(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

i think if your maid can lie to you abt this then i'm sure there are other things more... i'm changing my maid again cos she steals food from my bb, beats her... we suspect... cos when i'm working the maid looks after my bb... its really terrible... anyway she has gota go... maid getting fatter but bb getting thinner..

Gals, I remember we were talking about playschool/childcare some time back.

Had a look at Learning vision and Pat's school house. The fees difference is really great. Pat's charging $1391 for full day while learning vision about $800+. Of coz I like the Pat's env better but wonder worth paying. Any thoughts from you gals.
Siaw, are you babe?

Im enrolling my girl in LV gentle road, didnt check out the Pat's schoolhouse.. personally I like the environment at LV, felt comfortable with the teachers and principal.. so perhaps you might want to go by your gut feel as well
Hi Ladies
Glad that we managed to meet up..though only for a short while! What time did u all leave? Pity I had to leave early..hmm..both Ivec & myself enjoyed ourselves a lot yest & I'm intending to bring him back another time, but must be w my hub ..cos really shiong following him around! Hee
aiyo!.. shylyn, u have no idea how happy i was yesterday to see all of you man! it has been a LONG LONG LONG time since i last seen all of you.
You la.. Darik la.., cheers la.., mel la and my beloved RACH lor.. LOL

so pai say that i'm came soooo late. coz' har i got contractor coming over to my hse so cant leave the hse as i've plan.

i really like yr new hair style lei.. look very nice on you ;)

Darik, seriously!! u R VERY SKINNY LEI.. put on some weight next time i see you ok so i wont look so fluffy.

i really like the place and me too i'm sure i will go back there again.. hahaha

so anyone wants to jio me over the weekend?/
momyam, weekend alot of ppl or not? heehee....if not I don't mind go along..really sorry din make it down...

Hunni, u very smart ah...
Well well I visited LV at gentle rd after pat's at halifax. Maybe that's y I feel otherwise. What time of the day u went? I just find alot of malays that. Sorry ya not that I am racist but in comparison to pat's.
I'm also so happy to see all of u..but w Ivec around, I really no chance to yak long enough w e rest of u..hee..thus envy u all w helpers leh! Can chat while ur helper entertain ur kidoos..hee

Oh..thks for the compliment..i tot the stylist cut my hair way too short & I get really irritated w e fringe keeps coming down.

Re: Go Go Bambini
Aiyah..I'm also tempted to go again leh...but c how 1st..any idea whether its open on a Sat morn??

I do agree that the majority of the teachers there are non-chinese, but it is not an issue with me.. Normally I go over there dring the afternoons..
<font color="ff6000">shylyn</font>
go go bambini opens at 10am on weekends. it usually is pretty crowded and a lot of birthday parties going on. very very fun for the kids despite the crowds but for us adults, can be super hectic. would advise you to go first thing at 10am or late afternoon.
Actually my this year resolution is to put on 5kg. I manage to put on 3kg a few month ago and now I realise that I lost another kg. Got to eat more breakfast, supper and snack more often. So tired.

Yah, bambini is very fun, will go again. However, will the place be very crowded on weekend. Really envy some of you with helpers. I really wish I can sit down and chit chat with all of you instead of climbing up and down.
I'm planning to head down to Bambini's this coming Sunday at 10am sharp. Anyone wants to join me? At least hb will be with me and A, not so shiong compared to if I had brought him there on my own.

Just to share a very good and simple recipe with all. If u have been to the US, you would know what IHOP is.

IHOP Buttermilk Pancakes

Makes 8-10 pancakes
10 min
5 min prep

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 egg
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup cooking oil
1 pinch salt

1. Preheat a skillet over medium heat.
2. Mix all of the ingredients until smooth.
3. Melt a little bit of butter in the pan. Can also use normal cooking oil.
4. Pour the batter by spoonfuls into the hot pan, forming 5-inch circles.
5. When the edges appear to harden, flip the pancakes. They should be golden brown.
6. Cook the pancakes on the other side until they are also golden brown.
7. Enjoy.

I think they taste as good as Mac's hotcakes!

Aiden gobbled up a whole pc for breakfast today, in addition to his oatmeal.

Buttermilk is the secret ingredient to fluffy pancakes. U can get it in cartons at Cold Storage or Giant. Haven't seen it at NTUC though.

<font color="ff0000">Draik</font>
I need to lose weight fast! Can I give some to you?
i too am probably heading down to go go bambini this sat at 10am, hubby suggested it as he wants to make up for lack of time spent with his daughter this week! i think he secretly likes the big playscape hahahah

<font color="ff6000">tanwawas</font>
thanks for sharing the recipe, i LOVE IHOP!! actually i just love good pancakes
Strawberry / Miu66 - Actually my this maid is not that bad, mayb still new (ie not yet corrupted by other maids). Other pple complained their maids too dumb, but I find my maid too overly smart, that at times she does things based on her own assumption eg. told her to add ginger to dd's porridge with fish, she guessed I will also want to add ginger to my sweet corn and carrot soup. Result- my pot of soup was ruined and tasted weired. But hope after this incident, it wakes her up to seek clarification in everything. Btw, just curious what do you give your maid for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Miu66, haven't receive your email too.

Seen like Bambini is a nice place. Maybe can only consider going there when hubby is hack from oversea.
Halo everybody,

Tks for the concern. My boy fever is still up and dw. He got well over the weekend and is back again today. Sigh!

I give up, so bought him to GP. Was told the same as I thought- teething. (Even at 38degree for 30mins today then drop to 37.7. werid rite???)

Riz gums up and dw are swollen. Poor boy, Seem all '4 wants to come out to meet each other so soon'.

Was told to gastic flu on the rise. Pls watch out everybody.

Riz was suppose to start CC tmr. Looks like got to hold back another week.

Oh yes, my poor boy fell from his cot bed on the 26 Sep under my HB care. I was too angry to say anything. Don't want to pick a fight. Cos he will get anngry.

But was thinking, if is me, think he will scold and get angry, don't want to talk to me etc....

Why double standard???

<font color="0000ff">tanwawas</font>, try eating porridge instead of rice.

<font color="0000ff">Strawberry</font>, IS Gab fine? Got any marking on her?
hi everyone! long time no post, hope everyone's doing okay

belated congrats to des on the birth of your princess! i am looking forward to seeing my princess in Nov... i really can't wait cos i feel so breathless and clumsy with this big tummy of mine!

i need some advice with regards to carseat... mommies who are having no. 2, will you be placing 2 carseats in the car? my hubby and i were wondering whether we should have both carseats at the back or to have one in front seat and the other at the back... cos if one starts crying, i want to be there to soothe him/her... really headache lah...
Wah...so quiet here...
Anyway any mommies got good books to recommend for reading to our toddlers? Where can get good reading books and what are appropriate for their age?
wow, the mummies seems to be having a fun time. I hope to be able to join the next time. I can start going out after next week. will bring my boy out to spend time alone with him.

Realised that his behaviour has changed esp after bb is out.

Petite, i think the fever maybe due to the teething. My boy had fever over the weekend. It was up and down and he gets up a few times in the middle of the night (crying). Was so tired and stress taking care of him. As a result, my milk supply dropped tremendously. Then we realised it maybe due to teething (8 teeth at a time). Poor boy.

Fussiecat, i know how u feel. I was like that oso. When the due date got nearer, cant wait to deliever. We will be putting 2 carseat in the car. One in the front and another in the back. We have started to place my boy's carseat in the front while i seated behind. So far, he seems to be happy and he does not really fuss when we belt him unlike in the past. The only headache i be facing is how to let them sleep in the same room w/o waking my boy when my gal cries for milk.
Pls ignore my earlier post on the Shop&Save stamp. I very silly lah... never shop at SNS before, only went there last week to stock up on FM cos they got promo, then the cashier gave me the stamps but no booklet and tell me collect 12 stamps to exchange voucher. I din know must collect and redeem within the same month, so the sept stamps all not valid already lah ... a mommy just told me .... so sayang.
I have been bringing my son to the library and borrow board books from there. We just let him flip any books and realise that he prefer books with real photos than cartoons one. He will asked me to read them over and over again.

I think it is good that we just expose them to all kinds of books.

Anybody go to go go bambini during the weekend? How is the situation at weekend?
<font color="ff6000">car seats</font>
by right, children should never be in the front seat, many countries have this rule but i've been reading the s'pore traffic police rules and we don't seem to have such a rule here. anyhow, here's an article i read: http://justwoman.asiaone.com/print/Just+Woman/Motherhood/Stories/Story/A1Story20070612-14277.html

somewhere near the end it says "for toddlers between nine months and four years old, weighing 9 to 18kg: If you have your own car, seat them in child restraints secured in the backseat. Don't place safety seats in the front as airbags can be a hazard to young children. "

Bambini was really crowded when I went last Sunday morning. I reached around 10.15am, and the crowd came in full throng at abt 10.45am or so. Nevertheless we "hid" at the 3-level of the playscape where less kids tended to come up. But at slightly before noon, it was madness as older caucasian kids were all over the playscape. I would suggest going during wkdays if possible.

i agree with your take on car seats. by right children shd never be made to take the front seat. in the event of a collision, the airbag bursts and will cause serious injury to a child.
hi miu66 and tanwawas, my hubby told me that if we were to put one carseat in front, he will disable the airbag there. but we are still pondering over whether to put both of them at the back... aie.. so 'headache'...
Hi Fussiecat

I have this problem too. Best is to change to MPV la.. haha...But, this is not the option we have chosen.

I am thinking to put both car seats at the back, side by side. Infant seat will be in the middle. Hope this is ok. Anyone has any better suggestion?

Anyone interested to get any bags from Burberry Blue Label in Japan? Exclusively for those in this thread n my other thread. Pls PM or email me if keen.
Oso dun expect too much information regarding the bags from me as this will be my first time there too. Best is if you can provide me with the details (e.g model no., color, pics) of the items you are getting.

You may refer to the following threads for guidelines and ideas and information.



Tink my hubby gonna #@@@%%%%## if he sees this coz he strongly disapproves me of organising sprees. So I muz stress that this will be a mini one if ongoing:p
Just wondering... Year ending. how many time did yr little ones fallen ill? Willing to share? Any tips to stay fit??

Riz: abt 7 times (4 fever, 3 cold)
my girl has been sick 3 times since july (1 cold, 1 fever and 1 stomach flu), before that she's never been sick in her life (i stopped BF in june cos i am expecting). i guess getting sick is inevitable but now i am super conscious of cleanliness. i make sure she washes her hands with soap before eating anything and i wash her hands immediately when we come home from an outing.
miu66 (miu66),

Riz always falls ill. No matter how clean I want him to be. My HB complain that I too clean till he fall ill. Sigh!

But Riz loves to put things into his mouth. Maybe that's why he keep on falling ill.

My girl has been sick for 3 times too.

July - Admitted to TMC - Bronchitis
Sep - Stomach Flu + rotavirus
Now - coughing

Any quick remedy to cure coughing? Although Enya dun cough much but she has lots of phlegm in her. How to cure?
My girl sicked 2 times this year.

Mar - Fever (got it from me)
June - Stomach Flu / Rotavirus

Tracy - I read in one thread , for phlegm to buy the hou3zao3fen3 from the TCM shop, cost around $12. (Pls note the second word is something like that cos' my girl scribbled over my notebook, so can't see well).

miu66 - have you got a new maid? How is everything?
tracy - alternative you can give her pearl powder. Or what Stephz mention another word should be qing feng san.

You may also wants to consider reduce the milk powder that will reduce the phelgm as well.

example: 4 oz = 2 scoops of milk

instead of putting 2 scoops you may want to put only 1 1/2 or even 1 scoop.

that's what isaac's GP thot me.
<font color="ff6000">stephz</font>
maid - had a talk with her after the last time i emailed you, asked her if she's happy here (she said yes) and told her she needs to focus more. last week, there was a VAST improvement, very on the ball. then 5 mins ago, she just told me she's sorry and that we're very good to her but she wants to go home cos she's too homesick already. so ok lor, i'm going to call the agency when it opens. sigh..... headache....

Thanks for the advice. My mum actually bought some medical powder like what steph mentioned to let her try today. She seems to like it. So hope that she will recover soon.
ask you... you plan to send amanda to learning vision @ gentle lane. when did you intend to send her there? how much are the school fees ah? i also went to take a look long time ago. i oso went to look at cambridge. i like LV beta cos of the cleaner environment and it looked more pro...

*poke* you back! ;p lets try to keep this thread more alive leh...


My girl will be going late next month, the sch fees are about $700 after subsidy.. find it more pro too.. had bad impression of cambridge.. for eg, the windows are not even childproof, the rooms so stuffy, only 1 toilet... and the teachers spoke singlish to the children, and the air con is on full blast at 1st level where the older kids are.. at least for LV at gentle rd, it is designed like a proper childcare
i think yr hb is rite abt being too clean... if the bb's environment to xtremly clean then his body will not b able to create anti-bodies... the theory is sum thing like that... not like when they were new born where EVERYthing has to be sterilised.. i think now a bit of bateria is good for them.. its makes their immune system stronger...

thanks for the info... ya cambridge gave me this very "eerie" feel... not only the school but the teachers din look very pro as well.. anyw will send gab to sch most prob next year.. so hope to see you ard...
Yah, sometime, I look at KJ and feel that he is too young, too little, too sweet to be put into a childcare.

But when he was so sticky, so cranky, I feel that childcare might be a good option for him to mix around.

I also dunno what I want.

I also looking at childcare. LV @ gentle rd is ok but I am still exploring others. Happened to be there in the afternoon and wasn't too impressed with the management style compared to Pat's and the teachers were mainly Malay. Then again, you pay less.

Yes agree about cambridge. Din even bother to go in to see coz I saw once a child wondering outside the school and the teacher never really monitor. So dangerous.

This fri going to look at gracefield at gilstead rd. The compound there is huge!
