thing, I don't like, she is more prone to getting sick! Every month in fact.

That is why I feel a little heartpain and yet this is something i can't stop...

If Keziah has been eating well by herself and not fussy eater, I guess her immune system is well better than Xuanting; then why not let Keziah go CC?

xuanting was having same problem too. When she had fever, we didn't bring her back too. But, myself was down with acute brochitits too a week prone to her and so only mom and daddy could take care of her.

Sad to say, before she could get well completely, my mom was down with same problem too.

So, practically nobody could help to take care at home since i was still coughing badly. One thing, for sure, at least Xuanting's one wasn't as bad as mine. So, we discussed with the CC and they assisted to care for her so that my mom can rest.

Sometimes, isn't it good to be a SAHM and/or at least with a maid to help?
Anyway, out of curiousity,

did any of you notice lots of ppl coughing since after CNY?

And this cough is like asmatha attack like that? Coughing during cold or enclosed place and at night when you sleep?

This is the first time I am seeing myself, my mom and Xuanting having this same problem.... and it took us a while to recover after seeing lots of doc. (My mom is still recovering).

Don't want to scare you mommies...

just want to find out.... as i was talking to other friends and their surroundings too have 1~2 friends suffering from airway viral attack.

One good news to share,

of course, Xuanting and I are getting well now... so, if we are not coughing for next few days, I would truly love to bring her to bash.... Else, for comfort of other mommies, i would not bring her and myself there.

Pray hard... really, truly love to go.... this is the second time of gathering for us since the Baby INC outing at Great World City.
Take good care. This is what I worry also after when my O is back to childcare. I'm so worry that he might get it again. Haiz. But what my SIL told me, at this age, they are more prone to get sick easily. Guess, this is what we have to endure since they are in childcare cos of the exposure. Hope when they are older, their immune is stronger and can fight against it.
Drai, take care too. The coughing thingy will go on.

Koalarie (evonlimsy), glad that both of you are fine now.

Rez also is back to sch this week. Was absent for 3 weeks aridi.
2 day ago, my HB went to fetch my son from his chilcare, the teacher said that his milk powder has finish.

My HB came hm and tell me. I told him how could it be when is a 1.8kg. Call up the sch to ask them to check for the new 1.8kg tin. Then I realised that the sch hv no milk for my son, they did not feed him his milk in the afternoon. I was really mad! Thay did even call ask to get it or do something abt it.

The next day, the other teacher said that she nod that my HB did came and pass them the milk tin. But They cannot find. The principle said if is their fault, they will repalace or compensate for us.

Today my HB asked the teacher if they are going to compensate, they acted blur.

Wat should I do???

I ever though of chg childcare for my son. But the 1 to suffer will be my son. Cos he so use to dw there and with the teacher. Sudden chg, i scare he might feel insecure, etc...
Hi Petite,

Sorry to hear about the happenings. But if this is the first time that this has happened at the childcare and that they are normally attentive to him, then maybe don't need to change school for your son... (but must get the compensation lah!).

But i think if he really needs to change school, I think he should be fine.. sometimes children are more adaptable than we think they are.
maybe you can take him out from the cc and for a day or two, let him try out another place to gauge his interest.
Kang Jung cough is still there. Thank God, it did not get worst. Guess what he brought back from childcare today? A fever! Argggggggh!

Took him to see a doctor today and brought back 6 bottles of medicine! I think he will not have to go to childcare for the rest of the week.
Hi Draik,

Sorry to hear on that... why the doctor gave 6 bottles of medication?!

Hi petite, thanks.

Talking abt cc....

Frankly, not too good this week again..... my mom told me the cc has lots of ppl coughing the same way.. even the teachers too... and in fact, my mom was saying xt's cough was more from a little toddler in the cc???

Worse of all, lately there is sb in the cc having chickenpox too.. n xt not taken the vaccine... i m concerned.. but dunno what to do too...

WAnted to pull her out.. but my mom scolded me as xt is now getting used to cc and if pull her out, she may forget the cc ppl again and refuse to go back later...


And guess what, my boss yesterday told me, that they prefer more of my presence in the office rather than working remote... Haiz.
2 bottles are for the fever, got to alternate them and give it to kj every 3 hours. 1 for cough, 1 for running nose, 1 for inflammation. I did not give him the running nose because he do not seems to have one now.

Actually, your mom is somehow right also. But if the cc got so many sick kids, it will be better to stay away for a while. Kj class only got 3 kids today and I suspect most of them are sick at home.

Actually, I have expected this type of things to happen because I have seen it happen to my nephew. I choose to work from home so that I can take care of everything.
Draik, take care if KJ. Rez had the same meds too. I also lost count how many bottles of med must give it to him... Everytime when med time, He will run away.

Koalarie (evonlimsy), if is me, I sure will not let my boy go to sch. Cos chicken pox lei....

As for getting use to the sch or not, don't worry, as time pass, they will get use to it. Cos Rez only got to sch like a few weeks / days in a mth. Most of the time is either he is sick or his parents are in town.

Tks for everybody input...

In the begining, I got lots of problems with the childcare. Slowly they are getting use to our 'nagging'.

I might cont and see how it goes. Afterall Rez is happy there at the moment. But mommy is not happy. (Sian!)
Re: CC

Yesterday my mom said Xuanting in CC cried till nose red when she went to pick her up; but no teachers were there to hold her. Today, when my mom went to pick her up, she ran to my mom and cried to be carried... and kept saying "bao bao"...

then a teacher came over and told my mom not to..

Why got teacher like that one?

This teacher is not Xuanting's favourite by the way.. and Xuanting's favourite teacher is not around these few days as she went HKG for holidays.

I am so angry that I told my mom tomorrow don't let her go school.

I am thinking if I should call the school to find out if they are short handed or whatsoever... How?

This is first time I heard Xuanting like this!
KJ woke up with a fever again. His cough and running nose is getting worst today. I have just cleaned up a diarrhoea and I hope it is just one and only time.

If KJ do not get well by Saturday, I think I will have to give the birthday bash a miss. I will still pay for my part.
To those mommies that turn up yesterday - A VERY big thank you for supporting the baby bash party. I hope all of you enjoyed as much as Isaac and myself does

For picture viewing.. i will do my very best to send out by today to the mass email. didnt really took much pics as I wan to.
Hmm.. i think these two pics are the most alright ones coz' no mama or papa faces in them.. Oh Thanks Amanda(Stephz) for giving away nice goody bag to all the kids. I'm sure the kids will love them as much as u

momyam, So cool. Looking at all the kids, they hv grown up. Sorry I cannot out it this yr. Hv all of wonder at times, that our kids don't look like 2yrs old but actually looks older?

Of course in our heart, they are still babies to us.

Will try next yr.
I am a bit sad that I cannot join you all.

Brought KJ for a blood test today because the doctors are wondering why KJ fever refuse to go away. Lucky nothing happen and the doctor is expecting KJ to be recovering now. The only comment we get is that KJ has to eat more red meat. This is a big relief for me.
Hi ladies

Long time didn't post here..but was glad to b able to join in for the Baby Bash. Looking forward to more of such gatherings..hee..hopefully not only once a yr..though i know the organiser will be 'shiong' hee...

A big thank u for taking your precious time & effort to coordinate this b/d bash...I'm sure all the children enjoyed themselves..as well as the parents..heheheh...though Ivec didn't give a politically correct answer..*wink*

Tww & Stephz
Glad to chat w both of u a little on that day..pity didn't hv e chance to chat longer..all of us were busy w our little ones.
Mom Yam and Jasmintea,
Thanks. We enjoyed ourselves alot and it was quite fun to see them playing together.

i will try to post some of the pictures that i have taken.

Thank you so much for the goodie bag.
Must take care of yourself as well. KJ will recover very fast with your TLC. Try to keep him away from CC till he's fully recover.
Oh dear. This is not good. Draik, please take care.

RE: Birthday Bash
Keep the photos coming.

Maybe should also put the old foto (the one @ great world city) and the new fotos side by side and see how fast the little ones have grown. Amazing.

Re: Hong Kong news
Petite, when you were there at hong kong, how's the situation?

The kids in HKG are now going back to school and so far, we are praying hard that no bad news anymore.
momyam and jasminetea,
many thks for organising this b'day bash. too bad it ended just when aiden was starting to warm up to the surroundings. am looking forward to the 3-yr old bash

shylyn, cheers, smurfy
nice meeting all of you again, although we didn't get to chat much cos we were so busy tending to our little ones. i just took my eyes off aiden for a while, and he took someone's carton of apple juice to drink, and tried to pick up a piece of french fry that has fallen to the floor to eat.... sigh.

nice meeting you for the first time too

you're the only one i didn't manage to chat with. anyway, thks for the goodie bag!

hope all is well with you and KJ now.
Mom_yam & Jasminetea
The party looks fun! Sorry J can't join. Hope we can keep this tradition for the 3rd year.

anyone "sack" your CL b4 the 1 mth is up? Pls share your experience and how you bring across the termination.

my current CL is not very good and I intend to have her replaced.

didnt put diaper cream for my #2 and thus he got diaper rash.

#2 has jaundice so need sunning. she only went downstairs for 10 mins and that incl the time she took to walk down.

if any mummies have experience in this area, your advice is appreciated.
Mel, sorry unable to help you on the CL matter. But if is from the agency, get the agency replace. and if i'm not wrong, agency will need time to get another one for you.

As for local ones, i guess no practice just give her ang pow and tell her she no need to come back again.

I was then also thinking should i "sack" my CL too.. coz' she didnt really take care of me. but she does look after isaac quite alright as a first mom then. But base on my experience now, i will never intro or get her to do anymore.

As for the children party - Next year hopefully we can keep this traditional on. In fact, I be very honest i dont have intention to do this year.

Due to highly request, I was task to do so. Very lucky it turn out to be very fun this time and quite successful.

This year i am more relax can chit chat with a few moms. In fact, i think i only talk to des a little, Twws a little, Smurfy a little.. cheers a little...shylynn a little...Stephz a little..

why the rest never talk to me har??.. sob sob..

Hey, talk abt it.. tww are you still keen making cake together?? stephz is keen lei.. maybe we do together??

Draik - are you keen? i dont mind opening my hse.. and i dont mind taking one day leave and mess up my place hahahaha...
Yeeeessss, I am very very keen. I can put KJ in childcare and go to your place. Yippeee!

My baking skills are all rusty, I scare whatever I bake might not be edible.
Maybe you might want to try talking to your CL and see if she improves after that? If not, I guess just have to tell her frankly but tactfully that she is not living up to expectations and has to leave.

Cake-making I like! In fact, I just finished baking a cheesecake for breakfast tomm. Just let me know when. I'll try not to bring my Aiden along, if not, I can forget abt even cracking an egg cos he'll stick to me like glue. I can open up my house on a wkday too if you all don't mind coming to Bt Batok. Where is stephz staying? I know draik stays near you.
Hi Mummies,

Long time no post liao. Really busy with work recently. I'm in the mist of changing job so lots of things to do.

Sorry, I was not able to join you all for the party as Enya had her little party on the same day too. Hope to join your further outings if it falls on weekends. My hubby said you are a great organiser.

Enya turned 2 yesterday. Really amazed at how time flies.
mom_yam & tww - tks for yr advice on the CL...will monitor and see how coz hard to find replacement too. i guess open communication is the best option.

cake-making - I am also interested leh but i can join only if it is aft my confinement. It is nice to see that finally we are putting focus back on ourselves instead of our kids.

maybe we can find a cake making class (those 1 session only type) that we can attend. If we gather at someone's hse, not only have to clean up aft that but i tink that person's hse may not have so many baking utensils to accomodate to everyone.

Just a suggestion only coz I dunno if such class is avail but i did attend one when i was in HK and my frens and I all had so much fun baking together.
actually i was thinking along the same line as you. instead of messing up jas' house, we can have a group class at a baking school, and it'll be just as fun.

i know of someone who is conducting baking classes from home. i don't know her personally, just happened to chance upon her website (http://www.sugar-inc-cake.com/april-july2008.html). class size is 4 persons. maybe we can form a group of 4 and go together? her place is at hougang, so it'll be convenient for the SK/PG mummies.

i'm looking at her pretty floral cupcakes class in june & july 08.
Koalarie (evonlimsy, think should be alrite... Not too sure. Think the best pp to check now is strawberry. Cos she is on off in HKG.

Can i hv yr address to send you the map?

Twws, I also interested in baking class. This coming weenkend I will making abt 80pcs of cupcakes for my boy... How I can them in time.
looks really good leh.

at the meantime, maybe we can ask around if there are other classes who can accomodate more ppl.

let me start the list for cake-making class. (sorry if i missed out anyone)
1. mom_yam
2. twws
3. Draik
4. babe
5. motherhen (can only make it after mid may but pls go ahead w/o me if the class is b4 that)
The website really look good. Feel like attending their classes and learn how to bake again, then attend their cake decorating classes.

My place got the most important equipment for baking and that is the oven. The rest of the stuffs must buy. That is one of the reason why I did not start baking again. The thought of spending money on baking stuffs...
80 cupcakes is no joke! is it for reyes' 2nd birthday? i've never attempted such a huge project before cos i only bake for immediate family to eat. preparation and cleaning up will be time-consuming. do rope in some help if you can.

another option is www.kitchencapers.net. their upcoming courses:-

April 2008

Basic Baking Series : Cupcakes n Muffins 19th April Saturday
Learn to bake cupcakes and muffins.And some ideas of icing cupcakes.
Course Fees per person S$80

Basic Baking Series : Chiffon & Sponge cakes 20th April, Sunday
Learn the basic fundamentals in baking a fluffy and light Chiffon and Sponge cake.
Course Fees per person S$80

but this is conducted in a classroom setting, so may not be so cosy like sugar-inc-cake.com's.

i'm fine with either since i've never attended any cake-making course bf.

if you haven't used your oven for some time, need to turn it on and see if it still works. i heard of some ppl's oven tripping when turned on after a long time never used.

it's quite irritating and expensive having to buy different size pans etc for baking different things, so baking cannot be a "san fen zhong" enthusiasm. i'm trying to persevere..... haha.
Yo alls.. i've no problem with the cake making classes and i really look forward to the class so we can do our very own cake for our kids next year
Hey, me interested too, but available mainly on Saturday.

Yesterday was my Amanda's birthday. It's finally her turn to reach 2.

That night after the bash, she was down with fever in the middle of the night. Thank God she recovered in time for her playgroup which started on Tuesday. We had been busy with actiivities daily after her playgroup. Glad that by Friday, her teacher told us that she has settled well already.

Draik - think I saw you last Friday. Din manage to call you as you were some distance away from Koufu already. You were carrying KJ right? Is he better now?

tww - think the closing date is over already??

motherhen - hope things are better with your CL now. Btw, congrats too.

hunnie - so how, did you get a new maid? Thot will be able to meet you last Sunday and maybe yesterday on my Amanda's 2nd birthday (since both Amanda bumped into each other on her 1st birthday), hee...if so, will sure buy 4D. keke...

Baby Bash
Din manage to chit chat much that day, guess too busy with my 2 darlings. haha... Mummies, you are most welcome with the goodies bag. My girl has a great time that day, I bet the rest of the kids do too. Jas and Wendy, thanks.
Hi Stephz,

Haha, where were you on your Amanda's birthday? Wow! Time flies, that time I bumped into you was 1 year ago? Happy belated birthday to your Amanda

I did change my maid, but I spent another $1k to get my first maid back after 1.5 weeks. My new maid, has a phobia of cooking! She will keep herself very busy whenever I cook, simply refused to learn....in the end my mum and I got to cook for her.. and her bio data stated that she is good at cooking, only to find out that she doesnt even know how to cut potatoes.. my 1st maid cried when she saw me at the agency, so decided to get her back.. and it is such a big relief to have her back... so you getting another maid too?

hunnie, ya time flies. It's a year ago that we met.

Wow, you mean you have to pay 1K to get her back. Should be able to negotiate with agency since it's only 1.5weeks? Guess now your maid is back, she will be better than before.

Me? Sometimes feel like getting 1, but guess me got phobia also, would rather do without at the moment. So far coping well. Also most likely will go overseas for a while again, so won't be getting one.
