(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi Draik,
I tried Sol Playground Cafe at Turf City before. Nothing much there. Only a small corner with faulty toys and old books. When I was there, they also have a balloonist cum face painter. Not sure if they have it on regular basis. Most patrons are ang mohs who seems to know the staff there. There is also an outdoor playground under the hot sun next to the restaurant, so not advisable to go there for lunch if you want your kid to play at the outdoor playground.

Hey momyam,

You have started sending Isaac to playgroup?
Where did you send him?
hi Su - yup i've started that little rascal in playgroup instead of cc. although i still prefers the cc he went earlier this year but he is not able to cope with the sleeping habit over there. End up he always become very cracky and hard to handle for both teacher and myself.

i've send him to talentplus near my IL hse instead of SK. in SK there's a few good choice which is a throwing stones distance from my hse. however, for some reason i have to put him a playgroup or cc near my IL hse. After several search talentplus is the only best choice i have near IL area.

Hopefully by next year he is older and easier to take nap over at cc.. Then i can put him over my preferred cc.

I oso send Enya to Talentplus playgroup at my place. So far so good. Cried for the first 2 weeks and now she simply enjoy going to school. We realise that she has oso learned to speak in full sentences. Quite glad with the progress although many pple said Talentplus is not too good.
Tracy, ya so far so good for me too (crossing my fingers). Not sure is it coz' of the playgroup or that he has just grow up.

He has become slightly manageable as he understand me better. And more words coming out from his mouth with his gesture explaining what is all about.

can yours see what's going on in the class? mine they sealed up the whole classroom.

I prefer cc coz' isaac can learn to be more independant. if he stays at my IL hse all day long, they will spoil him rot.

cannot see lah. They seal up everything. When I'm on leave, I will try to stand outside the class and hear them sing. Cos sometimes Enya wants me to sing the songs they sing and I dun know them!!!

They should open up a little bit so at least parents know what is happening inside.
Tracy, i agree with you. but on the hand, i was inside there for 1/2 hr the kids just keep coming to me. So maybe that's the reason why they didnt want to open up the place.

Me too, i will hear what is gog on and guess what i keep hearing the teacher calling Isaac's name hahaha..
momyam, Tracy,

I also sent Ruixiang to Talentplus near my place and i'm also glad that he seems to be doing well there even though there are comments that Talentplus is not so good. I think he learnt a fair bit there and has become more independent too.

Everything is sealed from views at his Talentplus too!
I have 10 tins of Progress Gold to sell $21.50/tin (no bargain pls) as YY confirmed weaned off milk liao. Expiry date: apr 09

If you are interested, kindly PM me. Collection at Bishan.
She rejected and stopped milk since 18mos on own accord. It's not a matter of taste, brand or type (eg. FM vs fresh) or the container milk's being served in. As long as it's milk, it's no. Anyway, PDs have said that it's ok to do without milk as long as they eats solids well. Hope this is enough to answer all your doubts and thanks for your concern.
It the time of the year again... or maybe I am just too early, but have anyone of you thought of the cakes to get for your lil' one's birthday? Last year I got from ecreative, it's a 3d one, but this year, the celebration is likely to be smaller scale... so looking for something smaller.... anyone has any good bakeries to share?
darik, if u have the sunday times life - there's a page on what u want ;) if not, let me know i find time and type out for u.

Su, this year i;m not doing a big scale party for isaac. so the cake will be from room for dessert Or i will bake one for him

Enya's party will be very small scale too so I'm also looking for a smaller cake. I also got mine from ecreative last year. Like the cake alot. Yummy!!!

Saw that you are looking for maternity pants at the other thread. I think I still have a beige one. You interested?
Thanks momyam for the information. I will go back to my mom's place on Friday and dig out her old strait time. I have got to remember to do that.

KJ birthday will be a small scale too. I think I will just buy a cake, bring it the my mom's place. We just saw a train cake at the new emi cake at compasspoint. Maybe we might get that.
I saw a blues clues agar agar cake that I like and I thought Ruixiang would like.. and I would also like to get a cake.. but the thing is, Ruixiang's birthday celebration is also not likely to be a big one... then like this, dunno how to finish all the cakes... sigh.
Hi mummies, how's your CNY?

Su, Momyam - I thot Talentplus also only take in 3 years old onwards?

Momyam - did you receive my email?

Draik - I dunno if the Ikea Tampines Cafe will be a good choice. There is this circular platform with play activities. You can just sit on the high chair and enjoy your meal while watching over KJ. The other day, we just "dump" 2 of my bb there while we have our meal. Recommend to go on weekdays, less crowded.

Chenoa - I'm wondering maybe you could try to get your girl to drink some fresh milk at least, maybe you can try goat milk.

To me, the milk acts as a supplement to our darlings' diet especially at this age and it contains many nutrients necessary for their well-being, so it may not be good to let your girl to wean off from milk completely. Just my 2 cents' worth of comments.

If you have taken care to ensure she got the necessary minerals in her solid, guess it should be fine.
Hi Stephz,

No, Talentplus only takes in from 2 years and they must leave at 3 years... I think. That's when they will start kindergarten elsewhere(pre-nursery)!
Talentplus class size tends to be big though, the Talentplus at our place can have max of 16 children, and 1 teacher plus assistant. But I send Ruixiang to the 'afternoon class' (11.15am to 1.15pm) where there's only 8 children, so it's not that bad.
Thanks Stephz,
I have already decided on Globetrotters. I need a place to celebrate birthdays and I dun think my friends will want to do it at Tampines Ikea. Thanks anyway.

yah, that's alot hor. But they said it's because they are not a childcare, hence ratio is higher. It's the standard ratio I think. Anyway, hopefully Ruixiang's class size will stay comfortable at 8 children.
Hi ladies,

Anyone know where can I get popsicle maker? J is not eating his fruits well so I am thinking of making him fruits popsicle.

Here's a sample of what I am looking for:
Hey mommies,

Just wondering if anyone of you got a confinement nanny during your previous pregnancy? Am looking for one now... would appreciate it if you can recommend any exceptional confinement nanny. Thanks!
mom_yam - tks a bunch! now i am giving him fruit milk shake eg banana, papaya but soon he will be bored.

Su - I would recommend you mine if not for the fact that she is on contract in Australia. Working for rich folks that pay her $3K every month! So for #2, I am using her fren. When you due? Do you want to wait till end April aft I try out her fren?
Su - thanks, the Talentplus at my side is full already.

I got 2 different confinement lady for both my delivery (cos' 1st one was fully booked for my 2nd bb). We were lucky to have good ones and we were on verge of tears on their last day of service. Too bad misplaced their nos. after changing hp.

motherhen - you can try to use different fruits and get him to make a face on the plate (eg. eyes - grapes, mouth - orange, hair - banana), it will be more tempting to eat then.

koalarie - it was years ago that I went to HK, so may not be able to give advice.

BTW, anyone can give advice on Korea. Anything to share eg. culture, season, place of interest, makan etc. Though been there few years back, can't seem to remember the details much dunno is it due to hormone change, memory is getting poorer.

I'm signing up for a Korean language course (3 months) starting in end March. Anyone interested too?
Hi Mummies

Have not post for long long time. How is everyone doing?

Time flies, our toddler is coming to 2yo soon & my #2 is about 6mths now. Been busy with work and at home. Just started new job last week, working around Raffles City. Anyone working near here, maybe can meet up for lunch ya...

Robinsons having members preview on 5 & 6th March. Roll up your sleeves and chiong for it.

I am having thoughts of sending L to CC. Anyone sends your tod to MMI? Any comments?

Su... Congrats. Isit a mickey or minnie?

Any meetup for 2yo Bash? This thread been so quiet and inactive lei....
HI everyone, How everybody???

Koalarie (evonlimsy), I am going to HKG today. Need any maps or pamplets back?

Staying in Kowloon is better than HKG side. Cos HKG size is like our CBD.

<font color="ff6000">UPDATE on our child's development</font>

My boy nods how to sneeze out his mucus into a tissue aridi!

that would be lovely.. how can I get from you?

Tiffany and Tracy,
You two?? Going in May? We are going in late April.

Heard that May is a good period as it is low peak.

The only downside is, need to bring umbrealla.

Where are you thinking of going?

I am now working in Raffles Place but moving back to Atrium office soon. Think, can meet you for lunch since I frequent shop at Raffles City (once a fortnight at least).
Hi Mel,

Thanks, but I'm scared that if I booked after Apr, then she would be taken up already for Sep.
heard that need to book confinement really early one?

Aiyo, what a pity! Would have loved to have their nos. But nvm lah, wait for more recommendations from mommies.

Thanks! Dunno whether it's Mickey or Minnie yet... am just 11 weeks pregnant. Hopefully will be able to spot the gender soon. For me, boy or girl also ok, cos if boy, can be company for my son, and they can play rough together. I am also used to boys already in a sense. If girl, dunno how to take care and play with them leh.. got to be gentle and sweet sweet all the time? haha... but of course, if girl, then 1B 1G, also balance, quite good too.

Talking about holiday, we are also planning a trip to Tokyo in Apr... but am a little apprehensive, cos everytime we bring Ruixiang with us, he would fall sick once back in Singapore after the trip! Even my maid commented on that.. makes me feel so guilty.
but now that he's 2, think he would enjoy Disneyland, esp. seeing his favourite character from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, MICKeY! haha! Those going to HK also going Disneyland I presume

Mommies who have been to Tokyo.. how many days do you think is sufficient? Would you advise us to go to Kyoto or Osaka? And where is a child friendly location to stay that is close to central transportation? Appreciate any comments! Thanks!

This will be our last family trip for the year.. after Apr, my hubby will 'forsake' us and our unborn baby for overseas deployment for 7 months..sob sob!
Stephz - Tks for the creative ideas on fruits.

Su - Ya, the good ones; you have to book 9 months in advance. Almost like wedding banquet.

I also want to go Tokyo! But guess have to wait till a few months down the road.

HK - Do note that HK is not one of the most baby/children friendly places. Most Chinese restaurants don't have baby chair, they just add this stool onto the adult chairs to elevate the height. "Cha chang ting" don't have baby chair hor so you have to "carry" your child while you eat coz at this stage, our kids can't sit still.

I stayed at Nathan Hotel which is nice and clean. http://www.asiatravel.com/nathan/index.html
But seems like many ppl chose Prudential due to its proximity to Ladies St.

You can do some research on this site. Type in the hotel name and see what some users say abt the hotel. I think the comments are quite fair and accurate. However, I always go for the comments made by Asian and not the European as Asian's standard is different from the European.

The month of May can be very humid so do dress lightly.

Disneyland is a MUST go. If possible, stay at one of the Disney hotels so that you can go back and rest and then go back again. I just showed J the photos we took there and he is still excited by it and when I ask him if he wants to go again he exclaimed "Yes!"

Hi Tiffany,
I working at TJP and my boy is at MMI, Raffles branch since end Dec. So far, he has been coping well and the teachers at the CC are not bad. I like the environment. Thou the centre is not as big as compared to some other centres, to me, it is big enough. They have about 40+ kids (PG, N and K). Once I drop my son, I will walk down to office from his centre.
Wow, glad to see this thread coming alive again.

Talking abt travelling with our 2 yr-olds, anyone has visited Perth yet? And got any ideas how to keep a frisky little toddler entertained on a 5 hr flight huh? I'm pushing for a trip to Perth, but my hubby is reluctant cos he scared of the havoc my son will cause on the airplane.

sama sama le... I am so keen to go Japan actually but my husband worried that my gal will fuss around during the night flight to Tokyo and disturbed the rest to sleep.
Hi realitybytes,

We last went to Perth last August with Ruixiang in tow. He was 1 yr 4 months then, quite active already, but nothing compared to now! So also dunno how to give advice on travelling a 2-year old toddler

I think we had a late flight. You can try to get one that leaves late, and best if you can give the bottle during take off to ease the ear pressure as well as to make him sleep. Bring lots of toys, books, on the plane, crackers, etc. Are you getting a seat for your son? If not, then during booking, try to get a window and aisle seat for yourself and hubby and ask nicely if the lady helping you to checking can keep the middle seat for your son. We have flown with Ruixiang a few times, and out of the many times, only 1 time did the lady not give us a vacant middle seat. Ang mo countries are usually v nice to kids... the man helping us to check in at Perth airport back to Singapore asked us if we want a vacant centre seat that he will reserved for our son...rather than we requesting for it!
Are you going down to Margaret River area? Try not too travel too much... I think the drive down for us is the tiring thing... more tiring than the flight... cos from the day we landed to the day we leave, Ruixiang had diarrhoea and refused all meals except milk and biscuits and he was cranky for most of the trip. We were so stressed and he lost so much weight after the trip...remember to bring medicine just in case!
Hi Evon &amp; Tracy,
Yep. Looking to go in May, during the vesak day holiday. On the other hand, really worried that my daughter (abt 6mths) will cry in the flight. She is such fussy girl! I had very bad experience during CNY, she will start yelling when we enter to any house. Does it mean she recognise places? Haiz.. really troublesome and worried about our planned trip.

Su, YES.. Health is most impt la. Boy or girl is also our darling. Keep us posted when you know the gender ya!

Visited MMI-Kovan yesterday. Environment not too bad, but COST is high mann! 1/2day cost $700+ and full day cost $800+. BTW, where is Raffles branch?

Do let me know if you come by Raffles City la. We can meet up.
hi there...
i see that some of the mommies need some info abt HKG... i'm now in HKG and m semi based here.... pls let me know wat kind of info you need la...
oh yeah... btw.. book your flts early cos flts are full most of the time.. cos got many people from the mainland travelling...


I paid $500 after the subsidiy. This is before they increase their price. M not so sure how much but I can find out for you if you want to know more. It is located at Far East Finance Bldg, opp AIA Tower.
