(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


got your email finally. I think something is wrong with my PM. As for the backache, I tried that method that u said. Didn't work for me. Went to see this doc that is very good in this area. Said my ache is due to wear and tear. Plus my backbone abit crooked. So that makes it worse. Now on medication for 3 mths. See got improvement or not. Doc did mention that edipural is oso one of the reasons for backache.

Now me down with flu. Hb down with flu plus fever. So worried that we will pass it to Enya.

Tracy - ya, recently something wrong with PM. You can still continue to use that method, it is still better than nothing, maybe need a longer period of time to get better.

Actually it is our sitting posture that cause backache. Epidural actually doesn't cause backache. I had epidural for both my deliveries, no problem. The other time I have backache is cos' of my sitting posture. Guess your height also contribute to it?

Poor thing, got backache and now down with flu. Must be feeling awful. Drink more warm water and get Enya to drink more too.

Take care.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all Apr Forum Mummies
Hi Stephz,

Have been really busy with work and very tired for the CNY preparation so never log in here.

Ya, sittig posture is one of the cause of my backache. And with this height of mine, it has make it worse. So how did you get rid of your backache? Just using the water treatment will do? I'm still having it now. As for my flu, it has almost recover. Just in time for the New Year.

I really wonder what happen to this thread. So quiet here.
Hi, Happy CNY to all too.

Tracy - Do encourage you to continue with that method cos' it does help in 1 way or another. It works for me. Me hubby's back, so have been quite busy and will be in future, haha... cos' 1 more baby(aka hubby) to take care.
Happy Chinese New Year to all.

How's the Chinese New Year holidays, everyone?

My house this year is so quiet.

My mom doesn't want to come by becoz I didn't go and visit my dad's relatives!

Anyway, we managed to get our car the weekend before CNY.

If you ever want to get a new car, please ask the agent/salesman, to write down the following clearly:
* guaranteened or non-guaranteened
* non-guaranteened - how many times before withdraw
* cat A or cat E
* cat E (which period one becoz it is transferrable within 6 months after receiving that cat E)
* min/max bid they are going in at
* OMV?
* for non-guaranteened bidding only, so what happen if all bids are used up? Can take back the full deposit amount? and if can enter into a new contract again but at same selling price as the first contract?

This may not be important to any of us now since buying a new car. But when you want to change car later on, you will find it very important.

If you are considering to take a new car, never, never to do a 10 year loan. The interest rate will kill (not now) but later when you do your sums.

And also, don't be tempted to take the cash rebate offer by some agents now too. The interest is also super high.

Check also if you are to change car at which year, would you not need to pay for a penalty to the bank too.
can i ask for your opinion? My no 2 coming out in Apr, and i have to go for cesarian. This time round cannot be natural liao. But not sure whether to go for epidural or fully asleep. How ah! have to make a decision by this thu liao.
Hi Daphne,

I had epidural c-sect previously. The thing about it is that you are awake thru out the whole section. You get to see your bb turning from purple to pink to red. But you will feel the pple touching you, pushing your tummy to get your bb out. And oso your hubby will get to be with you until the bb comes out.

It was an amazing experience for me. Hope that these feedback can help you to decide.
Hi Daphne,

Yah, they are quite discrete during c-sec. After they injected the epidural block in my back, they asked me to lie down and after a while, asked if I feel pain. Not sure if they are pinching me then to test if the epidural is work, or cutting me up already! But it's good to be awake to welcome the arrival of the little one. They just warned me that I will feel alot of tugging sensation (I can feel that quite well) and besides that, you can't really feel them touching you, since the epidural is at work and you are numb from waist down.
Tracy, my HB is already scared stiff when i told him me going for epidural c-sect and he's going IN with me. And now if i tell him what your HB saw, lol! think i shan't tell him in case he back out.
Hi Tracy,

Yes, I did. It was emergency c-sec somemore as Shawn was in distress. That's the last thing I wanted then, but bo bian lah, in the end, it's the baby who decides how he wants to come out. :D Well, at least I see him within an hour after making the decision to proceed!

if everything goes on smoothly, he dun get to see anything. Nurses screwed up for my case. They only ask my hb to come in after cutting me up. So when he walked past, he saw my intestines.

Dun tell him too much if you want him to go in with you. Remember to ask him to bring along a camera. My hb actually forgot!!! And I dun hv any pics of my girl when she was borned.

U mean they really move the intestines and such?? hmm.. perhaps that's why my tummy always feel bloated, probably they did not stuff things back properly.. HAHAHA!
Hi daphne,

Remembered my long long labour? 36 hours of failed induction, until epidural didnt have much effect on me when I had to go for emergency c-sect... my gynae placed the knife on my tummy and asked if I could feel it and I could! They injected more epi and yet I could even move my legs, so I was given morphine to sleep for 5 mins and when I woke up, my girl was already out, didnt realised that I had given birth when I woke up
The thread is getting really quiet... so let me pop a question, hopefully can generate some replies and activities

Anyone of you mommies send your child to music class, e.g. Kindermusik, Seimpi etc? Any feedback and comments on these schools? Realised that Ruixiang loves music and will dance and sway when ever there's music. Would be good to send him to these classes and let him enjoy himself
Best if the class is not those where you have to sit still etc, cos he can't!
matthias has been attending GUG for weekend class since last quarter of 2007. we are very happy with his progress and HB and I are not thinking of sending him to any weekday playgroup this year. Reason is because in GUG, one parent is allowed in the classroom and we can correct any bad external influence immediately, wherelse in a playgroup or childcare environment, we cannot. But then said, we are lucky that my mum is helping to take care of him so we can make this decision.

We have tot of sending Xuanting for music class too.

Was looking up at Suzuki Volin/Piano lessons but the minimum age is 3yrs old.

So in the meanwhile, we expose her ourselves (since I used to play piano). She loves exploring the different music instruments we got for her.

I went down to take a look at Kindermusik and Juz Music. Don't really like the way they explore the kids to music. It is a waste of money I feel.

Daffy! I didn't know you are pregnant with the second one already! Congrats!

Looks like a lot of mummies are second time mummies already!

I ..... am still so scared to go through that phrase again. One already gives me so much headache.. I can't imagine if I can stay sane with a second one or not.

Anybody has this type of feelings...??? Or I am the only bad mommy?

I just feel so bad that I am so career-minded at times that I forget about family.
Hey Evon,

Me me. I'm also very scared. U are not the only one. I'm just not sure how well I can cope with no.2. Physically and financially.

I guess have to wait for 1 more year.

Have not told most of you... but I am preggie too. 2 months only though. Hopefully it will be a smooth pregnancy.

I think conceiving the next one - there's no good or bad time, just when u are ready.

Why do you think GUG is good? It's a parent accompanied class, but is it v demanding on the parent, energy wise? Cos my hubby is going away from May until end of the year (during most of my pregnancy!), and I will have to send Ruixiang there and be there for him while preggie...dunno I can do it or not.U accompany ur child more often than ur hubby, or the other way round?

Also, how much are the emphasis on music and movement? Cos Ruixiang is already attending a playgroup near my place (which he absolutely loves and where he learnt many things), and I just want to expose him to music elements since he loves dancing around and playing with my piano v much.

Remembered that you mentioned RX doesnt seem to be that interested in shichida class, but from what I observed, he does look pretty engaged whenever he is in the class leh.. do you intend to withdraw him after next term?
Hey Hunnie,

Is he really? Ha ha, now that I don't take him for the class (probably I should do it this week since I am feeling better liao), I just listen to my hubby's feedback and he said that he's like one of the least engaged in the class! It varies lesson from lesson though. I know he's not really interested in all the velcro stuff and linking memory, but will be v happy when there's music etc.
Have the intention to withdraw him after next term, but I will see how it goes... will assess it myself again by taking him for the class.

Are you intending to leave the class after next term? My hubby was telling me that Amanda is doing really well, and can speak v well already.
Have not seen her for so long!
Hi Su,

Havent seen you in the class for so long, issit cos of your MS?

On the contrary, I think Ruixiang has been doing very well too! He can speak many words already leh... quite puzzled that you said he wasnt really interested

My hubby wants to withdraw her after next term too.. he thinks the money is better spent saving for her education next time.. will see how? Cos she still enjoys the class very much..

Hmm, she cant really speak in full sentences yet lar, but she recognises words and can read some sentences, though I dont think she knows what those mean yet
Daphne and Su - Congrats and welcome to the 2x club!

Su - J was attending GUG while I was early in my pregnancy and I find that it is very very tiring for me coz we have to move along with them and have to help them with the craft work. And having to clean them up later. And with the tummy getting bigger, it is impossible for me to be sitting on the floor with them during story time...coz cant get up aft that...have to be on 4s to get up...look quite ugly in public leh...haha.

Likewise, my hb is outstation at that time. Thus aft a few lessons, I have to let my helper accompany him instead of me.
Hey Hunniepot,

Yup, have been having quite bad MS (or rather whole-day sickness) for the past weeks, but this week has been much better, hopefully it will be from now on.
Think will probably 'survive' bringing Ruixiang to class this Sun, then can gauge his interest. Wah! Amanda can read words and sentences already?!?! So clever! :D Ruixiang is still largely saying single words, only occasionally he will combine words... but I am quite content with his progression lah, let them learn at their own pace.
I don't think he can read yet, cos I have not been diligently flashing words cards to him also :p

Thanks so much for the feedback on how demanding it would be for us to send the kids to GUG... I think I wouldn't consider it esp since he's already going to Playgroup. Will probably send him to Seimpi School of Music. They are opening up a branch at Hougang Mall in Apr, will prob send him there.
Hi Evon, i have been reading the thread but not really contributing so......

Rui, i find the teachers at GUG very thoughtful. For the sing and dance session, i usually juz leave my son on his own. I do not swing him up and down, although the teachers will carry him. As some of you know, my son is one of the heaviest in this group. He is now 16kg. With my EDD coming nearer, my mum and aunt take turns to accompany him, although i find him pretty independent in class liao.
Hi mummies,
Can someone recommend a place like Globetrotters, where I can dump KJ to a safe and fun playground while I eat a good dinner with my friends?
Hi ladies
Have not been posting here for a long time. How are all the mummies??

RE: Number 2
wow...so many mummies here are either pregnant/oredi hv no. 2..as for me, i still hv phobia of giving birth..heheh...plus, Ivec is oredi a handful...& I'm worried that I'm unable to cope w another 1 as well...:p so meantime, only 1 at the moment..
shylyn, I'M LIKE YOU.. i'm not ready at all and i'm not prepared to go through the same whole process again.

Su, isaac now is in playgroup during weekdays. and weekends i've other commitments so for now isaac wont be going to any other sch.

Probably until he is older like 3yrs old i can see better what exactly is his interest and develop it from there. Which i probably will let him try all sorts like speech & drama, arts, music or cooking etcs..

cant help u much.. coz' i'm also looking for one.
Thanks motherhen,
Found this link, but it does not say much about the recommended places.

Does anyone know if the Swensen's at changi airport still got playground? I dun remember seeing anything like that the last time I went there. But the last time I went there was dunno how many dinosaur years ago.

Found another one at
Sol Playground Cafe
200 Turf Club Road
Tel: 64678681
Anyone been there?

"Brunch at Prego, Swissotel The Stamford.... italian buffet @ $48++ adults, kids $15++, 5yo & below FOC... got a small area for kids own snacks, colouring, tv, all inside the restaurant." How aout this place?

Thanks for your comment.
draik, the last round when i went prego which is few months back i dont see any playground there also.

if u want u can try Ju Shin Jung Korean Restaurant at YESS Centre - the playground is nice but har u got to follow yr kid ard if i'm not wrong.

do not go to the one at ecp - there's nothing for our kids only tv. but the price is a little on the high side.

or u can consider forum there is this playground quite nice $10 for 2 years. quite nice while u can have yr food nearby.

Hi ladies
hmm..at least I hv more variety of choices of restaurant to choose from if going with Ivec...however, I doubt I can leave him alone to play while I enjoy my meal..at least one adult (be it myself, hubby or grandparent) to follow..he cant be left alone :p

yaloh..hee..cant imagine going thru e whole process again as well..insufficient sleep, pumping milk..hee..of cos, i know these cant beat e joy of having a bb...
